Chapter 4: SCP-738 "The Devil's Deal"

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Here we see you heading into the Foundation site and you head to the lab where you see Dr. Bright himself watches a SCP-738 as you see a D-Class at the SCP.

(Y/N): "Hey doc, what's with the chairs and the desk?"

Dr. Bright: "Oh that's the keter SCP, SCP-738. It's where you make a literal deal with the devil and right now I'm using a D-Class for this experiment."

(Y/N): "Uh wouldn't he just use the SCP to escape?"

Dr. Bright: "Oh don't worry he's has an IQ of 15, translation he's a dumb dumb."

(Y/N): "Oh, well what's going on in there?"

Dr. Bright: "Our D-Class is gonna make a deal with the devil."

(Y/N): "I wonder what he's getting."

Meanwhile with the D-Class, we see him thinking and talking to a guy who looks like a demon in a business suit.

D-Class: "Uhhhhhhh....."

Entity: "My friend, I'm here to make an offer for you."

D-Class: "Awesome, what's the catch?"

Entity: "No catch, all I want is something from you in return."

D-Class: "I can't think with an empty stomach."

(Y/N): *over the mic*"What did he say?"

D-Class: "He wants to trade something with me."

Entity: "Enough small talk, let's make a deal. What do you desire?"

D-Class: "I want a sandwich."

Entity: "And what would you trade with me?"

D-Class: "Anything will be cool."

You and Dr. Bright then sees a Bologna and Cheese sub sandwich appear in the D-Class' hand and then he eats it, however he can't really taste the sandwich. Meanwhile with you and Dr. Bright.

(Y/N): "Whoa where did the sandwich come from?"

Dr. Bright: "The entity on SCP-738-3 gave it to the D-Class."

(Y/N): "But I don't see anything."

Dr. Bright: "Wait, didn't you read the file?"

(Y/N): "I'm a visual learner."

Dr. Bright: "Oh yeah, your accommodations did mention that. Anyways, SCP-738 consists of three components. A matched set of mahogany furniture including one desk labeled SCP-738-1, one straight-backed chair currently labeled SCP-738-2, and one ornate throne styled office chair labeled SCP-738-3, all with brass embellishments and royal purple velvet padding."

D-Class: *from the testing room*"Ugh, that sandwich is awful!"

(Y/N): "Let me guess he traded his taste buds for a sandwich he's not gonna taste?"

Dr. Bright: "Yeah pretty much, I got a way better deal for a sandwich from Subway."

(Y/N): "So what experiments have you worked on Dr. Bright?"

Dr. Bright: "Well we made the mistake of having a smart D-Class ask the Entity for his freedom at the cost of the memories of his mother. Whoops."

(Y/N): "What!?! No one should give up the memories of their own mother for their own freedom. Busting out of your own prison by forgetting everything about your mother, it would be horrible. Look Bright family is important, my family made me strong, smart, kind to others, and I was raised right and-"*pulls out a picture of your mother**sniffs*"I love you mom."

Dr. Bright: "You lost your parents did you?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, the only way to actually see them again is through SCP-2571."

Dr. Bright then looks on his desk and sees his family in the picture.

Dr. Bright: "Yeah family is important."

(Y/N): "Now's not the time to talk about family, time to get back to work."

Dr. Bright: "Why don't you have a go (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Sure thing, but I'm not gonna make any deals."

Dr. Bright: "I know you're too smart for that. Never accept deals from the devil."

You then head to the testing room and you take a seat in SCP-738-2 and you see the entity in the form of a woman that look like Pam Anderson but with dark red skin, lots of makeup, bright blue satanic symbols on her body, pitch black hair, red horns that poke out of her hair, and a tail that has a heart shaped point at the end, and she's wearing a black lace lingerie.

Dr. Bright: *over the mic*"What does the entity look like?"

(Y/N): "Pam Anderson but with dark red skin, lots of makeup, bright blue satanic symbols on her body, pitch black hair, red horns that poke out of her hair, and a tail that has a heart shaped point at the end, and she's wearing a black lace lingerie."

Dr. Bright: *over the mic*"What?! Why her?"

(Y/N): "She's an animal rights activist."

Dr. Bright: *over the mic*"Oh yeah, good point."

Entity: "So care to make a deal?"

(Y/N): "No thanks I'm good, so where do you see yourself in 5 years?"

Entity: "Hmm, probably on this end of the table."

(Y/N): "So do you have a limit on what you can do?"

Entity: "If you can't afford it, then I can't do it."

(Y/N): "You know to be honest, I did imagine Pam Anderson to be a business woman if she's ever a demon selling stuff."

Entity: "And you guessed right, and why in this outfit?"

(Y/N): "Maybe a standard uniform for women in Hell because in Hell demons might be perverted rapists."

Entity: "I supposed that's a good reason."

(Y/N): "And one more question, do you feel sorry about taking away that guy's memories about his mother?"

Entity: "I know how much a mother means to someone but business is business. You must understand."

(Y/N): "I understand, welp gonna go."

Entity: "Wait before you go, can I make a deal with you?"

(Y/N): "No thank you, sorry."

You then leave the room and head back to Dr. Bright and he sees you.

Dr. Bright: "I can't believe it, you conversed with the SCP without making a deal. No man has ever resisted that beauty that is Pam Anderson, she's like the aphrodite of the modern world."

(Y/N): "Yeah I basically treat women like they're my equals. I'm not the kind of guy who jumps at the moment when a woman offers me something like a BJ or a TJ. I am trying to be professional by being polite."

Dr. Bright: "Man, I wish there were more of you."

(Y/N): "Hey Dr. Bright, I know you told me not to make a deal with the SCP, but I feel bad about not making any deal."

Dr. Bright: "You want to make a deal with the Devil? Are you nuts!?"

(Y/N): "Look I feel bad about the Devil, my conclusion is that he used to be an archangel named Lucifer and he became a demon because of daddy issues. That's my take on the bible."

Dr. Bright: "Make sense, but how are you gonna help this SCP without making a deal?"

(Y/N): "Hmmm."*gets an idea*"I got an idea, be right back."

You then leave the room as Dr. Bright waits for you, we then see Dr. Buck, Krystal, Corey, and Dr. Collingwood comes into the room and they talk to Dr. Bright.

Corey: "Hey Dr. Bright, how are things with the SCP?"

Dr. Bright: "Oh fine and dandy."

Ruby: "Hey where's (Y/N)?"

Dr. Buck: "What did you do to him?"

Dr. Bright: "Nothing he has an idea for helping the SCP without making a deal."

We then see you come into the room with a man from the Foundation's Legal Department.

(Y/N): "Dr. Bright, I found a guy who can help us with an experiment and he's into it."*sees the others*"Oh hey guys."

Dr. Collingwood: "(Y/N) who is this?"

(Y/N): "This is Sheldon Katz, he's from legal."

Sheldon: "Good day."

(Y/N): "And he has agreed to be part of an experiment, a lawyer makes a deal with the devil."

Sheldon: "Indeed I am, once I'm done with this SCP they will call me the devil."

(Y/N): "Right this way sir."

You then escort Sheldon into the testing room as Dr. Bright turns to the others as they look at him.

Dr. Buck: "You know we use D-Class for experiments, why did you let him use an employee?"

Dr. Bright: "I told him to interact with the SCP and he didn't make a deal, all he did was talk to the entity. Strangely enough the entity took the form of Pam Anderson but as a demon, he even asked about the D-class' deal that got his freedom by trading it for memories of his mother. It really hurt (Y/N)'s feelings."

Corey: "That's awful."

Dr. Bright: "Yeah, he lost his parents."

Dr. Buck: "I'm sorry to hear that."

You then come back to the room and you turn to the experiment that is happening right now.

(Y/N): "Welp this will take a while, I'm gonna pull up a chair."

Dr. Bright: "I'll join ya."

Frenchie: 41 hours later.

We see Sheldon passed out on the floor and both you and Dr. Bright saw it.

Dr. Bright: "900 pages of a document later and no deal has been struck."

(Y/N): "I'm gonna check this out."

You then head into the testing area and you smell sulfur in the room.

(Y/N): "Why does it smell like Sulfur in here?"

You see a small red leather envelope and you pick it up and you open it up and you read it.

(Y/N): *reads the letter*"Please come back any time. I haven't had so much fun in years."*stops reading*"Sounds like he had fun."

Sometime later, we see you in Dr. Buck's office.

Dr. Buck: "I see you want to help SCPs like SCP-738, how kind of you."

(Y/N): "Yeah if I was an SCP, I want to feel comfy here."

Dr. Buck: "Your methods of helping SCPs are unorthodox, probably stem from your autism. But they're effective either way."

(Y/N): "Okay."

Dr. Buck: "If you ask me I think it would be good for morale for you to assist us in helping the SCPs feel more comfortable here."

(Y/N): "Thanks Dr. Buck."

Dr. Buck: "Dr. Bright told me that you lost your parents. I am sorry for your loss."

(Y/N): "It's alright, don't need to worry about the past now, I'm sure they're proud of me back in Heaven."

Dr. Buck: "I'm sure they are. Hmm, perhaps I should put you in charge of SCPs of the humanoid variety."

(Y/N): "Got any in mind?"

Dr. Buck: "Yes, have you ever heard of Dr. Wondertainment?"

Next: Chapter 5: SCP-2287 "Mr. Headless"

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