Chapter 28: SCP-3166 ''You Have No Idea How Alone You Are, Garfield''

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Here we see you heading to a room and you see new employees that you have never met before.

(Y/N): "Hey fellas, name (Y/N)."

Lawrence: "Lawrence and this is Carson, we're transfer guards from another site."

(Y/N): "Why are you wearing a helmet?"

Carson: "What? Safety first, I prefer to be caught with my pants down than going to work without a helmet. Besides, it has air conditioning."

(Y/N): "Oh cool."

You then see Ruby and Krystal come into the room and they turn to you, Carson, and Lawerence.

Krystal: "Okay you 3, in order to understand SCP-3166, you must read supplementary document 3166-1."

(Y/N): "What's that?"

Krystal then places a Garfield comic strip onto the table and you, Carson, and Lawrence read it.

(Y/N): "Whoa, poor guy."

Krystal: "I know and what's weirder is that the people who work on the Garfield comic strips have no idea who made it."

(Y/N): "How's this related to Garfield?"

Ruby: "Well SCP-3166 is a humanoid entity that is pataphysical in nature and can only manifest while the franchise is performing poorly in terms of public reception."

(Y/N): "Like the live action Garfield movies?"

Krystal: "Precisely, the exterior layer of the entity resembles a crudely made of the costume of the character but the inside is made out of lasagna and the fur is legitimate cat fur."

(Y/N): "So what's it's usual targets?"

Ruby: "People who were involved in rival media, formerly involved in the production of the comic strip, made parodies of Garfield, vocal critics, and even the creator Jim Davis himself when has going to quit at some point."

(Y/N): "How does it attack?"

Krystal: "Once it gets to a target it will inflict bodily harm by using blunt objects in the vicinity and force feeding lasagna that is obtained through disembowelment."

(Y/N): "Yeah I don't really like lasagna after my mom made that for every dinner on Thursday so I normally stick to Pizza."

Krystal: "Right, we did a genetic test of the meat from the SCP's lasagna and it's a match for Jim Davis."

(Y/N): "And I'm glad I lost my appetite for lasagna a long time ago. So how do we stop it?"

Krystal: "Well we use lasagna to distract it from its goal and it will eat the lasagna."

(Y/N): "Gotcha, so basically SCP-3166 is just holding the guys who make Garfield content hostage?"

Krystal: "Pretty much yeah."

Ruby: "Well people who work at the companies that make Garfield content have been fired for unknown reasons."

(Y/N): "Unknown reasons?"

Krystal: "Yeah we can find out what the reason is once we get them out of harm's way."

(Y/N): "Maybe once the SCP is dealt with we can talk to the staff."

Carson: "That's using the old noodle."

Sometime later, we see you and the others arrive at one of the fired employees' houses and you ring the doorbell and he answers.

Employee: "Yes, can I help you?"

(Y/N): "Hello sir, we heard that you got fired and we came here cause we believe you are in danger."

Employee: "What do you mean?"

You and the others then hear something going around in the kitchen and you all head to the kitchen and see SCP-3166 going through the fridge and it turns to you and the others.

(Y/N): "Woah, Garfield in the flesh and fur."

SCP-3166: "John, where's my lasagna, John?"

(Y/N): *pulls out the lasagna*"Right here!"

You then make a run for it as we see SCP-3166 chase after you. You then head outside and you then throw it to the grass as we see SCP-3166 leap onto the italian cuisine and much on the lasagna.

(Y/N): "Now that I got your attention, I would like to tell you something. You are going after the wrong people, they got fired from their jobs because their boss fired them for unknown reasons."

SCP-3166: *finishes eating the lasagna*"What? What are you talking about John?"

(Y/N): "If you ask me, someone is firing these people on purpose. Whoever is firing them on purpose without any rhyme or reason then you should go after him."

SCP-3166: "Okay John."

(Y/N): "And before you go, I promise we'll do everything in our power to make sure no one hurts you ever again."

SCP-3166: "Thank you, John."

You then see SCP=3166 de-manifest and go somewhere else.

(Y/N): "Okay let's hope he goes after the right guy."

Sometime later, we see you and the others checking out the companies in charge of the Garfield comic strips and you all came by SCP-3166 force feeding lasagna to an employee of middle management of the company and SCP-3166 killed the employee and de-manifest. Carson then checks the man's wallet and pulls out a police officer's badge.

Carson: "I didn't know this guy was a police officer."

(Y/N): "Hold on."*checks the badge*"My brother Gary made this badge for anyone who is loyal to him. He sent a mole into this company to get people killed by SCP-3166."

Ruby: "Getting people killed by force feeding them with lasagna by SCP-3166, that's just low."

(Y/N): "I think he's turning the police into the mafia by getting certain employees fired and having them get killed by SCP-3166 once they didn't get their money from them. To make it worse, all of those murders happen on a Monday."

Lawrence: "Now that's a bad monday."

(Y/N): "Pretty much."

Sometime later, we see you in an observation room and we see Dr. Buck examining you.

(Y/N): "SCP-3166 didn't get me, I swear."

Dr. Buck: "I believe you, but when you were assigned to SCP-682, you and Kendyl hopped into a new dimension where works of fiction are reality. How long have you had this ability?"

(Y/N): "Actually my assignment with SCP-682 was the first time I used that kind of power."

Dr. Buck: "Hmm, interesting."

(Y/N): "I've been practicing that ability at home so that the Foundation wouldn't freak out about it."

Dr. Buck: "I see, how would you use your dimension hopping ability?"

(Y/N): "Well it's like wayfinding like how Maui from Moana. Space, time, and reality is like an ocean and the islands are different universes, I know where I am by knowing where I've been."

Dr. Buck: "Interesting, well I think it's best to keep this ability to yourself for now. You will be assigned to another SCP."

(Y/N): "Which one is it this time?"

Dr. Buck: "It's a living mannequin with a sense of fashion."

Next: Chapter 29: SCP-2353 "The Mannequin That Will No Longer Put Up With This Sh*t, Honestly"

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