Chapter 117: SCP-1316 ''Lucy the Kitten''

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Here we see you in the Wanderer's library wearing a cloak with the symbol of the Serpent's Hand on the back and you are reading through the books.

(Y/N): *Reads through* "Seven spears of the Scarlet King, the Engine, Malidramagiuan, the Gate Guardian Uriel, the Starfish god-"*puts down the books*"Fuck! Nothing!"

You then see Dawn walk into the room and she sits with you.

Dawn: "Are you alright (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "No, just frustrated I've been researching ways to take down Mandy, but knowing her she'll probably burn half of the Wanderer's Library down before I get to the answer."

Dawn: "Maybe one of the SCPs can help? You can break one of them out."

(Y/N): "Hmm I can, but she could be prepared for us."

Dawn: "Why not convince the Chaos Insurgency to help you?"

(Y/N): "I never really thought about that, we do need the extra support. I'll go talk to them and form a diplomatic meeting."

Sometime later, we see you and the girls from both the Serpent's Hand and the Chaos Insurgency along with the Church of the Broken God and the Sarkic Cults at a diplomatic meeting and other groups of interest.

(Y/N): "Alright everyone, we are gathered today to discuss a temporary alliance. You all heard that the entire SCP Foundation is under new management."

Courtney: "Uh yeah, we heard about Mandy taking over the Foundation out of spite and world domination from the shadows."

(Y/N): "Look what we need from you is a strike force that covers all the needs of the groups of interest here."

We then see a powerful burst of confetti coming out of nowhere and we see Icky the Clown and Dr. Isabel Helga Anastasia Parvati Wondertainment V came out of it.

Icky: "Sorry for being fashionably late."

Dr. Wondertainment: "We just like a crowded room."

Gwen: "Daughter of Willy Wonka and a birthday clown, great."

(Y/N): "Dr. Wondertainment and MIss Icky, you two are aware of the situation we're in?"

Icky: "Sure do."

Dr. Wondertainment: "Haha! Alright then."

We then see a spotlight shine on Dr. Wondertainment and we see her start dancing around you.

Dr. Wondertainment: *singing*" Looks like you could use some help, from the big boss of Wondertainment herself!"*pulls out her phone*"Check out my reviews on Yelp! Five stars! Flawless! Greater than great! With a punch of my Logo! I wap-bam-boom, here I go! Usually, I charge a big check to go! But you get the sister rate!

You and Dr. Wondertainment: "Thanks sis."

Dr. Wondertainment: *while singing*"Who needs a busgirl, now that you've got the chef?"

Chorus: "Wow!"

Dr Wondertainment: *While singing*"Michelin-tasting menu, free à la carte. I'll rig the game for you because I'm the ref! Lemonade fountains, chocolate mountains, that's just a start!"

Icky: *while singing**pushes Dr. Wondertainment out of the way*"Who's been here since day one? Who's been faithful as a nun? Who makes you chuckle with an old-timey pun? Your Executive producer?"

(Y/N): "That's true!"

Icky: *while singing*"I'm your gal, your day to day! Your chum, your steadfast hotelier!"*pulls Nifty out of a toilet*"Remember when I fixed that clog today?"

Nifty: "I was stuck!"*hugs Icky*"Thank you ma'am!"

(Y/N): "Nice one!"

Icky: *while singing*"I'm truly honored that we've built such a bond!"

(Y/N): "Cool!"

Icky: *while singing*"You're like the brother that I wish I had."

Kendyl and Dr. Wondertainment: "Uh what?"

Icky: *singing while hugging you*"I care for you, just like the brother I wanted since forever!"

Dr. Wondertainment: "Hold on now!"

Icky: *leans on Dr. Wondertainment*"It's a little funny, you can almost call me...Sister!"

We then see Dr. Wondertainment play a toy violin while Icky plays a grand piano that she pulled out of her hat and then Dr. Wondertainment plays a recordian and then they continue to sing.

Icky: *while singing and dancing*"They say, when you're looking for assistance! It's smart to pick the path of least resistance!"

Dr. Wondertainment: *while singing*"Others say, that in your needy hour! There's no substitute for pure Wondertainment power! Who just happens to also be my blood!"

Icky: *Launches a stream of water from her lapel at Dr. Wondertainment*"Sadly, there are times when a birth sibling is a dud! They say the family you choose is better!"

Dr. Wondertainment: *launches a stream of bubbles at Icky*"What a bunch of losers!"

Icky: *bumps Dr. Wondertainment out of the way*"Can you butt out of my song?"

Dr. Wondertainment: "Your song I started this!"

Icky: *Singing* "I'm singing it, I'm finishing it!"

Dr. Wondertainment: "Oh you tacky piece of-"

Mimzy: *burst into the room*"It's me, yes it's me! I know you were all waiting for me! I'm here, what a gas! Took a while, but I'm present at last! It's me, it's me! Mimzy!"

(Y/N): "Who invited her to represent Nobody?"

Gwen: "Who?"

(Y/N): "Nobody is a group or person who often helps or hinder the foundation."

Mimzy: "Actually Nobody showed up, you just didn't notice him."

(Y/N): "Then why are you here?"

Mimzy: "Well I've heard about your little chess game with Alastor and Alastor told me about your new boss and how she essentially treated you like a monster. And now you're doing this with other groups of interest."

Gwen: "...Mim, what did you do?"

Mimzy: "Nothing I swear."

Courtney: "Uh-huh, Alastor also told us that you brought some lone sharks to Charlie's hotel after you owed them money and killed their girlfriend by running over her."

Mimzy: "Hey that bitch had it coming!"

Gwen: "What did she do to you?"

Mimzy: "Well she ruined my clothes by putting bleach on them in the wash."

Gwen: "And you ran her over for that?"

Mimzy: "Yeah you'd be mad if someone bleached your clothes."

Lindsay: "My sister Alex pranked me by bleaching my clothes on April Fools day."

Mimzy: "And were ya pissed?"

Lindsay: "Well yeah but I didn't kill her, I got her back by spiking her drink with laxatives."

(Y/N): "Anyways, why are you even here Mimzy?"

Mimzy: "Well Alastor sent me over to give ya some news on the Foundation, Mandy is just doing some torture experiments on SCPs for fun and believe me, it is not fun. Even the more innocent SCPs are getting tortured."

Lindsay: "Even the tickle monster?"

Mimzy: "Even the Tickle Monster..."

Angel Dust: "Fuck..."

Gwen: "How can a human being like her be born like a demon on Earth?"

Courtney: "I don't know."

(Y/N): "Alright, name the anomalies each of you want and I'll get it to you."

LS: "I heard about Lucy the Kitten, we should bring her in not because of her powers but also because we want to give her a nice temporary home."

(Y/N): "What do you mean temporary home?"

LS: "Well you are the best when it comes to the care of anomalies, and not only that you would trust her with your life."

The Engineer: "We require SCP-939 instances of course."

Icky: "I want to bring back some old acts the circus left behind since it is now under new management which is me."

Dr. Wondertainment: "And the Little Misters as well for their safety."

Lindsay: "Wait, who's Lucy the kitten?"

Courtney: "Yeah who is she?"

(Y/N): "I'll explain later."*to the Church of the Broken God and the Sarkick Cult*"What about you two?"

Makenite: "We trust you with the pieces of Mekhane."

Sarkic Cult member: "But we would like to have access to samples of 610, so we can initiate some of your lovers into our congregation to Sarkicism. Many of them expressed loyalty to Yaldabaoth."

Anne Maria: "Hey I don't want to be sick from whatever kind of plague you got, I'm loyal as it is."

Sarkic Cult Member: "But our women look fantastic once they are initiated."

We then see some of the women of the Sarkic Cults take off their hoods and Anne Maria see warped faces of flesh and bone along with their bodies being warped and twisted.

Anne Maria: "Gah! No thanks!"

Sarkic Woman: "It's not that bad, it's under the name of Grand Karcist Ion, I feel fantastic."*ooze out pus from her left cheek*

Anne Maria: "Uh-huh, no, no thanks."

Mekenite: "Actually, we could use SCP-217 to initiate some other members."

Lindsay: "No thank you, I don't want to be a cyborg."

Mekenite: "But it's a gift from Mekane, you refuse the gift of the great Broken God himself?"

(Y/N): "Alright one kitten, a bunch of voices, toys, some circus acts, and several diseases. Anyone else want something?"

Anne Maria: "The Tickle Monster, some Eye pods, a sentient plushie, and a hat for LS?"

LS: "And one more thing, a song as well."

(Y/N): "Okay then, the meeting adjourned. I'll gather a strike team composed of my group and several of your best men."

LS: "Of course."

Sometime later, we see you and the others arrive at a Foundation site where they keep SCP-1316 or Lucy the Kitten among other anomalies.

Courtney: "So this is where Lucy is?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, this is where they're keeping her, come on."

You and the others then get to the front entrance and you see how heavily guarded it is, and you see that Tau-5 is there.

Gwen: *Sees Tau-5* "What's that?"

(Y/N): "Tau-5, Samsara, they're immortal cyborgs cloned from the flesh of a dead god."

Lindsay: *Notices all the guards* "And it looks like it's heavily guarded."

(Y/N): "Then we need to draw them out. Right Icky?"

Icky: "Yeah-"*realizes*"Hey!"

(Y/N): "Well some of those guards are my old colleagues so they'll spot me as soon as we leave this spot."

Icky: "What do you want me to do? Put on a show?"

Moments later, the guards then hear the sound of a clown car and we see the clown car stop and then we see Icky come out of the door by stretching her foot out and then stop out of it in a clownish fashion.

Icky: "Ladies and gentlemen! Introducing the ringmaster of the Circus of the Disquieting! I am Icky the Magic Clown!

We then see Icky pull out some balloons and then make balloon animals as the guards were too amazed by Icky's showmanship to notice you and the others sneaking in. We see you and the others in the site and you see some SCPs are guarded.

(Y/N): "Okay, They're guarded."

Millie: "There's too many of them."

(Y/N): "I got an idea."*to Millie*"Try focusing on the guards really hard and picture them as your ex Chaz."

Millie then gets enraged as she tore through the guards into shreds and you all see her going rabid on a guard's helmet.

Blitzo: "I should use that trick more often."

(Y/N): "Yeah, believe it or not, Millie is pretty much a wild animal. Trust me I know from experience."

Moxie: "Me too."

You and the others then go into a containment cell where you both see SCP-1316 or Lucy the Kitten locked up in a cage and Charlie and Emily see how adorable she is and they get her out of the cage and hug the small kitten.

Charlie: "How can anyone put a cute kitten in a cage?"

(Y/N): "Well awhile back Lucy was transmitting messages to the Chaos Insurgency because she was their spy."

Emily: "What happened?"


Emily and Charlie: "They left her behind?!"

Charlie: "They are so mean!"

Emily: "The meanest!"

Lucy: *meow**nuzzles Charlie's cheek*

Charlie: "Aww."

(Y/N): "Come on, we need to get the other SCPs."

You and the others then look around the area and you have found SCP-999 about to be electrocuted by Mandy.

(Y/N): *under his breath* "That little bitch."*gets an idea*"Blitz, I have an idea."

Blitzo: *Whispers* "Does it involve killing that little bitch?"

(Y/N): *whispers*"A frontal assault is too obvious for her, we need something bigger and stronger and have a hatred for everything that lives. We need SCP-682."

Blitzo: "And how should I help you with that?"

Meanwhile with 682, we see him in his cell as we see Blitzo run into the room and 682 sees him.

SCP-682: "What do you want vermin?"

Blitzo: "Your only human friend is getting electrocuted, dissected, and she is begging Mandy to end her suffering but she can't! But Mandy is doing who the fuck knows what she's doing to Abby so just to keep you updated."*covers his head for a second*"Oh well you took it better than I thought."

SCP-682 then roars out of rage after hearing this.

SCP-682: "I will tear Mandy to shreds, bathe the halls in the blood of her entrails, and grind her bones to dust! This I swear!"

We then see SCP-682 break out of containment and go on a rampage in the site. Mandy then hears the roars of 682 and then she sees him coming at her and we see Mandy makes a run for it until 682 holds her down with his clawed foot as we see you and the other get Tubbioca and SCP-999 out of containment.

SCP-682: "You are deprived of humanity, you are born as an empty husk where a soul should be."

Mandy: "I would take that as a compliment but that sounded like an insult."

SCP-682: "I was born to slaughter creatures like you, to hate everything that lives , but you were nurtured into a monster that you are today. If I slaughter you, then I will be no better than you are."

Mandy: "That little pile of goo made you soft!"

SCP-682: *roars at Mandy out of anger*"999, didn't do anything, only merely suppressed me momentarily, and you hurt it. You are just a worthless, spoiled little brat who just manipulates those into doing your bidding. What will come of you when you rule a world that has been destroyed by you?"

Mandy: "...Well..."

SCP-682: "That's what I thought."

We then see SCP-682 leave Mandy alone and turn to her.

SCP-682: "That future will never come, becoming Administrator will be your downfall."

Next: Chapter 118: SCP-131 "The Eye Pods"

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