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"I don't like this.. we shouldn't be here" AN Aaron commented until he sees something. It was their other selves. "sorry Amy but...I have some other things to do" the other Sonic said looking well different and a bit shorter, well their other selves look a bit shorter and younger than them. The other Amy look upset as the other Aaron and other Knuckles are trying to hold their laughter while the other Tails is...watching... "... That Tails feels... off..." AN Tails said, "Ya... me too Tails..." AN Amy replied to Tails, but no one could think why it felt so off.

Lee just felt bad for Amy "How come I don't see a version of me in this town, let alone any of my team..?" Lee asked AN Tails "Well... like I stated before, there can be differences in the land we stand on than our world, but there can also be a unique difference by having people that are unique in our world... which means... you and your friends are special." AN Tails stated, Lee sighed. Then suddenly they heard Sonic shout. "Just leave me alone!" Sonic said as he run off that's when Aaron and Knuckles both laugh and can't keep their laughter in anymore as Amy look much more upset. "okay why is my other self laughing while Amy is getting rejected?" AN Knuckles said feeling disappointed in his other self for not helping Amy

"Maybe she did something embarrassing, like that time where I tried to confess to you only to insult you by mistake and Aaron laughing at me," Lee stated she had a point. "Yes, I agree that things such as that are laughable, despite me not having such a feeling." Shade agreed. "to be fair your insult was kinda hilarious," AN Aaron said as AN Knuckles punch his shoulder. They soon sees Amy run away as Aaron and Knuckles are still laughing but the Tails is...watching still. "That version of you is creeping me out..." Lee stated, Tails fully agreed with Lee. "Maybe... she's getting advice, usually Amy wouldn't let herself be like this unless someone told her to be." Tails said before AN Amy pitched in. 

"I'm right here, what am I, chopped liver?" AN Amy said with a glare as Tails chuckled it off. "I say we follow her... the more we learn about the place, the more we can get intel..." Shade stated, it made perfect logic to Tails so he agreed. They followed Amy and ended up in Tails's house, weirdly Tails is already there as Amy is crying hugging a Sonic plush. "m-my life is over!" Amy cried out as she keeps hugging the Sonic plush "This is sad... good thing our Amy doesn't have feelings for Sonic because this would be sad to see in our world.." Lee stated, looking at the situation. "Good thing we are hidden..." Shade stated, Tails just looked at this and sighed. "In this universe, I bet I give horrible advice." Tails said, guessing from what he was seeing.

"oh geez Amy, i knew nagging was a bad idea...but i know we can't give up, i have a idea on how Sonic would love you!" Tails said as Amy sniff and wipe her tears away."i can't ... I'm just... I'm not good enough" Amy said as Tails snap his fingers." that's it! Your the problem, your not hood enough for Sonic!" Tails said as they look at AN Tails. "Danm Tails that's harsh" AN Knuckles said. "Well don't tell that to me, I'm technically not speaking to her at the moment." AN Tails stated looking at AN Knuckles. "I do not like how this version of you is speaking to her, it's so... disrespectful..." Lee stated, AN Amy Agreed.

"Ya, I would have whacked him with my hammer and told him to fuck off." AN Amy answered, Lee would have done the same if she was in this version of Amy's shoes. Shadow looked around a little. "... dang, we all look like midgets in this Universe..." Shadow pointed out. Shade sighed "Well, we have to get used to seeing that." Shade said with no emotion. "but i have a idea" Tails said which Amy look at him. "How?" she asked as Tails smiled. "we change you! We make you better! We make you into Sonic's dream girl...wait what am i saying? So many alterations... The process would be far too dangerous" Tails said with a dark smirk.

"i do NOT like that smirk" AN Aaron said with a glare. "Don't worry I'm sure this Amy would disa-" AN Knuckles immediately got cutted off by Amy "DO IT! I'd do ANYTHING to be with my Sonic" Amy said as they blink. "You we're saying?" Shadow said to AN Knuckles. "This is getting sadder by the second, I would NEVER do this," Amy stated, her face looking like that one funny disgusted face. Lee just was so confused as to why these Tails would do such a thing as do that to Amy. "This doesn't feel right..." Tails stated, he tried to think of why this version of him would do this, it was like a villain was talking through that Tails... but he couldn't place why he was so off.

"Sonic is the only one for me and that would never change...so it looks like i have to" Amy said keeping her tears in and looking determined. "oh i don't know Amy...only if your absolutely sure" Tails said with a off smile. "please say no, please say no, please say n-" AN Aaron keep on mumbling until got interrupted."i love him Miles...and if I have to change everything about myself for him to love me then i will.. You understand don't cha?....please say you help me.." She said as she closed ger eyes as tears keeps falling in and got to her knees staining the plush with her tears, Tails stared at her with silent. 

Then suddenly this Tails hug her from behind." okay, okay! Of course I'll help you.. after all... "Tails said as this made them feel off..."...what are friends for... "Tails said in a tone is not absolutely Tails with a expression of something else other than helping her..".....okay it's official, I don't like this and something tells me THAT Tails is planning something different " Said AN Aaron glaring at Tails.AN Knuckles is silent, his stare harden as he continues to stare at Tails... "I sense dark energy from him... something is wrong with that Tails..." Shade said, her eyes were like daggers, striking fear in many, which was why it took so long for everyone to warm up to her. Lee had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach, not to mention she was still distraught about Mint choosing Sonic over her safety.

Lee still didn't know where those two ended up but for now she has to focus on this, it might be a key to survival. "...hayo!" Someone said from behind, it made most of them jump, it was two orange bunnies, that look like twins. "Why are you all hiding behind Tails's house? and why is Tails hiding with you?" the girl asked curiously. "What are you looking at?" the boy said, looking into the window to also see Tails and Amy "..wait... hold on, something ain't right here... how come there is an Amy and Tails here, but there is also an Amy and Tails in there????" the girl said, "Ohhh, you must be trying to prank us again, nice try, he are the masters of pranks." The boy commented with a chuckle.

This kinda made them speechless as they look at each other, Aaron sighs. "look kids we don't have time to deal with you right now, we have something important to do-" when AN Aaron turn back to the window his eyes widen seeing that both Tails and Amy are gone. "sh*t! We lost them!" AN Aaron said. "wait what?!" AN Knuckles said shoving AN Aaron aside to see and look at the window just to see that Tails and Amy already not in there. "What do you mean..? This isn't a prank... COOL, ARE YOU FROM THE FUTURE!? WAIT, ALIEN COPYCATS!? OOO I KNOW, DIMENSION HOPPERS!?" The guy said, his happiness looks like Creams when she got her first ring from Greenhills. "oh shut up geek, but, ya, what he said." the girl said to her brother in a joking way.

 Lee looked at them "Who the hell are you???" Lee said, she had never seen them before in her whole life, so they must be unique to this universe like she and her team was. "well if you must know, I'm Trix." the girl who was named Trix answered. "And I'm Kris." The boy who was named Kris replied. "well uh nice to meet you I'm guessing, names Aaron..." he said still worried as he keeps looking at Tails window. "guys we need to go now" AN Knuckles said looking serious. "Oh, you mean where those two are heading?" Trix asked but she knew she was right when she said those words to them.

"Well, that Tails has a secret lab, no one knows where it is, he always tells people, and I quote ''You are not supposed to be in there, it's for my privet inventions!'' or so he says." Trix said before letting her brother say the rest, "but if he's taking Amy there, then it must be something big that he wants to show or something." Kris stated. "Ya, what my brother for a nerd said," Trix responded to them. "Really? do you know... wait, that was stupid to ask." Lee said with a sigh. "Well we do know," Trix said but then she smirked. "Buuuut.... you have to buy us three full bags of snacks!" Trix said, she was always the one that will give info and or show the way for snacks she wants. AN Knuckles step forward pulling Lee behind him. "oh I'll give you those fucking snacks" AN Knuckles said with irritation showing his fists ready to smack their heads.

"Your way cooler then our Knuckles, he's very stupid." Trix stated, "And you would do that if I were you." Kris stated with a smirk. "We are not just the masters of pranks, but also balms," Trix stated bluntly without explanation. Lee looked at them. "oh you're bluffing." Lee stated, but Trix shook her head. "Nope, look at this balm I made." she said, pulling out a balm that looked like food. "our Sonic almost fell for this one, don't worry though, it's a paint balm, not the real stuff, but then again the real stuff is right here," Kris said before pulling a balm that looked like it was made by a pro. "Now can we get the snacks?" Trix said with a cheeky smirk, yup, their personality is just like Sonic's ego.

AN Knuckles looks at them with a 'you've gotta be kidding me' look as AN Aaron sighs, he went and grabbed Gadget's bag much to the wolf's surprised and pulled out 3 junk foods. "will this would do?" asked AN Aaron with a unimpressed look, Gadget looked heartbroken. "Yup! let's go!." Trix said all of a sudden, she then started to walk in the direction of the secret lab, she put the three junk foods in her own bag and kept walking along side her brother and soon everyone followed behind them. sure Trix and Kris were tricksters but they would never lie about a deal they were making unless they needed to and at this moment they didn't need to.

they all soon arrived. "See, they should be in.... what the fuck.., that's some Frankenstein shit man." Trix said, looking into the window, "Welp, Amy is gonna be a freak man." Kris stated, also looking in the window. "What do you mean by that?" Lee said, she got a peek into the window and her face turned pale. They also look as their expression change. Tails is on his lab coat putting a blush on...'Amy'.. "Sonic is gonna go nuts when he sees you...how do you feel?" Tails said."...please tell me your not like that" AN Aaron said looking at AN Tails. "sh*t...what had he done..?" AN Knuckles said in disbelief. "Frankenstein the shit out of her, that's what he did," Trix said in disgust. "She looks pretty but in the creepiest way possible," Kris stated while looking at what the hell was going on. 

"This Amy would do this just for Sonic... I'm just glad you are not like that Amy.." Lee stated while AN Amy smiled. "aw, don't make me blush." She stated, "But now is not the time for that, we still need to know why that Tails did it." AN Amy stated, glaring at him "oh, you are not good enough. blah, blah, blah." AN Amy said trying not to race in there and punch the shit out of that Tails. "Amy that doesn't really help the situation" AN Aaron said.  "wow, surprisingly those words came out of your mouth" said AN Knuckles which AN Aaron glared at him. "oh you son of a-" he immediately got interrupted by Shadow. "if you both don't shut up i will chaos blast both of you to space, This Amy is leaving!" said Shadow pointed out Amy left.

"This is getting freaky... I wanna see more!" Trix said, she never knew Amy at all but Tails they did know. "Now this time I know where they are going..." Lee said before she started run to the direction of Sonic's house. "Wait for us!" Trix and Kris stated before running after her, everyone was following Lee since she had a running lead. when she arrived, she was bushed, but she sneaked into the house, "oooo, she's breaking and entering." Trix said, they were some steps ahead of everyone else. AN Knuckles is well...trying so hard not to get a heart attack watching Lee sneaking in, they can see Sonic came out of his bedroom thinking it's Eggman only to see a single table with chili dogs and a candle like a romantic spot date or something, this Sonic look confused.

Lee was completely inside, she went around the corner, looking closely at the situation that was playing before her, she saw Sonic was really confused about the table but then she saw Amy walk out of the shadows. Lee didn't help her Sonic, but now it was a chance at redemption, this wasn't about her safety anymore, it was about redeeming herself and saving this AU version of Sonic, bit we all know that would not come true. "AMY?! IT CAN'T BE!" Said Sonic in pure disbelief and confusion." oh, but it is my precious one. Before I was a creepy caterpillar but your love transformed me into a beautiful butterfly!" Amy said as Sonic look terrified, staring at Amy's surgery with fear." yeah...that would be my reaction to if Antoine turn like that "AN Aaron said" you mean EVERY man will act like that if their girlfriends do that" AN Knuckles corrected him

but then Lee stopped, she then looked in another room, the Amy and Sonic of that universe also looked, and they see... Mint and AN Sonic. "Well, poop," Mint stated, she held AN Sonic close, Lee was wide-eyed when she saw Mint had bite marks all over her body, and yet none of them bit too hard. "...Now who the hell was that?" Trix said, looking at AN Sonic and Mint. "Looks like those two did more than just walk in," Kris stated. AN Sonic is well...quite and processing what his seeing. "wait..t..two Sonic?!" said Amy as Sonic blink confusingly, the others have their eyes widen. "so that's where those two are!" AN Aaron said with slight anger in his tone.

Mint then saw Lee, her ears went slightly down, knowing she let down her best friend in the whole world. Lee didn't have time to think, she ran up and grabbed Sonic. "Hay wait! Who the hell!" Sonic said, Lee then backed up and ran, but she knew Amy would go after her. "Don't question it, she has been lied to, by your Tails." Lee stated, she knew she was at the same speed as Amy so if she kept running Amy won't catch up but we know that strategy is going to fail. Mint was left alone with AN Sonic once more. they still had their hands together. AN Antione just watched this whole thing happen. "Soo... when should I get a word in..?" She tried to joke but this time her joking was not going to lighten the mood.

"Darling...i would normally brighten up by your jokes but today...is not the right moment" AN Aaron said as AN Knuckles quickly ran after Lee. AN Knuckles is still running after them just behind Amy. "Give my BELOVED BACK!" Amy shouted with pure hatred which made her run faster than AN Amy, AN Knuckles is just behind catching up. Lee "Look Sonic, I'll explain, we are from a world like this one, but different in some odd way, shape, or form, we have our own Sonic, but that Sonic did something that many see as unforgivable... but to one I guess it didn't matter..." Lee explained a little to Sonic. Amy was so pissed at this version of her along with that Tails. 

"SHE WON'T IF YOU LOOK THREATENING!" AN Amy yelled out, she also had her Pico Hammer with her. The Sonic look confused and for the first time he is really desperate to see anyone he recognized even Knuckles or Aaron with their stupidity and kinda meanness. "Your Tails is not your Tails, or at the very least he is evil, cruel even. he made your Amy look and act that way..." Lee put it simply so Sonic could understand. "...oh... I'm... starting... to... get..... Tir...ed..." she said as she collapsed onto the ground but before Amy could get there, AN Amy stepped in front of them so other Amy couldn't get passed her. 

"How come you let HIM talk like that to YOU! you are an Amy! be prideful of what you look like and not what others make you look like!" Amy said in anger, she also did this because she knew her other self would do something horrible to Sonic and Lee. Catching his breath, Knuckles finely arrives. Despite being a strength type his very at slow percentage at speed. Amy look mad and not even listening to her own counterpart. "Shut up! You don't know who it feels to GET rejected EVERY TIME! i just want him to love me! I want him! and only him!" Amy shouted with obsession and anger, Sonic flinched at that as his eyes are wide, he nervously gulp as he slowly stepped back, for the first.....he doesn't recognize her anymore. 

"Are you kidding, look, you are more than this, you are an independent woman, not a love-sick hound, plus, I can tell he loves you too, which is why he is so scared of what you become." Amy said before continuing. "he loved you for who you are, every Sonic has that trait, I can feel it in my gut. If you don't believe me... ask him yourself... and this time normally..." AN Amy stated, Lee was so surprised AN Amy had THIS much wisdom under her belt. Lee stood up but barely. Amy is surprised, making her take a step back, she look at her Sonic and sees him looking at her with a nervous expression, in his eyes she can only see fear.

 Amy narrowed her brows as she slowly lower her own hammer. "... your Tails knows something... heck, he might not even BE your Tails... have you ever noticed the change in his behavior, because if you did then he might not be him..." AN Amy questioned. "If you consider Tails to be gentle and well-mannered, then what he did to you wasn't him.." AN Amy continued. "... he made you hate yourself even more than usual, and to me, that doesn't sound like Tails... he set you up didn't he...?" AN Amy finished. Amy seems to be struggling, she wanted to believe but at the other hand she didn't. "GRAH! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" The Amy yelled sprinting towards them with the hammer ready to hit them.

that was until AN Knuckles suddenly appeared in front of them and got hit by Amy instead and blasted through the nearby palm tree completely destroyed from the impact. Lee then had this look, like Amy just fucked up, "I told you the truth.. and then you tried to hit your counter part... And ended up hitting my idiot... Get a good look at me, because hell is looking back at you..." Lee stated before she went up to her and punched her in the face, The AN Amy hit her so hard she went flying. Lee raced to where AN Knuckles is laying. "Knuckles! are you alright!?" Lee panicked, her tears went down her cheeks, she hugged him softly. AN Amy kept watch, guarding Sonic for his safety.

AN Knuckles groan in pain, she can see the blood running down his head and it might actually crack his skull, he daze look at her with his eyes half close. "n...ngh.....i..don't remember Amy can hit hard..." he said with a small chuckle as if saying a joke in a middle of this situation his in. Sonic is well.....terrified, his eyes widen starring at AN Knuckles, he knew this isn't his Knuckles but he can't help himself imagine him to be his friend and rival Knuckles."i-I'm sorry, i-i I don't know what got into her" he said as his breathing is shaky, small tears forming around his eyes. Lee held him close, her eyes locked with his as her eyes filled with sorrow, she kissed him softly, basically everywhere on his face, she didn't have the med kit but she tried to kiss him so he could feel a little better.

 AN Amy sighed, "She's obsessed with you Sonic, she has gone madder than the mad hatter in ''Alice in Wonderland'' can ever be.." AN Amy stated, her look was serious. Knuckles sweat dropped a bit but he touch her cheek, he doesn't say anything but his expression says 'I'll be fine'. Sonic gulp nervously as his starring at the grassy ground, his gut tells him he was suppose to be dead at this time. "... I think we altered your destiny a little..." AN Amy stated, still guarding him as if his life depended on it. "... Listen... don't trust Tails... your Tails... he made her this way..." An Amy warned him for his own good. Lee kept holding him close her tears dripped onto AN Knuckles' chest.

 "your such a dummy, you know that right, I'm just glad you can live through it, nothing too bad happened to your body, I checked." Lee stated, she kissed his forehead, to make him feel a tiny bit better she started to kiss his neck. "h-huh? Tails?...but.. but his my buddy...he would never do that.." he said as he tightened his fists. An Knuckles let out a small moan as he slightly look at her. "l-I know you love me but let's not do that here.. especially in this situation" he said with a nervous grin. as soon he said that small blood run down from his head, he blink as he touch it and sees the blood stained his white boxing glove.

"well, we thought that too with our Sonic... he ended up eating some body parts of our friends and killing all the chaos in our AU..." AN Amy stated, "So if our own hero who is also your counterpart can do that... your Tails can do this..." AN Amy told Sonic, she then saw over where the tree was and saw Knuckles bleeding, "Welp, he has blood going down his forehead... nothing new though, he suffered a lot worse." AN Amy told herself aloud with a chuckle. Lee sighed "you knuckle head, your head is bleeding..." She sighed, she tore off some of her jacket so she could bandage the wound on Knuckles' forehead. Sonic is silent as his ears lowered down, his just trying to process this all in. "you know I'm fine right? It's just a scratch no big deal" he said with slight annoyance.

"I know, but you look bad ass with bandages, not to mention you need it, dummy.." Lee stated, with a sigh. she rested a little, letting her head rest on his shoulder. AN Amy sighed, "I know it's hard to think that your friend can do that, but he did... stay behind me..." AN Amy stated, Amy was coming back, running full speed ahead. "... well this is gonna be a clash of the hammers... LET'S GO BITCH!" AN Amy yelled before she had her battle stance with her Piko hammer ready in her hand. Lee saw this, she got up. "If she doesn't believe in the devil, she will when I punch her to the ground hard enough!" Lee stated before putting herself in that battle. Antoine soon arrived, seeing what was going down. "wow..." She stated.

"SONNIKU IS MINE!" Amy yelled in a voice that her own Sonic doesn't recognized, Sonic stepped back. Amy sprinted at them in such speed as her hammer started to glow black.AN Knuckles stands up and got on his battle stance until. "uh...d-did i miss something..?" He heard someone that...sounds like his own but younger, he take a look and saw Knuckles looking worried at the situation he just came across by. AN Amy clashed hammers with Amy, a shockwave of air and energy could be seen with every hot, along with a sonic boom every time. Lee was also in the fight, trying to throw Amy off balance but it always failed. One time AN Amy got hit by the hammer, she bounced back like the hit never happened, she charged back into the fight.

It was the clash of the hammers.

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