Chapter 109: SCP-2761 ''Bananazilla''

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Here we see you and Erica going to a swamp in the Florida Everglades looking for the anomaly and you turn to Lauren and Dawn.

(Y/N): "Remember, stay on the boat and watch out for this creature you found."

Erica: "You sure you trust a hippie and a psycho freak make good informants sir?"

(Y/N): "Dawn can read people's auras and Lauren is a useful asset despite her psychological and physical makeup."*to Dawn*"Describe to me what you saw."

Dawn: "I saw the creature that was born as a pipefish but grew up to be a hybrid of many of nature's creatures, but it has the appearance of a banana."

Lauren: "I saw it eat a fisherman. Kinda weird for a monster to take the form of a banana."

(Y/N): "That's the anomalous world for ya. Now come on."

You and the girls then get on the boats and then start searching around the everglades and you all smell a powerful scent of bananas.

Dawn: "Blech, I smell the bananas."

(Y/N): "Which means this thing is nearby. Luckily we have a trap set up, but we need bait."

Sometime later, we see Dawn meditating in the trap as we see the creature stalking Dawn and then makes a run to her and then attacks her as we see the trap closes up and the creature was trapped.

Erica: "Dawn was still in there!"*sees Dawn meditating on a rock and turns to the cage and back to Dawn*"How did you..."

Dawn: "Nature has a way of protecting all of it's creatures, including me."

Erica: "Right."

Dawn then gets up and walks up to the cage and she looks at the creature and she sees it's aura that it is confused and angry.

Dawn: "Oh you poor thing."

(Y/N): "What's up?"

Dawn: "He was a small pipefish that was flushed down the toilet, along with the rest of his brothers and sisters."

(Y/N): "Brothers and sisters, as in more of this thing?"

Dawn: "Yes."

(Y/N): "I'll tell the Foundation about this, in the meantime Erica and I will investigate where this thing is made from cause I doubt that plants and animals mixed together by mother nature."

Erica: "Actually, I did all the research myself and found a place called Aquagene, a pet store that sells genetically modified fish."

(Y/N): "Huh, well let's pay a visit to these guys, Erica you interview the employees while I take Bananazilla back to the Foundation."

Dawn: "That's a good name for him, he likes Bananazilla."

Later on, we see Erica interviewing the people who own the store named Dr. Pearl Watkins and Dr. Marcus Nakamura.

Erica: "Now Dr. Pearl and Dr. Nakamura, I've read that you sell genetically modified fish?"

Dr. Pearl: "Yeah that's our main product, and you are from the EPA?"

Erica: "Indeed, now tell me about these fish you sell. Right now you're not dealing with legal charges. Have you made a line of fish for the holidays?"

Dr. Nakamura: "Oh the Scenty Fish."

Erica: "Can you tell me more about these Scenty Fish?"

Dr. Nakamura: "Of course! See, our idea was to make a tropical-themed fish set, sort of Hawaii in December, if you will. And, we wanted to introduce these fish as a sort of living air freshener. We were going to go for the classic samples. Our plan was for the selection to include apple goldfish, strawberry tetras, orange clownfish, raspberry and blueberry bettas, pineapple puffers, and banana pipefish!"

Erica: "Banana Pipefish?"

Dr. Nakamura: "Yeah, why did you want to know about it?

Erica: "Does this look familiar?"

Erica then places papers for SCP-2761 and they see it.

Dr. Nakamura and Dr. Pearl: "Holy shit!"

Erica: "One of yours?"

Dr. Nakamura: "How is this possible, it should be a pipefish not this. Unless..."

Dr. Pearl: "Dr. Higgins, I caught him pulling some stunts like this on the Peanut Jellyfish."

Erica: "Peanut Jellyfish?"*realizes*"Oh peanut butter and jelly, I get it."

Dr. Pearl: "Yeah, unfortunately he's our lead geneticist, without him we can't splice fruit with a fish and expect it to act like a fish, we need him."

Erica: "And when was the last time you saw or told him to do with the Banana Pipefish?"

Dr. Nakamura: "It seems without my knowledge, Pearl hired Dr. Higgins in the research team temporarily. He's been fired for his unprofessionalism."

Erica: "Like sexually harassing the staff?"

Dr. Nakamura: "It's more than just that, he's been making modifications to the Scenty Fish that are not in the policy. He was making them more carnivorous. He thought it would be funny if the fish bites people."

Erica: "Then how did-"

Dr. Pearl: "When I came too early and the fish were gone. I asked my coworker if he got rid of them and he told me he hadn't picked them up. The unit proves that they're there."

Erica: "Well our team has found out that it's made out of gut flora and carcinogens."

Dr. Pearl: "Figures, he took the originals and put them in the disposal unit and flushed the rest down the toilet."

Erica: "Wait.... So that's what happened to the other Pipefish?"

Meanwhile with you, we see SCP-2761 in containment and you observe it.

(Y/N): "Hmm, well the big fella needs to eat fruit to keep the carcinogen output in check."*to Dawn*"What do you think, Dawn?"

Dawn: "Hm, I think bananas and plantains are most pleasing to help him maintain his body."

(Y/N): "Yeah, thanks for the tip on the suggestions of diets, but I was talking about keeping it away from a Carnivorous diet."

Dawn: "Oh yes, that's more beneficial for both you and Bananazilla."

(Y/N): "Mostly for the bananazilla but I guess I can consider humans eating bananas as a favorable option."

Dawn: "I love working as your informant, I know these creatures end up in cages but you want them to be safe from anyone who wants to hurt them."

(Y/N): "Yeah and you know how to calm them down when they get riled up and while you're not around tranquilizers are enough to knock it out."

Dawn: "True, although there's always another way to calm a raging beast down."

(Y/N): "Yeah, hey by the way, could you maybe help Jessica. Lately she's been bringing infestations to the Apartment Complex, she brought home bunker spiders and a coil head."

Dawn: "Oh dear."

(Y/N): "Yeah, I know her heart is in the right place, but sometimes she goes overboard with the things that don't need saving."

Dawn: "I'll help her."

Later, at your apartment, we see Dawn come into the room and she sees that the whole place is infested by spiders.

Dawn: "I see you have let spiders in again." *calls out* "Jessica, are you here?"

Jessica: *comes into the room**covered in spiders*"I'm here."

Dawn: "Oh my goodness, Jessica, why did you bring spiders here?"

Jessica: "I'm trying to save them."

Dawn then whistles as all the spiders in the apartment then gather around Dawn and she crosses her legs as they take her to the couch and they leave the building.

Dawn: "(Y/N) sent me here so that you wouldn't cause another Cruzfestation."

Jessica: "Is that what everyone is calling it?"

Girls: "Yes."

Dawn: "Jessica I know you're trying to do the right thing, but bringing home insects away from their natural world is not how you save them."

Asmodeus: *walks by carrying a Coil Head*"Same goes for artificial lifeforms too."

Jessica: "I'm sorry but I can't help it, I just feel like everything needs help."

Dawn: "Oh I see, you're trying to help those that don't need help because your Corps think that you're the weakest lantern."

Jessica: "Wha- n-no... I... How did you know?"

Dawn: "Your aura says so."

Asmodeus: "Ohh that's why you bring in bugs?"

Jessica: *Looks a bit down* "Yeah..."

Asmodeus: "You don't have to save bugs every ten minutes and cause 50 different town wide infestations to be a hero, just leave them alone and let them grow in their environment, I mean take it from me, I'm the weakest of the sins but you don't see me proving everyone I'm the most important sin. If I'm not around, who would provide anyone with strip clubs, sex toys, and proper release when they need it. And as much as I hate Mammon, we can't have an economy without him and without him I wouldn't have met my Fizzoroli."

Jessica: "Really?"

Asmodeus: "And without Lucifer, there wouldn't be a Hell to begin with."

Dawn: "That is true."

Jessica: "Huh, guess you're right, I can be useful at my job."

They all heard a knock at the door and when Jessica opened it, she saw Eve on the doorstep.

Eve: "I've received an Email from Pallit saying that I was in a relationship with (Y/N) from an alternate timeline, is this his home?"

Jessica: "Yeah, who are you?"

Eve: "Eve, as in the Second Wife of my ex husband Adam."

Jessica: "Wait Adam? As in-"

Asmodeus: "As in the first asshole who started the whole root of all evil with a crown meant for your son Seth?"

Eve: "Yeah..."

Jessica: "Wait a minute, time out, your Eve, as in the first woman Eve?"

Eve: "Well Second Woman actually, Lilith is the first one. Most people make that mistake a lot."

Jessica: "Huh, I never thought of that, or the fact that Eve is a redhead plus size woman."

Eve: "Lilith is slender and tall, I'm short and plump. Plus Size women have to come from somewhere right? May I come in so I can meet this Pallit?"

We see Eve come into the room and Pallit sees Eve.


Eve: "Woah uh well explain why that happened?"

One explanation later.

Eve: "Ooooo~. Guess I found someone better than Adam that time."

Asmodeus: "Yeah you did."

Jessica: "But how come you don't remember?"

Eve: "Sinner or Winner, mortal souls don't experience time like other angels and demons, so experiencing two different timelines from the same point of origin will cause a major sense of deja vu."

Jessica: "Wow."

Eve: "Yep, so when is (Y/N) coming home?"

We then see you come into the room and you see Eve herself.

(Y/N): "Oh you must be Eve, Emily told me a lot about you. And I've read about you in the Foundation's files."

Eve: "And Pallit here told me a lot about between you and me."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah I remember that."

Eve: "Yeah different timelines and I want to make us official again.

(Y/N): "Okay."

Jessica: "And I could use some help by not bringing animals into the house that don't need help."

(Y/N): "I think I know someone who can help."

We later see Jessica at the Hazbin Hotel where she's with Charlie.

Angel Dust: "Soo... no one's gonna say anything that there's a living broad in the room?"

Vaggie: "So? We had humans staying here before. Remember?

Angel Dust: "Oh yeah but not like as a guest."

Charlie: "Well we're here to help Jessica stop bringing animals in (Y/N)'s house." *realizes* "Oh we need to set up a welcome banner, and show you around."

Vaggie: "Babe, we don't need to set up a banner everytime we have a new person at the hotel."

We then see a blast of magic and we see a banner with numerous decorations on it and everyone sees that the banner came from Lucifer.

Lucifer: "Your welcome sweetie."

Charlie: "Thanks dad."

Jessica: "That's... Lucifer right?"

Charlie: "Yeah why?"'

Jessica: "Nothing, it's just he's short and pretty much a goober. Uh no offense sir."

Lucifer: "Ohoh none taken Jess. I maybe the big man in Hell's campus but I'm not some big mean guy, just a goofball who likes rubber ducks."

Jessica: *Slightly surprised* "Ookay then." *Sees Keekee* "Aww cute cat, I have a cat named Dexter."

Keekee flew to Jessica and nuzzled her cheek.

Jessica: "Aww... usually Dexter just scratches me on the cheek but this is nice."

Angel Dust: "You mean that angry blue cat that hates you?"

Jessica: "I just gave him a home when no one can."

Everyone then hears something and they see Dexter at the bar knocking down bottles.

Husk: "Hey! You break it, you buy it you little shit stain!"

Jessica: "Dexter no!"

Dexter didn't listen and sees a bottle labeled The Devil's Rum as Husk sees it.

Husk: "Don't you fucking dare!"

Dexter then knocks the bottle down as we see Husk fly to the bar and catch it at the last second.

Husk: "Bad cat!" *Realizes* "Shit that felt weird to say."

Keekee then catches Dexter and turns into a cage trapping the red lantern.

Vaggie: "Okay guess Jess isn't the only one who needs help." *To Jessica* "Don't you try to train him?"

Jessica: "Well... he doesn't like it when I do that."

Angel Dust: "Did you give him food? Like the good stuff?"

Jessica: "He doesn't like dry food, actually he doesn't like it when I give him food."

Charlie: "Maybe he's trying to go on a diet? Like Angel Dust goes on a diet?"

Vaggie: *to Angel Dust*"You're on a diet?"

Angel Dust: "How else do you think I got this figure?"

Back to you, we see you and Eve in bed after several rounds of sex.

Eve: "I've been trying to find a way to scratch that itch for years."

(Y/N): "Now you're satisfied."

Eve: "And what about your other girlfriends? I can't have all the fun."

(Y/N): "Well I've been slammed at work, and they have been satisfying themselves, although I kinda feel bad for not having sex with them."

Eve: "Well maybe once you get all your work done you can help them too."

(Y/N): "Okay then."

Eve: "So what do you want to do now?"

(Y/N): "Hm, cuddle and see if you wanna go for a second round?"

Eve: "Okay."

Meanwhile with Jessica, we see her with Charlie and Charlie is showing her to Jessica's room.

Charlie: "And this is your room Jess."

Jessica: "Thanks Charlie, what's gonna happen to Dexter?"

Charlie: "Well Vaggie is taking care of him."

Meanwhile with Vaggie, we see Dexter on Vaggie's head and scratching all over her face.

Vaggie: "Gah! Get this thing off of me!"

Angel Dust then grabs Dexter with a blanket and ties him up.

Angel Dust: "Okay it's official, this cat is untrainable."

Vaggie: "It's your turn with the cat while I'm gonna get some bandaids."

Sometime later, we see Vaggie all patched up and she sees Dexter with Charlie and Dexter is perfectly calm in Charlie's lap.

Vaggie: "...How?"

Charlie: "With my kitty cuddles."

Vaggie: "How can a cat like Dexter be calm with you?!"

Charlie: "I'm naturally good with cats."

Vaggie: "But Keekee is calm with everyone, this one is just... just angry at everyone."

Husk: "And that little bastard almost cost me my favorite drink."

Angel Dust: *While holding Fat Nuggets* "And almost scratch nugs."

Charlie: "Guys come on, it's just a normal earth cat."

Husk: "Cats go to hell and dogs to heaven, that's an unwritten rule. But that thing is beyond any help."

Vaggie: "Husk!"

Husk: "Hey I'm saying it like I see it."

Angel Dust: "Husker's right, that cat hates everyone." *Sees Charlie* "Well, almost everyone."

We then see Alastor come into the room and we see Dexter get off of Charlie's lap and we see him walk up to Alastor's leg and nuzzle against it and purrs.

Vaggie: "Oh come on! Even Alastor!?!"

Alastor: "May I ask what is going on? And why is there a mortal cat rubbing against me?"

Angel Dust: "That's Jessica's cat Dexter, he hates almost everyone here, well except for you and Charlie."

Husk: "Princess I get, but Alastor?"

Alastor: "Well perhaps cats see people beneath them. Like I see you all as beneath me everyday, except you Charlie."

Angel Dust: "Yeah you made that pretty obvious."

Later on, we see Jessica talking to Charlie about her problem and what exercises she can set up.

Charlie: "Hm, alright from what Dawn told me you rescue bugs because you felt like you're not an important green lantern?"

Jessica: "Yeah, because I'm a pacifist."

Angel Dust: "You're a thing babies suck on?"

Alastor: "Actually that's a pacifier."

Jessica then sees a spider go by and is about to save it only for it to be stabbed by Nifty.

Jessica: "Ah! Why?!"

Nifty: "Cleaning up the bugs around here." *smiles*

Jessica: "Uh... who are-"

Charlie: "Oh that's Nifty, she's the hotel maid."

Nifty: "Nice to meet you, has anyone told you that you have a large bottom? Is it because you ate too much tofu?"

Jessica: "Wha- how did you-"

Nifty: "Oh I know a lot of things." *Looks at Jessica crazily* "Don't bring any bugs here."

Jessica backed up a bit scared of Nifty.

Charlie: "We're about 80 percent sure she's dangerous."

Alastor: "Which is why you and Nifty will be in a 5 foot radius of each other at all times. If you bring nay Cruzfestations into the hotel, Nifty will just kill all of them."

Angel Dust: "He is not joking."

Jessics: "Noted." *to Charlie* "So you said you had a special activity for me?"

Charlie: "Oh yeah, you will be spending a lot of time with Nifty for 10 days."

Jessica then notices that she is handcuffed to Nifty's hand.

Jessica: "Wait what?"

Nifty: "Yay! New friend!"

Alastor: "It's simple, if you don't want any more precious insects getting killed by Nifty, then spend 10 days handcuffed to her. The point of this exercise is to break you out of the habit of causing infestations and bringing in unwanted guests."

Jessica looked down at Nifty as she looked up with her one eye back at Jessica.

Nifty: "Let's have some fun!"

Vaggie: "Uh, hun are you sure this is a good idea?"

Charlie: "It worked with you and Angel Dust right?"

Vaggie: "Angel Dust has to go to work while I'm attached to him."

Charlie: "Buuut..."

Vaggie: "But I did get to kick Val in the balls, so I feel better."

Angel Dust: "Thanks Vagina."

Vaggie: "Vaggie...."

Later on, we see you and the girls on your nature walks and we see you all in a post apocalyptic earth and you see Nifty, handcuffed to Jessica, cleaning up in the survivalist camp.

(Y/N): "Uh, Nifty was it? What are you doing?"

Nifty: *while Sweeping* "Cleaning up the place."

(Y/N): "We're in a survivalist camp where humanity went extinct. "

Nifty: "Ohhh I thought the apartment looked different."

Kara: "Uhh, Jess, can you explain?"

Jessica: "Oh right, Nifty meet my friends, girls meet Nifty, she's the Hazbin Hotel's maid and exterminator."

Leshawna: "That midget is their maid."

Nifty: "Yep, sometimes I kill mother bugs in front of their children as a warning to others" *Sees The girls all took a step back* *to you*"So why did you bring us here (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Showing you all a tour of failed survival strategies on our nature walk. These guys here made these camps cause they looked forward to the apocalypse because to them society sucks. They lived off of venison and defended themselves with guns, minefields, and spikes."

We then see Nifty run off and drag Jessica with her and see them end up in a spike trap and luckily none of them were impaled by spikes and Jessica sees a dead corpse.

Jessica: "Ah!"

Nifty: "And they have their own blood pit!"

(Y/N): *looks at them from the top*"Uh that's a spike trap."

Nifty: "Not with that attitude."

Reisa: "Should someone stop them?"

We then see Nifty run back to the top of the pit and we see her pour a giant barrel of blood into the spike trap to make it a blood pit as Jessica was horrified at how much blood the camp has.

(Y/N): "Well anyways, these guys got a bit snackish and they ate all the deer to extinction and other creatures in the forest like bears, rabbits, fish, anything they could find."

Nifty: *finishes filling up the blood pit* "BLOOD!!! BLOOOD!!! AHAHAHAH!!! HAHAHAHA!!!"

Jessica: "Wait, wait Nifty..." *picks up Nifty*"I think you're getting a bit excited about this nature walk."

Leshawna: "A bit?"

Jessica: "But how about we enjoy it, and maybe you can... kill... some bugs... on the way?"

Nifty: "Yay! Thank you!!!"

(Y/N): "I'll carry the little maniac for ya, Jess."

Jessica: "No, no it's okay, this is my exercise and I have to learn to not rescue bugs."

Leshawna: "By being handcuffed to a bug killer?"

Jessica: "Yes..."

Eve: "Eh works for me. I have to get Adam handcuffed to Lute just to get him to divorce me."

Later on, at a seastead, we see Nifty stabbing bugs as Jessica was trying not to rescue them.

Jessica: "So uh, Nifty I have to ask, how did you end up... in Hell?"

Nifty: "Oh I killed my husband for cheating on me."

(Y/N): "You were married?"

Nifty: "Yeah but we settled in with a divorce."*holds up a knife with a sadistic smile*"Violently...."

(Y/N): "Ohh... you killed your husband and then filed for a divorce?"

Nifty: "Nah, I just killed him."

Babs: "All because he cheated on you?"

Nifty: "Yes, and I didn't do anything wrong, I kept the house clean and I was a good wife."

(Y/N): "Eh sometimes men can do the dumbest things, such examples include Angel Dust selling his soul to Valentino, Husk gambling too much, and Alastor underestimating Adam and me."

Alastor: "Hahaha! You were lucky that time."

(Y/N): "Hahaha! Or maybe you suck at Chess!"

Alastor: "Haha!"*in your face*"Fuck you!"

(Y/N): "Haha! Fuck you back!"

Jessica: "I can relate with working with an idiot, Hal he broke up with Carol on Valentine's Day over a text."

Nifty: *Gasps* "Oh my gosh!"

Jessica: "I know right?"

Nifty: "Can I see a picture of him?"*sees you showing her a picture of Hal*"That's the son of my cheating husband!"

(Y/N): "Let me guess, your ex husband forgot to put on a condom."

Nifty: "He doesn't know how protection works so I have to take the pill every time."

Jessica: "Hal did say he never knew his father, I can see why."

Babs: "Wait a minute, time out, Hal was your husband?"

(Y/N): "Not even close, Hal's dad was her husband."

Jessica: "But that would mean..." *to Nifty* "Nifty, what's your last name?"

Nifty: "Jordan why?"

Jessica: "You're his mom!?"

Kara: "Holy moly, that's nuts?!"

(Y/N): "Do you have a sister Nifty?"

Nifty: "Of course, my husband slept with my sister."

Jessica: "Do you ever wanna see Hal again?"

Nifty: "Hm, nah he's gonna be an idiot like his father, I bet he's too stupid to realize his father cheated on me." *sighs* "But I am disappointed in what he did to that poor girl, like father like son."

(Y/N): "Anyways, we're here in this Sea Stead, tech millionaires run this place and the problem is that due to their social anxieties and reclusiveness. I'll let Elena explain."

You then turn on a computer and we see a holographic projection of a woman come up and it was Elena.

Elena: "Hello, I am Elena, your AI seastead attendant."

(Y/N): "These guys overfished the waters and ate a lot of microplastics. Also this happened."*to Elena*"Hey can you get me some fish please?"

Elena: "I would buut I won't. Get your own fish, you disgusting meat bucket."

Angel Dust: "Wow she's a bitch."

Elena: *gives Angel Dust the finger*"Choke on it skin bag!"

(Y/N): "Yeah Tech Millionaires are one of the reasons why the robots made an uprising against humans."

Angel Dust: "So that's why your little AI chick is a bitch?"

Vaggie: "So if the Tech Millionaires were more socially inclusive, they would have survived?"

Everyone paused for a moment and you all laughed all at once as Vaggie was confused while Charlie was stifling a laugh.

Vaggie: "I don't get it."

Charlie: *While stifling a laugh*

(Y/N): "It's funny because they don't have a chance to do that."

Alastor: "Hahah! This is funnier than the stock market crash of 1929!"

(Y/N): "They were mean to robots and they killed them. Anyone who dared oppose them will be like these guys."

Alastor: "Hahaha! I like these nature walks of yours (Y/N), you should invite me more often."

(Y/N): "Alright, onto the next spot of our Post Apocalyptic Nature Walk."

Sometime later, we see you all in a military bunker and you all see what's left of the world leaders and Alastor sees that they had a cannibalistic dinner party.

Alastor: "Oh I remember this, so many people went missing because I wanted to have a lovely dinner to myself."

(Y/N): "Well they screwed up their only crop and they voted on who eats who. One man, one vote."

Jessica: "And it all went to hell that fast?"

Charlie: "Looks like it."*takes a picture of the scene and send it to Rosie*"Rosie is gonna love this."*sees Vaggie looking at her*"What? She's a cannibal after all."

Vaggie: "Okay hun."

Angel Dust: "Okay, did any of these assholes anywhere survive all of this?"

Later at a space station, we see everyone looking around the place and they see that the people there planned to go to Mars.

Angel Dust: "Hold the fuck up, they went to Mars?"

(Y/N): "Nah, only the richest people on the planet."

Charlie: "What about the rest of the people?"

(Y/N): "Press that big red button Charlie."

Charlie then pressed the button as flamethrowers then shot fire at the large pile of skeletons outside of the fence as everyone was shocked to see that.

Cherri: "Pfft, typical rich asshole stuff. They don't want to share their stuff with the riff raff." *to Charlie* "No offense."

Charlie: "None taken."

(Y/N): "These guys could have used the money they invested in this trip to Mars to save the planet but nope they didn't."

Charlie: "Man, I really got my work cut out at the hotel."

Vaggie: "Why would humans wanna do this?"

Angel Dust: "Either they're high or they just like doing eccentric shit."

(Y/N): "Welp everyone, let's head home."

We later see everyone at home and Jessica and Nifty are getting along and we see Nifty put a crown made out of dead spiders on Jessica's head.

Nifty: "I dub the queen of nature."

Lute: *comes into the room and sees Nifty*"Why is she here?"

(Y/N): "She's helping Jessica with her problem, so Charlie handcuffed her to Jessica."

Jessica: "Thanks Nif, it's actually not that bad, these spiders aren't poisonous are they?"

Nifty: "Nope cause I killed them."

Lute: *to you*"You do realize that the midget is the reason why Adam is in Hell."

(Y/N): "Yep."

Nifty: *sees the time on her phone* "Alright times up."*pulls out the key and get the handcuffs off*" There we go, so Jess, how do you feel now?"

Jessica: "I feel like... I don't wanna rescue bugs anymore, thanks."

(Y/N): "And I got an idea for Nifty."

Sometime later, we see Nifty is handcuffed to Valentino and he is scared out of his life because he witnessed her killing Adam.

Valentino: " long am I gonna be stuck with her?"

(Y/N): "2 to 5 months."

Valentino: "What?!"

Nifty: "A bad boy all to myself!"

We then see Nifty drag Valentino away as Vox was terrified of what will happen to Valentino.

Vox: "...Nope..." *turns around* "Sorry Val you're on your own!"

Some time has passed and we see Valentino shivering in fear as we see Nifty walk by pouting.

Nifty: *pouts*"Now you're no fun anymore."

Valentino: *Sighs* "That's because you're terrifying."

We then see Nifty taking the cuffs off of her and Val as we see her leave the room.

Valentino: "Yes! Freedom!"

We later see Nifty is in the apartment pouting as you saw her.

(Y/N): "Uh Nif, what happened?"

Nifty: *Pouting* "Valentino is scared of me now."

Angel Dust: "Wha- seriously?? It hasn't been 5 months. How did you traumatize him?"

(Y/N): "Probably because she killed the one guy who nearly killed Alastor, that would give her a lot of street cred."

Nifty: "I just wish there was a bad boy that is the baddest of them all."

(Y/N): "Well you know some people at the Foundation do things that benefit themselves, maybe you can find some bad boys there. I bet you would get a kick out of Dr. Clef."

Nifty: "Mmm, is he a bad boy?"

(Y/N): "Uh, well he is not pleasant to be around and he used to work for the Global Occult Coalition."

Angel Dust: "So basically he's a dick."

(Y/N): "Well he saved his kid by killing his wife and bringing her to the Foundation."

Angel Dust: "Hey Nif, if you want a bad boy, why don't you take the Autistic guy, he deals with gray area stuff on a daily basis and he enjoys experimenting on SCPs."

(Y/N): "Well it is important to enjoy your work."

Nifty: "Really?!"*crawls onto your shoulder*"Mine!"

(Y/N): "Okay then."

Zee: *Sees what's happening* "Sooo, she's in the group now?"

(Y/N): "Yep, pretty much."

Nifty: "Yay! That is great! I'll get started cleaning up the place!"

Zee: "Uh Nif there's already-"

(Y/N): "Let's just let her have this one, she can be Lute's right hand maid."

Lute: "What?"

Jessica: "That sounds reasonable."

Lute: "In what way is that reasonable?!"

(Y/N): "You took Vaggie's eye and her wings, so you will have her as your right hand maid."

Lute: "Fine...."

(Y/N): "Well anyways, I'm gonna do some Termination testing on SCP-682."

Nifty: "Ooo can I come?!"

(Y/N): "Sure, I don't see why not."

Next: Chapter 110: SCP-682 vs. Various

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