Chapter 105: SCP-4494 ''THE SPECTER''

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Here we see a support group you and Kyouka set up and we see Kiriko drinking your canteen of 006 water to detox her system due to being drugged with aphrodisiacs.

Kiriko: "Thank you."

(Y/N): "Water is a solution to everything."

Kyouka: *Whispers to you* "You're not gonna tell them?"

(Y/N): *Whispers back* "Classified intel."*outloud*"Everyone here has one thing in common, being forced to do prostitution, being raped by men, and other involving sexual harassment."

Risa: "I was the victim of all my students and the principal but then I was saved by a mysterious stranger."

Sara: "You too?"

Sylia: "We were going to be fucking not stop with out futa cocks until some guy came in and saved us."

Sara: "Then he blew up the entire Blankenheim empire and killed the king too."

Ryo: "I was forced to do sexual challenges to keep my cheer committee from quitting... And then a mysterious man saved my life and killed Dojima in the process."

Kim: *Winces* "Yikes, from cheerleader to another, you have my old cheerleading team if you want to change schools."

Ryo: "Thank you Ms. Possible."

Shigure: "I may not have been the victim of rape, but I did it to my... ex boyfriend Kita, we had a baby, and I had non stop sex like it's an addiction."

Kyouka: "What happened then?"

Shigure: *Looks down* "He won custody of the baby and parted ways with me..."

Panty: *pats Shigure* "Hey don't worry I'm sure you can win your kid back."

Shigure: "It's more than just my kid, I had sex with Kita 24/7, breakfast, lunch, dinner, we did it everywhere. All because of me and my stupid libido."

(Y/N): "Oh speaking of your kid, a guy named Kita said that he transfers all custody of your kid to you and now he is momentarily living with me until I see you. I hired a babysitter."

Meanwhile at your apartment, we see Charlie taking care of the baby while we see Vaggie rubs the baby's head.

Charlie: "Isn't he adorable?"

Vaggie: "You are very good at this babysitting stuff hun."

Charlie: "Aww thanks. Do you think we should have our own baby?"

Vaggie: *Blushes a bit* "I don't think I'm ready to be a mom yet."*feels the baby bite her finger*"Ow! That was like a bite of a bear trap!"

Charlie: *giggles*"He must've grown his first tooth."

Vaggie: "Are all baby teeth like bear trap teeth?"

Back to you.

Shigure: "Well I'm glad he's okay."

(Y/N): "Anyone else want to say something?"

Katsuko: "I'm the victim of blackmail from one of my students Kazuya, he was about to rape me but then a mysterious stranger saved me, and convinced me to end my relationship with Jun."

Bonnie: " Wow... and I thought dating Brick was nuts but... wow..."

Airi: "I cosplayed as a gyaru to feel young and I had sex with my daughter's boyfriend, and had his baby..." *looks down in shame*

Kiriko: "Yikes, what happened afterwards?"

Airi: "We raised the baby but she's still mad at me and she broke up with her boyfriend."

(Y/N): "Dang, let me guess, you're a size N in breast size after all of that?"

Airi: "Yes.....I am....."

Bonnie: "How is your back not breaking?"

Airi: "I ask myself the same question everyday."

Risa: "I'm a K-cup and my back is fine."

Kim: "Okay how is everyone getting gigantic knockers?"

(Y/N): "Pregnancy and genetics?"

Risa: "Genetics for me."

Kyouka: "Same here."

Sara: "Genetics."

Sylia: "Me too."

Panty: "Hey Kyouka, we have four more girls who wanna join the group."

We then see Miwako, Ai, Hanako, and Asuna come in and take a seat.

Miwako: "Hello everyone, is this the Sex Sucks group therapy?"

Risa: "Yes it is, what were you girls the victim of?"

Hanako: "We were victims of the maid masters, a group of rapists who dressed women as maids and well... you know..."

Ai: "But then a mysterious stranger saved us and killed our bosses, and gave us a new job opportunity at an apartment complex that requires new maids."

Hanako: "And restored mentality so we don't think about sex all the time."

(Y/N): "Well then you're hired."

Maids: "Thank you."

(Y/N): "And trust me, as your boss I will not rape any of you. Forcing employees to have sex with you is gonna make you a bad boss."

Miwako: "Thank you."

Courtney: "And just so everyone knows, he is autistic so he's used to seeing naked women, and not rapping them."

Hanako: "He tells women to be naked?"

Courtney: "No, that's completely up to us if we want to be naked or not."

Shigure: "How much is he used to it?"

Gwen: "Me and Courtney had sex in front of him and he wasn't phased at all. He was just watching a TV show during the whole thing."

(Y/N): "It's true."

Risa: "Wow... that's nuts."

Shigure: "So if I masturbated in front of him he wouldn't mind at all?"

Panty: "Nope, he would watch some kids tv show or something else."

(Y/N): "I watch a show called How it's made."

Panty: *Pats your back* "Yeah that show."

Risa: "Hm, well that's nice."

Just then we see Hinata Aya come in as everyone sees her.

Hinata: "Hi, is this the Sex Sucks support group?

(Y/N): "Of course, state your name."

Hinata: "My name is Hinata Aya and I was a waitress at a cafe who cosplayed as a maid who had to listen to any order a guy asked and... well you know."

(Y/N): "Will there be any surprise additions to the support group?"

Panty looked outside to see if anyone else was there and saw no one else.

Panty: "Nope I think it's just her."

Ryo: "So Hinata, what made you wanna go here?"

Hinata: "Well before I came here, I got an anonymous email saying that if I cosplayed as a maid in front of a doujin convention I'd be paid because I'm short on money, apart of me knew this could have been a scam but for some reason seeing guys ogle me just made me so horny and I gave into my urges and one guy rapped me..." *covers her face in shame*

Kiriko: "Hey, hey we're all here for you."

Risa: "Yeah we're all victims too."

Shigure: "Whether it's on purpose or not, we all did something we're not proud of."

Kyouka: "Take it from us, we will help you get over it."

Hinata: *Wipes her face* "Thank you."

(Y/N): "We can get you an actual job that won't get you to be on the receiving end of sex."

Panty: "And you'll be paid actual money."

Courtney: "And word of advice, do not trust any email that says anonymous, that never bodes well."

Hinata: "I see, now I know."

(Y/N): "So where are you all gonna be staying?"

Ryo: "We will be staying with you."

(Y/N): "Okay then."

Sometime later, we see you and Anne Maria at the foundation where you were bringing Anne Maria to see someone that has been saving the girls from the support group.

(Y/N): "Anne Maria, this is SCP-4494 or THE SPECTER."

Anne Maria: "Why did you say his name like that?"

(Y/N): "It's a minor infohazard that he has."

Anne Maria: "What is he though?"

(Y/N): "He's an Archon Class SCP."

THE SPECTER: "That is right citizen."

(Y/N): "It means if we contain him, bad things will happen. For him non-stop crime waves will hit the world globally because he's the physical embodiment of crime fighting."

Anne Maria: "Wait... he's the one that saved all those girls?"

THE SPECTER: "That is right, I will boldly go to where crime runs rampant! The world will be safe in the hands of THE SPECTER."

Anne Maria: "Dang this guy is a crime fighter."

(Y/N): "We use amnestics on anyone who is an eye witness. I used amnestics on the girls in the support group because most of them were eyewitnesses of SCP-4494."

Anne Maria: "Well that explains a lot."

(Y/N): " And he has other anomalous properties like using light to make him almost pitch black and he only manifests at night when there's a crime involved."

Anne Maria: "So he can't be contained because he's a superhero?"

(Y/N): "That and when we contain him, it will make an unstoppable crimewave with criminals running rampant and police officers and other law enforcers just sitting on the job."

Anne Maria: "Yeah you definitely don't wanna contain him then."

(Y/N): "Indeed, also he can alter his cape to make a dramatic flourish."

THE SPECTER: "That's right."

Anne Maria: "What do you do in your downtime?"

THE SPECTER: "Watching TV, playing video games, and browsing the internet."

Anne Maria: "Oh nice something to do to pass the time I guess."

(Y/N): " Yep, why don't you have a chat for a while?"

Anne Maria: "Okay, I'll chat with him."

You then leave the room and Anne Maria talks to THE SPECTER.

Anne Maria: "So, what's it like saving the day every night?"

THE SPECTER: "Well I save a lot of people and I don't expect to be thanked because when it comes to crime fighting the reward is stopping criminals and saving lives. (Y/N) is a good guy and he is tough but he is not without you and the rest of his girls, as for me I'm a lone wolf."

Anne Maria: "Ohh, so no time for a relationship?"

THE SPECTER: "When it comes to dropping the hammer of justice, it takes one man to drop it."

Anne Maria: "Guess so. You know I wonder what (Y/N)'s sister does sometimes."

Meanwhile with Kendyl, we see her at a restaurant in France and she is dating a co-worker named Maxine, a female guard at the french division of the Foundation.

Maxine: "You think your brother would approve of me?"

Kendyl: "Hey he's not against women dating women and men dating men."

Maxine: "So he is okay with the gay community?"

Kendyl: "Yep and he's autistic too so that's a win."

Maxine: "Nice to hear that, and how would he react when he finds out that you've been dating women from the other branches of the Foundation?"

Kendyl: "Women have a way to come to us, it's kind of a talent we share."

Maxine: "Hmm, does that include bedroom activities~?"

Kendyl: *Blushes* "Heh, well-"

Maxine: "Because I think it's working, mona me~."

Kendyl: *Blushes* "You, me, bedroom, and let's get freaky!"

Several hours of lesbian sex later, we see both Maxine and Kendyl in bed after intense sex.

Maxine: "Now you know how romantic a French woman can be~."

Kendyl: *pants* "Haah yeah, where did you learn Cunnilinguslike that?"

Maxine: "I've had some one night stands and experienced with lollipops, so pleasuring your little pussy is nothing new to me."

Kendyl: "Nice, want to invite the other girls?"

Maxine: "And make this an lesbian orgy~. You are speaking my language~."

Back to you.

(Y/N): "I feel like my sister is dating a bunch of women."

Courtney: "Isn't that what you're doing?"

(Y/N): "Yes, and I support her decision in doing so."

Courtney: "Wait you're not mad?"

(Y/N): "Nah, my sister is a lesbian through and through, though she did come out as bisexual but she is leaning towards women which is still lesbian in my book."

Courtney: "Huh, neat."

(Y/N): "So how are the Sex Sucks club girls doing now?"

Courtney: "They're settling in nicely and now they're looking for new jobs to get their own money."

(Y/N): "Glad to hear."

We then see Anne Maria come in, bottomless as you and Courtney saw her.

(Y/N): "Hey Anne, how was THE SPECTER?"

Anne Maria: "He's a great guy, he's a solo superhero and you do your own thing sometimes but you do need us to help you out."

(Y/N): "I know, maintaining normalcy isn't a one man job, it requires a lot of people to help out."

Courtney: "Too true, also Anne what happened to your pants?"

Anne Maria: "Oh I was feeling comfy so I figured why not let it hang out."

Courtney: *Looks at Anne Maria's butt* "Woah... that is some butt."

Anne Maria: *Giggles* "Ooh you like my booty?"

Courtney: "I never seen a butt that round before." *gets a closer look* "Or plump, it almost looks like Leshawna's butt, but not as large."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah that reminds me, Anne you didn't use any of that fake tanner did you?"

Anne Maria: "Nah, I washed myself off that tan and got myself some real tan from sunbathing and tanning bed I bought thanks to the money I borrowed from you."

(Y/N): *looks at the tanning bed in the room*"So that's where most of my money went, well the tan looks nice on you."

Anne Maria: "Aww thanks baby, and how about you give my booty a squeeze and see how it feels."*points her butt at you*"Come on, try it baby."

(Y/N): *feels Anne Maria's butt*"Huh, it feels like leather."

Courtney: "In a good way?"

(Y/N): "Yep and it feels like a pillow."

Anne Maria: *giggles*"Aww thanks baby."

Courtney: "Let me feel."

Courtney then puts her hand on Anne Maria's butt and she feels it as well.

Courtney: "Ooo, feels so nice like a leather pillow."

Anne Maria: "Right? Also why keep the tanning booth to myself, if everyone can get a tan like mine? The booth ain't just for me you know."

(Y/N): "And we should discuss paying me back, Anne Maria."

Anne Maria: "Alright babe, I'll pay you back when I get the money."*pecks you on the cheek*"I know it's your money but I promise I will get the money back. In fact I figured a way to pay you back in this!"

Anne Maria then pulls out a large diamond that looks exactly like the one she had when she was on Revenge of the Island but it's real diamond and not zirconium.

Anne Maria: "I found that clockwork machine, I don't remember the number but I used it and set it to Very Fine and now I turned this Zirconium into a real diamond."

(Y/N): *checks with a inspection glass*"I see, it's real alright. Now to cash this in and get my money back, maybe enough money to make some upgrades around here."

Courtney: "What kind of upgrades?"

Anne Maria: "Hm, well the tanning beds are nice, oh how about a community hot tub for everyone in the apartment complex?"

Courtney: "That would be nice." *realizes* "Wait, you kept that zirconium with you after you were booted from, revenge of the island?"

Anne Maria: "Yeah, I thought it would come in handy and it's a reminder of how much I hate Chris so much."

Courtney: "Well it's a start, anything else?"

Anne Maria: "Hm, bigger rooms? We are gonna need them since we have new roomies."

(Y/N): "Sounds good to me, anything else?"

Anne Maria: "How about a cafeteria for everyone here?"

(Y/N): "Okay."

Courtney: "Hm, what about a large walk-in shower for everyone to use."

(Y/N): "Alright, anything else?"

Courtney: "Nothing I can think of."

Anne Maria: "Hm, a one way mirror in the shower so you can look at us but we can't see you?" *Sees Courtney looking at her* "Oh don't act like you don't want it."

Courtney: "Heh, well you are not wrong."

(Y/N): "Why do you girls act pervy around me? We are not gonna do the one way mirror okay."

Anne Maria and Courtney: "Aww..."

Anne Maria: "Okay how about just a regular mirror in the shower and the girls and I imagine you watching us without us knowing."

(Y/N): "Hm, okay that's reasonable. But I am not watching you girls."

Courtney: "We know you wouldn't do it on purpose, besides we're imagining you watching us."

(Y/N): "Why do you want to imagine me watching you girls take a shower?"

Anne Maria: "Hey some of us have our fantasies and want them fulfilled but we don't wanna force you to do something you don't want to."

Courtney: "And because you are our boyfriend."

(Y/N): "Alright, let's get to work."

Sometime later, after so much remodeling to the apartment complex, you checked your new room and you see that the girls installed the one way mirror anyways.

(Y/N): "Really? You installed the one way mirror anyways?"

Lindsay: "Yep, besides sometimes we need to rub one anyway."

Heather: "She's not wrong, we do need to mastrabate."

(Y/N): "You all realize that I will not be using the one way mirror right?"

Girls: "We know."

(Y/N): "But if it makes you all happy, I'll let it slide."

Anne Maria: "Thanks boo."

(Y/N): "Anytime."

Hanako: "And why did we install the one way mirror so that he can watch us while we shower?"

Girls(except the Sex Sucks Girl Group): "Only (Y/N) can see our goods."

Hanako: "He is more trustworthy than our ex boss, hm okay."

(Y/N): "Hope all of this is to your liking girls."

Leshawna: "Oh it will be."

Sometime later, we see the girls in the community hot tub and they're relaxing in the hot tub.

Courtney: "Ahhh... this is nice."

Ryo: "Yeah this is nice, but where is (Y/N)?"

Meanwhile with you, we see you in your private hot tub and you are watching a documentary on Ancient Egypt.

(Y/N): "A nice hot tub for one." *looks at the one way mirror* "I guess the view isn't so bad when you get used to it."*looks at the TV*'Better look at the documentary on fast food restaurants."

You then change the channel and you see a documentary on exotic foods.

(Y/N): "I was looking for fast foods but exotics food isn't half bad."

Next: Chapter 106: SCP-971 "Exotic Fast Food Delivery"

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