Chapter 129: SCP-6000 "The Serpent, The Moose, and the Wanderer's Library"

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Here we see you and the D-Classes playing cards and we see that most of the D-Classes with you are women.

(Y/N): "I can't believe they are using more male D-classes rather than female D-classes."

Clara: "It's a vagina party 24/7 here."

(Y/N): "Sorry about that."

Lana: "I'm into women so that just means more girls to make out with."

(Y/N): "Good for you."

Lana: "But I don't mind sharing."

(Y/N): *sees one of the D-Classes pregnant*"How did that happen?"

Lana: "Oh she got raped by one of the guys and she is now carrying his kid. But ever since that guy got eaten by a giant lizard, she doesn't have anyone for the baby to have as a father."

(Y/N): "Who needs a dad when you have two moms."

Lana: "That's what I've been telling her."

Mary: "You think you would be my child's mother."

Lana: *place her head on Mary's stomach*"I always wanted to have kids of my own."

(Y/N): "So what are you two in for?"

Lana: "I was framed for rape at a strip club because a guy was jealous that she had a better fuck with me than him and he said I was raping her but it was consensual lesbo sex."

Mary: "I was framed for rape too."

Lana: *gasp*"Then that means..."

Mary and Lana: *hugs each other*"We're made for each other!"

Mary: *feels her water broke*"Uh water broke."

(Y/N): "Stand back, and let me handle this."

Meanwhile, we see the girls with Dr. Tilda David Moose and as she is going over the mission briefing and Dr. Moose sees the girls really bummed out and not paying attention to her.

Dr. Moose: "So, I see no one is paying attention to the briefing."

Lindsay: "Sorry Dr. Moose, we just want (Y/N) to be doing the briefing."

Dr. Moose: "I know you miss him but he's a D-Class now. And we can't rely on him now given the circumstances. I sent a request to the O5 Council about temporary assigning him as a commanding officer of this operation but-"

Courtney: "His brother would happen."

Dr. Moose: "Yes and at this rate, he might become Administrator."

Clover: "What's the mission?"

Dr. Moose: "We are going to the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil to investigate a dimensional extrusion that we designated SCP-6000."

Verosika: "Who?"

Dr. Moose: "It's not a who, it's a what."

Verosika: "Okay, what is it?"

Dr. Moose then pulls up a satellite image of SCP-6000 and the girls sees it.

Dr. Moose: "It's a dimensional extrusion in the Amazon Rainforest, located at 2° 9' 47.1816'' S and 55° 7' 35.9328'' W."

Leshawna: "It's a dimensional thing, where does it lead?"

Dr. Moose: "We will be having a small team of troops led by MTF Stigma 3 the Bibliographers. And since (Y/N) is not available at this time, we have the next best thing."

Verosika: "Who?"

Some time later, at SCP-6000, we see Vaggie getting bug spray all over her by Charlie and we see her coughing from the bug spray.

Charlie: "Us on a mission for the humans! I've dreamed of this!"

Vaggie: *coughs*"Easy with the bug spray."

Verosika: "Welp, we're boned."

Shego: "We have MTF Stigma 3 and they're professionals."

Verosika: "It's not them I'm worried about." *Referring to Charlie* "It's her."

Shego: "Oh, well she led a battle against Heaven, she has commanding experience. Besides, this is a simple recon mission."

Vaggie: "Yeahhh, uh, when it comes to Charlie and well new things, she gets a little... excited..."

Verosika: *points to Alastor and Vox*"And why are they here?"

Alastor: "A breath of fresh air and to have Vox struggle his way around the rainforest when he can't find a good satellite signal."

Vox: "Up yours asshole!"

Alastor: "Unlike you I take nature walks to the rainforest all the time with my mother when I was a child. Haha! I love seeing small creatures get eaten by snakes."

Vox: "Whatever."*trips on a tree root*"Oof!"*falls into the mud* "Fuck!"

Velvet: "Unlike my co-workers, I have the common sense to travel the world, even in nature."

Valentino: "I have a sense that I am safe and I don't know why."

Leshawna: *grabs a snake and pulled Nifty out of its mouth*"Found little miss psycho."

Nifty: "Yay snakes!"

Charlie: *sees something*"Bookshelves!"

Velvet: "We're not in a library you twit."

Charlie: "No! Look!"

Everyone then sees naturally forming bookshelves from the trees with leaves tattoo with words, birds covered in text, jaguars with multiple legs, and other animals covered in text.

Valentino: "We're not high are we?"

Velvet: "Looks like this place is merging with the Wanderer's Library and it's affecting the animals and plants."

Alastor: *looks at a bookshelf*"Very peculiar."

Vaggie: "What? They're just shelves."

Alastor: "These trees became the shelves themselves."

Charlie: "Has anyone seen the MTF soldiers?"

Everyone then sees that the MTF soldiers are gone and they see that they're alone.

Alastor: "Well that was unfortunate."

We see Lindsay trip on a root and she rolled onto something that broke her fall. She then felt something smooth and scaly on her hand and she looked to see a gorgeous woman covered head to toe with snake scales and she saw a very long tail on the woman where her legs should be like a lamia or gorgons in a comatose state.

Lindsay: "Um.....guys!"

Vaggie: "What did you-"*sees the 12 dead bodies around the snake woman*"Woah..."

Husk: "Welp, were fucked."

Alastor: "No no, Husker, these people aren't with us."*points to the rocks*"In fact, they were doing some form of ritual here."

We then see birds with paper wings pecking all over Vox as he struggles to get them off of him as we see Velvet take a picture of Vox.

Velvet: "Good pose Vox."

Leshawna: "Weird creatures, trees turning into bookshelves, dead dudes in robes, and a snake woman. This is all the handy work of the Serpent's Hand."

Vaggie: "And why the fuck would they do this?"

Leshawna: "I don't know."*points to the snake woman*"But she might know."

Courtney: "She's in a coma."

Leshawna: "Then we better get her reptilian booty out of here before she wakes up. Now I have the body."

Lindsay: "How come you always get the body."

Leshawna: "Because I'm stronger than both of the piles of sticks and twigs you call bodies."

Vaggie: "Why don't we call a helicopter?"

Courtney: "And then we carry her."

Leshawna: "Alright, who has a satellite phone?"

Velvet: *holds up her satellite*"I always keep this for emergencies when people wonder where I am."

Sometime later, we see the snake woman in a cell and she is now labeled as SCP-6000-A and we see you in the same cell as her because Gary wants the SCP to tear you to shreds when she wakes up.

(Y/N): "Welp, I'm fucked."

Then SCP-6000-A wakes up and sees you and she didn't attack right away but rather she felt sorry for you.

SCP-6000-A: "You are a Jailor, but from the looks of you. You are the good kind of Jailor, my other colleagues talked about your efforts in making this place comforting for the anomalies here. They probably sent you in here to see if you get killed by me."

(Y/N): "Yeah plus you don't seem to be a naturally born Lamia, you must've gone through a ritual if I have to guess."

SCP-6000-A: "Yeah but I don't remember my name though so I don't know myself. The voice wanted me to mold into it's image."

(Y/N): "Voice? You mean The Serpent?"

SCP-6000-A: "Yes, The Serpent."

(Y/N): "Well if you ask me, I think The Serpent is taking advantage of his fanbase, Ada."

SCP-6000-A: "Ada?"

(Y/N): "It's a girly way of saying Adam from Adam and Eve. I don't call anomalies by their numbers, but by their real names. And if they don't have a name, I come up with one myself. And since Adam was made from the image of God and you were molded into the image of the Serpent, I call you Ada."

Ada: "Ada, I like that name. Thanks."

(Y/N): "You are welcome, so what is going on?"

Ada: "The Foundation is dealing with what they call SCP-6000."

(Y/N): "Let me guess, the Wanderer's Library is merging our world with it?"

Ada: "Yes."

(Y/N): "Welp, sooner or later, you might have to be interviewed by Dr. Moose. In the meantime."*sits with Ada and lay on her tail*"I'm gonna take a nap until they show up to drag me out of here. And if The Serpent wants you to mold it into it's image, then you look pretty with the lamia look."

Ada: *giggles*"Aww thanks."

(Y/N): "Anytime."

We then see Ada wrap you up in her coils and she takes a nap with you. Meanwhile with the girls, they see that you are getting along with Ada.

Leshawna: "Mmmmhmm, and he thought that she would tear him to shreds."

Izzy: "Snakes always give the best hugs."

Lindsay: "It's true."

Charlie: "So what do we do now?"

Leshawna: "Well Dr. Moose is gonna interview that little snake lady."

Charlie: "Why?"

Leshawna: "Cause she used to work with the Serpent's Hand."

Charlie: "And they're not above the O5?"

Leshawna: "Girl, the Serpent's Hand are a whole different group. They want to expose the anomalous world to everyone in the whole world."

Charlie: "Oooooh that's right."

Vaggie: "But how does this help (Y/N)'s situation?"

Leshawna: "Because Dr. Moose is gonna go to the Exclusion Zone of 6000 and have a look around in the library with (Y/N) on her side."

Charlie: "And Gary?"

Leshawna: "He may be O5-1, but I'm sure he doesn't have complete power over the vote to send him on a mission like this."

Meanwhile with the O5 Council, we see them at a meeting about assigning you on a mission into SCP-6000.

Gary: "So sending (Y/N) on a mission into SCP-6000 for the time being. All in favor?"

Out of complete fear of Gary, none of the O5 members dared raise their hands because if they did they would be killed by Gary.

Gary: "All opposed?"

All the O5s in the room then raise their hands in opposition to the idea of having you on a mission.

Gary: *Smiles like a psychopath*"You all made a wise decision."

Later, we see the girls receive news from the O5 Council and it was a unanimous vote on not sending you on a mission with Dr. Moose.

Leshawna: "Oh come on!"

Lindsay: "It's not their fault, they're just too afraid of Gary killing them because he's in the O5 Council."

Courtney: "Are they that spineless?!"

Gwen: "This guy has no soul and is crazy, what do you expect?"

Charlie: "That means I'll be leading the charge into SCP-6000 with Dr. Moose then."

Lindsay: "And you think you can pull it off on your own?"

Charlie: "I won't be alone."*pulls Vaggie in*"I'll have Vaggie with me."

The girls all sigh in relief.

Charlie: "What's wrong?"

Gwen: "Charles don't get this the wrong way but... um, when it comes to stuff like this you get pretty excited..."

Lindsay: "Like really excited."

Gwen: "Plus you don't seem really... tough."

Charlie: "Hey now, I can be tough when I want to."

Angel D: "You were crying about snakes after watching the animal show."

Charlie: "They don't have any arms..."*to the girls*"You know what, I'll lead the expedition myself then just to prove how tough I am."

Vaggie: "Charlie don't-"*sees Charlie is gone*"-where is she?"

Angel D: "That bitch is already on a helicopter with Dr. Moose and her MTF team."

Vaggie: "Noooo!"

Nifty: "Soo... would it be a bad time to mention she redecorated Gary's quarter's without him knowing?"

Vaggie: "I'm sorry, what!?"

Later, at the Exclusion Zone, we see her with Dr. Moose and the MTF team.

Charlie: "Alrighty, who has their handy dandy walkie talkies so you can talk to your traveling buddies?"

Dr. Moose: "I do."

MTF: "We do too."

Charlie: "Alrighty doc, lead the way!"

Dr. Moose: "Of course your highness."

Charlie: "Call me Charlie. I sure hope Gary likes the decorations, I used a ton of glitter, rainbows, and stickers."

Dr. Moose: "Wait what?"

Meanwhile with you, you hear Gary screaming as he comes covered in glitter and both you and Ada see him walk by through the window

(Y/N): "The hell happened to him?"

Ada: "I'd say someone used too much glitter, rainbows, stickers, and whatever craft supplies they used in his room."

(Y/N): "Yeah, but it looks kinda cute but terrifying."

Ada: "Want to take another nap in my coils?"

(Y/N): "Sure thing, a snake's coils are nature's bed and blanket."

Meanwhile, we see Charlie and Dr. Moose explore the Exclusion Zone as Dr. Moose is getting a sense of deja vu from the warped environment of SCP-6000.

Charlie: "Is any of this bringing back memories?"

Dr. Moose: "Hm, yeah, just like my days in the Wanderer's Library. I used to get lost in the knowledge of the multiverse."

Dr. Moose and the others then come across a Way into the Wanderer's Library but it looks different to Dr. Moose.

Dr. Moose: "I've seen Ways before but this is much more different, like it was cut open like a cut on a person's body and it's expanding like our world is becoming part of the Library."

Charlie: "What now?"

Dr. Moose: "We enter the belly of the beast and find some answers."

Charlie: "Okay, remember everyone, be careful of your surroundings when going into the Library."

We see everyone then head into the Library and they see the part of the library that is being expanded thanks to SCP-6000.

Charlie: "Woah, I never seen this part of the library before."

Dr. Moose: "That's because it's part of the new expansion of the Wanderer's Library."

The team then look around the area and they see a giant millipede aka an archivist skittering around the halls above their heads.

Charlie: "Hey an Archivist."

Then they heard hissing and they turned to see a librarian which is a giant spider creature and Charlie sees that they're wearing the uniforms of the recon team.

Charlie: "Do you think that the library turned them into those creatures? Because they are wearing MTF uniforms."

Dr. Moose: "We must move, now!"

We see everyone make a full retreat as the MTF soldiers are picked off one by one. By the time Charlie and Dr. Moose escaped, they were the only ones left who survived the encounter.

Charlie: "Well... that could have gotten better."

Dr. Moose: "We need to contain SCP-6000."

Charlie: "Okay and we need to get answers from Ada."

Dr. Moose: "Ada?"

Charlie: "That's the name (Y/N) gave to that snake lady, maybe she knows about all of this."

Meanwhile with Ada, we see her taking down numerous guards because she was protecting you because you are her snuggle buddy.

Ada: "You stay away from my snuggle buddy you jailors!"*wraps her coils around you*"Are you okay?"

(Y/N): "I'm pretty sure one of them shot me in the foot."

Ada then makes a hand gesture to teleport the bullet and then uses her other hand to cast a spell to heal your bullet wound.

Ada: "When you live your life in the Wanderer's Library, you get to learn a thing or two."

(Y/N): "Cool."

Ada: "You are welcome."

We see Dr. Moose enters the room and she sees you with Ada and she sees the guards unconscious in the room.

Dr. Moose: "Oh what happened here?"

Ada: *hugs you into her breasts*"They were gonna shoot my little snuggle buddy you jailor!"

(Y/N): "It's true, but they only got me on my foot."

Dr. Moose: "I see, well I see that (Y/N) is well acquainted with you."

Ada: "He is, and he's gonna be safe in my coils while we have a conversation."*sends you to a corner*"Now what do you want?"

Dr. Moose: "SCP-6000, we need to find a way to contain it.,"

Ada: "Well how about we make a trade. A story for a story, my mind bursting with stories but to know a story is to tell it."

(Y/N): "I've been telling Ada stories about my adventures in other universes."

Ada: "He did and I love them all."

(Y/N): "Sorry, what was your question ma'am?"

Ada: "Well anyways, if you must know. There are Great stone vaults filled with knowledge that is forbidden even by the Library's standards."

(Y/N): "And I'm assuming that Dr. Moose stole some of this knowledge right? Sounds like she betrayed the library."

Ada: "And all of you Jailors are forbidden to go to the Wanderer's Library."*pulls you closer to her and hugs you*"But not you, you needed a place to stay and the Serpent's Hand gave you a home for you.'*while patting you on the head*"If you look for the Serpent's Hand, maybe they can help you."

Dr. Moose: "Alright."

(Y/N): "It's kinda like that story you told me Ada. Once upon a time, there was a little girl who woke up and found she could spin fire. She lit toys, candles, papers on fire, until men with guns kicked down the door to her tenement and tried to take her away. That was when she learned she could also light people on fire, and found that it was much less fun. Then she ran and ran until she met people, street witches and miracle makers, who were just like her. They opened a door to a world where she could be herself without fear of reprisal."

Dr. Moose: "The Library."

Ada: "Exactly."

Dr. Moose: "I need to form a meeting about this."

We then see Dr. Moose leave the room and we see Ada cuddling with you in her coils. Meanwhile, the girls were getting pretty jealous because they don't have long snake tails like Ada.

Courtney: *pouts*"I wish I had a snake body like hers."

Girls: *pouting*"Me too."

Later on, we see everyone in a meeting with Dr. Moose and she's going over Project Fusillade.

Dr. Moose: "Alright everyone, welcome to Project Fusillade. An operation with the clear goal of containing SCP-6000."

Leshawna: "Ok, so what's the plan?"

Dr. Moose: "First we try to capture every member of the Serpent's Hand we can get our hands on so that we can figure out how to properly contain SCP-6000."

Eva: "Let me at them! I want to beat up those nerds and bring them over here!"

Courtney: "Eva, what did we talk about?"

Eva: "What? I'm not gonna beat them up too badly, just enough for them to tell us how to stop SCP-6000."

Gwen: "Okay that's fair."

Later at one of the bases of the Serpent's Hand, we see Eva and some MTF troops looking around the base and it's completely empty.

Eva: "There's no one here!"

Gwen: "There's gotta be something, look around for anything weird, anything at all."

MTF soldier: *comes in*"We got word from all the MTF teams, all of the Serpent's Hand has made a global evacuation into the Wanderer's Library ma'am."

Eva: "Grrrrr! Ah, forget this!"

We see Eva throw her gun to the ground and it hits the MTF soldier in the nuts as we see Eva walk away in an angry manner. Meanwhile with you, we see you massaging Ada's tail.

(Y/N): "I know you haven't done much activity but I think a good massage would still do ya wonders."

Ada: "Mmm, thanks."

(Y/N): "Your welcome."

We then see Dr. Moose storm into the room and we see Ada wrap you into her coils and move you out of the way of Dr. Moose.

Dr. Moose: "We used 34 different attempts to neutralize SCP-6000 and none of them worked. Please give me a solution to this Ada!"

(Y/N): "Hey doc, did you know the Serpent's Hand used to be called The Hand of the Serpent? The Serpent's Hand used to be a warrior cult for the Serpent which led to the creation of the Library."

Dr. Moose: "No senseless trivia (Y/N)."*to Ada*"You know some stories, is there one about the Foundation defeating a Library gone mad?"

Ada: "There are no stories like that, but I do know this: All the stories I see with the Foundation staring down the end of the world... They have the Bookburners by their side. I suppose there's something to say there. Rivals, allying themselves against a threat greater than either could imagine. Smoking ash. A fusillade of fire against a wall of trees."

Dr. Moose: "You know about Project Fusillade?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, she's been telling me what's going on out there. She's an encyclopedia of knowledge but with scales. Wait the Bookburners, you mean the Global Occult Coalition?"

Ada: "The very same."

Dr. Moose: "And now I'll get this to the council and contact the GOC for their cooperation with us."

(Y/N): "If my brother has enough sense in him to follow the vote through."

Sometime later, we see Foundation and Coalition soldiers in the briefing room and the girls were surprised that Gary followed through with the vote.

Leshawna: "I can't believe this is happening."

Heather: "Don't be too surprised, he only went with the vote because he wants to see an anomaly perish for his own amusement. He doesn't care about the whole world right now."

We then see a soldier come into the room and he turn to Dr. Moose.

Soldier: "We lost contact with two of our men ma'am!"

Dr. Moose: "What? I thought that the GOC had raided the Library before."

Soldier: "Yeah but not like this ma'am."

Dr. Moose: "Explain."

Soldier: "When they entered the library, The Serpent sent out her giant spiders to attack the troops and we lost contact."

Anne Maria: "How can this get any worse?"

The girls hear their notifications on their phones and see that SCP-6000 is going viral all over the world.

Gwen: "Shit..."

Lindsay: "This is bad."

Leshawna: "If you think that's bad, look at the screens."

Everyone then turns to see how big SCP-6000 is now.

Leshawna: "The more people know about 6000, the bigger it gets."

Dr. Moose: "This is bad."

Meanwhile with you and Ada, we see that you have constructed a fake tree and we see you taking a nap on a hammock that is Ada's long snake body as we see Ada watching you in a peaceful mood.

Ada: "I can't believe he managed to build all of this for me."

Ada continued to rock her snake tail back and forth in a gentle motion as we see Dr. Moose comes into the room and sees what's going on.

Dr. Moose: "Am I disturbing you?"

Ada: "Shh, he's napping."

Dr. Moose: "Anyways, is there a way to stop SCP-6000?"

Ada: "Nope, there is no silver bullet to stop that. It's not that kind of story you know."

Dr. Moose: "I know, so is there any way to stop it."

Ada: "Just watch how it plays out, that's all. You don't choose an ending, just how you take it. And you want to go back to the library again, you're just denying it."

(Y/N): *wakes up*"Man, that was a good nap."

Dr. Moose: "So there's no stopping SCP-6000?"

(Y/N): "Eh, if you want to see the world end, have a bowl of popcorn while you're at it."

Dr. Moose: "So we're all doomed..."

(Y/N): "Can't choose an ending, just how you react to it. This story ends with two people talking and then they vanish in thin air. That's what Ada told me."

Later on, the girls see that they can't keep SCP-6000 forever and Dr. Moose has brought you along with her and you explained the whole situation to the girls.

(Y/N): "Long story short, we're fucked."

The girls then screamed in terror and panic as we saw them running around in circles, hugging a teddy bear while sucking on their thumbs, or rocking back and forth into a corner.

(Y/N): "But that doesn't mean we can leave this universe. We can grab our gear and make way to a new universe to call home."

Lindsay: "We can do that?"

(Y/N): "Yep, pack your things. Clothes, food, money, anything you need for an orderly transition."

Erotica: "What about Dr. Moose and Ada?"

(Y/N): "They will stay behind, Ada did say this story will end with two people vanishing into thin air."

Erotica: "Alright, but we are bringing everyone from the apartment complex."

(Y/N): "Glad to hear it. I'm gonna make one last goodbye first."

Sometime later, we see you hugging Ada and she is hugging back.

(Y/N): "I hope we see each other again, Ada."

Ada: *sniffs**sheds a tear*"Me too."*use her snake tongue to tickle your nose*

(Y/N): "The ending of one story is the beginning of other stories. Just like you said."

Ada: "True, I just wish I could spend these moments with you instead of Dr. Moose."

(Y/N): "Well I hope we can see each other again, if it was possible, I could be roommates with you with a shared cell."

Ada: "Yeah me too."

Sometime later, we see you and the others move into the new universe.

Courtney: "This feels... weird..."

Gwen: "Yeah, it's weird."

Morty: "You'll get used to it."

Rick: "Yeah, there are more world ending anomalies out there so that means there's infinite universes. This universe is where SCP-6000 never happened."

Gwen: "And Gary?"

Rick: "Still an O5 because Fulliside shifted focus in transporting key personnel to the new universe so that's a bust."

All the girls groaned as we saw the guards transporting you to a new cell.

Leshawna: "Hey where are you going with him?!"

Guard: "Sorry, O5's orders. Any personnel promoting this D-Class to a higher rank will be immediately terminated."

Heather: "Is Gary that petty to have (Y/N) in chains forever?!"

Leshawna: "Or at least 30 days."

Sometime later, we see you in D-Class containment as we see a sparkle and a shimmer as we see Ada appear into the room and she was looking around and she saw you. Her eyes were bursting with tears of joy and she hugged you tightly.

Ada: "I missed you!"

(Y/N): "It's good to have you back."

Clara: "SCP!"

Lana: "Don't kill us! I'm only a new mother!"

Mary: "Yeah I'm her prison wife!"

(Y/N): "Oh uh girls this is Ada or SCP-6000-A and she is pretty friendly. She's just glad she can get to see me again."

Ada: *sees Mary and Lana's baby*"Aww who's this little one? This child could become a new member of the Serpent's Hand."

Mary: "Her name is Cassie and she is not yours to eat you snake woman!"

Ada: "I wasn't gonna eat her, just pinch her cheeks."

Lana: *sees how sharp Ada's claws are*"I don't think so, not with claws like those."

Ada: "My claws aren't that sharp."

(Y/N): "It's true."*to Ada*"And I don't blame them, they have been used as test subjects many times before."

Ada: "Oh, sorry."

(Y/N): "It's okay."

Meanwhile, at the apartment complex, we see the girls planning on how to get you out of D-Class containment.

Anne Maria: "We can't bust him out of there or promote him. How are we going to get him out of there?"

Courtney: "We don't have any options to bust him out, it's hopeless."

Gwen: "I guess we will lose our boyfriend in 30 days."

Heather: "Welp he's toast."

Next: Chapter 130: SCP-3052 "Disturbed"

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