Its about time.

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I've finally gotten the courage to speak up more about this, what happened about two weeks ago at my work.

This is a serious issue and I've already filed complaints to HR, if nothings done by May I'm finding a new place to work.

My girlfriend loves drawing on my hands, and one Wednesday before my shift she had doodled on my hand, left it there as a reminder of sorts.

Later, I had gone to work and showed up early, and was sitting in the office waiting to start lifeguarding. That was when my coworker, which I'll call FB for short showed up.

Now, you know the aura a certain person emits? That like "I know what you are" aura?

This kid had a frat boy aura. The eco boost mustang, the hair, the clothes. He was a full on f-boy, I'm betting all he did was spend time at parties. Please note for future reference this kid was probably 17-18.

Just to set the picture, he has a send it bottle opener on his car keys. A bottle opener.

On his keys.

If that doesn't scream drunk driving and underage liquor charges I don't know what does.

Either way, FB walked into the office. He noticed my hand and asked who did that.

(N is me, necc.)

FB:- "Yo N, who drew that?" *referencing to my hand*

N:- "My girlfriend."

FB:- "Shit dude, you have a girlfriend? Who is she?"

It was more of a "how do you have someone" statement rather than surprise.

This conversation continued as we clocked in and we walked across the building to the pool room. It was a fairly simple, normal conversation about how me and her had been doing and yada yada.

Then the questions got personal.

FB:- "so, have you you know, fucked?"

I shook my head.

N:- " not really interested in that"

FB:- "you know girls love that, if you don't fuck her, she leaves you"

I didn't believe in that.

We made it into the guard room and I proceeded to ignore FB while I got my shoes off, getting ready to guard. I walked out onto the pool deck.

This was when shit got personal.

(Now I'm not a violent person, frankly with my size and form I couldn't win a fight. Nor would I want to. I don't like fighting. )

FB said something that I hated, and I hated him for it if I hadn't already.

FB:- "you really should fuck her, she'd like it. I can even lend you a condom, though it might be a bit big on you"

I laughed at him, but internally I was already writing out the report. In my head he had just lost his job.

My friend came out of the pump room and asked me to ride slide, and I quickly used that to get away from FB.

At the end of my shift I talked to my boss, and the following day I submitted a written statement to Human Resources. FB is currently facing the flames, hopefully. He was up for promotion but I think that's a thought of the past now.

This is verbal sexual harassment. The makings of a hostile work environment.

For perspective it's company policy that if ANY reports have been made of sexual harassment, that employee is to face the full justice system and face termination (being fired).

However FB's still working for them, he's still here. It's been almost two weeks since the incident happened.

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