Chapter 125: SCP-001 ''The Prototype''

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Here we see the Nameless Nomad wandering the world called the Ever After and you wonder the realm on his own and despite having no name himself, he takes pride in passing wisdom to people and protecting those who need his protection. He then sees several travelers, 3 humans and the Curious Cat and the Curious Cat sees the Nameless Nomad.

C. Cat: "The Nameless Nomad, good to see you again old friend."

N. Nomad: "It's good to see you again, old friend. May I join you on your journey?"

R. Knight(Jaune): "Sure, the more the merrier."

We later see the N. Nomad and the others reach to some rocks and Alyx is figuring out how to get across.

Alyx: "How can we get across?"

We then see the Nomad toss the Curious Cat into the air and he landed between two rocks feet first and then the Nomad then throw the others into the air and they land in between rocks forming a bridge out of their bodies.

Louis: "How does this even help us get across?!"

N. Nomad: *gets across the 'bridge'*"It won't help us, only me."

R. Knight(J. Arc): "Why!?!"

N. Nomad: *helps Curious Cat up onto the bridge*"Simple, if you help someone across you help yourselves across."*helps Rusted Knight up*"By putting the needs of others first, not only you're helping them but they will help you in return."*helps Alyx up*"That is how we-"*helps Lewis up*"-get across to here."

Meanwhile on Earth, we see everyone looking through files on alternate universes and dimensions so that they can find you and bring you back ever since Mandy's defeat.

Verosika: "Can't we just dig up The Factory and tell it to make something that helps us cross dimensions?"

Dr. Bright: "Okay A. the only people who know where it is was the original O5 Council, B. it's buried so that we won't use it, and C. bad idea."

Verosika: "Well it's the only thing we could think of since (Y/N) won't let us use dark magic."

Dr. Clef: "There's SCP-507, but he can't control his dimension hopping so he'll go to random dimensions."

Zee: "Well I can probably use my magic to find him."

Blitzo: "Actually the 3 Moon Initiative made him invisible to anyone who can sense someone across dimensions. They said looking for (Y/N) in the multiverse is like looking for a needle in a cosmic haystack. It's been several months and we should move on with our lives, he wanted that."

There was a containment breach alarm going off and it was a very old alarm.

Lindsay: "Maybe containing an SCP would get (Y/N) off of our minds."

We see everyone going after the SCP and they see it was a simple creature.

Zee: "Huh, weird. What is that thing?"

Leshawna: "(Y/N) would explain it, it looks like it's one of those monsters that are not in our security clearance to know."

Courtney: "Should we capture it?"

Theresa: "Better than letting it run around."

Lindsay: "Wait it might be-"

We then see the girls, except Lindsay, chase after the creature as it then makes a powerful green glow of radiation.

Lindsay: "Radioactive."

Leshawna: *feels the radiation poisoning*"I don't feel so good."

We then see everyone make a retreat as we see the creature causing some havoc. We see everyone getting detoxified from the Radiation poisoning as we see Lindsay looking through an old SCP-001 Proposal file.

Lindsay: "Guys, that creature was SCP-001."

Everyone: "Which one?!"

Lindsay: "The Prototype. It's a humanoid creature that has 21 teeth, makes a radioactive green glow, and is highly aggressive. It can use its weird eye from its mouth to make micro singularities for teleportation and defense. It must be in a room lined with lead and is kept lit with flood lights at a temperature of 98 degrees with 100% humidity. And we need some strobe lights to fend it off so that we can get it re-contained."

Courtney: "Then let's bag us an SCP!"

Gwen: "Without (Y/N)?"

Penny: "We can handle one SCP without him, after all he has trained us in the event of his death."

Everyone in the room realized what Penny said was true and they cried like babies except for Penny as she was confused about the feeling of sadness since she doesn't have tear ducts or she is programmed for sadness.

Penny: "Why are you all making noises while also excreting water from your faces?"

Lindsay: *While crying* "Because we're sad!"

Penny: "I am not programmed to express Sadness. Even though I have emotions, I don't use them often because I have them turned off. Since none of you are containment ready, I'll do the mission myself."

We then see Penny fly off and grab the required equipment for the job. Meanwhile in Ever After, we see the Nomad and the others at camp and the Nameless Nomad going through a crisis and he comforts him.

N. Nomad: "What is wrong my friend?"

R. Knight: *snaps out it*"Huh!"*to the Nomad*"Oh sorry, I thought-"*looks at the others sleeping and look back at the nomad*"Can you keep a secret?"

N. Nomad: "Of course my friend, what is it?"

R. Knight: "I'm not actually from Ever After, I am from Remnant. I'm a huntsman named Jaune Arc and all of the things that's supposed to happen came from a book where I'm from and I never thought Alyx would be so cruel."

N. Nomad: "I have a secret myself, I came from another world myself. But it was no accident when we arrived here nor it wasn't an accident when Alyx and Lewis came here."

R. Knight: "What happened?"

N. Nomad: "I fell into this world the same way you fell into this one, then time took me to the beginning of the Ever After. I had dreams where I fought monsters and contained them to protect them from themselves and others to maintain a level of normalcy. Perhaps it's a life that was once mine and now I am at peace with the one I have now."

R. Knight: "How can I help Alyx and Lewis get out of here if Alyx is too difficult to convince to stay on the path."

N. Nomad: "You must let go of your illusion of control my friend."*points to an apple tree*"Take this tree for instance, I cannot force it to blossom when it suits me nor I cannot make it bear fruit before it's time."

R. Knight: "But there are things we can control."*kicks the tree to make the apples fall*"I can control when the fruit will fall."*feels an apple hit his head*"Ow..."

N. Nomad: *chuckles a bit*

R. Knight: "And where to plant the seed!"*slices an apple with his sword and pull out an apple seed and then makes a hole*"That is no illusion Nomad."*throws the seed into the hole out of anger*

N. Nomad: "Ah yes, but no matter how hard you try, that seed will grow into an apple tree. You may ask for a coconut or an orange or even peaches, but you only get an apple."

R. Knight: "But an apple can't help them get home."

N. Nomad: "Maybe it can."*put dirt over the seed*"If you're willing to guide it, to nurture it, to believe in it."

R. Knight: "I need your help Nomad."

N. Nomad: "No my friend, you just need to believe. Promise me you will believe, on your honor as the Rusted Knight."

R. Knight: "I'll....try..."

N. Nomad: "Thank you, there is one thing the story has gotten right. One of them will return home."

R. Knight: "Okay."

N. Nomad: "You must continue your journey without me my friend."

R. Knight: "We will, thank you."

Many days later, we see the Nameless Nomad meditating on a rock and we see him at the tree and he stands up and he sees Alyx, Lewis, and the Curious Cat at the portal to remnant and he sees Lewis go into the portal but not Alyx or the Curious Cat.

Alyx: "No."

C. Cat: "What?"

Alyx: "No. I'm sorry Curious Cat, I'm staying here in Ever After so that I can fix my mistakes."

The Curious Cat then gets angry and then transforms into a white and black form and is about to attack Alyx until Nomad knocks them back into a tree branch and the Curious Cat sees him protecting Alyx.

C. Cat: "Traitor!"

Alyx: "Nomad? Why would you protect me, after everything?"

N. Nomad: "It was not your destiny to head home."*to Curious Cat*"Nor destiny to leave his."

Curious Cat then charges at the Nameless Nomad with full force as we see the Nameless Nomad strike pressure points to knock them out.

N. Nomad: " I'm sorry my friend, you forced me to fight you. If she wants to fix her mistakes here, then she should."

Alyx: "Thanks Nomad."

N. Nomad: "You're welcome, so what are you going to do now?"

Alyx: "Well I will fix my mistakes and be your pupil for as long as I have to, and apologize to....the rusted knight....."

N. Nomad: "What do you mean?"

Alyx: "I....poisoned him......I killed him...."

N. Nomad: "It was never his destiny to die here in Ever After, he's alive and well. He became a self appointed defender of the Paper Pleasers. He didn't take my wisdom on letting go of the illusion of control to heart."

Alyx: "Illusion?"

N. Nomad: "Yes, take this tree for instance. Neither one of us can control when the leaves will change color nor choose who to send here to ascend before their time. You can't make an acorn grow into a cherry tree, it can only grow into a mighty oak."

Alyx: "I understand. I'll help those who need my help the most."

N. Nomad: "Glad to hear it."

Meanwhile with the others, we see SCP-001 finally contained and we see the girls going through another detox in a detox room.

Gwen: "Well, that was fun."

Courtney: "Yeah, we got radiation poisoning again."

Lindsay: "I looked through the file on the Prototype and it's the reason why the Keter Class is a thing."

Leshawna: "How?"

Lindsay: "It killed Dr. Keter."

Leshawna: "Oh, how old is that file?"

Lindsay: "It's not in a format that other files have these days."

Leshawna: "Online?"

Lindsay: "No it's a hard copy, as in the whole file is on old paper. It's covered in dust."

Leshawna: "Oh god..."

Lindsay: "What's wrong?"

Leshawna: "Nobody uses paper anymore, why do you think we have computers?"

Lindsay: "This came from a time before computers were invented. Back in the early days of the Foundation, that's why it's called SCP-001."

Leshawna: "Oh....right.....I forgot about that...."

We later see everyone looking at the file on The Prototype and they are coughing from all the dust on the file except for Penny because she doesn't breathe air and she doesn't have lungs.

Courtney: "Ugh, so much dust."

Penny: "I don't have a problem with it."

Leshawna: "That's because you don't have lungs."

Penny: "I guess so."

Lindsay: *sighs*"If (Y/N) was here to explain this."

Meanwhile in Ever After, we see Team RWBY reunited and are figuring out what to do next.

Blake: "Where do we even need to go? How did we even end up in the book?"

Weiss: "We can ask the locals."

???: "That is a splendid idea my friends."

The girls then see the Nameless Nomad and a full grown adult Alyx with him.

Blake: "The Nameless Nomad? And Alyx?"

Ruby: "How are you here?"

Yang: "Why are you with the Nameless Nomad instead of home?"

Blake: " And how are you so-"

Weiss: "Grown up?"

N. Nomad: "It is best if we go somewhere we can speak, but first."*points to Yang's missing arm*"A little visit with a certain merchant."

Yang: "What gave it away?"

N. Nomad: "It was no accident to lose your arm, nor will it be the last time you lose it. Maybe someday your left will match your right."

Yang: *Eyes go red* "Hey it was an accident when I lost my arm!"

N. Nomad: "There are no accidents, what people call an accident, it is called destiny."

Yang: "Are you saying I will lose my other real arm!?"

Alyx: "Exactly, one day your left will match your right."

Yang: "I'll make sure that won't happen to me!"

Alyx: "One who often travels to the road of destiny is often the one who takes the path to avoid it."

Blake: "He's not wrong Yang."

Yang: "You guys sound just like Ozpin, if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be in this mess, dealing with his problems."

Weiss: "Yeah."

N. Nomad: "It was never his fault to begin with, destiny often brings pain or peace to everyone whether they like it or not."

Yang: "Well I don't like it, at all."

N. Nomad: "Well we should find the merchant who has your arm, Yang Xiao Long."

As the Nomad and Alyx head to the direction of the market Team RWBY was surprised that he knows Yang's name except for Blake since she has read the story enough times that the Nameless Nomad knows the names of everyone who comes across him.

Weiss: "So, how does he know Yang's name?"

Blake: "He knows everyone's name except his own, that's why he's the Nameless Nomad. You all read the book right?"

RWY: "Oooooooooh."

Yang: "Yeah I'm not much of a reader."

Ruby: "Same."

Weiss: "I only read math and history books."

Blake: *sighs* "Come on."

We see the Nomad and the others at the market place and they all see the Jinxy Peddler and Yang sees an item that vaguely looks like her mechanical arm.

Yang: "Okay, how do I know which one is my arm?"

Ruby: *sees an item that looks vaguely like Panny's floating array*"I think I've seen that before."

Weiss: "Yeah."

N. Nomad: "Excuse me old friend, may we have certain items from your fine establishment?"

J. Peddler: "Oh of course, anything for an old friend. Anything you want, on the house."

Yang: "The Scepter please."

Ruby: "And that mannequin doll."

The Peddler then hands the items to Yang and Ruby as they transform into Yang's prosthetic arm and one of the blades for Penny's floating array as the Nomad somehow recognizes it.

N. Nomad: "That belongs to Penny Polendina, now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time."

Ruby: "You.......What?"

Blake: "It sounds like you know her very well."

N. Nomad: "Perhaps I knew her from a past life, though such a life is vague to me. But I learned something in life. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. Which is why it's called the Present."

The Nameless Nomad then tap a tree with his staff and we see a grape fall into Little's paws and an Apple fall into Ruby's hand and she looks at the apple in her hand. Some time has passed and we see Team RWBY in a temple of the Nameless Nomad and we see everyone drinking tea.

Blake: "Thanks for your hospitality, Nameless Nomad."

N. Nomad: "You are welcome my friend."

Yang: "Yeah, thanks."

N. Nomad: "You are welcome my friends. Alyx, may I have a word with you?"

Alyx: "Oh sure."

We see the Nomad and Alyx in a private room and they are talking to each other.

Alyx: "Is something wrong?"

N. Nomad: "I had a vision, the Curious Cat will return."

Alyx: "But that's impossible, I fed them to the Jabberwalkers. They should be dead by now."

N. Nomad: "Nothing is impossible."

Alyx: "Nothing survives Jabberwalkers, not even the Afterians."

N. Nomad: "It may be his destiny to be destroyed by Jabberwalkers, but he has avoided that destiny many times before and has again. You need the help of Ruby and her friends including the Rusted Knight before you."

Alyx: "Why would he help me? I tried to poison him, even though he forgave me he doesn't trust me and he doesn't trust you at all because he thinks that you left Lewis to die and he won't listen to either one of us. Who would be as strong if not stronger than Jaune Arc?"

N. Nomad: "Your mind is like a pond."*points to the reflection pool*"Once it becomes agitated, it becomes hard to see anything. Once you give it a chance to settle."*taps the water to make the image clear*"The answer comes clear."

Alyx then sees the colors of white, pink, and brown in a circular pattern of an umbrella and then it is revealed to be Neopolitan.

N. Nomad: "A warrior of Pink, White, and Brown will come to this realm, not by accident but by destiny. It is more than likely she will be possessed by the Curious Cat themself to passover into Remnant. I will search for this girl, you will search for your predecessor with Team RWBY by your side."

Alyx: "Of course Nomad."

Sometime later, we see Neopolitan practicing her new powers and she sees the Nameless Nomad approaching her and she gets into a defensive stance and she summons illusions of Pyrrha, Penny, and Ozpin to fight the Nomad.

N. Nomad: "My friend, I can see the pain in your eyes. I know it was no accident when you lost someone closest to you. But the things in the past don't matter, the only thing that matters is who you choose to be."

Pyrrha: "I don't think so!"

We then see the illusion copies attack the Nomad and we see the Nomad catch the blades from Penny's floating array and then knock them into both Ozpin and Pyrrha and destroy them as we see Nomad destroy the last copy with pressure point combat. Neo was surprised to see this and she was ready to strike the Nomad down with her umbrella but she doesn't have it in her hand and she sees it in the hand of the Nomad.

N. Nomad: "With an unbalanced mind, you are easy to knock down."

The Nomad then disappeared and then reappeared behind Neo and then knocked her down with her own umbrella and then the Nomad pointed the umbrella at her neck. Then the Nomad helped Neo up and she was confused on why he spared her life.

N. Nomad: "You're not at peace my friend. The first step to Inner Peace is to stop fighting the river of life and let it flow."

Neo then nods and then expresses to help her with her inner peace.

N. Nomad: "Nah, you need to do that all by yourself."

We then see Neo clearing her mind and letting her pain and emotions flow and she uses her semblance to create a show that tells her story about her life and the Nomad watch.

N. Nomad: "I see what is happening my friend, you lived a life of pain in silence. But it was never Ruby's fault that Roman died."

Neo looked down and the Nameless Nomad patted her on the back and hugged her as she hugs back.

N. Nomad: "I know, losing friends and allies can be rough. I may not have the memories of my past life, but I do know the feeling."

Meanwhile with Alyx and Team RWBY, we see her and Team RWBY talk to Jaune about the Curious Cat and explain that they might return.

Jaune: "No."

Alyx: "We need your help."

Jaune: "I said no, I am finding a way out of Ever After and protecting the Paper Pleasers."

Yang: "And what about Remnant? Your sisters, your family, what about them? What about your team?"

Jaune: "I am not stepping an inch close to that god awful tree! I am finding a different way out of Ever After even if it kills me!"*catches a paper pleaser flying in the air*"I told you to keep the rocks on you, Ren!"

Both Team RWBY, Alyx, and Jaune then hear Jabberwalkers and they head out of the town of the Paper Pleasers as we see the Nameless Nomad come into the area and the Paper Pleasers turn to him.

P. Pleaser 1: "Hello good sir."

N. Nomad: "I know Jaune means well but he must realize that your fates are not in his control. But before I give you all that you desired, remember this my friends. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. That is why it is called the Present."

The Nameless Nomad then pokes on a tower of rocks and the tower then falls down and crashes into a dam as we see the Nameless Nomad escape the flood while the Paper Pleasers were caught in it. When the huntsmen and huntresses were finished with the Jabberwalkers, Jaune saw the destruction of the Paper Pleasers and their town and he was shocked to see this.

Jaune: "No!!!!"

N. Nomad: *to Jaune*"Their time had come long ago, and they wanted this, their fates are not yours to control neither is mine."

Jaune: *to Nameless Nomad*"YOU BASTARD!!!!"

Jaune then swings his sword at the Nameless Nomad in a blind and bloodthirsty rage and fury as we see the Nomad dodge every swing of his sword with ease as Jaune was still furious at this and then he saw an opening and then stabs the Nomad right through the chest.


RWBY: "Jaune!!"

Jaune: *pushes the nomad to the ground*"ME SHOVING A SWORD THROUGH YOUR FUCKING HEART!!!! WAS THAT DESTINY!!!!!??!!?"

Alyx: *goes to the Nomad and look into his eyes*"Master please! Don't leave me!"*pull the sword out of his body*"Please!"

Yang then punches Jaune to the ground out of anger after what he did.

Yang: "How could you do this Jaune!!?!?! Why was saving people who wanted to die so important to you!?!""

N. Nomad: *gets up with Alyx's help*"I know why, he saves people when he is upset nowadays because he wasn't able to save Penny and he blames you Ruby, but he doesn't blame Neo."

Ruby: *sees that the nomad is barely alive* "Ah! Zombie!"

Weiss: "No he's still alive, barely."

We then see Neo float down from a tree thanks to her umbrella and Team RWBY sees her.

Yang: "You!"

Neo: *gestures that she come in peace by making peace signs*

Blake: "Hang on, honey, I don't think she's here for a fight."

Yang: *blushes a bit* "Just because I find Neopolitan cute in a creepy but sexy way once doesn't give you the right to drop your guard around her."

Neo: *A bit surprised* *looks at Blake with a confused expression*

Blake: "We're dating, and we talked about who's the cuter henchwoman, Neapolitan or Emerald."

Weiss: "Why Emerald? Didn't she change sides?"

Yang: "That's what I said!"

Neo: *gestures to get back on topic*

Ruby: "We need to get back on topic. Why are you here Neo?"

Neo then uses her semblance to turn into Cinder and then crosses her fingers as the girls and Jaune were confused until Weiss figured it out.

Weiss: "Cinder got rid of you?"

N. Nomad: "It is no accident all of you ended up here."

Neo: *changes back and looks down in sadness*

Ruby: "Wait those Jabberwalkers, were they yours?"

Neo: *gestures yes but she only used them to lure you all out of the town of the Paper Pleasers because the Nomad told me it was their destiny to ascend but Jaune was delaying their inevitable*

Yang: "Uh, totally understand what you're saying." *To Weiss* "What's she saying?"

Weiss: "The paper pleasers wanted to die because they wanted to ascend, meaning she had to use Jabberwalkers to lure us away from the Paper Pleasers so that the Nomad could help them ascend."

N. Nomad: "That is right."*sees leaves of the Great Tree flying around him*"My time has come."*hands Alyx his staff*"You must continue your journey without me, my friend."

Alyx: "What? But Nomad-"

Jaune and the girls see the Nomad limping away as they see him disappearing in the leaves.

Alyx: "Master! You can't leave me!"

N. Nomad: "My time has come, but the time of another will begin."

Alyx: "Master!"

Everyone sees the Nomad disappear into the leaves as Alyx cries with tears flowing from her eyes.

Neo: *hugs Alyx* *looks at Ruby*

Weiss: *to Ruby* "Do you think... we should trust her?"

Neo then changes into Roman as she begins to speak like him.

Neo: *as Roman* "Red, Ice queen, and other people I barely know, I know you have a reason not to trust me, but you all have to trust her, I lost someone who was important to me, Roman was my friend, and... and I miss him, haven't you all felt that? When you lose someone and they're not... there anymore and you don't know what to do? That's how I feel, I have no one to turn to."

The girls and Jaune then look at each other and give it some thought for a while. Meanwhile in a cosmic plane, we see the Nomad walking to a metallic blacksmith and something about her feels familiar to him.

N. Nomad: "You must be the one who created the Gods themselves and their creations. You remind me of a Broken God, I think his name was Mekhane."

Blacksmith: "And you must be (Y/N) Cranston, the Foundation's best operative now Ever After's very own Nameless Nomad."

N. Nomad: "(Y/N)? That's a name that I never knew I had."

Blacksmith: "Allow me to refresh your memory."

The Blacksmith then hands the Nomad the Spear of the Non-Believer to the Nomad and then the Nomad transforms into (Y/N) Cranston and you are no longer the Nameless Nomad.

(Y/N): "I got my memory back, god I sounded like a hippy." *Looks around* "Where am I? And who are you?"

Blacksmith: "I'm what you call a Blacksmith, you may know my sibling Mekhane."

(Y/N): "The Broken God? I read through files and tomes on Mekhane and none of them mentioned you."

Blacksmith: "He likes to keep family out of work. Now to send you back to the others."

(Y/N): "And how are you gonna-"

The Blacksmith then sends you back to Ever After as she then looks at the weapon, Sundered Rose, that belonged to Summer Rose.

Blacksmith: "Perhaps, it is time to give you a second chance at life."

Meanwhile, in Ever After, we see Rwby, Jaune, Neo and Alyx looking at what's left of the town of the Paper Pleasers and we see Jaune mourning for their deaths.

Weiss: *Whispers to Blake* "Should we...?"

Blake: "I think we should give him some time."

???: "Honestly, I gotten numb to the deaths of my colleagues."

When Alyx heard that voice, she immediately recognizes the voice as the Nameless Nomad, then she turn around and saw you with the Genial Gems.

Yang: "Hey, do we know you?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'm (Y/N) Cranston, the Nomad, your crazy knight friend that stabbed me, which by the way, hurts like hell, thanks for that you jerk. I came from Earth, and I work for an organization that contains anomalies and maintains normalcy. And your friends Pyrrha and Penny are part of that organization."

Jaune: "...What?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, probably should have mentioned that earlier, but you know, the whole memory loss thing and you going bat shit crazy, anyways when I was shipwrecked on SCP-4547. Fellow survivors found Pyrrha in a cryopod and Penny in a storage container."

Rwby and Jaune: "What?!"

Ruby: "Penny is alive?!?!"

Yang: "How's Pyrrha alive?!"

Blake: "This is what you look like before you got to Ever After."

Alyx: "And you look so-"

Weiss: "Mature~."

(Y/N): "Uh, thanks uh..."

Weiss: *smiles* "Weiss, Weiss Schnee."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, Pyrrha told me you were once a spoiled princess and you whine everytime you wanted her to study with you."

Yang: "Wait you whined to Pyrrha?"

Weiss: *whining*"I don't whine!"

Ruby: "Uh... well you are a little whiny."

Weiss: "Ruby!"

Ruby: "It's true you know."

(Y/N): "Speaking of you Ruby, Pyrrha told me you get grumpy when you get hungry. And she told me that Yang onced punched her in the face and gave her a black eye that lasted for weeks."

Yang: "She was gonna cut my hair!"

Neo: *Looks at Blake*

Blake: "She hates it when someone messes with her hair."

(Y/N): "You know it wouldn't kill you to get a haircut."

Ruby: "That's what I kept telling her."

(Y/N): "Anyways, Pyrrha said that Jaune needs to work on his footwork. And by footwork I mean tying his shoes."

Jaune: "I don't need to work on my-" *trips on his shoelace* "Dang it! After who knows how many years I still haven't fixed the shoelace thing!"

(Y/N): "And you Blake, she said that you mooched off of her for a bowl of fish."

Blake: *blushed*"...I like fish."

Ruby: "So that's why you always eat tuna?"

Blake: "I'm a cat faunus, I like fish."

Yang: "Wait, so does this mean you also have a-"

Blake: "Tail, and a rough tongue, yes....."

(Y/N): "Anyways, we have a Curious Cat to deal with, we need to get moving to the tree if you guys want to get out of this."

Weiss: "Wait the Curious Cat? What does that have to do with anything?"

Jaune: "They're the reason why Lewis is gone."

(Y/N): "And how they almost got Alyx."

Blake: "But in the book, Alyx went home after she got to the tree."

(Y/N): "If I remember correctly, Lewis and Alyx went to the tree but it was Lewis who went home while Alyx stayed to fix her mistakes."

Blake: "What? But that doesn't make any sense, if this is like the book then why is Alyx here as the Rusted Knight aka Jaune and not Jaune."

(Y/N): "If you ask me, he wants to write a book about how he wished things went down in Ever After."

Ruby: "Why would the Curious Cat be after Alyx?"

Alyx: "Because I lied to them about taking them to Remnant. I stayed because I wanted to fix my mistakes here but the cat tried to kill me until the Nameless Nomad saved my life."

Yang: "...Why would they want to go to Remnant?"

Blake: *realizes* "To takeover Remnant, if the Curious Cat gets to Remnant-"

Jaune: "Game over...."

(Y/N): "Exactly, we better find the Curious Cat. You saw what he can do here, you don't want that to happen in Remnant."

Ruby: *Sees the spear of the non-believer*"What is that spear?"

(Y/N): "The Spear of the Non-Believer, a weapon powerful enough to kill gods. We contain gods, lock them up, and throw away the key, all before lunch."

Yang: "Right...."

(Y/N): "You guys used to go to a school where they train you to fight monsters and a witch controlling said monsters, how is this not believable?"

Weiss: "True, but on the way to the tree, explain what can be worse than Salem."

(Y/N): "Salem possessed by the cat, the two brothers duking it out on Remnant, the Scarlet King, SCP-682 eating Salem's entrails, I can go on. Let me."

Alyx: "You're a lot darker and more straight forward than the Nameless Nomad."

Weiss: "That's because he's autistic."

Yang: "How did you know?"

Weiss: "If you paid attention in class you would know. His bluntness when he speaks, that's him talking, he thinks differently, and he isn't phased when I do this."

Weiss then lifts up her skirt and they see her panties and you didn't react as you then punched Jaune in the face just to give her some privacy.

Weiss: *let's her skirt down* "See."

Blake: "Did you just flash your panties at an autistic guy?"

Yang: "She just did, that's something I would do to Blake."

Blake: "Wow..."

(Y/N): "Trust me when I say this that I'm used to this kind of stuff." *To Weiss* "And, nice shade of blue."

Weiss: *giggles* "Thanks."

Alyx: "Anyways, what do we do about the Curious cat, they should be on the lookout for us when we go near the tree."

(Y/N): "We'll just meet them there and hit them with everything we got." *notices Yang's robot arm* "Dang, what happened to your arm?"

Yang: "Oh yeah, Blake's ex boyfriend chopped it off."

(Y/N): "Something tells me you might get another robot arm."

Yang: "Aw come on! I already have a robot arm, and believe me, it's not that fun."

(Y/N): "Since you lost one arm because someone used someone you loved to chop it off, I'm sure history will repeat itself twice."

Yang: "And you said that to my face."

(Y/N): "I'm honest when I need to be. Now come on, time is wasting, I know how to get there."

Blake: "How?"

(Y/N): "What do you mean, how we're already there."

Everyone then look around and see that they're already at the Great Tree and they see the portal to Remnant. You then hear some meows of a cat and you turn to see the Curious Cat.

C. Cat: "Nomad, old friend."

(Y/N): "The Nameless Nomad is no more, it's (Y/N) Cranston always has, always has been, always will be. A fall from the sky can do a number to your head."

C. Cat: "You are such a fool to leave me to die with those monsters!"

(Y/N): "I know the motto is secure, contain, and protect but there are anomalies too dangerous to be left to its devices. And one of them is you fleabag!"

C. Cat: "You ascended, can't believe you would turn out as a stupid human with little to no empathy or emotion."

(Y/N): "I'm autistic, what's your excuse?"

C. Cat: "This!"

The Curious Cat then transform into a monster and charges at you and the others and then you hand the spear to Neo and then you form a mystic barrier in the shape of a panda's body and when the Curious Cat attack you, you absorb the blow and then rebound it back at the cat and knock him back to a tree branch. With skills of martial arts you fought and overpower the Curious Cat as everyone sees how impressive your skills are and you use the cat's tail against him and even made him bite his own tail.

C. Cat: "Gah!"

Blake: "Yikes..."

You then knock him back with a butt bash and knock him into another branch and we see the Curious Cat now furious and charges at you as it was revealed that it wasn't you they were fighting but rather Neo in disguise and she made illusions that fight and think like the real thing and they attack the Curious Cat from all sides and then we see the other Neo was you all along and then you impale the Curious Cat with the Spear of the Non-Believer through their chest and killed them.

(Y/N): "If the spear works like the angelic weapons back home, he wouldn't ascend and come back for another round."

Ruby: "And that spear can work on any god?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, and yes it can kill Salem cause she's weak against anything that can kill immortals and gods. It can even kill the Serpent."

Weiss: "The Serpent? What's that?"

(Y/N): "That's classified information."

Weiss: "Oh."

(Y/N): "Anyways, once you guys get back to your planet you guys are gonna fight Salem?"

Yang: "Well I fought her when I was in that giant grimm whale, and she got back up from that so we need a new plan."

Weiss: "And how exactly are we supposed to beat someone who can't die?"

Ruby: "Maybe with something that is not from our world?"

Everyone then turn to you holding the Spear of the Non-Believer.

(Y/N): "I knew this was coming, so guess I can help you with that."

Ruby: "Thanks for everything, and you know, keeping Pyrrha and Penny safe."

(Y/N): "Anytime, by the way, you need to lay off the milk Ruby, Pyrrha told me that a lot of it is going down to your hips."

You then walk into the portal as we see Ruby blushing bright red and she looks at her hips.

Yang: "It's... not that bad sis."

Ruby: "Have I let myself go?"

Weiss: "I keep telling you this might happen but no the I'm not so fun know it all Ice queen."

Yang: "Who's lacking in the boob department."

Weiss: "I'm still growing!"

Blake: "We saw your mom and your sister and you should be around their size by now, trust me I talked to Winter about it."

Weiss: "When did you have time for that?"

Blake: "When we were in Atlas after breakfast."


Blake: "Hey Winter, when you hit puberty, how long did your boobs grow?"

Winter: "Hm, I think it was when I was around Weiss' age or Whitley's age. Either way my breasts have grown and believe me, handling puberty is no easy task. Especially when your semblance lose control everytime a Schnee go through mood swings."

Blake: " But doesn't your summons only work when you defeat Grimm?"

Winter: "Yes while I have trained myself to fight grimm, controlling the summons is a challenge especially around puberty. Everytime I think about boys, two grim of two entirely species have intercourse with each other in a random spot somewhere in the vicinity."

Blake: "Uhh..."

Winter: "I know you haven't seen that happening to Weiss but it only happens to the first born of each generation of Schnees. Weiss was lucky that she wasn't born first."

Blake: "Okay but that explain why she isn't... you know... endowed."

Winter: "Oh that, she is merely a late bloomer."

End of flashback

Yang: *laughs out loud*"Wow! You're a late bloomer Weiss!"

Weiss: "I'm not!"

Blake: "So are we gonna go home or what?"

Weiss: "Oh right." *To you* "Wait for us!"

We then see the others follow you and you all end up in the realm of the Blacksmith and Ruby sees the Blacksmith handing you Summer's old weapon.

(Y/N): "Allow me ma'am."*teleports Summer's weapon somewhere*"There we go."

Blacksmith: "Thank you."

(Y/N): "Your welcome ma'am."

Blacksmith: "God will be expecting you in the near future."

(Y/N): "I met God and it turns out he's a con-man with phenomenal cosmic power, I'll explain that another time but you already know the story."*looks at Jaune*"Why don't you fix up Jaune, can't go back to his team looking like he's old enough to be their dad."

The Blacksmith then use her power to revert Jaune back to the age where he first entered Ever After.

Jaune: "Oh I'm back!"*realizes*"This is what I used to sound like....?"

(Y/N): "Man you sound like a dork." *to Weiss* "I can see you rejected him, and that blue haired dude."

Weiss: "Neptune?"

(Y/N): "Seems to me you have a bad taste in men. Maybe that runs in the family, your mom married an asshole, Winter is budding heads with a drunk guy with bad luck, you met a dork and a hydrophobic ladies man and your dad is a complete and utter asshole who got killed by your General."

Yang: "Woah wait a minute, how did you know?"

(Y/N): "That is classified information."

Weiss: "My father is dead? Yes! Woohoo! Freedom!"

Blake: "Wait you're not mad?"

Weiss: "Mad? I'm actually glad that he's gone."

Yang: "It took me weeks to get over my mom leaving me and Ruby and 3 months to get over my step mom's death."

Ruby: *to Weiss* "And you're happy your dad is dead?"

Weiss: "Have you met my father?"

Ruby, Yang and Blake all remembered the time they all met Weiss' father.

RBY: "Good point."

Yang: "Your dad was a dick."

Blake: "He deserved to die."

Ruby: "...He was a jerk."

Weiss: "Thank you, now can we go home?"

(Y/N): "Before you all go."*holds up statues of the Gods of light and Darkness*"The gods of Light and Dark have to come from somewhere right?"

Ruby: "Um, what are you talking about?"

(Y/N): "The creators created everything, then who created the creators? The answer is several feet taller than you and might give you tetanus if you get a kiss from her."

Everyone: "The Blacksmith?"

Blacksmith: "Indeed, I created them to be in charge of Ever After but they decided to leave the responsibility of Ever After in charge of the Curious Cat."

(Y/N): "Then things went bad when Alyx lied to the cat and you all know the rest. Do something bad to an Afterian and they become broken and misshapen and do something good and they will turn out great. Like that little mouse named Little, they became something new named Somewhat."

Ruby: "True but what does it have to do with the brothers? One's good and the other is evil."

Yang: "And responsible for pretty much everything in Remnant. Both good and bad."

(Y/N): "Because when I was the Nameless Nomad, I met them myself and they have been beating each other because that's their definition of balance. True balance is when everyone gets along and works together but those guys pretty much fucked up everyone, even Weiss's dead dad." *to Weiss* "May he burn in Hell, or somewhere even worse than Hell."

Weiss: "Amen."

Blake: "What could be worse than Hell?"

Yang: "Double Hell?"

(Y/N): "Probably, now let's get you all home."

Blacksmith: "Allow me."

The Blacksmith then makes a portal to Vacuo and you all go into it and Alyx sees Vacuo after all these years.

Alyx: "Oh man it's good to be back, things change when you're in Ever After for so many years."

Ruby: "Where everything makes sense."

Meanwhile back on Earth, we see Dr. Clef looking over a certain red, black, and white woman's resume.

Dr. Clef: "You want to be part of the Foundation as one of our field agents and MTF soldiers?"

Summer R: "Yep."

Dr. Clef: "Can you tell me your name?"

Summer R: "Summer, Summer Rose."

Dr. Clef: "Alright, and when are you gonna be starting your first day?"

Summer R: "Would now be a good time?"

Dr. Clef: "I don't see why not, welcome aboard. Just so you know, we run mandatory fitness drills so that you can be faster than the other guy when there's a containment breach."

Summer: "Okay then."

Back to you, we see you and the others walking around Vacuo and you see how much Alyx miss this place.

Alyx: "Cut throat criminals, lying, cheating, stealing people's dinners, and the beat downs at local taverns. I miss this place."

Random guy: *whispers to Weiss*"Hey lady, wanna buy a man slave?"

Weiss: *disgusted* "Excuse me?!"

(Y/N): *Holds Weiss close to himself* "The lady isn't interested, now fuck off."

Random guy: "I also got women for you to buy as property." *gets grabbed by the neck and slammed against a wall* "Gah!"

(Y/N): "Not interested cause I'm morally against that."

Alyx: "Oh man, so many memories."

Random Guy: *scared* "Okay sir, I see that you're not interested but what about-"

You then punch the guy in the face and you all walk away from him.

Alyx: "Eh I prefer to rent slaves anyways."

(Y/N): "You...what?"

Alyx: "When living in Vacuo, people are living life without a government or laws. The only law enforcement around are the Huntsmen academy called Shade.

Weiss: "Blake?"

Blake: "As much as I hate to say it, it's true in Vacuo there's pretty much no law or order. That's what Sun told me about this place."

Alyx: "Renting a slave is how I got my first kiss."

Yang: *slightly disturbed* "Yeah... well for people who don't live in a lawless place, that is illegal."

Alyx: "Don't knock it until you try it."

(Y/N): "I grew up in a country where we abolished slavery, and I'm morally against slavery."

Alyx: "Just because you own a slave doesn't mean you have to beat up the slave when they sneeze on you or something. In fact most people just buy slaves just to save them from abuse."

Yang: "Really?"

Blake: "What's their policy on Faunus cause I saw how Atlas treated Faunus and they were horrible."

Alyx: "Well here Faunus own human slaves and vice versa but overall we don't mind faunus, if being in love with a faunus is against the law in the rest of the world, then it's no problem here. In fact, I knew a woman and she married her own Faunus slave And they were a happy couple of moms."

Blake: "Wait... they seriously got married?"

Alyx: "I was one of the bridesmaids and I caught the bouquet. I have the scars to prove it."

Yang: "Yeah... if anyone asks, Blake is not my slave, she's my girlfriend."

Blake: *Smiles* "Thanks babe."

Yang: "You're welcome."

Weiss: "Well I don't have a problem with women marrying women or humans marrying faunus now, but the slave thing, yeah that's a hard no for me, I'm not crazy about it."

Alyx: "Suit yourself."

(Y/N): "And I'm morally against it. Well anyways, I guess I will be staying here for a while. Might as well help you with your Salem problem."

Blake: "You think your friends back on Earth will be okay without you?"

(Y/N): "I'm sure they're fine."

Meanwhile on Earth, we see the girls still crying and mourning their loss of you.

Lindsay: "Guys it's been almost a year since he....well died....I think we should just pull ourselves together."

The girls tried to pull themselves together but they cried even more.

Lindsay: "Am I the only one who pulled herself together?"

Next: Chapter 126: SCP-3812 "A Voice Behind Me"

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