Chapter 112: SCP-6001 ''Avalon''

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Here we see you in Tokyo, Japan and we see you at the location of SCP-6001 which is a Micro-singularity that leads to a parallel universe called Avalon.

(Y/N): "Well here it is."

You then stick your hand into the singularity and you don't feel any pain or consequences to your body.

(Y/N): "Huh, neat."

You then step into the singularity and by the time you get to the other side you are now in Avalon.

(Y/N): "Well so far so good."

You then look around and you see giant ivy all over the buildings, you smell the clean air, and you see that the sky is cleared from any clouds and noticed the buildings were completely different from the ones in Tokyo.

(Y/N): "Well this is nice."

You then noticed a cat that is well dressed cat who was waiting for you.

(Y/N): "You must be Primrose. I'm (Y/N) Cranston nice to meet you."

Primrose: " You too, you're the second person from Universe A6K to come in here."

(Y/N): "Well I got a knack of traveling the multiverse. So are you gonna scan me for any pathogens or diseases or dangerous memetics? Or the possibility of an Incursion."

Primrose: "Oh don't worry, we scanned you the moment you came here and you're clean."

(Y/N): "So how's Caspian these days?"

Primrose: "Pretty good, how's your love life going?"

(Y/N): "Oh pretty good, my work schedule has me slammed after experiment, 682 termination test, mission, world ending crisis, and SCP care so it's kinda hard to squeeze in some time with my group. I have a laundry list of stuff to do at work."

Primrose: "Well here on this side of Phenom 6001 as we call the singularity, you don't have to worry about that. You are gifted to be here because you and your group deserve a break from all of that."

(Y/N): "Sorry Primrose but A6K needs me and I don't leave them hanging."

Primrose: "Compendium Phenomic Inquiry would welcome you with open arms if you work with us."

(Y/N): "Thanks for the offer but the SCP Foundation would be helpless without me."

Primrose: "Hm that's understandable."

Just then you and Prim see Jessica walking out of the singularity as you were surprised to see her here.

Jessica: *rubs her butt*"That was not easy."

(Y/N): "Jessica? What are you doing here? More importantly, how did you get here?"

Jessica: "Well..."

We then see Charlie and Emily come out of the singularity along with Lute and Vaggie.

Vaggie: "For the record it was their idea to follow you."

Lute: "Ditto."

Both Emily and Charlie looked in awe as they saw the wonders of the universe called Avalon.

Emily and Charlie: "Oooooo..."

(Y/N): "Oh boy." *to Primrose*"Look, it was not my idea to bring them along."

Primrose: "Oh it's okay, the more the merrier."

(Y/N): "Okay." *To the girls*"Why did you come here?"

Lute: "Charlie and Emily were curious about where you are going and well... they followed you."

Vaggie: "Plus we had to go with them cause-"

(Y/N): "They dragged you with them."

Emily: "This place feels like Heaven! But on Earth!"

Charlie: "I know right!"

Emily and Charlie: "EEEEEEEEE!!!!"

Jessica: "Girls come on, we need to be on our best behavior here and-" *sees that Charlie and Emily aren't there* "Where did they go?"

Lute: *Looks around* "Aughh, those two..."

After some searching, you and the girls found Charlie and Emily at an ice cream shop. They see that they have a giant ice cream sundae.

Vaggie: "Babe be careful don't wanna get a stomach ache."

Lute: "Emily you are on a diet!"

Emily: "Aw come on Lute, just a bite."

Charlie and Emily: *puppy dog eyes* "Pleeeeease?"

Vaggie: *Blushes* "Fine..."

Lute: "I... suppose so..."

(Y/N): *looks at the prices*"Dang that's a great bargain."

Jessica: *Checks the prices* "99 cents for a giant sundae." *to you* "Um (Y/N), what did you say this place was again?"

(Y/N): "Avalon, this place is like SCP-5000 but instead of declaring war against the world, they declare peace."

Lute: "Um, explain?"

(Y/N): "Avalon is basically like Heaven, only it's on Earth. The CPI, which is their version of the Foundation, gave everyone universal health care, economic stability, and even the cure to cancer."

Jessica: *Gasps in surprise* "Oh my goodness, this is the best place ever!" *realizes* "Wait a minute, what's the catch?"

(Y/N): "No catch, they use anomalies to not just to benefit themselves but also benefit the anomalies too."

Lute: *Looks at the buildings* "I'm no architect but why do the buildings look... different?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, they use the anomalies or Phenoms they call them to benefit all sides."

Jessica: "And the giant plants?"

(Y/N): "That's part of 1000's designs."

Charlie: "What part of Avalon are we in?"

(Y/N): "Right now, Tokyo. This is still Earth but they call themselves Avalon."

Girls: "What?!"

Jessica: "Wait this is Tokyo? But it's so... so clean."

(Y/N): "Yeah here in this Tokyo, it's cleaner and much more peaceful. Same goes for the rest of the world."

Primrose: *To Jessica* "You know, you remind me of this other girl I know, except she wears yellow instead of green."

Jessica: "Uh, what?"

Just then we see someone bumped into Jessica and then she turns around and she sees herself with a yellow outfit and a ring.

AV Jessica: "Sorry I-" *sees Jessica* "Woah you're me."

(Y/N): "Wait, our Jessica doesn't live in Universe A6K, only AU-2814, which I call her universe since Jess patrols Sector 2814 which is Earth."

AV Jessica: "And I patrol Sector 2816."

Jessica: "So what are you doing here?"

AV Jessica: "I came here for some relaxation, and to get away from Hal."

Jessica: "Let me guess, he's being Hal?"

AV Jessica: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "Man even in Avalon, Hal is being Hal."

AV Jessica: "Yeah believe me, dealing with Carol is bad enough when he dumped her via text, on Valentine's Day, on their anniversary."

Jessica: "What?! Anniversary?!"

AV Jessica: "They were married."

Primrose: "Don't worry, our mental health coverage allowed her to make a full recovery from that break up."

(Y/N): "So how did your versions of Jessica and others get here?"

Primrose: "Oh we made interdimensional refugee camps for the purpose of helping them integrate into our world."

Jessica: "And that includes the other superhero girls?"

AV Jessica: "Yep."

Jessica: "One thing I don't get though, how are you a yellow lantern?"

AV Jessica: "I made the richest people on the planet bow to me and I force them to use their money to save the world and not exploit their workers for their own gain."

Jessica: "Ohh... that's uh... wow..."

(Y/N): *To AV Jessica* "Let me guess, not a pacifist?"

AV Jessica: "Yeah I give up being a pacifist."

Jessica: " What? But how and why?"

AV Jessica: "Shane."

Jessica: " Babs' boss, that guy is the absolute worst, I almost beat him up."

AV Jessica: "I did, and it felt so good."

Jessica: "But we're pacifists, we always figure out a way other than fists."

AV Jessica: "No, your a pacifist, I'm not, and I wish I could get back to that life but I can't." *looks at her yellow lantern ring*"And that's how I got the yellow lantern ring of fear."

Charlie: "Yellow lantern ring?"

Jessica: "I met one before, he was Hal's best friend until he ghosted him, yellow lanterns are the embodiment of fear."

(Y/N): "Well we better get going, see ya Yellow Jess."

Y. Jessica: "You too (Y/N)."

Jessica: "You have a (Y/N) in your world too?"

Y. Jessica: "Actually no, this is the first time I met (Y/N) and he's not from this reality, anyways I gotta go join up with Owl Girl, Ultragirl, SuperWoman, Miss Mage, and Yellow Jacket." *Sees Jessica's confused look* "They're my versions of the same friends we have. Also we go by the League of Super-Phenoms."

Charlie: "Why?"

Y. Jessica: "Babs thought it would be more gender appropriate than calling ourselves the super anti-hero girls. But nowadays heroes and villains put aside their differences and became a united force for good."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, the groups here are called the Wanderers of all Creation, the Unbound Charity, Synthetic Assembly, Partnership of 3, Artists Cultural Collective, Absent Party, Workshop Unions, Shared Apex Ascension, Nightland Covenant, Watchers Forum, The Unnamed, Global Peacekeeping Initiative, and The Foundation."

Y. Jessica: "Yep, The League just use their powers to help others in the galaxy."

Jessica: "So are you vegan too?"

Y. Jessica: "I was, but I just started eating steak and ribs."

Jessica: "Oh, uh, why?"

Y. Jessica: "Honestly, there's only so much a vegan can handle when they hit their limit and I hit mine, plus I got over my fear of meat."

(Y/N): "Fear of meat?"

Jessica: "I'm a vegan."

(Y/N): "I know that part, but why are you so scared of meat?"

Jessica: "Well, I don't like people killing animals for fun..."

(Y/N): "Ohh yeah, that explains it. Well we better find Charlie and Emily cause they're gone."

You and the others looked to see Charlie and Emily weren't there.

Lute: *Sighs* "Not again."

Vaggie: "Does this happen back in heaven too?"

Lute: "Unfortunately, yes. I have to watch Emily and she is too energetic for me to keep up."

Vaggie: "I can relate."

Meanwhile with Emily and Charlie, we see them teleported into New York City in the Everywhere chairs and they look at the wonders of New York City.

Emily: "Woah... THIS IS AMAZING!!!!"

Charlie: "New York City without the traffic, bad mouthing every 4 seconds, and the best part, no crime!"

Emily: "This is cool!"

Lute and Vaggie: *offscreen*"Charlie!/Emily!"

The girls then see you and the others arrive in Everywhere Chairs.

Vaggie: "There you two are."

Lute: "What did I say about wandering off Emily."

Emily: "Oh heh, sorry Lute."

Charlie: "Our bad."

Vaggie: "It's okay, just don't run off like that."

Primrose: *sees Lute's robotic arm*"Oh dear, what happened to your arm?"

Lute: "Oh uh, I lost it during a battle and I uh hand to self amputate."

Primrose: "I see, well perhaps you can get a new much better arm, at our doctors offices."

Lute: "Oh swell, another robotic arm."

(Y/N): "Actually, here let me help ya."

You then take Lute's robotic arm off and then you pour 006 water on her arm as it regenerates into a full arm.

Lute: "Finally! I have 10 fingers again!" *realizes* "Wait, you could have done this entire time?"

(Y/N): "You-"

Lute: "And don't say: You never asked!"

(Y/N): "But you never did ask."

Lute: "God damn it!"

Emily: "Lute! Language! You know the rules!"

Lute: *Remembers* "Sorry Miss Emily."

Emily: "It's okay."

Jessica: "Wait, angels can't say any bad words?"

Emily: "Oh they can, just not around me."

Jessica: "Oh gotcha."

Vaggie: "Any chance that water works on missing eyes?"

Charlie: *Hugs Vaggie's head*"I like your eye just the way it is. It shows how we first met."

Vaggie: *Hugs back* "Okay hun, but I do miss having depth perception."

Charlie: "Which is why you're not allowed to play darts, remember the last time you played."


Here in the hotel we see Vaggie playing darts and then she throws one of the darts and she hits Cherri's butt by accident.

Cherri: "Gah! Fucking hell!"

Vaggie: "Sorry."

End of flashback

Vaggie: "Ohh right, I just wish I could have depth perception again."

Charlie: "Well depth perception or not I still love you."*pecks on Vaggie's cheek*

Vaggie: *giggles*"Aww, Charlie."

Lute: "Okay do all exorcists get that lovey dovey?"

(Y/N): "Well yes actually."

Emily: "You didn't know?"

Lute: "All of (Y/N)'s maid staff were exorcists including myself since I'm the head maid. And they all have been really lovey dovey around (Y/N) instead of doing their jobs."


We see several exorcists baking cupcakes and they finish putting the frosting on the cupcakes and they take them to you and they have bright and cheery smiles.

(Y/N): "Oh sweet."*eats on the cupcakes*"Nice work girls, but you should try filling the inside with frosting. Overall not bad."

Exorcists: "Thank you master."

(Y/N): "Anytime."

End of flashback

Lute: "And ever since, they've been getting (Y/N)'s attention and training more to be fit while at the same time getting a bigger bust."

Vaggie: "Well you certainly changed bra sizes since the last time I saw you. Guess you got lovey dovey with (Y/N) after all."

Lute: *blushes*"Shut up!"

Charlie: "Anyways, this place is amazing, since when is New York so... clean?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, Avalon has changed a lot of the world. Because the CPI changed the world, and New York is now cleaner and safer."

Vaggie: "And that includes the locals?"

(Y/N): "Even the locals, no more pain, no more sadness. This world is a perfect peaceful utopia for everyone here."

Charlie: "Why can't they use the resources they have to fix universe A6K and make that place a utopia as well?"

(Y/N): "Well actually they put a vote on it and they decided not to help that reality."

Emily: "What? Why? Everyone deserves help, no matter who they are."

(Y/N): "Well most of them voted yes the others voted no and they made the singularity smaller and harder to go through while people like me and people close to me can go in and out of here. One of the groups here called Universe A6K irredeemable. They were one vote away from helping us and now they're just waiting for the rest of the world to find them. The Foundation told me to investigate the singularity and that's it, they don't know what's the other side of the singularity."

Emily: "Ugh this is the court session in Heaven all over again."

Lute: *Looks away* "...For the record, I was following Adam's lead that time."

Vaggie: "And you almost ruined my relationship with my girlfriend." *One arm hugs Charlie*

Lute: "Also following Adam's lead, but uh, I'm... sorry."

Charlie: "Aww, I forgive you."

We then see Charlie hug Lute as Lute feels like she is being hugged by a being of pure goodness and innocence as Lute then sheds some tears.

Vaggie: "Lute are-are you crying...?"

Lute: *While shedding some tears* "She may be from hell but I feel like I'm being hugged by an angel which is ironic yet beautiful at the same time."

Charlie: "My dad always says I have the best hugs."

(Y/N): "Well anyways you girls better head home, I'm gonna stick around here for awhile."

Emily: "Aww, can't we stay?"

(Y/N): "Hm, well alright."

Charlie and Emily: "Yay!"

Lute: "But, do not wander off."

Vaggie: "We do not want to lose you girls again."

(Y/N): "I wonder what the others are doing at home."

Meanwhile at your house, we see Mao plowing Leshawna from behind and Leshawna is having sex with Mao because Heather made a bet that she can't last 10 rounds with Mao.

Heather: "How many rounds has it been Mao?"

Mao: *While moving her hips* "9 so far."

Leshawna: *moans*"I'm not passing out at 10!"

Mao: "I'm about to-"*cums into Leshawna's pussy*"Ah~."

Leshawna: *feels her stomach swelling up* "Mmm, oh man how much jizz can you shoot out girl?"

Sumika: "We never measured, we chalked it up to an immeasurable amount."

Leshawna: "Seriously?"

Sumika: "Yep, we honestly don't know how much she can cum."

Leshawna: "How do you measure how much a futa jizzes?"

Sumika: "We measure by having sex with Akane while wearing a condom and then measure the amount of jizz with a scale that measures in ccs."

Heather: "What's Ccs mean?"

Sumika: "Cubic centimeters."

Heather: *Remembers* "Oh yeah, Japan uses that to measure the rate of liquid."

Leshawna: "They use the metric system?"

Heather: "Yeah, it's confusing but that's they're way of measuring things, including their dicks." *To Sumika* "No offense."

Sumika: "None taken."

Leshawna: "Huh, you think we should measure their dongs using inches?"

Mao: *pulls her penis out of Leshawna* " Mm, well since we are in America, we can use american measurements."

Just then the girls hear a knock at the door and Heather opens it to see a dark skin girl that has long pink hair, brown skin and blue eyes. She wears jean-shorts with an American flag themed bikini top, it's Elen, the American futanari.

Heather: "Um who are you?"

Sumika: "Elen?"

Leshawna: "You know her?"

Sumika: "She's a foreign exchange student at the academy and an IT student."

Elen: "Hi there, is (Y/N) home?"

Leshawna: "He's at work."

Elen: "Oh okay, you don't mind if I wait here do you?"

Riko: "That depends, why are you here?"

Elen: "I'm here to apply for SCP."

Mizuho: "SCP? Why?"

Elen: "Well I'm running a bit low on funds plus I figured why not work for a pizza restaurant."

Leshawna: *Notices Elen's bulge* "You're a futa too?"

Elen: "Yeah, wanna see my dick?"

Heather: "Um sure."

Elen grinned as she pulled down her shorts as the girls saw her cock and what surprised them was the amount of foreskin that was on it.

Leshawna: "Woah, are you carrying around 50 pounds of foreskin in your pants?"

Elen: "Nah, well honestly I don't know how much foreskin I have."

Sumika: "I thought you were getting a circumcision."

Elen: "I was but... I had second thoughts on it so I decided to leave it." *wiggles her cock in front of Leshawna* "Here, you can lick it like a lollipop if you want~."

Leshawna: *While seeing Elen's cock* "Eh no thanks."*rubs her butt*"I had a giant dong up my pussy."

Elen: "Aw okay." *Sees Heather* "What about you?"

Heather: "Well no thanks. I'm not in the mood right now."

Elen: "Aww..." *notices the porn channel* "You don't mind if I jack off do you?"

Leshawna: "Nah, it's cool."

Back to you, we see you and the girls enjoying the museum set up by the Artists Cultural Collective and you and the girls see 173 not as a dangerous anomaly but as amazing art.

(Y/N): "Man 173 is living the dream."

Charlie: "Yeah, they manage to make things that benefit all parties."

(Y/N): "They sure did, wonder what other things they have in store for us here."

Emily: "Let's find out."

Lute: "I hope the others are doing fine back home."

You and the others then explore the rest of Avalon and you hear songs from a reformed Fernand, play around with a kid and her animate patchwork bear, and so much more. We see you and the others in Australia and you and the girls are riding creatures called immortigans, which appear to be similar in appearance to SCP-682.

Emily: "So what are these things we're riding on again?"

(Y/N): "They call 682's species Immortigans."

Charlie: "Wow, so they tamed the 682s in this world?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, pretty much. Alright girls, time to go home."

We later see you girls arrive home where you all saw Elen.

Elen: "Hey (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Hello there, what brings you here?"

Elen: "I'm here for the SCP job."

Emily: "Really?"

Elen: "Yep, I'm an IT student and I was wondering if I can join SCP."

(Y/N): "Hm, well I guess if you're willing to join, you're in."

Frenchie: 1 week later

We see you come back from work along with Elen who is covered in soot and part of her hair is on fire.

(Y/N): "Not bad for your first week."

Elen: "Thanks." *Emily puts the fire out*"I thought we were gonna be doing some pizza and not monsters, people who are living fire, creepy statues, or whatever that giant red dog thing was."

(Y/N): "You signed up and now you're in it for life."

Elen: "Fair enough."

(Y/N): *Notices Elen's bulge* "Oh I didn't know you were a futa yourself."

Elen: "Yep, 14 inches long and 5 inches wide."

Heather: "Woah, that's huge."

Leshawna: *to you* "And get this, she still has foreskin and a lot of it."

(Y/N): "Seriously? I got my foreskin removed when I was 5, or was it 6? Anyways having that around would track some messy goo in around your crotch area."

Elen: "Don't worry I keep it under control."

(Y/N): "And what about genital hygiene?"

Elen: "I always wash the inside of my foreskin every morning."

Itou: "Really?"

Elen: "Yes, it's part of my routine."

(Y/N): *to Sumika*"Mao told me you met Elen, how did you meet her?"

Sumika: "She hacked into the club website and we had a competition, if we lose then all our secrets would be released to the world."

Elen: "But in the end I didn't reveal their secrets."

Leshawna: "What secrets? Your chicks with dicks."

Itou: "Well...."

Sumika: "Sometimes being a futa is tough, all we want is a place where we can relax, be ourselves, and you know, not have people gawk at our dicks." *To Riko and Mizuho* "No offense."

Riko: "None taken."

Mizuho: "If I'm being honest, maybe showing my dick at that photo shoot we did at the beach was a bad idea."

Riko: "And jerking off at our magazine signing, I didn't want to say this earlier but it felt so uncomfortable having those creeps look at us."

Sumika: "And this is why we have the futa club, so that people like us can live and thrive."

Lindsay: *comes into the room*"Welcome back, how's work?"

Elen: "I almost died." *To Sumika* "And um... I'm sorry about, you know... almost revealing your secrets... can I... join your club?"

Sumika: "Hm, alright all is forgiven and welcome to the club. All futas are welcome."

(Y/N): "Don't you have an initiation ritual or something?"

Sumika: "Good point (Y/N), perhaps Elen can have intercourse with 7 women as her initiation."

Lindsay: "Ooh, oh, I can volunteer."*to the girls*"Who wants to volunteer?"

Courtney: "Hm, I don't see why not, Gwen?"

Gwen: "I'm sold."

Leshawna: "I'm game."

Anne Maria: "Eh I got nothing better to do."

Heather: "Mmm, alright I've been horny long enough."

(Y/N): "That's six, who's the seventh?"

We then see Kristal come into the room and she sees everyone.

Kristal: "I heard that you all are volunteering for something, cause whatever it is I'm in."

Elen: "Great!"*takes off her pants and thong*"Now who's first?"

(Y/N): "For the sake of messing around with Chris Mclean, start with his kid."

Kristal: *realizes*"Oh I see what's going on here. Go ahead, it would make my dad go crazy."

Elen: "Yay! So what do you want, anal or pussy?"

Kristal: "Pussy, I had my fair share of torturing campers on my show so I think I deserve some karma."

(Y/N): "Should we make it 10 rounds for each woman?"

Sumika: "I think that's fair."

Courtney: "Wait, hang on, we're not gonna get pregnant are we?"

Riko: "Oh no, futa who don't have balls can't get anyone pregnant."

Sumika: "It's true, although we might develop testicles when we get older. Though some of us futas can be early bloomers but it varies."

Gwen: "That doesn't seem physically possible."

(Y/N): "Well it is actually, we just didn't put that in Sex Ed classes yet."

Elen: "So when do we start?"

(Y/N): "Whenever you're ready."

Kristal: "Which is now."*takes off her pants and panties*"So where are we gonna do this? *Spreads her ass in front of Elen* "Come on, shove that fat cock in my pussy!"

(Y/N): "How about we take this to a more sound proof area?"

Sumika: "Like the Futa Club room."

Kristal: "Sounds good to me."

Sometime later, we see Elen ramming her cock into Kristal's pussy like she's an animal in heat as she starts thrusting in and out of Kristal.

Kristal: *Moans* "Oh yeah! This feels amazing!"

Elen: *While moving her hips* "Ah~! Fuck~! Your pussy is amazing~!"

Meanwhile with you and the 6 girls.

(Y/N): "Man Kristal is going all out, she really wants to see her dad pissed off that she's banging a futa."

Courtney: "So who would be going next after Kristal?"

Leshawna: "She would go for a big booty like mine."

We then see Kristal stumble out of the room and we see her fall on the couch.

Kristal: "Leshawna, you're up."

Leshawna: "Told ya."

(Y/N): "Make sense you have a fuckable ass."

Leshawna: *Giggles* "Aww thanks baby, now stand aside. Mama needs a good time."

Several hours later, we see that Anne Maria is the last girl as she is with Elen.

Elen: *While looking at Anne Maria's ass* "Ooh, your butt is plump~.."

Anne Maria: "Thanks~."*takes off her pants and panties**points her butt at Elen and spread her cheeks*"Now fuck me you animal!"

Elen: *Giggles* "With pleasure, anal or pussy?"

Anne Maria: "Hmm, pussy! Fuck me like you're gonna put a baby inside me!"

Elen then sticks her penis into Anne Maria's pussy and then begins to move her hips. Meanwhile with you, you see the girls Elen had sex with were resting on the couch.

Courtney: "I think Elen has a lot of stamina."

Itou: "She does, and I should know, when we first met, we docked."

Lindsay: "Docked?"

Itou: "It's when two futas rub their dicks together, but I put my dick into her foreskin and it was awesome to be honest."

Riko: "Like getting a blowjob without sucking?"

Itou: "Mmhm, it was awesome."

We then see Anne Maria stumble out of the room as she sits on the couch face first with her butt in the air.

Heather: *Noticed Anne Maria's cum leaking butt* "Huh, 10 rounds already?"

Anne Maria: *Pants* "Yep."

Lindsay: "Wow, plus I didn't know you had a butt that was close to Leshawna's."

Anne Maria: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "Welp it's official, Elen is in the futa club now."

We then see Elen come into the room with her cock still hard and she is wiping her sweat from her forehead.

Itou: "You're still hard?! After ten rounds?!"

Elen: "Hehe, yep, I can do another round anyone wants in?"

Riko: "Ooh I want to try docking you."

(Y/N): "Actually for the sake of messing around with Chris, you should go another round with Kristal."

Elen: "Good idea."

Riko: "Can me and Mizuho join too."

Mizuho: "Yeah."

Elen: "Sure, the more the merrier plus I've never seen futas with the full package before~."

(Y/N): "Well Kristal, you're gonna be okay with being gangbanged by the entire futa club?"

Kristal: "Sure I'm game, if it pisses off dad."

Later on, we see you talking to the contestants of Disventure camp.

(Y/N): "So what's it like having Kristal as a host of the show in comparison to her dad?"

Rose Maria: "Well she was a big step up from her father."

(Y/N): "But over all?"

Ally: "She was a nice host, sadistic but nice overall."

(Y/N): "And she lets you use her stuff?"

Ally: "Sometimes, she is tough but fair, unlike her dad."

Rose Maria: "I mean he wasn't bad in the first season, but as the series went on..." *shivers in discomfort* "Things went downhill."

(Y/N): "Right."*to Tess*"I heard you are going through depression right?"

Tess: "Yeah, I take pills to deal with my depression but-."

(Y/N): "Ditch those pills, I know a friend that would like to brighten up your day."

Sometime later, in the Foundation, we see Tess sitting in a room with 999 sitting on her lap and Tess is looking at 999 with a bright smile on her face.

Tess: *giggles* "I feel like my depression is gone. How is that possible?"

(Y/N): "The Tickle Monster always brings joy to everyone in need."

Tess: *feels 999 tickling her**laughing*"Ohohoho man, this little guy is tickling me!"

(Y/N): "That's what 999 does, he likes to tickle people to give them a good day. And tests have shown that this little guy can cure PTSD and depression."

Rose Maria: "Impressive."

Later on, back home we see the others seeing Tess no longer depressed and now she is more positive than ever.

Elen: "I've never seen her so happy."

Ally: "It's like all her depression went away."

(Y/N): "Thank the tickle monster for that."

Ally: "Woah, really?"

(Y/N): "Yep, the little guy can bring joy to anyone."

Elen: "Nice."

Ally: *Notices Elen's bulge* "Oh wow, you're stacked."

Elen: *Giggles* "Yep, and I banged Kristal multiple times, (Y/N) thought that it would piss off her dad."

Ally: "Nice, so uh how big are you?"

Elen: *proudly* "14 inches long, 5 inches wide."

(Y/N): "Take a picture of it, maybe it will last longer."

Ally: "Can I?"

Elen: "Sure." *pulls her shorts down and shows her penis*"Take a picture."

Ally then pulls out her phone and takes a picture of Elen's dick.

Ally: "Woah, you have a ton of excess foreskin."

Elen: "Yep, there are some benefits that come with it, like more pleasure."

Ally: *In awe* "Wow."

(Y/N): "Well now you know Elen."

Ally: "I gotta ask though." *To Elen* "Do futas pee standing up or sitting down since they have both female and male genitals."

Elen: "Hmm, we do both of them though it depends on what we want to do. It doesn't really matter."

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Ally: "Wow, that's good."

Elen: "Yep, it is."

Later on, we see you with Rose Maris in the living room and you both are watching TV.

(Y/N): "What kind of shows do you watch with your kid?"

Rose Maria: "Nothing too violent."

(Y/N): "Ok."

Rose Maria: "Would you like home decorating."

(Y/N): "Yeah, guess the apartment could use some redecorating around here. But I like my home and the only thing I change about it is putting some lead lined windows in the room."

Rose Maria: "Alright."

Next: Chapter 113: SCP-002 "The Living Room"

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