Chapter 131: SCP-482 ''Mentally Mutating Straitjacket''

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Here we see Lindsay and Erotica holding SCP-482 which is a black straitjacket and we see them looking through the file on it.

Erotica: "Okay, this straitjacket can fit any body type despite the label being it a size medium. Has a label like any other straitjacket, except it has Made in Tsiao-yan, China, Hand Wash Only, No Aserejena Powder on it in faded text."

Lindsay: "What else can it do?"

Erotica: "Well, it has two primary effects Time Point Alpha and Time Point Beta. Point Alpha is an initial stage and has a time span of 1 to 6 hours. The jacket can be removed without much issue and during this period, whoever is wearing the suit will feel mentally better. Basically their mental illnesses will be cured."

Lindsay: "That's not so bad."

Erotica: "Point Beta is a time period when the subject wears 482 for too long, during this period, the changes to the subject will not be mental but rather physical. Basically turning their mental illnesses into physical illnesses."

Lindsay: "That's awful!"

Erotica: "Yeah, and we have to run tests on D-Class."*pulls out a list of D-Classes*"We have to test the effects of 482 on people with mental illnesses like Schizophrenia, Paranoid Personality disorder, Hyperphagia, Autism-"*stops for a second*"Autism?"*realizes*"Oh no..."

Lindsay: "Autism, but the only D-Class with a condition like that is.......(Y/N)."

Erotica: "Ohh..."

Later on, we see a D-Class with Schizophrenia wearing 482 and we see Erotica and Lindsay observing the process.

D-Class: "Man, I feel eerily calm."

At the 2 hour and 50 minute mark, we see the D-Class' body contort and he is feeling a great deal of pain, his skull began to increase in size and mass. The D-Class' body increased dramatically in mass and body growth was not symmetrical.

D-Class: *to Lindsay and Erotica**screaming incoherently*

Later, after the termination of the D-Class, we see Lindsay and Erotica doing an autopsy and saw how big the D-Class has gotten.

Lindsay: "Woah...he's huge."

Erotica: "Did you feel an unnatural feeling that precluded normal movement whenever eye contact with the mutated subject was made?"

Lindsay: "Yeah like we were having Schizophrenia."

Erotica: "We better make note of this and see if this is memetic or something."

Lindsay: "We better do Paranoid Personality Disorder next."

Later on, the girls see a D-Class with PPD with 482 on.

D-Class: "Everything is quiet in my head now."

At the 3 hour and 30 minute mark, the girls see bulges appear all over the D-Class' body and we see the D-Class screaming.


Lindsay: *listens to the audio in the room*"I'm hearing 7 voices in the room, but they're speaking in a different language."

Later, after the D-Class' termination, we see Erotica and Lindsay doing an autopsy and the bulges have fully formed mouths and voice boxes.

Lindsay: "Woah...those mouths were talking to him?"

Erotica: "Looks like it."

Lindsay: "So who's next?"

The girls then see the guards bring you in and they were shocked to see that you're the next test subject.

Erotica: "(Y/N)...."

(Y/N): "It's fine, it's all for science. I'll be fine, probably."

Guard: "Get moving D-Class scum!"*hits you with a nightstick*"Move it!"

Erotica walks up to the guard and kicks him in the groin making him scream like a girl.

Erotica: "Treat him with respect!"

Guard: *Scared* "Y-Yes ma'am..."

(Y/N): "I don't blame them, the orientation video for security officers tells them to beat up and or injure D-Class."

Guard: *Notices Erotica glaring at him* "It's true! It's all on the orientation video!"

Guard 2: *drags you to the room*"Come on D-Class filth! Time for you to put on that straitjacket!"

We see the guard throw you into the room and we see the guard put you into SCP-482 and we see Erotica kick the other guard in the nards as well.

Erotica: "Don't you dare treat him like garbage!"

Lindsay: "Um the orientation tape tells them to do that."

Erotica: "Well there's going to be some changes around here." *Looks at the guards* "But first..."

Frenchie: "One brutal beat down later."

We see the guards are now bruised and battered as we see them walk away in shame as we see Lindsay look at Erotica.

Lindsay: "You know you could have solved this without violence."

Erotica: "I know, but they drew first blood, not me."

Lindsay: "(Y/N) wasn't bleeding because of them."

Erotica: "N-No I was making a Rambo reference." *Sighs* "Anyways let's observe."

We then see the girls watch you while you are wearing SCP-482 and by the 2 hour mark, point alpha activates and you feel different than usual and you feel like you're normal.

(Y/N): "Woah, for the first time in my life I feel......perfectly normal...."

Both Erotica and Lindsay were sad that the best part of you disappeared.

Lindsay: "Wait, so that means... you're not autistic?"

(Y/N): "That is the effect of SCP-482."

Erotica: "You communicated with us like a normal conversation. He has perfect eye contact, no compulsive behavior, no repetitive behaviors, and he's paying attention to us."

Lindsay: *cries out of sadness*"That's horrible!"

At the 4 hour mark, we see numerous eyes and mouths grow out of your body, your screams sound like 40 different people from one mouth, your speech is more delayed, and the mouths on your body repeat 4 different words as the girls are unaware of your emotions at the moment of the experiment. Soon the experiment is over and the girls see the numerous eyes and mouths that grew out on you.

Erotica: "Have you... noticed that (Y/N) was in pain?"

Lindsay: "Not really? But by the looks of it, he was in a huge amount of pain."

(Y/N): "This is even more painful than it looks, I can see everything in the room all at once."

Erotica: *sees small extra arms*"You even grew extra limbs that are repetitive."*sees two of the arms grabbing her boobs and play with them like a video game controller*"What the!?"

(Y/N): "I think those arms are under the impression that I'm close to beating a high score of Tetris. I set the speed of the game really fast for the challenge."

Erotica: *moans* "Well tell them to stop, I don't think playing with my boobs is a good idea."

(Y/N): "I would love to but can't. I think these arms have a compulsive behavior."

Lindsay: "Let me help with-"*sees another set of arms pinching her nipples**moans*" Oh man, not my nipples!"

(Y/N): "I think that's from the time I pinch down on pennies when I count them to make a deposit at the bank."

Lindsay: *Moans* "Well can you stop?"*realizes*"Right, you can't control them."

Erotica: "I guess this is-"*moans*"-the part of Autism that makes (Y/N) do inappropriate social interactions."

Lindsay: *Moans* "And from being impulsive."

(Y/N): "I'm telling you girls I'm not doing this intentionally, they have a mind of their own."

We then see the guards break your extra arms and rip them off of your body as you feel the pain from that.

Guard: "There problem solved."

(Y/N): *in pain*"You could have just used rope on them!"

Guard: "Yeah but this is way more fun for me and painful for you, D-Class dirtbag scum." *notices Erotica and Lindsay glaring at him* "Ah! Uh I-I am sorry. But it is so worth it you filthy D-Class you don't earn any human rights." *gets kicked in the nards by Erotica* "Gah! So worth it!"

Erotica: "You do realize you're gonna get a vasectomy by treating (Y/N) like this?"

Guard: "Who's (Y/N)?"*sees Erotica pointing at you*"Oh that test dummy dead man? He doesn't deserve to be called a human." *gets grabbed by the neck* "Gah!"

Erotica: "And you do? What kind of human are you!?"

Guard: "One that is getting paid in beating D-Classes with a stick."

???: "Son, you're relieved of duty."

The girls then see Sarge along with the rest of Red Team and Blue team too.

Griff: "And I thought Sarge was fucked up but you guys take the cake." *To Sarge* "No offense."

Sarge: "Say that again numbnuts."

Griff: "No offense sir."

Sarge: "Nice one Griff."

Tucker: "You do all realize that these guys get paid for beating up guys in orange. It's all in the orientation video."

Simmons: "I told you."

Griff: "Wait did you say-" *Realizes something* "Oh shit."

Guard: "Eh we won't beat you up, you're clearly wearing yellow."

Griff: "Uh yeah, I'm definitely wearing yellow."

Simmons: "Anyways, you're all being transferred to a different site. It's all in the paperwork."

Lindsay: "Hey where's Tex and Church?"

Griff: "Ugh, they're the new AICs, whatever the fuck that is."

Simmons: "Artificial Intelligence Conscripts."

Griff: "Yeah that."

Lindsay: "What's an AIC?"

Simmons: "They're sentient AI programs for varied purposes for the Foundation's efforts in containing the anomalous and they come in different classifications."

Griff: "Nerd."

Simmons: "It's not nerdy, it's informative. Church, back me up here."

Church: *appears in the room as a hologram*"Yeah that nerd doesn't speak for me."

Griff: "Thank you."

Lindsay: "Anyways, we tried this straijacket on (Y/N) and-"

Sarge: *sees what happened to you*"Holy moly that is an affront to nature!"

Griff: "Holy shit!"

Church: "What the fuck happened to him?!"

Simmons: "That is the result of SCP-482, the mentally mutating straitjacket. There are two time points, alpha and beta. Alpha cures the mental illness of the person."

Church: "Oh that's not so bad."

Simmons: "But point beta turns the mental illness into a physical illness. And apparently this is what happens when Autism becomes a physical illness."

Griff: "What happened to his extra arms?"

Erotica: "They were following repetitive behaviors from (Y/N) playing Tetris and coin counting for his bank deposit on our breasts."

Tucker: "Lucky..." *sees Erotica glaring at him* "Ah! Uh I mean, ... boo that is terrible! But at least he's getting laid as a D-Class."

Donut: "So is there a way to fix (Y/N)'s.....condition?"

Erotica: "Actually we killed the test subjects and (Y/N) is the only one who survived the experience."

Griff: "So what does that mean?"

Simmons: "It means it's permanent."

Sarge: *pulls out your canteen*"Good thing I have this with me."

Sarge then pours the 006 water all over you and you reverted back to your normal body and you got your Autism back.

(Y/N): "Hey I got my Autism back."

Simmons: "One thing I don't understand, aren't you know, D-Classes supposed to be experimented and not you?"

Erotica: "He was demoted to D-Class thanks to the new O5-1, Gary Cranston."

Tucker: "Oh shit, crazy brother?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Church: "How did that happen?"

One explanation later.

Tucker: "Oh man that sucks balls!"

(Y/N): "No shit, and there's more guards who would have the pleasure of beating me up and get rewarded with a paycheck for it."

Griff: "And how the hell are we supposed to stop him?"

Church: "He's an O5 and the whole Foundation is too spineless and scared to mess around with that guy."

Sarge: "He scared the pants off of 682, the only thing that can scare that overgrown reptile is that sculpture."

Griff: "Well who can beat the O5?"

Simmons: "The only one who can is the Kill Squad."

(Y/N): "There are a lot of variances of Killsqaud because of the Ouroboros Cycle."

Tucker: "So all we have to do is find a Killsquad and off Gary, easy peasy."

(Y/N): "Not so easy, and definitely not peasy, finding them is harder than it looks, accomplishing the job is even harder and at the end of the day, you will become part of the New O5 Council and the cycle repeats itself."

Caboose: "Yeah it's a vicious cycle."

Griff: "it sounds like a lot of work, fuck that."

Tucker: "But, if it means getting rid of Gary for good, we'll do it."

Church: "No way Tucker, it's a vicious cycle. Trust me I've been through a vicious cycle before and it's horrible."

(Y/N): "Yeah you don't want to do that."

Tucker: "Well what other options do we have? If this keeps going, (Y/N) is gonna be D-class mush."

Caboose: "The worst kind of mush."

(Y/N): "I only have 15 days left before I get executed."

Griff: "Oh fuck..."

Tucker: "Oh man you're screwed."

Simmons: "So what do we do now?"

Griff: "We can do more experiments with the straitjacket."

Tucker: "I'll take him back to his cell."

Later on, we see Tucker taking you to your cell and when he opens the door, he sees Ada taking a nap in a roll like any other snake.

Tucker: "What the fuck?! You got a snake lady with you?! Wait, is that SCP-6000-A?"

(Y/N): "I call her Ada."

Tucker: "Why? Is it because they tried to make her into the image of the Serpent? Like how Adam is the image of God?"

(Y/N): "Yeah actually."

Tucker: "Oh well can I stay for awhile?"

(Y/N): "Sure."

When you and Tucker enter the containment cell, Tucker sees that most of your cellmates are women.

Tucker: "Dude, your cellmates are women. Even as a D-Class you're getting laid."

(Y/N): "Mary and Lana are lesbians and Clara is an Aro Ace."

Tucker: "Aro what?"

(Y/N): "Aromatic and Asexual."

Tucker: "What the fuck does that mean?"

(Y/N): "Having no sexual or romantic attraction to anyone of any gender."

Clara: "Yep."

Tucker: "Wait, she's not attracted to you or me?"

Clara: "Nope."

(Y/N): "Well anyways, thanks for bringing me back here Tucker."

Tucker: "No problem."

We then see Tucker leave the room and we see him swearing at the top of his lungs out of anger because your cellmates are all women. Later on, we see Erotica and Lindsay testing on a D-Class with Pyromania with SCP-482 and we see Caboose offering the guy with some matches.

Caboose: "Want some matches to make a fire for your s'mores?"

D-Class: "No thanks."

Erotica: "He has no interest in causing a fire."

Lindsay: "Okay Caboose, you can get out of there."

We then see Caboose come out of the room and we see Tucker coming back after dropping you off at D-Class containment.

Tucker: "Dude (Y/N)'s cellmates are all chicks! And they're all gay! Well, except for one, she's Aro Ace."

Caboose: "She flies planes?"

Simmons: "It means she has no sexual or romantic attraction to anyone idiot."

Tucker: "So in other words, she's like a nun?"

Sarge: "No way, nuns are supposed to be ones with God, Alastor is an Aro Ace himself and he's anything but a nun."

Church: "That makes sense."

Erotica: "Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?"

Tucker: "Lady, it's you cause your heat made my heat rise up in a certain hot spot, bow chicka bow wow."

Erotica: "Gross..."

Lindsay: "She's right, it's getting hot in here."

Tucker: "That's because you're smokin hot and on fire, and I'm the fireman. Want me to put out the fire with my fire hose? Bow chicka bow wow."

Lindsay: "No I mean it's literally getting hot in here, also." *Kicks Tucker in the nards* "Not interested."

Church: "Ugh Caboose, stop fucking with the thermostat."

Caboose: "Not my fault, Tucker did it."

Tucker: "Wait if it's not Caboose then who is fucking around with the heater?"

Simmons: "I think it's coming from the D-Class!"

Griff: "He's gonna blow!"

Sarge: "Scatter!"

Church: "Wait what?"*sees the D-Class about to blow up*"Oh son of a bi-"

Before Church finishes his thought, the entire containment room went spontaneously on fire. When the explosion subsided, we saw Lopez on the ground as a head and there was fire on his head.

Lopez: *in Spanish* "Dammit! Not again!"

We then see Washington and Carolina come into the room and they see what happened.

Washington: "What the fuck happened in here?!"

Caboose: *comes out of the rubble*"Tucker did it!"

Tucker: *From the rubble* "Up yours!"

Church: *coughing*"Wait, I don't even have lungs!"

Sometime later, we see Doc doing an autopsy on the burnt D-Class and has found a new organ in the body.

Doc: "Woah, that is so weird."

Church: *feels the magnetism from the organ*"The fuck is that? It's making a magnetic presence."

Doc: "Well the organ is stable, better put this in magnetic containment for research in the future."

Kaikana: "So this new organ just made him magnetic?"

Doc: "Actually it's more like it just caused spontaneous combustion."

Kaikana: "Oh."

Doc: "Yeah, so this organ makes spontaneous combustion."

Church: "That's nuts."

Tucker: *comes in*"Hey uh guys, what's the mental illness for having an uncontrollable boner?"

Church: "Priapism, why?"

Doc: "No, that's Satyriasis."

Tucker: "We used 482 on a D-Class and he busted a nut so hard that he flooded the whole room with jizz."

Church: "Gross..."

Kaikana: "Oh fuck, did anyone get pregnant?"

Tucker: "We tested the jizz and it's sterile. The jizz went through all the orifices including the guy's pores."

Meanwhile with Erotica and Lindsay, we see them more aroused than usual to the point of replicating the condition of Satyriasis.

Erotica: *Moans* "Why am I so horny??"

Lindsay: *moans*"I don't know!"

By the time the girls went home, they turned to see Layla and they grabbed her and took her to her bed and Layla saw the lust in their eyes.

Layla: "Not again...."

Frenchie: 40 days of sex later.

After 40 days of sex, Riko and Mizuho see Layla is worn out and they see Layla's bedroom to be flooded with jizz as they see Erotica and Lindsay in the bed covered in jizz.

Riko: "What happened?"

Erotica: *panting*"We don't know what came over us..."

Lindsay: "Yeah... it was like... we were... super horny..."

Mizuho: "It could be repressed sexual desires."

Riko: "I don't know, this is not repressed lust to me. More like a supernatural force. Like something made them super horny."

Mizuho: "Well they can't tell us what happened at work because we don't work there."

Later at the Foundation, we see Erotica and Lindsay talking to Tucker about what happened 40 days ago.

Tucker: "Dude, you two were so horny that you both had Satyriasis for 40 days."

Lindsay: "What's Satyriasis?"

Erotica: "It's a condition where it's an obsession with thoughts, urges, and behaviors in a sexual way that cause distress or negatively affects health, job, and relationships."

Lindsay: "But how did we get it?"

Tucker: "Probably SCP-482, that straitjacket made you guys super horny as hell."

Erotica: "And you didn't take advantage of what happened to us?"

Tucker: "You two being under the effect of a magic straitjacket from a guy who has a desire to have sex with everything is low hanging fruit sex, like hookers and prostitutes. As for strippers, they're 50/50, unless you live in Las Vegas cause Vegas strippers are okay."

Erotica: "Hm you're not wrong there."

Lindsay: "Really?"

Erotica: "As an exotic dancer, Vegas strippers are much cleaner and they keep the money they receive from patrons. Plus a lot of them are ready to be married to guys who drank too much." *mutters* "Lucky bitches."

Lindsay: "What? Why do you think they're lucky?"

Erotica: "Cause they get to keep money and get married, which I'm not."

Lindsay: "Oh gotcha, have you tried relocating the Tenderloins to Las Vegas?"

Erotica: "Huh, I never thought of relocation before, I should plan that when I go to work, thanks Lindsay."

Lindsay: "Anytime Erotica."

Tucker: "Maybe I'll get drunk and marry ya."

Erotica: "Not going to happen."

Tucker: "Hey what's (Y/N) up to now?"

Meanwhile with you, we see you playing cards with the other D-Classes and Ada.

(Y/N): "Got any kings?"

Ada: "Hmm, go fish."

(Y/N): "Crud."*takes a card*"Man, I wish there was a way to communicate with everyone from outside of this cell."

Ada: "Like a cellphone?"

(Y/N): "Something more subtle."

Meanwhile with Lindsay, we see her using the bathroom until she heard a voice in the stall.

???: "Who dares disturb the Butt Ghost? I will eat your butt."


Next: Chapter 132: SCP-789-J "The Butt Ghost"

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