Chapter 127: SCP-239 "The Witch Child"

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Here we see you put on a telekill helmet and you enter the room and you see SCP-239 in the testing room and you see Crystal and Ruby observing a test with her.

(Y/N): "Can you explain what I'm dealing with?"

Ruby: "Huh?"*turns to you*"Oh my gosh! (Y/N)! You're back!"

(Y/N): "Can't keep a good operative down."

Crystal: "Well SCP-239 or Sigurros Stefansdottir as it's called is an 8 year old girl who can express the will to do what she wants to do. And she can maintain this power while she is conscious. She is virtually invincible with the exception of telekill alloy."

(Y/N): "Glad I'm wearing this helmet then."*sees Sigurros in the room*"That must be her."*speaks into the mic*"Hey kiddo."

Sigurros: "Huh? Oh hello there."

(Y/N): *speaking into the mic*"Picture this description in your head, a large woman with brown skin, kumquat shirt, brown hair, the voice of someone from where they called the Hood, and has a plus sized body. Got it down?"

Sigurros: "Yes."

(Y/N): "Teleport that woman in the same room as you."

Sigurros: "Okay."

We see Sigurros concentrate and then we see Leshawna was teleported in the room while eating her sandwich and she sees Sigurros and she sees that she's in the Foundation.

Leshawna: "What the heck is going on?!"*to Sigurros*"Who the heck are you!?"

Sigurros: "Ah! She's scary!"

Leshawna: "(Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "8 year old kid with phenomenal cosmic power. Her name is Sigurros."

Leshawna: *to Sigurros*"Sorry about that boo, you just caught me by surprise."

Sigurros: "It's alright."

(Y/N): "Alright Leshawna, you may exit the room. I'll go talk to Siggurros alone in her room. I'll bring back something for her in the meantime."*to Sigurros*" It will be something that will help you with your magic."

You then leave the room as Sigurros was confused.

Sigurros: "Magic?"

Later, in Sigurros' room, we see her waiting for you until you arrive into her room with telekill head gear and you are holding a spellbook of your design.

Sigurros: "(Y/N) what's that you got there?"

(Y/N): "Oh this? It's your spell book."

Sigurros: "Spellbook?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, you're a witch, Sigurros."

Sigurros: "A what?"

(Y/N): "A witch, you have phenomenal magical power and you need to learn how to control it with this handy dandy spellbook and any spell you discover you come to any Foundation staff to see if it's okay to put it into your spellbook."*hands the notebook to Sigurros*"The book is divided up into two sections, Do Spells and Don't Spells. Do Spells are magic spells that you can use while Don't Spells are spells you can't use unless it's an emergency."

Sigurros: "Oh wow thanks (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Anytime, you may be a keter class anomaly but that doesn't mean you want to hurt people. You just need to find a way to master your powers. With great power comes great responsibility."

Sigurros: "Good to know, thanks (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Now do some practice rounds with something small and work your way to something big."

Sigurros: "Okay."

Later at home, we see you arrive home and you see Layla making out with Kelly on the couch and you sit next to the girls.

(Y/N): "Hey you know that she's a mother of one right?"

Layla: *pulls away from Kelly*"So? I'm great with kids."

(Y/N): "A teenager who is pretty much a bratty princess with deep pockets and daddy issues."

Taylor: *comes in and saw what's happening to Kelly*"Mom!? Why were you making out with her?!"

Kelly: "It's all her! I don't know what came over me!"

Layla: "I was testing out some love potion that only lasts for 12 hours. I know it's fake love but there are a lot of people out there who are very desperate for a date, so I sell these potions out on the internet and its cash in my pocket. It's a side business next to my pharmacist job."

(Y/N): "I know a certain lust demon who wouldn't like love potions, but if it's for a noble cause then I won't judge."

Layla: "Yeah there are a lot of people out there who are trying way too hard to get a date and fail every time or just hopeless romantics."

Kelly: "Well anyways, how's work (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "I met a little witch named Sigurros, and she's an 8 year old girl with phenomenal cosmic powers and she has some trouble controlling them. She's a Keter class SCP and I helped her out by making a spellbook for her."

Layla: "Well if she wants a real teacher in witchcraft I'm your gal. I can teach her how to do Voodoo, like this."

Layla then pulls out a voodoo doll of Leshawna and then puts a needle in her butt and then Leshawna feels a sharp pain in her ass from the other room.

Leshawna: *offscreen*"Ow! Who stabbed me in the booty?!"

Layla: "I can teach her how to cast curses onto people like this."

Layla then casts a curse onto Taylor and then her hair begins to deform and become messy and then she looks into the mirror and she screams in terror.

Taylor: "My hair!!!"*sees multiple pimples appear on her face*"My face!*hears her voice cracking*"My voice!!!"

Layla: "Puberty Overload curse, for pesky teenagers."

(Y/N): "I don't think you're qualified to be a good teacher for an 8 year old kid."

Layla: "Alright."*changes Taylor back to normal*"If you want a magic teacher, you know where to find me. Who knows, my magic teachings might come in handy for your line of work."

(Y/N): "I'll stick to what I got thanks."

The next day, we see you heading to work and you see Dr. Gears and Dr. Clef on the way in.

(Y/N): "Dr. Gears, Dr. Clef, what are your thoughts on Sigurros getting a spellbook to master her powers. And I'm gonna check on her to see how she's doing."

Dr. Gears: "I'm sorry my friend, but we won't let you see SCP-239."

(Y/N): "Wait what? Why?"

Dr. Clef: " We believe that 239 is too dangerous to be left awake, so we put her into a chemical induced coma."

(Y/N): "You what!? How is she gonna master her powers when she's in a coma!?"

Dr. Clef: "That's the thing, she doesn't. What would happen if she found a magic spell that would blow up the planet or tear holes in the fabric of reality."

(Y/N): "But the O5 Council placed me in charge to take care of the anomalies and bring up morale."

Dr. Gears: "I'm sorry old friend but it must be done. I hope you understand."

(Y/N): "You all are too afraid of Sigurros' power, she could've been a huge asset for the Foundation."

Dr. Gears: "I'm sorry but what we have done must be done."

(Y/N): "I thought we got rid of all the ''Mandys'' in the Foundation but apparently not. Now I'm gonna wake her up myself."

Dr. Clef: "Do that and you will be terminated on the spot."

(Y/N): "Try me!"

You then walk to Sigurros' room as we see Dr. Clef grab you by the arm and pull you in for a punch in the face. We then see you and Dr. Clef get into a fist fight. We then see both you and Clef beating each other up as we see Dr. Buck and Dr. Collingwood comes into the room and they see what's going on.

Dr. Buck: "What is going on!?"

Dr. Gears: "(Y/N) is acting irrational over a child!"

Your eyes begin to glow red from the Scarlet King's rage and you begin to choke Dr. Clef to death as Dr. Buck was into your field of vision and you stopped as your eyes stopped glowing red and you stepped back to a wall.

Dr. Buck: "My office now! The O5 will decide what to do with you."

(Y/N): "As long as I get to see Sigurros, I'll deal with any punishment they give me."

Later, in Dr. Buck's office, we see her calling the O5 Council on a secure channel and we see them online with you and Dr. Buck.

O5-1: "We are very displeased with you (Y/N)."

O5-9: "Acting so irrationally over a child with too much power for her to use."

Dr. Buck: "SCP-239 was given a spellbook made by (Y/N) Cranston if you recall. His contribution to ensuring 239's power to be controlled through this method of control is effective. Not only does this serve as a way to control her power but also find out what she's capable of. Yet despite this, 239 is in a medically induced coma as per containment procedures. A previous O5 Council assigned (Y/N) Cranston a recurring objective to maintain morale of both the staff and anomaly alike due to his autism which given evidence of multiple cases allow him to form connections to anomalies since in his eyes the SCPs we contained are entities with disabilities in the anomalous form."

O5-10: "Is there evidence of this?"

Dr. Buck: "Yes, his experimentation on the termination of SCP-682 is not out of hatred for the beast but rather out of curiosity. (Y/N) considers 682 a friend and 682 considers (Y/N) to be a tolerable presence. The more hostile SCPs like SCP-076-2 has found (Y/N) to be a worthy adversary, 4335 finds comfort in (Y/N)'s philosophical view on life and challenges they partake in, and 082 found good company with him. SCP-053 considers him as her big brother and SCP-"

O5-13: "None of that matters when he nearly killed Dr. Alto Clef. One of our most vital Foundation staff."

Dr. Buck: "Which would have been avoided if we changed the containment procedures."

O5-2: "We have come to an agreement in order to prevent any unnecessary breaches in containment. We must revoke his status as a Foundation operative and demote him to D-Class immediately."

(Y/N): "What!?"

Dr.Buck: "Please reconsider."

O5-11: "End of discussion Dr. Buck."

Dr.Buck: "It wasn't his fault, he was under the influence of-"

O5-7: "We saw the footage and he was under no influence, the guards are on their way to get (Y/N)."

We then see the guards come into the room and they grab and take you to D-Class containment. Meanwhile with the girls, they heard that you have been demoted to D-Class.

Shego: "He has been demoted to D-Class?!"

Kim: "Why?!"

Lindsay: "He attacked Dr. Clef and attempted to murder him. Now he's been demoted to D-Class by the O5 Council."

Shego: "That doesn't sound like (Y/N)."

Lindsay: "(Y/N) was upset that Sigurros was put into a medically induced coma."

Shego: "There it is. What happened next?"

Lindsay: "Dr. Buck called a meeting with the O5 and he was demoted despite how effective he is at his job."

Kim: "How are we gonna break the news to everyone at home?"

Shego: "We'll give it to them straight. No wait, maybe we can bend it a little?"

Kim: "How?"

Shego: "We can tell them he has a big mission and he's really busy for a while."

Kim: "And you think everyone's gonna believe that he wasn't demoted just because he was hypnotized into attacking someone?"

Lindsay: "(Y/N) was pretty angry about it, I don't think it was hypnosis."

Shego: "Then what else could it be? He wouldn't attack someone for no reason."

Kim: "(Y/N) was outraged and that's it, it's an open and shut case."

Shego: "Great...."

Later at home, Shego explained what happened to you and everyone was shocked to hear it.

Girls: "What?!"

Verosika: "He got demoted to D-Class?!"

Millie: "Why?!"

Shego: "He attempted to murder Dr. Clef because they put Sigurros in a coma after (Y/N) gave her a spellbook to master her powers."

Verosika: "And you don't think that she could accidentally casted one of those spells in that book?"

Shego: "We read through the book and the hypnosis spell was in the don't section of the spellbook, which means she can't use that one unless it's an emergency."

Millie: "Poor (Y/N), they must be torturing him by now."

Verosika: "There's gotta be a way to get his old job back, how do D-Class get promoted?"

Shego: "Survive 30 days of experiments and who knows what. But D-class would be executed or get administered amnestics and go to the outside world or just restart the whole 30 days thing all over again."

Verosika: "Shit, he's doomed."

Shego: "What if we bust him out and leave this place and have new lives on the lamb?"

Kim: "That could work."

Shego: "You're not against that Kim?"

Kim: "Honestly, I can't think of anything else at this point and this is all we got."

Shego: "Alright, so how are we gonna get him out of there?"

Lindsay: "He's probably locked up in a cell that contains more dangerous D-Classes. The Foundation knows all of us inside and out."

Verosika: "So now what?"

Leshawna: "Wait for 30 days I guess."

Next: Chapter 128: SCP-590 "He Feels Your Pain"

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