Chapter 2: SCP-2571 "Cragglewood Park"

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Here we see the carnival known as Cragglewood Park in the world of dreams and we see a small girl at the age of 5 year old Jasmine as she walks around the smallest carnival around and she was creeped out of the trees as she then sees you when you were 6 years old.

Jasmine(Age 5): "Um who are you and what's with all of the bloody creepy trees?"

(Y/N)(Age 12): "Why do you think they're creepy? They're just smiling, I've never met trees who are so happy."*to your family*"Right guys?"

(M/N): "That's right sweetheart."

(F/N): "Don't have too much fun son."

Young Kendyl(Age 10): "Yeah let's get on the carousel!"

Young Gary(Age 9): "That's the best ride ever!"

(M/N): "Now remember kids, we'll be here for a while so have fun and meet us at the exit. (Y/N) I'm putting you in charge of your siblings until you're done for the day."

(Y/N): "Yes mom."

You and your siblings then head to the carousel as Jasmine was very confused as she then grabbed you by the shoulder.

Jasmine(Age 5): "Wait, how come you and your siblings are the only people who have parents here?"

(Y/N)(Age 10): "Not sure, but I'll think about it later."

You then head to the carousel as Jasmine was still creeped out by the trees as she sees a little girl at age 4 walk up to her.

Little Girl: "Don't let them take me, Jasmine."

Jasmine(Age 5): "What? How did you know my name and who are you?"

Little Girl: "You don't remember me!? How can you forget me!?! The trees are making you forget me!"

Jasmine(Age 5): "The trees?"

Jasmine then looks at the trees as they begin a sinister laughter at her and the kids as we then see Jasmine wake up screaming in terror and then she stops screaming for a moment and then she starts crying. Sometime later, we see you in the break room with Corey and you told him that you were in Cragglewood Park.

Corey: "No way, you were at Cragglewood park, no wonder you look familiar."

(Y/N): "Wait, do you remember the secret handshake?"

Corey: "One way to find out."

You and Corey then did some pattycakes and then did a double fistbump grab hands and then grab hands and then pull each other together and then hug and end the handshake with a two handed high five.

(Y/N): "Oh man, you still remember our secret handshake."

Corey: "Yeah those were good times."

Meanwhile, we see Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef overhearing the conversation between you and Corey.

Dr. Clef: "Can't believe two people who had the same dream of Cragglewood Park, we should interview these two later."

Dr. Bright: "Yeah I know, I wonder if it's something about his autism."

Dr. Clef: "Autism?"

Dr. Bright: "You didn't notice?"

Dr. Clef: "No...How did you notice he has Autism?"

Dr. Bright: "Well people with Autism can have near perfect to perfect memory, you saw his reaction when he first met Corey right?"

Dr. Clef: "That I do Bright, he recognized him the moment he was in the same room as him."

Dr. Bright: "Well he does get along with other SCPs like SCP-173 and SCP-2571. Autistic kids always get along with people with disabilities. I guess SCPs are an anomalous equivalent to people with disabilities."

Back to you and Corey.

(Y/N): "Welp, I'm off to interview some people who went to Cragglewood Park. Wish me luck Corey."

Corey: "Hey what a coincidence I was given the same assignment too."

You and Corey then leave the room as both Dr. Clef and Dr. Bright look at each other.

Dr. Clef and Dr. Bright: "We need to have a meeting."

Later, we see you enter the interview room and you see Jasmine herself at the chair and you see that she looks very familiar.

(Y/N): "Hello Jasmine, I'm (Y/N) Cranston nice to meet you."*looks at Jasmine closely*"Hmm, you look familiar. Have we met at school?"

Jasmine: "No?"

(Y/N): "Do I owe you money?"

Jasmine: "No."

(Y/N): "Huh, I'll figure out where I met ya. Anyways have you been to Cragglewood Park?"

Jasmine: "Oh no, not that bloody place again."

(Y/N): "So you have been there."

Jasmine: "Yes, but I may be from Australia but that dreadful park is what I fear the most. Other than small spaces."

(Y/N): *sees how tall Jasmine is*"Yeah I think people of your height might have problems with small spaces. Also what do you mean by dreadful?"

Jasmine: "The trees have those devilish grins on their faces and they only have one ride that is the carousel. The most disturbing thing about that dream is that little girl I keep seeing and she claims to know me."

(Y/N): "Sorry for asking this question but were you always an only child?"

Jasmine: "What kind of question is that!?! If I had a sister I would know the back of my hand!"

(Y/N): "Again sorry, it's just that anyone who had the dream tends to be an only child. Maybe they have something to do with that girl's claims of knowing you? Besides that's my experience at all, I love that place and so did my whole family."


(Y/N): "I don't know, guess it's not that scary to me."

Jasmine then begins crying as you then walk up to her and give her a hug to comfort her as she then cries into your shoulder. Sometime later, we see you meeting up with Corey at the mess hall at lunch time.

(Y/N): "Man that was awful, I never knew SCP-2571 would be a bad place to dream about."

Corey: "Yeah me neither, but at least you helped someone by comforting them."

(Y/N): "Yeah."*realizes*"Wait a second, I know where I met Jasmine, I met her in Cragglewood Park."

Corey: "Woah, small world."

(Y/N): "I know right."

Meanwhile with the other researchers, we see them having a meeting and they're discussing your experience with SCP-2571.

Dr. Buck: "He what!?!"

Dr. Clef: "You heard us, he was in Cragglewood park with his folks and his siblings."

Dr. Bright: "Yeah he's weird even for me and I'm his best friend, I'm even in the middle of making friendship bracelets for us to share."

Dr. Gears: "I see, he is quite an interesting one. If our theory is correct then his siblings were protected by his Autism. Since Autism can benefit one's memory."

Prof. Crow: "Yes they often have near perfect to perfect memory. But I think he has the same ability as Corey, as in he's unaffected by some SCPs but amplified 100 fold to 10,000 fold."

Dr. Bloom: "We don't know that for sure. Further testing is required."

Dr. Collingwood: "He's a new employee not a D-Class."

Dr. Bright: "Or me for that matter."

Dr. Clef: "Aren't you curious?"

Dr. Buck: "Well for now let's postpone the experimentation on him until we are sure, you know how the O5 are when they stick their nose into something where they don't belong at the expense of their employees."

Dr. Collingwood: "While his abilities as a Researcher are exemplary, we have yet to witness his abilities out in the field as a Mobile Task Force Operative."

Dr. Clef: "I'll whip him up into shape and ready for some MTF missions, but I want to make sure he's comfortable around here before tackling some big SCPs."

Dr. Buck: "Any ideas on what SCP he should do next?"

Dr. Bright: "Let's hope he likes jokes and tomatoes."

Next: Chapter 3: SCP-504 "Critical Tomatoes"

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