Chapter 19: SCP-001 ''The Factory''

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Here we see you get up after making a full recovery. We see you head to the site and you head to an office where you see an old man who is an O5.

(Y/N): "Are you O5-01?"

O5-01: "Yes, it's good to meet you in person (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "I never seen an O5 up close before."

O5-01: "It is a privilege to meet an O5. Do you know anything about SCP-001?"

(Y/N): "Not really, I don't have the clearance for it."

O5-01: "Well I want to tell you a story about SCP-001 also known as The Factory. This SCP is not in the database so that no one would ever experience the horrors of that wretched place."

(Y/N): "Why are you telling me?"

O5-01: "Because I was like you when I was your age, brave and courageous to a fault."

(Y/N): "Well I do have to think of ways to not get killed in a fight and I have to resort to diplomacy first and use violence when diplomacy fails. Don't the other O5 members know about this, telling me about The Factory?"

O5-01: "No, there are some reasons why the rest of the council don't know about this. Some of them see you as a valuable employee to the foundation and a bright light for all the anomalies that are contained here and some of them are too paranoid that you are a servant to other Groups of Interest or a sleeper agent enslaved by your brother or even a SCP created to bring about the destruction of all of creation. The same could be said about your sister as well."

(Y/N): "Why do most of the O5 fear me and my sister?"

O5-01: "You have the ability to be immune to effects of SCPs which means you can break into any file guarded with a memetic kill agent at any time if you please and as for your sister, she has an incredible IQ along with the skill of combat that can outmatch any foe human or otherwise. And as for your brother, we have reason to believe he's capable of devastating the planet if he wanted to, the only thing that is keeping him from destroying every known organization such as our Foundation, the Global Occult Coalition, the Serpent's Hand, and even the Chaos Insurgency as well as cults like the Church of the Broken God, Sarkism, Children of the Scarlet King, and so much more is you and your sister. If both of you are killed, then your brother's power will be unbound because you two have the strength and courage to stop your brother."

(Y/N): "Okay so how is all of this related to The Factory?"

O5-01: "I was hoping you would say that, now before I tell you why The Factory is related to your brother. Let me tell you about The Factory itself."*clears his throat*"It all started back into the year 1835, it was the American Frontier."


Here we see The Factory or Anderson Factory as it was named back in its day in 1835 and the inside was the many employees there.

O5-01: *narrating*"The Anderson Factory, it was supposed to be a manufacturing plant that would end all manufacturing plants. The ultimate factory that has everything, it was 3 stories tall and a mile wide and a 7 story tower where it's creator James Anderson and it houses their own employees. The people there are to be born, work, live, and die in The Factory."

We see numerous employees working to the bone and we see an employee fall to the ground with his blood splattered on the floor revealing arcane symbols.

O5-01: *narrating*"The work they do is cattle raising and slaughtering for textiles to everything else in the sun. Anderson's journals indicate he thought of his employees as less than man and created to only serve his will. At the time no one knows what's going on in that Factory as the place to and live at the same time. Of course people wanted in without knowing the harsh hours, working conditions, sadistic security force, and all the rest."

We see some of the workers getting whipped by some security guards to make them work harder.

O5-01: *narrating*"Factory workers are forced to work 16 hour work days only shutting down on Sundays between sunset and sunrise. The workers were not given individual rooms but instead shared a room between 8 people and slept in shifts of 3 and there was no medical attention."

(Y/N): *narrating*"That's horrible."

O5-01: *narrating*"It gets worse, if anyone was too injured to work was dragged off by security never to be heard from again."

We then see a man with two broken legs and is being dragged away by a group of security guards.

O5-01: "They have made many things from meat, clothes, and weapons. They don't care if the beef was mixed with human flesh, or weapons were forged in blood, or even the clothes were dyed with....well you get the idea."

We then see a wife making a steak dinner for her family with the meat that came straight from the Anderson Factory.

Manson: "Mary, this meal looks delicious."

Mary: "Why thank you sweetie."

Then we see a woman running and escaping the Anderson Factory and heading to the White House.

O5-01: *narrating*"In 1875, word got out when a woman got out of the factory and managed to meet with President Grant and he enlisted my aid and the air of 150 soldiers that were given jobs that weren't to be common knowledge."

Sometime later, we see O5-01 and his comrades fighting off the guards and monsters of the Anderson Factory.

(Y/N): *narrating*"What happened when you got into the Factory?"

O5-01: *narrating*The security force wasn't much of a problem but it was Anderson's creations that was the real issue. He took injured workers and experimented on them and gave them multiplier arms that were sewn together along with some animal parts created to be monstrosities. They keep coming and coming wave after wave of not so living creatures."

We then see O5-01 and the other 12 members of the council see a lot of children in Anderson's breeding pits.

Soldier: "My god, what happened to these children..."

Little girl: *crying and in pain*"They hurt hurts...."

O5-01: *narrating*"When we found Anderson's breeding pits we have found girls as young as 8 chained to walls and forced to be nothing more than-"

(Y/N): *narrating*"Breeding stock...."

We then see the soldiers and O5-01 heading into Anderson's office and they see the man himself cowering under his desk as we see the soldiers grab him.

O5-01: "Anderson we are here to stop you and this factory."*narrating*"When we found Anderson, he was cowering in his office under his desk. His punishment was to have him hanged, drew, and quartered to death in the period of 2 days. In the end he died laughing and said."

Anderson: *with his final breath*"It doesn't matter, you can kill me, but the factory, The Factory will live on."

O5-01: *narrating*"Those words haunt me to this day."

(Y/N): *narrating*"How can a factory operate by itself?"

O5-01: *narrating*"I'll get to that later, anyways while The Factory has many horrors, it also has many wonders as well."

Here we see O5-01 and his comrades taking a look at the various objects made by the Factory.

O5-01: *narrating*"Like toy guns that can shoot real bullets, hammers that only work on human flesh, a breed of skeletal horses that can run faster than anything I have ever seen, yo-yos that flay skin from anyone it touches, and cloaks that can take us to a shadowy dimension. The 13 of us were either greedy or fearful of these creations. But we used them to stop anything that goes bump in the night. We had funding that is a mix of blackmail and friends from high places and we renamed the Anderson Factory into our first Foundation Site formerly known as Site Alpha."

(Y/N): *narrating*"What happened to Site Alpha?"

O5-01: *narrating*"The Faeries happened."

We see the soldiers of the Foundation fight off an army known as The Faeries and we see the Fae slaughtering numerous soldiers and researchers.

O5-01:*narrating*"A race of beings living beside us and they could look the same as you and I but they have a weakness for Iron. But they were too much even with the firepower from the creations of The Factory. They have slaughtered everyone except for me, I managed to escape and survive and try to find something to help us win this battle and save humanity."

(Y/N): *narrating*"Well you saved the world right? If you didn't then we wouldn't be having this conversation. So what did you do?"

O5-01: *narrating*"I found something that could save humanity."

We see O5-01 running down the halls and then he finds a large bronze door covered in Arabic Script and then opens the door and heads into it.

O5-01: *narrating*"I found the dead body of James Anderson bathed in red light. It was not Anderson at all, but rather The Factory itself and it struck a deal with me. It can turn back time and destroy the Fae and save everything who has been slain, on one condition."

(Y/N): *narrating*"What is it?"

O5-01: *narrating*"Everyone who works at the Foundation belongs to The Factory. Once the deal has been made, I use all the power of The Factory it can give us to slay every single Fae to the point of bringing them to extinction. Once the Fae was defeated, I got the entire foundation to abandon The Factory and I didn't honor my deal with the Factory."

Flashback end

(Y/N): "How is it operating if there's no one there to keep it operational?"

O5-01: "That's because The Factory is more than just a place, it's an entity and it hasn't forgotten about our deal."

O5-01 then places an old toy gun on the table and you pick it up and take a look at it. You then fire the gun at a lamp and it fires a bullet.

(Y/N): "A toy gun that shoots actual bullets?"

O5-01: "A creation of The Factory, when I received this toy in a package, I knew it was from that wretched Factory."

(Y/N): "But why are you telling me this now?"

O5-01: "I have reason to believe that when your brother gets his hands on The Factory, he will be the successor to James Anderson and he will enslave not just the Foundation but every other Group of Interest, if he ever knew about the existence of the Factory."

(Y/N): "Guess you're right, he will do anything for money and power."*puts the toy gun in the holster*"I should keep this with me."

O5-01: "But the more you use items from The Factory, the stronger it becomes."

(Y/N): "Like Kratos once said, even the most hated things have their uses. Is there any way my sister and I can win over the O5 Council's trust? I want them to make sure I'm not a threat to them."

O5-01: "There is one way, you and your sister must get us the water from the Fountain of Youth."

Next: Chapter 20: SCP-006 "Fountain of Youth"

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