Chapter 23: SCP-2396 ''Ms. Sweetie''

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Here we see you at the break room writing down a recruitment list for Task Force Lambda-6 ("Girly Girls") as we see Ruby and Krystal come into the room.

Ruby: "Hey how's the recruitment list coming along?"

(Y/N): "Not well, I can't find the right girls for the job to catch this anomaly."

Krystal: "Maybe you can interview a list of girls that the O5 have selected, just show them the ropes and give them some combat training."

(Y/N): "Gotcha."

Sometime later, we see you in your chair in an interview room and you see the first girl for the interview was Kim Possible, one of your neighbors.

Kim: "Hey (Y/N), I've been given this letter by your bosses who call themselves the O5 and are you gonna interview me?"

(Y/N): "Yep, it's an interview for a task force composed of women made to contain an anomaly that affects only men."

Kim: "Alright, I got combat training, stealth skills, and I'm acrobatic. So I guess I'm fit for the job."

(Y/N): "Good you're in."

Sometime later, we see you interviewing Sam, Clover, and Alex.

Alex: "Well after everything that WOOHP threw at us, I guess it's time for a change of pace."

Clover: "Yeah, The O5s and Jerry made an agreement that we can work at both sides."

Sam: "We can do field work and researcher positions."

(Y/N): "Sounds good to me."

We then see a montage of you interviewing multiple girls that the Foundation has selected and you have hired them all. Sometime later, we see you and Kendyl training the girls for hand to hand combat and weapons training.

(Y/N): "Nice work girls, you all did great thanks to the training session. Looks like MTF Lambda-6 is ready for deployment."

Kendyl: "Great work girls, now let's catch this anomaly."

Leshawna: "Hey why can't (Y/N) come along?"

Heather: "Yeah I'm with Leshawna, he was in charge of forming the team."

(Y/N): "Kendyl is leading the team cause I'm a dude and the anomaly only affects men."

Kim: "Really? Cause I went through your file and it says that you're immune to the effects of SCPs."

Clover: "That's right, you're coming with us."

(Y/N): "How did you get my file?"

Kim: "My friend Wade went through the Foundation's systems."*holds up her kimmunicator*"Also the Foundation hired him as well."

Wade: *appears on the screen*"Hey there."

(Y/N): "Alright fine, but if something happens to me I'm blaming you."

Sometime later we see you and the MTF team head to the location of the anomaly and you have found pieces of candy and you've been eating them on the way to the anomaly's location which is a small shed.

Jo: "Well this seems to be the place."

(Y/N): *puts the candy away*"I should save these for later."

Gwen: "So (Y/N) when the guy committed suicide? It wasn't a toaster that killed that guy but rather a rubber ducky?"

(Y/N): "Yeah it's our job to make a cover story."

Kendyl: "Mmmhmm."

Kendyl then knocks on the door as we see an 8 foot tall woman with pink hair and a nice outfit come out of the shed.

???(Ms. Sweetie): "Yes, can I help you?"

Kendyl: "We're here for your containment cause you've been leaving candy everywhere. The same candy that turns males into people turns into candy humanoids."

After your sister said that you stop eating the candy and you look at the candy and then at the giant woman.

(Y/N): "Oh crud."

Later, after containing SCP-2396, we see Dr. Buck and Dr. Collingwood taking a look at you.

Dr. Buck: "How many of these candies have you consumed?"

(Y/N): "5 or 10?"

Dr. Collingwood: "And were you under some influence that kept you away from SCP-2396?"

(Y/N): "No."

Dr. Buck: "Hmm, your biology is getting stranger and stranger everyday, I'm shocked that you are still not an SCP yet."

Dr. Collingwood: "No signs of hard candy anywhere on your body at all."

Dr. Buck: "Ugh, one of these days your stomach will get you killed."

(Y/N): "You do realize I thought the Foundation was a pizza place."

Dr. Buck: "That explains it."

You and the girls then hear noises of a tapping of a unicorn and you both went outside of the room and found an instance of SCP-2396-B as we see a woman who looks like Pam Anderson jump over you and put her hand up.

???(Erotica): "Halt!"*sees the SCP-2396-B instance stop*"Huh, that worked."

Dr. Buck: "Hmm, it seems these instances follow orders from anyone who is either SCP-2396 or anyone who identifies as female."

(Y/N): "So I turn into that if I ate those candies without my immunity?"

Dr. Collingwood: "Yep."

(Y/N): "Cool. Can I see the SCP?"

Dr. Buck: "We are dealing with a Little Mister, so of course you can, that is if you were a woman."*sees that you are gone*"Where did he go?"

Meanwhile, in SCP-2396's containment cell, we see you looking at the little mister tattoo on her left thigh.

(Y/N): *reads the tattoo*"Ms. Sweetie, from Little Misters ® by Dr. Wondertainment."*stops reading*"It gets awesome everytime I meet a Little Mister."

Ms. Sweetie: "How are you not in a diabetic coma yet?"

(Y/N): "Oh I have an immunity from the effects of SCPs including yours Ms. Sweetie."

Ms. Sweetie: "Usually I have the ability to keep nasty brothers and their friends away."

(Y/N): "Oh don't worry about me, I never break any of my sister's toys cause I see toys as people."

Ms. Sweetie: "Oh yeah, Dr. Wondertainment appreciate treating his creations with respect."

Kendyl: *comes into the room*"Excuse my brother, he's just excited to meet another Little Mister after meeting Mr. Fish and Mr. Headless."

Ms. Sweetie: "A little fan of Dr. Wondertainment in the SCP Foundation, I hate boys getting their hands on Dr. W's stuff but (Y/N) is the exception since he treats girls' toys with manners and respect."

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Kendyl: "That's right."

(Y/N): "Well anyways I'm gonna check on the MTF team."

Sometime later, we see you checking on the Girly Girls MTF team and you see that they're tired.

(Y/N): "How is everyone?"

Girls: "Not too good."

(Y/N): "I see that finding 2396-A instances is a bit tiring right?"

A. Maria: "I think I chipped a nail."

Macarthur: "Can't she just stop eating sugar?"

(Y/N): "No, that would hurt her."*gets an idea*"Lightbulb!"

Sometime later, we see Ms. Sweetie eating a sucralose liquid diet and beyond the viewing window we see you and Kendyl watching Ms. Sweetie.

(Y/N): "Now sugar."

Kendyl: "No candies, good idea big bro."

You and Kendyl then fist bumped as we see Dr. Buck came into the room.

Dr. Buck: "I see that you are treating SCP-2396 very well."

(Y/N): "Her name is Ms. Sweetie, Dr. Buck."

Dr. Buck: "If it weren't for your quick thinking (Y/N), she would have remained a keter class object but now she's been downgraded to Euclid Class and she will be staying at Site-19 at the low security wing."

(Y/N): "Along with her Little Mister bros? Awesome!"

Dr. Buck: "I see that you are in a good mood."

(Y/N): "They may be a limited edition line of toys but to me they're a family."

Dr. Buck: "You are quite right."

(Y/N): "Thanks doc. But now that Ms. Sweetie is a Euclid now, what will happen to the MTF team made to contain her?"

Dr. Buck: "They will be reassigned to other positions in the Foundation since MTF Lamda-6 will be disbanded."

(Y/N): "Guess they need to be reassigned to different tasks, maybe I can pair them up with Foundation veterans as mentors for their positions."

Dr. Buck: "Well then, you already gave them combat training. Perhaps giving them training on how we do things around here."

(Y/N): "Great, let's get them paired up."

Dr. Buck: "Considering you have the best track record of surviving SCPs and getting along with them. You will be a mentor as well, along with Kendyl."

(Y/N): "Woah that's cool. How about we pull names out of a hat? Field agents, MTF, and Researchers alike will get to be the newbies to be their mentors."

Dr. Buck: "I have a better solution."

Sometime later, we see the new hires at the meeting room and we see you and some veteran Researchers, MTF soldiers, Field Agents, and Site Directors.

Dr. Buck: "Well done Lambda-6, but unfortunately your team has to be disbanded. But worry not, since you are relatively new at the Foundation, we will pair you up with veteran employees of the Foundation. You must grab a number and find the mentor with the corresponding number."

We see Lindsay grab a 10 and she finds Dr. Collingwood who has a 10, Heather grabs a 3 and sees that Dr. Clef has a 3, we see Kim grab 7 and she sees you with a 7.

Kim: "Guess we're gonna be working together."

(Y/N): "And I'm your mentor."

Kim: "Let's get to work."

(Y/N): "Yep, let's start with a certain orange blob for your training."

Next: Chapter 24: SCP-999 "The Tickle Monster"

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