Black Cat by donnaaf1828

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Reviewer: AnnQueen5

Cover: Very simple, but very intriguing at the same time.

Review: First off, I just want to say, I absolutely love, love, love, love! the Australian vocabulary. I'm always loved Australia and everything about the culture is amazing. I really enjoyed Black Cat. It was an intriguing book from the synopsis. I knew it was going to be a good read, and a tough read at the same time. I can't stand slut-shaming, even to people who deserve it. The plot to this story is quite simple, as most romance and contemporary books are. Something big happens in the main character's life, spurring a chain of events in the eventual coming together of the main character and the main love interest. It is a sure fire way to success. And can I just say, I love how the author put hockey in as the main sport instead of rugby. Australia is often stereotyped to be the "rugby country". I am glad the author decided to go against that and went with hockey instead. Overall, Black Cat was an interesting book, with many twists and turns that will surely leave readers begging for more.

Suggestions: This book, while amazing, does have many flaws. Firstly, the writing style is very basic. I suggest that the author include some more descriptive words. Secondly, I feel like a plotline behind the infamous Black Cat and Trin is in order. Giving people a backstory to why they do the things they do and why they are the way they are will bring up a very important thing in readers. Sympathy, or more often empathy. The readers will feel for these characters. Making the characters more understandable and real will give them more depth and will create better characters. Lastly, the surprises should be built up to more. Instead of just revealing them randomly, I suggest that the author do something called foreshadowing. This is the build up to the eventual reveal of whatever surprise it happens to be this time. Foreshadowing is insanely important, and I cannot stress enough how it can really take a story from a 4 to an 8.

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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