The Not So Innocent Boy by MelanieGravel

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Reviewer: AnnQueen5

Genre: Romance

Cover: The cover is so cute! I loved how you utilized fonts, tones, and colours to really make it pop.

Book Review: A very good story, a very good one indeed. The best friend dynamic between Briar and Chris is absolutely hilarious, they both have this sarcastic humour that makes me laugh. I was surprised to hear that Chris is gay. Usually, with a best friend dynamic like this, the author would have the male best friend end up falling for the female best friend. I was glad that this author did not take that road, instead opting for another. It was a great twist that I thoroughly enjoyed. I also enjoyed reading about the dynamic between Asa and Briar. Adding in a pre-existing mutual hatred between the two, as it gave them both more depth as characters. Overall, I really enjoyed this book and can't wait to read the new revised version.

Suggestions: I understand this is a rough draft, but here are some suggestions I have for the author. While I did like the relationship between Asa and Briar, I feel like it was a little bit rushed. To improve this in future revisions, maybe add some more depth to the two characters. For example, the author could give Briar more of a reason to hate Asa, aside from him being a pretentious twat. Also, the relationship is very basic and to the point. Giving Asa and Briar more time to talk to other characters would not only improve their relationship, but them as characters. Lastly, for character building, there could be more of Asa and Briar interacting with the outside world. More of interests and family issues to really improve them as not just people who affect the plot, but who change the entire course of it. Aside from that, I have just one more suggestion. The writing style in this book is very basic and simple. Maybe add some more descriptive words to really make the readers excited and pumped for what's to come.

Rating: 3.75 stars out of 5

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