Chapter 9

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Three adorable children fill the house with their contagious laughter.

Heather came over with the twins for lunch, and of course, my mother had to spoil them with treats.

Ava and Jackson have introduced Gavin to the game, "Tag." They are currently sprinting around the living room coffee table as if it's a race track.

I'd like to say that the children were the only ones running around like complete knuckleheads, but Noah has joined in on the fun. His laughs are just as loud as the kids, but his smile is shining brighter.

He might be a superstar on the baseball field, but he is in his element when around kids.

I lean against the doorframe and watch in awe as Ava jumps from the couch straight into Noah's arms. Jackson and Gavin hold on to each of his legs trying to slow him down. He pretends to struggle, falling gently to the ground in defeat. I can't help but release a chuckle when the kids begin to tickle him. Noah's eyes glisten as he tries to fight off their attacks, and my heart swells.

Heather comes to my side and nudges my shoulder. "You both seem really happy."

If you asked me a few weeks ago if I would be ready to open my heart again, I would think you were nuts. I was surrounded by sadness, never able to see the bright side of the situation. I'm finally able to breathe, knowing that the sun is finally coming out and shining its bright rays onto my life.

When I turn to Heather, she is sporting a smile so wide the corner of her eyes crinkle. My lips begin to pull upwards, unable to contain my joy. "This all came out of left field, but I'm thrilled it did."

"He's a good man, Annie. I know he will treat you and Gavin right."

Her words wrap my body in warmth, sending love straight to my heart. "I know."

"Why don't you let me watch Gavin for the afternoon," She suggests. "It will give you two some time alone."

My head cocks back, and I look at her as if she is crazy. "I can't ask you to do that. Three kids are a lot."

Heather throws her head back and releases an infectious laugh. "My house is already a zoo, what's one more?"

I would love to have some quality time with Noah, especially since he leaves in a few days. Images of having Noah all to myself flash in my mind, and her offer is too good to give up. "Are you sure?"


Heather claps her hands together to get Ava and Jackson's attention. "Come on, my loony tunes. We're heading home." Their faces fall, and Jackson stomps his foot in protest. Heather holds out her hand and gives him a stern look.

I need to learn how to do that.

"Jackson, if you continue to act like that, Gavin won't be able to come with us."

All three children stand still with their eyes wide. As if they are all synced together, the three of them release an ear-piercing screech.

"Noah?" I call out.

He is quick to jump up from the floor and hurries over to me. His soft lips press against mine, sending a jolt of lightning to my core. "What's up?"

"Would you mind driving Gavin to Heather's? She has offered to watch Gavin for a little bit."

Noah wraps Heather in a tight hug, causing her feet to lift from the ground. "I knew I loved you." He kisses her cheek and whispers, "Thank you."

Heather scrunches her nose and swats at Noah's shoulder. "Put me down, you beef head. Save your kisses for your girl."

Noah's lips part and spread across his face. His blue eyes twinkle when he looks over at me, sending my stomach into a series of flips. "Yeah, my girl."

Someone needs to slap me and wake me up from this dream because it's too good to be true. His words wrap around my heart, squeezing it so tight it might burst.

The tiny crew makes their way out the door, their little legs skipping to the cars, ready for their fun to continue.

I stand at the door and call out to Heather, "Call if it becomes too much."

Her dark brown eyes roll as her hand comes up to wave me off. "I'll be fine, I promise."

I wave goodbye, and when the cars are out of sight, I make my way back to the messy kitchen. Luckily I had the brains to use paper plates, so clean-up is a breeze. Right as I bend down to pick up the last candy wrapper, my phone begins to ring a familiar tune.

When I accept the call, I am greeted by two people I have come to love over the years- Moira and Roger Stampson.

Simon's parents have been angels during this whole ordeal. They always reassure me that their relationship with Gavin and me will not change due to their son's stupidity.

Moira waves excitedly at the camera, smiling so wide I can't help but mimic her. "Hello, Dear!"

Roger's tough exterior cracks a smidge, and he gives me a wink. "Where's my grandson?"

"Sorry to disappoint, but it's just me right now," I say as I plop down on the couch. "Gavin is having a playdate with a few friends."

The corner of Roger's mouth quirks upwards as he rolls his eyes. "I guess that's fine."

Moira swats her husband's arm playfully, causing me to break out in a fit of laughter. "God, I miss you two."

Roger's chocolate eyes look to the floor while his face falls into a deep frown. "We should be getting ready to come see you this week."

His words come out laced with such sadness it feels as if someone punched me in the gut. "I know, but the most important thing is that you both stay healthy. This virus has me worried sick for your safety."

Moira nods her head, causing her dirty blonde hair to fall to her face. "I know, it's just unfortunate. We were looking forward to seeing you and Gavin. Who knows when things will go back to normal."

"I don't know," I answer honestly. "I promise that Gavin will always know who his Granny and Gramps are. He adores your afternoon tea time."

Gavin's grandparents might live in England, but it has never stopped him from having a relationship with them. Thank God for technology because it would be such a sin for him to miss out on all the love Moira and Roger have to offer.

Roger holds up a teacup and says, "Cheers," before taking a sip.


My knee begins to bounce, knowing I have some important information to share with them. I know they will be over the moon, but I also understand that it will bring more disappointment when it comes to Simon.

Moira's motherly tone breaks me from my thoughts when she asks, "What's wrong, Sweetheart?"

She could always read me like a book, its something that helped our relationship blossom. "I have a few things I need to share with you."

Rogers' face drops as he puts his cup down, giving me his full attention. "Is everything okay?"

My brain seems to malfunction, unable to produce the words needed to tell them they will have another grandchild in October.

A lungful of air pushes through my lips, and right as I am about to speak, the door opens up. "Honey, I'm home."

Perfect timing as always, Noah Buckman.

Both Moira and Roger's eyes go wide.

"You're seeing someone?" Moira asks. Amusement seeps from her words.

"Yes, but that wasn't what I was going to tell you."

The sound of cheers fills the room, and when I look at my in-laws, they are clapping their hands. Moira's eyes gloss over while a smile pulls at her lips. "Good for you, Sweetheart. Don't let Simon's idiotic decisions keep you from finding love."

"Agreed," Roger adds. "He might be our son, but he's a shithead."

I release a light chuckle and wave Noah over. He wraps his arm around my shoulder as he makes himself comfortable. "Moira. Roger. This is Noah."

A rose color paints over Moira's cheeks. "Well, isn't he dashing."

"Look who's talking," Noah says with a wink.

Moira lets out a girlish giggle, waving off Noah's compliment.

"Feel free to take her."

A scowl of annoyance causes Moira's finely plucked brows to furrow. "Oh please, Roger. You'd die without me."

Their playful banter is something I always adored. Moira and Roger might get under each other's nerves, but their thirty-year marriage is stronger than most.

I reach for Noah's hand and bring it up to my lips. "Noah, this is Moira and Roger Stampson, Simon's parents." Noah's spine straightens. He sends a questioning arched eyebrow in my direction as if he is waiting for more information. "We are still extremely close. They are wonderful people who continue to support me despite their son and me not working out."

"He's an idiot," Roger yells. "And if i'm being completely honest, he's a damn embarrassment."

Noah's hand snaps to his mouth to stifle a laugh.

I know well and good how Simon's parents feel. They have made it perfectly clear. Hell, if Roger isn't cut off now, he might go into an hour-long rant, asking where they went wrong as parents.

My hands clap together, desperately trying to bring the attention back to my news.

"Anyways," I start. "Yes, I am seeing Noah, it's wonderful, but I have something more important to tell you."

"We're listening, Sweetheart," Moira's voice comes out smooth and tender.

"I'm pregnant." Moira and Roger's eyes flutter as they stare at me with their mouths hanging open. "Simon and I shared a night together over the holidays, but he has decided to not-"

"That maggot!" Roger roars. He pops up from his seated position and begins to pace. "I'm done with him, Moira, completely done."

My heart sinks to my toes. I hate seeing Roger this worked up. "Roger, please. It's okay. I'm okay."

A tear rolls down Moira's cheek, but she wipes it away quickly with the palm of her hand. "How are you feeling."

Noah lets out a sarcastic laugh loud enough to pop my eardrum. "Let's just say my lips make her gag."

Moira releases her own chuckle. "I remember those days, Sweetheart. They are just wretched!" Roger moves out of sight, and Moira follows him with her eyes. She gives him a slight nod before turning her attention back to me. "Listen, Honey. I'm going to let you go. Please don't let Roger's reaction bother you. I know he's thrilled, but his excitement is overshadowed by disappointment."

"I understand. I love you guys, and I'll have Gavin call you tomorrow."

"Love you too, Dear."

"Stay safe!"

Moira blows me a kiss before disconnecting the call. I fall back into the soft couch with a huff.

Noah's large hand rests on my knee. His soft touch sends my spirits soaring. "Well, that was intense."

"You're telling me." My hands begin to massage my temples, images of Roger's enraged face playing over in my mind. "They are having a tough time with this whole thing."

"I can tell." Noah pulls my hands from my face. He looks down at me, and his crystal eyes have the magical ability to ease my nerves. "Why don't you go lay down for a bit? You look exhausted."

My brow cocks, and I look at Noah as if he has three heads. "And miss out on this alone time with you? You're nuts."

"I'll lay down with you."

"That's not what I was expecting to happen in my bed, Noah." I joke, but a part of me is serious.

Noah stretches his long limbs as he stands up from his seated position. He turns around and gives me a wink that sends moisture to my core. "You dirty girl." Heat starts to spread across my cheeks, slowly making its way across my body. "God, I love that blush. Just a little nap, okay?"

My body suddenly feels tired, slowing down with each passing second. "Fine."

The two of us make our way back to the pool house hand in hand. I originally had other plans for this child-free time, but if I am going to nap, at least, it will be in Noah's arms. 

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