Chapter 43: Shipwrecked

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Here we see you making an audio log in a boxed canyon in the middle of nowhere which is the spot where the ship crashed.

(Y/N): *speaking into the audio tape*"Audio entry number 847, it is day 40 of surviving a spaceship crashing down to an uncharted planet into a boxed canyon, once again I would like to thank ladyluck for helping me to survive but I would be mistaken cause most of the other surviving members of the ship are either liars, cheaters, or just plain uncooperative to each other. Right now I am the only person sane enough to keep everyone-"*heard an explosion*"Oh what now?!"

You then head to the source of the sound and you see 3 of the 4 Cardinal Heroes using a tank to do a project by shooting their base, the heroes are Motoyasu, Itsuki, and Ren and with them is the first princess of Melromarc, Malty S Melromarc.

Malty: "Nice shot Sir Motoyasu."

(Y/N): "What the hell is going on!?"

???: "Yeah what's going on?!"

You and the others then see the 4th and final cardinal hero known as Naofumi and his party members Filo, Raphtalia, Melty Q Melromarc, and Rishia.

Motoyasu: "We're borrowing the tank to do some construction work, that's all."

(Y/N): "Out of the tank now!"*sees Motoyasu get out of the tank*"God damn it!"

Itsuki: *to Naofumi*"Wait a minute, I thought you and your party were out looking for supplies?"

(Y/N): "And who told you that!?!"*sees the 3 heroes point at Malty*"Of course she did. And who gave you the tank?"*realizes*"It was Heather wasn't it?"

Everyone: "Yes."

Motoyasu: "You have the most girls at your shelter which is something I can't stand for."

Naofumi: "You won't stand for anything pervert."

Motoyasu: "If I were able to throw my spear at you, you would be sorry."

(Y/N): "If we don't use our resources wisely then we'll all be sorry and we can't use the surrounding plant life as food because one of us found that out when they ate the mushrooms that are like Crystal Meth on Crystal Meth."*to Filo*"Right Filo?"


We see Filo running around really fast while talking fast as well.

Filo: *talking and running fast*"Hey guys, I found these weird mushrooms that were glowing blue and tried one of them and now I'm running and talking like this!"

End of mini flashback

Filo: "I was hungry and I wanted a 2nd lunch."

(Y/N): "If we're gonna forage for food, it should be something that is safe to eat. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna have a chat with Heather."

You then get into the tank and you drive back to your end of the canyon. By the time you got there you parked the tank and you got out as you saw Heather with the others.

(Y/N): "Hello Heather."

Heather: "What do you want?"

(Y/N): "Heather, I told you and everyone else to use the resources we already have on hand wisely, if we don't then we're screwed."

Chloe: "Well when can we get some room service here?"

(Y/N): "Chloe, for the last time, you are no longer in Paris and Sabrina is not with you. Since she's not with us, you have to pull your own weight for once."

Chloe: "Well this is all the green girl's fault!"

Shego: "Hey I'm evil, not dumb, why don't you point the blame at Miss Fire Princess here!"

Azula: "That's Princess of the Fire Nation to you peasant!"

Shego: *hands glow green*"Oh yeah, well guess what lady, unlike you I don't actually try to kill my siblings no matter how much they annoy me! My powers come from space while yours came from a giant turtle!"

Azula: *emit fire from her hands*"Is that a threat!?"

Shego: "Bring it on Fire Bitch!"

(Y/N): "Enough!"*sees both of them put away the fire and green aura*"All of you get a grip and cooperate, if this goes on any longer we'll all be dead by now! We need to get our communication tower online, and if we run out of food before we radio in for help, we're screwed."

Paulina: "He's right, so for once let's all get along."

(Y/N): "We all need to operate as a unit, which is why we should start fitness training."*to Chloe*"And Chloe here will start off with Sprints all around the canyon, which is 10 laps."

Chloe: "You are ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. I am not gonna do Sprints."

(Y/N): "Okay then, everyone drop down and give me 20 push ups."

Girls: "Ugh!"

You and Chloe then see the girls do 20 push ups.

Chloe: "You're punishing them?"

(Y/N): "Remedial training. Disciplining a group for the actions of a single soldier leads to social pressures that typically result in the easy correction of an undesirable behavior. Classic military strategy."

Shego: *while doing push ups*"Thanks a lot you gold brat!"

(Y/N): "So care to do some push ups?"

Chloe: "No."

(Y/N): "Alright."*to the girls*"Let's make it 50 push ups!"

Girls: *while doing push ups*"Oh come on!"

(Y/N): "How about now?"

Chloe: "No."

(Y/N): "70 push ups!"

Girls: *while doing push ups*"Ugh!"*Sugar*"My arms hurt!"*Lila*"I can't believe I was friends with you!"*Heather*"I blame you Chloe!"

Chloe: "The military is weird. Utterly weird."

(Y/N): "Give it a few hours."

A few hours later, we see Chloe went into the shelter and she sees all the shipwrecked survivors looking at her with angry glares.

Chloe: "What the?"

Mindy: "Hey there Chloe."

Chloe: "So you are all here because of-"

Shego: "Yes."

Chloe: "And you're-"

Courtney: "Really tired of doing push ups."

Chloe: "Okay....I'll just go-"

Azula: "Get her!"

We then see all the girls jump on Chloe and beat her up.

Chloe: *while getting beaten up*"Not the face! Not the face! Not the face! Not the face!"

Sometime later, we see Chloe bruised up and covered in bandages and we see her doing pushups while you and the girls watch her workout.

(Y/N): "And thus karma stomps Chloe with the biggest boot once again, horah."*to Chloe*"Alright Chloe, once we're done with pushups, we're gonna do some sprints."

Shego: "Finally, that brat is actually doing some push ups."

???: "Ahem."

You then turn to see Malty standing next to you.

Malty: "Yeah can I move in with you? I do not want to share a bunk with my sister."

(Y/N): "Alright, you will do Sprints with Chloe."

Malty: *sighs*"Better than living with my sister."

(Y/N): "Look you are going through Antisocial Personality Disorder and I have autism. I am helping you to become a better person through therapy, and therapy helped me out so I'm sure therapy can help you out as well."

Malty: "Alright, so far it is helping me a lot."

(Y/N): "Glad I can help. Now I'm gonna work on the communication tower, Shego and Azula make sure everyone does their fitness routines."

Mandy: "Why are you putting them in charge?"*sees Shego's hands glow green and Azula's hands emit fire*"Uhhh...."

(Y/N): "That's why."

Sometime later, we see you working on the communication tower as we see Melty step onto the platform with you.

Melty: " accepted my sister into your shelter without a second thought huh?"

(Y/N): "I've been helping her with the group therapies I've been running so we can maintain the morale of-"

Melty: "SHE'S JUST PLAYING YOU FOR A FOOL!!! Don't you realize that!? I know my sister better than anyone and she's never gonna change!"

(Y/N): "You're frustrated, I get it but we need to operate properly as a unit."

Melty: "And to do that is to put my sister 6 feet under in an unmarked grave!"

(Y/N): "If you talk about stuff like this you will be no better than she was."

Melty: "I DON'T CARE!!!!"

???: "Melty...."

You and Melty then see Malty holding a sweater that she made herself and she was crying in tears and she threw the sweater down to the floor.

Malty: "And people say I'm the bad one."

Malty then runs off crying as Melty heartlessly turns away from her.

Melty: "Good riddance of her."

(Y/N): "She made you a sweater cause I taught her how."*sees Melty grab the sweater and tear it to pieces*"And you ripped it to pieces, great."

Melty: "And you are an idiot for trusting that bitch of an older sister!"

(Y/N): "Naofumi did told me you got your stubbornness from your father's side of the family and look where that got him: Renamed into Trash, stripped of his status as king of Melromarc, and has no support from his country. Do you really want that to happen to you?"

Melty: "....I.....I never thought of it that way."

(Y/N): "My brother killed our parents and I'll be damned to let history repeat itself on your family. You lost your brother because of her, but you're not gonna lose your parents too because of her. She used to act like my brother and I turned him into a pattern screamer. I did that to keep everyone safe from him, his drug abuse, and his psychopathic need to murder anything and anyone that is not normal, even me."

Melty: "Well both her and Gary would really love each other, maybe on their wedding anniversary he would give her Naofumi's severed head!"

(Y/N): "Look my parents had time for all 3 of us and they did the best they could to raise us right and be good people and yet Gary became a monster even though he was raised from love. Your mother raised you while your father spoiled your sister because they chose their favorites. In my family, all siblings should be treated as equals because there are no favorites."

Melty: "Malty is a liar and a bitch and you are just another pawn in her schemes."

(Y/N): "I don't know what has gotten into you, but you need to know the difference between your friends and your enemies."

Melty: "Hmph!"

You then see Melty leaving as you hear Azula crying and you turn to her.

(Y/N): "You heard all of that didn't you?"

Azula: *sniffs*"Yes, her family reminds me of my family. Mother chose Zuko over me while father chose me over Zuko because I'm a better firebender and I can generate lighting."

(Y/N): "Well now everyone can do it nowadays."

Azula: "I've been so obsessed with being perfect that it took people like my mother to see that I'm still flawed."

(Y/N): "You wanted to make your father proud of you and to make him proud of you is to become a psychopathic firebender who rules the Fire Nation with an iron fist."

Azula: "How can me, Malty, and Shego be any different from Gary?"

(Y/N): "It's because you all have a reason why you are the people today. Gary doesn't, we took him to therapists, doctors, fortune tellers, neurosurgeons, even telepaths and still no reason why he's the way he is."

Azula: "I see, can I help you with the com tower?"

(Y/N): "Alright, head down to the base of the tower to calibrate the relay. I'll test it from here."

Azula: "Okay then."

Meanwhile with Motoyasu, he was shooting magic bolts at a bunch of trees because he was angry about Malty moving out of their shelter.

Motoyasu: "GAH! What does that bastard have that I don't!?!"

Naofumi: "More brain cells than you?"

Ren: "Respect for a woman's boundaries?"

Raphtalia: "The consideration of listening to both sides of the story."

Filo: "A communication tower?"

Itsuki: "Autism?"

Motoyasu: "You know what? I'll build my own communication tower and it will be bigger and better than his!"

Itsuki: "We only got enough parts to make one com tower."

Ren: "(Y/N) has the tools to fix the tower."

Naofumi: "And you have no idea how to use tools."

Motoyasu: "I'll try anyways!"

Motoyasu then leaves in anger and gathers some parts as Itsuki thought of something.

Itsuki: "Hey, maybe we can find something on the ship to help fix the tower."

Naofumi: "Which one, the one Motoyasu is building or the one that is made by someone who knows what he's doing?"

Itsuki: "The second one, maybe (Y/N) needs some help with the tower and we can find something up in the ship to help him?"

Ren: "Let's go then."

Meanwhile with you, we see you working on the tower as we see Shego sitting with you.

Shego: "Hey how come no one came to find us yet?"

(Y/N): *while working on the tower*"Uh huh."

Shego: "If a small plane crashes on a deserted island then it's just civilians who are lost, like big whoop."

(Y/N): *while working on the tower*"Well it's a moderate importance to find the people on that plane, but I'm not sure if I can agree with you on that."

Shego: "But this is the biggest spaceship around, that's like way bigger than a plane. That's super important to find if it disappeared."

(Y/N): *while working on the tower*"It was a big ship."

Shego: "And what about the GPS? The Galactic Positioning System should've been able to send a signal to command within seconds of a mayday."

(Y/N): "While working on the tower*"Yeah."*stops working for a second*"Wait, how did you know that?"

Shego: "Uh..."


Random guy: "The Galactic Positioning System would be able to inform Command of our location within seconds of a mayday, so even if the ship were to crash rescue would be practically immediate. Isn't it that rad?"

Shego: "Yeah cool nerd stuff."*sees someone checking her out*"Is that guy checking me out?"

Random guy: "Who the pilot?"

Shego: "Oh he's checking me out!"*made her hands glow in a green aura*"And he's dead!"

Random Guy: *sees Shego charge at the pilot*"Wait, you can't go over there!"

Then the alarms went off and everyone was in a panic.

End of mini flashback

Shego: "I read it in the book?"

(Y/N): "I don't believe you, then again I don't really care."

Shego: "Phew."

(Y/N): "Hey Shego, do you love your siblings?"

Shego: "If I don't love them they would be 6 feet under when I had their powers. Where did that question come from?"

(Y/N): "I have a feeling that Melty might do something that she might regret her whole life. She's too stubborn to realize that Malty is making an effort to change her ways and so did you. You're evil because you want a change of pace."

Shego: "Yeah I just found my calling and I can't believe one of your colleagues is Kim Possible of all people."

(Y/N): "She talked about how she beats you up of all people, I taught her everything I know about the Foundation."

Shego: "Huh, guess you make a great mentor."

(Y/N): "Yeah, I sure do, also you're right."

Shego: "About what?"

(Y/N): "About the GPS, someone should've found us by now."*sees Motoyasu jogging*"I SAID SPRINTS, MOTOYASU!!!!!"

Motoyasu: *while sprinting*"I'm gonna spit into your next meal! And it's not gonna be spit! If you know what I'm talking about?"

Meanwhile with the other heroes, we see Ren, Itsuki, and Naofumi and his party looking for something to help fix the com tower.

Raphtalia: "Master Naofumi, what are we looking for?"

Naofumi: "Tools, parts, anything that can help (Y/N) fix the tower."

Filo: *offscreen*"Hey master, I found something."

Everyone then heads to a room where Filo is and they see a girl with orange hair.

Ren: "What is a girl doing here?"

Naofumi: "I think she's a robot."

Itsuki: "Let's bring her to (Y/N), he might know how to activate her."

Meanwhile, we see you and the others working on the com tower as we see Paulina and Bonnie helping you with the calibration.

Bonnie: "Try it now."

(Y/N): *tries to activate the radio*"Nothing."

Paulina: *calibrate the tower*"How about now?"

(Y/N): *tries to activate the radio*"Still nothing."

Motoyasu: *walks to you exhausted**pants*"I did....the sprints."

(Y/N): "Let's hope your fellow comrades come back for exercise."*sees the 3 other heroes come back with a big box*"What is that you got there?"

Itsuki: "We found something that might help you with the tower."

You then jump down from the tower and you head to the box and you see the girl with orange hair. You then found a switch on the side of the box and when you switch it on the girl wakes up and stands up with a smile on her face and you were the first one to see.

???: "Salutations!"*looks around the area*"This is not Atlas, nor this is Remnant."

(Y/N): "That's because our ship crashed here on this planet and now we're trying to survive with the supplies we have now."

???: "Really? Have you spoken to the ship's Ai about this? She should be active at this time."

Naofumi: "The ship has an AI. What happened to it?"

???: "I think someone must've turned her off by accident."

Chloe: "Well whomever did it."

Mini Flashback

Here we see Chloe operating a tablet and we see a guy walk to her.

Random guy: "Uh ma'am, do you know how to use that?"

Chloe: "Of course I do."

Chloe then presses a button on the tablet and turns off the ship's Ai as the alarms go off.

End of mini flashback

Chloe: "Is stupid, utterly stupid."

(Y/N): "And who are you ma'am?"

Penny: "Penny Polendina, Atlas' first robotic huntress and primary line of defense."

(Y/N): "What was the last thing you remember?"

Penny: "Well I was human for a short time and then I was killed to prevent my powers as the Winter Maiden from falling into the wrong hands. I am not sure how I was repaired or how I got here."

(Y/N): "Me neither, anyways can you fix the com tower?"

Penny: "Sorry I am only programmed for combat, not mechanical engineering. But I can help you find someone who does, just follow me to the robotics center of the ship."

(Y/N): "I know my way around the ship, you stay here and make sure everyone is doing their training, fitness and combat training."

Penny: "Of course."

Motoyasu: "Are we seriously taking orders from a robot? Gingers aren't my thing."*sees a blade near miss his head and landed on a rock*"GAH!!!"

Penny: "You weren't combat ready, it is time for some combat training. Like everyone say-"*summons her floating array*"Practice makes perfect."

(Y/N): "Have fun you guys."

Motoyasu: *sees you head into the ship*"Wait, don't leave us with the psycho robot lady!!!!"

Penny puts a blade to Motoyasu's throat as he then turns to Penny and sees the adorable smile on her face while he was terrified of her.

Motoyasu: *wets his pants*".......mommy..."

Meanwhile with you, we see you enter the robotics center and you see a robotic soldier with armor and when you turn it on the robot get up and turns to you.

???(Lopez the Heavy): *in spanish*"Why did you wake me up? I was having a nice dream where I didn't have to put up with my team."

(Y/N): "Sorry about that."

???(Lopez the Heavy): *in spanish*"You're multilingual?"

(Y/N): "That's right, what's your name?"

Lopez: *in spanish*"Lopez the Heavy of Red Team from Blood Gulch which is a canyon in the middle of nowhere filled with idiots in red and blue armor. The Red team is full of idiots that don't understand Spanish, too bad they have to come with me."

(Y/N): "Can you help me repair the communication tower I built?"

Lopez: *in spanish*"Sure, just let me wake up the others."

Sometime later, we see the Reds and Blues out of the ship awake and out of hyper sleep as they were shocked to see where they are.


(Y/N): "How long has he been like that?"

Sarge: "2 hours."

Simmons: "Hey Grif, shut the fuck up and come over here."


Simmons: "I don't think he's listening."


Donut: "How did we get shipwrecked?"

(Y/N): "Well I have some assumptions about how it happened and most of them are suspects except for Azula since she's so perfect that she wouldn't be the one responsible for crashing the ship."


Here we see the crew working in the ship as we see the power went out.

Azula: "My apologies, I knocked the cable out the wall isn't that important?"

Then the alarms went off and everyone was in a panic.

End of mini-flashback

Azula: "I might take some of the blame."

Tucker: "Whatever."

(Y/N): "Lopez, think you can fix the tower?"

Lopez: *in spanish*"Yes."

You then head to the radio as we see Lopez fix the tower and when you turn on the tower the radio got a clear signal from Earth.

Tucker: "Holy shit."

Radio: *distorted voice*

(Y/N): "Hello this is (Y/N) Cranston of the SCP Foundation, mayday, mayday this is (Y/N) Cranston and I'm a soldier."

Tucker: "Dude, don't sound so desperate or they won't take it."

Simmons: "But we are desperate."

(Y/N): "Shut up!"*to the radio*"Please respond, is anyone out there?"

Radio: *distorted voice*"Hello?"

(Y/N): "Yes, can you hear me!?"

Radio: *slightly distorted voice*"I don't know, is it some kind of prank call?"

(Y/N): "No no, this is not a prank call."

Motoyasu: "Help us!"

Heather: "We need help!"

Sarge: "Code red!"

Radio: *Lindsay's voice*"Wait what kind of red lipstick are you selling?"

Tucker: ".......What.....the .....fuck did she just say?"

Radio: *Lindsay's voice*"There's maroon, cherry, hot ride red, brick-"

Heather: *goes to the radio*"Lindsay, this is not the time for makeup!"

Radio: *over the radio*"Heather? Oh hey how are you doing?"


Radio: *Lindsay's voice*"...That sucks."

Grif: "No shit dick head!"

(Y/N): "Alright Lindsay, you have to write these coordinates down."

Malty: *to Mandy*"You think she's confident enough to trust our lives?"

Radio: *Lindsay's voice*"Was it a 4 or a 9."

(Y/N): "I said 8."

Radio: *Linday's voice*"Oh."

Mandy: "Nope, but let's hope she can do it."

Mindy: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "Alright, that's all the coordinates you need to find us, just get here as soon as possible."

Radio: *Lindsay's voice*"Okie dokie."

Heather: "Welp, not gonna jinx anyone, but-"Jumps down from the tower*'We're gonna be rescued!"

Jo: "Finally we're going home!"

(Y/N): "No time for a celebration."

Sugar: "Let's eat all of our food to celebrate!"

(Y/N): "Wait!"

Simmons: "Let's find two jeeps and make them crash into each other cause fuck it!"

(Y/N): "Everyone stop!"*sees everyone looking at you*"This is the best news for awhile but it will be awhile until rescue arrives."

???: "I agree."

You and the others then see Junko Enoshima walk to you and the others.

Heather: "What do you want Junko, you finally got out of the barracks just to agree with (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Which means everyone should do 1000 laps around the canyon."

Everyone: "What?!"

Junko: "No need everyone, I'll do the 1000 laps, I've gotten bored seeing you all in despair."

Junko then starts jogging around the canyon as everyone turns to each other.

(Y/N): "I would use remedial training on her but she would just enjoy people suffering."

Tucker: "How come she's not training like the rest of them?"

(Y/N): "She calls herself the Ultimate Despair, she has a talent for making everyone's lives miserable 24/7, 365."

Lopez: *in spanish*"Living with people who don't understand Spanish is despair for me, especially someone who partially knows the language or is too lazy to speak it."*to Grif and Donut*"Right?"

Donut: "You're right Lopez, she is mean."

Lopez: *in spanish*"That's not what I said you pink idiot."

(Y/N): "Right."

Washington: "At least we're all alive."

Carolina: "Yep."

Girf: "Uh how does it count as luck if the people you hate survived the crash and people that can kill you if you breathe on them?"

The Reds and blues then see Azula emitting fire from her hand and Shego creating a green aura around her hand.

Tucker: "Caboose."

Caboose: "Yes."

Tucker: "Don't ever stick your dick in crazy."

Caboose: "I don't know what that means."

(Y/N): "You guys need to be whipped into shape, Penny and Shego will be training you all. I'll head into the ship to see if there are any more survivors."

You then head into the ship as Penny and Shego smiled at them.

Tucker: "We just met him and now I hate that guy."

Shego: "Get to running you couch potatoes."

Grif: "Help..."

Meanwhile with you, we see you walking around the ship and you come across a stasis pod with a woman with red hair in it. You then open up the pod and you see that she's waking up.

Pyrrha: *Yawns*"What a crazy dream, I was at school and I got killed by this fire lady and-"*sees you*"Oh hello there."

(Y/N): *looks away*"Did you wear clothes when you got into the pod?"

Pyrrha: "Huh?"*Sees that she's naked*"Ah! Where are my clothes?!"

Sometime later, we see Pyrrha in some security guard uniform and she looks at herself in the mirror.

(Y/N): "Sorry, that's all there is in this ship."

Pyrrha: "Well it's a lot harder to move around in but it's fine."

(Y/N): "Let's head out and see what the others are doing."

Sometime later, you and Pyrrha get out of the ship and you both see that everyone is exhausted from all the training.

Grif: ""

Pyrrha: "Oh dear what happened to them?"

(Y/N): "Training."

Penny: *sees Pyrrha*"Salutations!"

Pyrrha sees Penny and she has flashbacks of what she did to Penny as Penny was a bit confused on what Pyrrha is feeling right now.

Heather: *whispers*"Awkward...."

(Y/N): "Let's give these two a minute."

Sometime later, we see you and the others back at base and we see you maintaining some weapons as we see Naofumi walk up to you.

Naofumi: "Melty told me everything about what you're doing for Bitch."

(Y/N): "Malty."

Naofumi: "Whatever, given my history with her, I think you're doing everyone back in Melromarc and every other country a favor in trying to reform Malty, though Melty is too stubborn to realize that."

(Y/N): "Melty takes after her father, his stubbornness is what got him stripped of his royal status, I do not want the same thing to happen to Melty. What if the same thing happens to her when she's at his age?"

Naofumi: "You make a good point."

(Y/N): "Cooperation and teamwork is key in the foundation, we all know what's gonna happen if one of us slips up, either a town will go into ruin or the planet goes to hell because someone slipped up then people will die."

???: "Hey (Y/N)!"

You then look over and you see Tucker and the Reds and Blues.

Tucker: "We like to formally complain, you have too many girls in your base!"

(Y/N): "Agent Washington is here."

Tucker: "Fuck you!"

(Y/N): "The other base is too small to handle this many people."

Tucker then sees how big the other base is in comparison to the base you set up.

Tucker: "We got plenty of room!"

Simmons: "No we don't, you jackass!"

Grif: "There's not enough room for all of us."

Caboose: *to you*"Can we move to the bigger base?"

Tucker: *to Caboose*"Why you of all people?"

Caboose: "When I was talking about we, I mean me and Freckles."

We then see a Mantis Assault Droid walk up next to Caboose and turn to you.

(Y/N): "I'm sure we have plenty of room."

Tucker: "Awesome! Are the bunks co-ed?"

(Y/N): "Nope."

Tucker: "Balls..."

Sometime later, we see you working on your weapons as Shego walks up to you.

Shego: "Hey (Y/N), I know training is important and all but so far nothing attacked the canyon."

(Y/N): "We need to be prepared for anything, that's my work life at the Foundation, that's why I signed up for all of the MTF teams. And there's something familiar about this planet, I've been looking at the cave drawings and found starfish on them."

Shego: "What cave drawings?"

(Y/N): "Follow me."

Shego then follows you to a cave and both you and Shego then see the cave drawings depicting a theme about the number 5.

Shego: "Whoever drew these, is a complete nerd."

(Y/N): "They're more like a follower of Fithism."

Shego: "Fithism?"

(Y/N): "It's a religion that worships the number 5 and a cosmic starfish, I've been on enough missions from MTF Delta-5 aka the Front Runners to know what Fithism is."

Shego: "Whoah, wait what do the Front Runners do?"

(Y/N): "They're a Mobile Task Force that specialize in undercover missions in other Groups of interest. It's how I managed to meet you for the first time."

Shego: "Wait, you were an undercover agent in Drakken's lair?"

(Y/N): "Yes I was and you really need to put in 2 factor authentication on your laptop, I managed to get some intel from your past jobs and other information including your profile info on Tinder."

Shego: *Blushes* "Hey, that was personal!"

(Y/N): "Have you met the SCP Foundation, knowing about what kind of secrets everyone holds is our past time."

Shego: "More like stalking everyone."

(Y/N): "I prefer the term spying."

Shego: "Wait, you were Ted from IT?"

(Y/N): "Yes and I do not want to go down the rabbit hole that is your digital porn stash."

You then leave the cave as Shego then blushes bright red and she gets out of the cave and she sees Tucker and Caboose.

Tucker: "If it makes you feel any better, I have tons of porn in my helmet too."

Shego: "Actually it kind of does make me feel better, do you have any idea what it's like dealing with a idiotic blue guy?"

Tucker: *Briefly glances at Caboose* "Yeah, I feel your pain too and I have to deal with 2 of them plus a 60 ton death machine with a voice of a girl and a bitch that is like you but no glowing hands and is covered head to toe in armor and that's in Blood Gulch."

Shego: "Dang, that must have been rough."

Tucker: "No shit and now everything is like back on Chorus when we woke up, we're doing laps, sprints, pushups, situps, math, looking at a video of dead people in a lake and saying that we don't know them, more running laps, sprints, swimming, and math homework. I have a giant brain and amazing body because I'm in pain!"

Shego: "What's 600449 x 495?"

Tucker: "297222255."*realizes*"Okay, that was a dick move Shego."

Shego: "Eh true, just wanted to see it was true."

Tucker: "True? You should know that it's true, you guys have been here longer than we have."

Caboose: "There is so much math! Math hurts my brain!"

Shego: "Anyways, what do we do now aside from training?"

Caboose: "I don't know, was that a math question?"

Tucker: "Dude we're getting rescued soon, so what's the point in all of this training? Even Washington and Carolina think that this is too much training."

Shego then sees Carolina and Washington walk by and Shego and Tucker sees her.

Washington: "That....was the most....brutal math test......ever.....of all time."

Carolina: ""

The two freelancers fall onto the ground, passed out from exhaustion.

Chloe: "Geez, it's not that hard."

Shego: "You were suffering from doing math and other nerdy stuff, why the change of heart?"

Chloe: "Well at first I didn't like doing homework but then (Y/N) helped me study on what I've missed. I've wasted all my years sitting around looking pretty, I want to catch up on what I missed."

Tucker: "Okay screw that, I'm gonna talk to (Y/N)."

Shego: "Good luck with that."

We see Tucker leave the cave entrance leaving the others and heads to you as he sees you working on a computer.

Tucker: "Hey dickhead."

(Y/N): "Yes Tucker?"

Tucker: "I got a few bones to pick and none of them are in my pants. You are making everyone's lives here a living hell!"

(Y/N): "I'm just trying to keep everyone alive and prepared for anything that will come at us."

Tucker: "And how's looking at a video of a lake filled with dead bodies gonna help us?"

(Y/N): "That's classified information."

Tucker: "That's what you said the last 50 times! You suck as a leader, I prefer to go into battle with Chloe rather than you."

(Y/N): "Then let's make Chloe the new leader and see where that goes."

Chloe: *Confused* "I'm the new leader?"

Tucker: "Shut up blonde bitch!"

Penny: "Do not talk back to your commanding officer."

Tucker: "Bull crap, she's a highschooler who has loads of cash from both sides of her family and she will make her dad build a statue of herself in that museum in Paris."

(Y/N): "You mean the Louvre?"

Tucker: "You are such a nerd!"

Chloe: "I would never do that, well maybe but not really."

Penny: "(Y/N) has made a decision to promote Chloe as the new leader of this battalion."

Freckles: "Chloe Bourgeois has been unanimously promoted to be leader."

Chloe: "Wait what? I'm the leader now? Sweet, my first order of business is (Y/N) be my minion."

(Y/N): "I respectfully decline that offer."

Freckles: "Refusing orders from a commanding officer is punishable by death."

Chloe: "The giant robot is right."

(Y/N): "...Nevermind I happily accept."

Chloe: "Woo-hoo!"

Tucker: *to you* "Proud of yourself now?"

(Y/N): "Giving two incredibly deadly robots the idea that Chloe is now in charge? Not really."

We later see you and Chloe at the bunks and you are making Chloe's bed.

Chloe: "Wow, you're way better than Sabrina. You're stronger, smarter, taller, you're built for warfare."

(Y/N): "I have been trained by the MTF teams I've signed up with, which is all of them."

Chloe: "So you've been to school before?"

(Y/N): "Why would you ask that? I graduated with honors before my brother decided to massacre our entire family. If you think you have family issues then you haven't met my family, my mother and father were shot by my psycho brother and my sister and I have to split up to save our skins and we both ended up in the Foundation."

To say she was shocked was an understatement after hearing that, and for the first time Chloe was actually kind of sorry for you.

Chloe: "Geez and I thought I had issues."

(Y/N): "Something happened to you too?"

Chloe: "Yeah, I mean it may come as a shock but I used to be a superhero, until I let my old self get the better of me and Ladybug chose a new Queen Bee."

(Y/N): "I know, you wouldn't shut up about it. But you are a nice person and you can be, just try not to let what people say about you get to you."

Chloe: "Even Ladybug?"

(Y/N): "Even Ladybug, and besides you should be happy that your sister has a crush on Marinette."

Chloe: "Wait she does?"

(Y/N): "I thought you knew."

Chloe: "I didn't. Maybe when I get back I can make it up to her, and... maybe Ladybug." *Sighs* "Who am I kidding, she hates my guts."

(Y/N): "Well she can't really hate you forever, sometimes you just have to forgive than to forget."

Chloe: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "Why did you choose me as your new Sabrina instead of someone like Caboose or Shego?"

Chloe: "Well you seemed like someone I could look up to, and because Shego scares me and Caboose is... not above intelligence." *Sighs* "Besides, being the daughter of the mayor and a mom who barely remembers your name, you don't have anyone to look up to."

(Y/N): "Oh I see, parent issues?"

Chloe: "Was it that obvious?"

(Y/N): "Pretty much, my parents and I try to raise Gary to be a good person but every attempt has backfired. It's not because we're not trying, it's because Gary hates everything that is different from normal humans, even people with disabilities like me."

Chloe: "That's horrible! Even people with disabilities are people too."

(Y/N): "That's not what he thinks, he was homeschooled for a lot of his life because during his first day of Kindergarten there was a massacre and he was the one who killed all the kids, teachers, and school police officers in the room. We tried to get him to therapy but every therapist we come across either comes up with no answer on why he's like that, or ends up going insane, or even winding up dead. There is no explanation or reason why he's a person who has a bloodthirsty hatred over everything that is different from the norm, it's just is."

Chloe: "Yikes, that almost sounds like me if I was still a horrible person."

(Y/N): "And what's worse, he turned an entire police station into a mob of corrupt cops that he corrupted himself and he used those cops to infiltrate every cult and organization including the SCP foundation and he would have destroyed the anomalous world with one word and what kept the anomalous world from oblivion is me and Kendyl. And I had no choice but to turn Gary into a pattern screamer to keep everyone safe."

Chloe: "Yikes, that's horrible."

(Y/N): "I have to do something."

Chloe: "Well you did what you had to do."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Chloe: "Anytime."

You were about to leave until Chloe pulled on your collar.

Chloe: "Ahem. You were about to make my dinner."

(Y/N): "Right."

???(Lindsay): "Hey (Y/N) you there?"

You and the others then head outside and you all see Lindsay.

Everyone: *runs up to Lindsay and cheer*

Lindsay: "Aww, you really miss me."

Heather: "Lindsay, I never thought I'd say this, but thank god you're here!"

(Y/N): "Where's the rescue team?"

Lindsay: "Oh they're right there."

Lindsay then points to Chloe's classmates along with Jonesy, Jude, Nikki, Wyatt, Jen, and Caitlin.

Jude: "Sup dudes."

(Y/N): "That's the rescue team?"

Marinette: *sees Chloe*"Hello Chloe."

Chloe: "Hey... Du-Marinette."

Alya: "Smooth."

(Y/N): "Wait, where's the rescue ship?"

Jonsey: "Oh I told the pilot to leave."

Everyone (Except you): "You what?!"

(Y/N): "What!?!"

Heather: "So you mean to tell us, Lindsay heard our distress signal, grab you guys, get on a ship and then you tell the ship to leave?! Is that what you mean by rescue!?!"

Jonesy: "Yeah no need to leave behind a perfectly good ship on this planet."


Chloe: *Eye twitches in rage* *points at Jonesy* "GET HIM!!"

Everyone then beat up Jonesy out of pure anger knowing he told the ship to leave. After sometime we see everyone still glaring at Jonesy who was in bandages as we see Doc treat him.

Nikki: *To Chloe* "I am so sorry, my boyfriend's an idiot."

Chloe: *Sighs* "Whatever."

Alya: "So since he told us the one way off this planet to go home, what do we do now?"

(Y/N): "Do whatever Chloe says because the killer robots think she's our commanding officer now."

Marinette, Alya and the rest of the students: "What?!"

Marinette: "Woah, woah what do you mean commanding officer?"

Tucker: "Well (Y/N) and I had an argument and now that argument gave Chloe a promotion."

(Y/N): "We're all gonna if we don't do whatever Chloe says."

Alya: "You gotta be joking right?"

Penny: "Nope."

Chloe: "Sabrina, you fix the tower."

Sabrina: "Why me?"

Chloe: "Because while you were gone you've been replaced with someone who is more military grade, no offense."

Sabrina: "Um, none taken."

Marinette: "What now?"

Chloe: "Someone be our look out, Alya you will do that."

Alya: "Excuse me, you're not the boss of me!"

Freckles: "Disregarding a direct order from a commanding officer is punishable by death."

Alya: "What!?!"

Chloe: "The robot is right, seriously you do not want to get on his bad side, or Penny, she has swords."

Alya looked over and saw how big Freckles is and saw the swords coming out of Penny.

Alya: "Okay fine, at least give me a layout so I don't get lost."

(Y/N): "The map is in the cartography room."

Alya: "Thank you."

Marinette: "Anything else... commanding officer Chloe?"

Chloe: "Yes, Marinette, I need to see you in my office."

Caboose: "Ooooh someone's in trouble."

Jude: "But we just got here dude."

Later, we see you talking to Lindsay.

(Y/N): "How did you manage to get inexperienced highschool students on an SCP Foundation operation?"

Lindsay: "Well I know Caitlin cause she was my mall shopping buddy, and her friend Jonesy wants to join in because he needs a job and as for Chloe's classmates, I met Zoe and when I told her that her sister is shipwrecked on another planet she brought her whole class with her. Though some of them were thinking about leaving Chloe on that planet."

Chloe: *Off-screen* "I heard that!"

(Y/N): "Okay aside from that, we don't leave anyone behind, no matter what they have done and who they are."

Meanwhile with Chloe and Marinette.

Marinette: "So what did you wanna talk about, Chloe?"

Chloe: *Inhales and exhales* "Well... for one, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything that I ever did or said to you, and I know you probably won't forgive me or anyone would forgive me cause I'm a jerk, but I just wanted to say sorry."

Marinette was a bit surprised, did she actually have a good influence on her.

Marinette: " said I'm sorry to me of all people. You scared me out of life just for fun and now you said sorry and you seem like you changed for the better."

Chloe: "Yeah yeah, you don't have to forgive me, I know I was a jerk... Ladybug."

Marinette: *Eyes widen* "Ladybug? Uh what are you talking about I'm not-"

Chloe: "(Y/N) told me that the Foundation had eyes on Miraculous holders and I know that Cat Noir is Adrian and I know that his dad is Monarch."

Marinette: "Bu-I- how?"

Chloe: "The foundation (Y/N)-kins works for, they know everything, including what miraculous you had and all of your activity."

(Y/N): *offscreen*"Again you forgot to put in 2 factor authentication, it's not that hard to put it in."

Chloe: "Yeah he told me a lot of secrets you had, apparently you have 600 Terabytes worth of pictures of Adrian which freaked him out a bit. Even I was a bit freaked out."

Shego: "Yeesh, and I thought (Y/N) was a stalker but you take the cake."

(Y/N): *offscreen*"I'm not a stalker, it's my job. I was spying on Marinette, there's a difference, one is a job and the other is mental sickness."

Shego: "Fair enough."

Marinette: *Covers face and blushes* "Oh come on, a whole organization knows I'm Ladybug?!"

(Y/N): *offscreen*"Yes, it's our job to know secrets the world is not meant to know."

Chloe: "(Y/N) also hacked into Lila's computer and found out all of the lies she's been hiding including the fact she has 3 women who thinks she's their daughter and yet they never met each other and she goes by another name, Cerise."

Marinette: "I knew she was lying! And no one believed me, not even my best friend Alya."

Chloe: "Well you did tell me that Lila err Cerise or whatever her real name is bad news."

(Y/N): *offscreen*"Found some truth serum."

Later, we see you inject truth serum into Lila as everyone is watching her.

(Y/N): "Alright, tell us everything about yourself Lila."

Lila: *Under the effects of the Serum* "Okay, where to begin, my name is Lila Rossi but I also go by Cerise in case I get exposed. I never did any charities, I only said that I want to change Chloe for the better to get rid of Marinette. I deactivated the Akuma alarm and warned Monarch about your plan to akumatized him."

Nino: "Wait what?"

Alya: "How long will that serum last?"

(Y/N): "5 hours."

Marinette: "Well I'm not one to say I told you so but..." *to her classmates* "I told you Lila was a liar!'

Alya: "We are so sorry."

(Y/N): "Don't worry, once we get back home, the Foundation has a task force codenamed sixteen tons which is a MTF team composed of captured members of Groups of interest with special skill sets."

Alya: "So that means Lila err Cerise is gonna work for you and not go to jail?"

(Y/N): "Yeah and if she refuses to cooperate with us, we'll just let the explosive collar around her neck go boom."

Lila: *Under the truth serum* "I got Kagami akumatized on purpose."

Adrian: "What?!"

Lila: *Under the truth serum* "Gabriel Agreste is Monarch and he is trying to get the Miraculous to bring back his dead wife."

Adrian: "What!?!"

Alya: "Woah, woah hang, how could he use the Miraculous to bring back the dead?"

Chloe: "When he combines the powers of the ladybug and cat miraculous it will cause a ZK Class Reality Failure scenario."

Alya: "Which means what?"

Chloe: "He'll rewrite reality like rewriting a story."

Nikki: "What's a ZK Class Reality Failure scenario?"

(Y/N): "It's an event that the whole universe is gonna be destroyed or rewritten, and it looks like Gabriel is going to rewrite reality to bring his deceased wife back."

Adrian: "That is horrible."

Chloe: "It is, why do you think he tried to get your miraculouses all this time?"

Adiran: "I had no idea."

(Y/N): "And you have a pretty good idea on why you have 800 terabytes of pictures of Ladybug in your computer."

Marinette: "What?!"

Adrian: *Blushes* "Dude!"

(Y/N): "And the 5000 dollars worth of instacart for camembert cheese."

Alya: "Stalking much?"

(Y/N): "I'm not a stalker, I'm a spy there's a difference."

Shego: "Can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually wish Possible was here now."

(Y/N): "Well we did recruit her into our ranks, she started off as a soldier for the MTF team called Girly Girls and now she's a researcher and part time field agent."

Shego: "Seriously?"

(Y/N): "Yep and she was my protege, I was in the same MTF team with her."

Shego: "Wait, what were the Girly Girls?"

(Y/N): "An entire MTF team composed of girls."

Nikki: "Wait, you were part of a team full of girls?"

(Y/N): "That MTF team was made to contain Ms. Sweetie because her abilities affect men."

Caitlin: "Then why were you in the team?"

(Y/N): "I am immune to effects of a lot of SCPs including Ms. Sweetie's."

Chloe: "What does she do?"

(Y/N): "Well Dr. Wondertainment made her have an invisible field to repel men or put them into a diabetic coma and have candy that turn men into candy monsters or unicorns and I ate a lot of her candy. We substitute her sugar intake with sucralose and haven't made another candy since."

Marinette: "Yikes."

(Y/N): "And after her encounter with me, she developed feelings for me even though I have a girlfriend named Dr. Amelia Buck."

Marinette: "That's amazing."

(Y/N): "Then there's Dr. Agatha Rights who keeps hitting on me for some reason."

Sabrina: "Hey sorry to interrupt but the ship you were on was supposed to bring you all on a short trip home, how did you all end up so far from home? It should've been a short flight."

The camera then turns to Paulina as she widens her eyes.


Here we see Paulina looking at the engine as we see an engineer looking at her.

Engineer: "Ma'am don't touch them, these engines are delicate."

Paulina: "Where's the turbo boost on this thing?"*sees a button*"Is this it?"

Paulina then presses the button and then the alarms go off and the engineer then screams in panic.

End of mini-flashback

Paulina: "Uh one mystery at a time."

(Y/N): "It was probably just a malfunction in the engine."

Paulina: "Uh yeah, let's go with that."

Chloe: "I can't believe you have all of these girls hitting on you and you have this Dr. Buck girl as your only girlfriend."

(Y/N): "Your point?"

Chloe: "Have you ever considered that other girls might have a thing for you?"

(Y/N): "Hm, I never actually considered that, I've been busy doing jobs at the Foundation like exploring tunnels, diving down in the depths of the ocean, catching monsters, or exploring another dimension."

Paulina: *A bit surprised* "Wow, you're a lot more clueless than Danny is. Uh no offense."

(Y/N): "Why would I be offended?"

Paulina: "Seriously?"

(Y/N): "What? Most of the girls I meet are SCPs, I'm just trying to help them feel more comfortable because breaking them out of their cells will cause more damage to both sides in the wild."

Marinette: "Well we're not anomalies, we're people."

(Y/N): "Well you and Adrian would be considered People of Interest. And besides-"*points at the 4 heroes*"They have anomalous thaumaturgic weapons that they can't remove off of themselves and they're from different universes."*points at Raphtalia*"She has a tail and ears."*points to Filo*"You can turn into a giant bird."*points at Malty and Melty*"You two have magic." *Points to Azula* "She can emit fire from her hands."*points at Shego*"And you can shoot green energy out of your hands."

Shego: "He has a point, some of us are considered anomalies."

Paulina: "Hm, what about Danny Phantom, what class would he be?"

(Y/N): "Given his history, Thaumiel, an anomaly that contains other anomalies and provides something that is vital for the Foundation."

Alya: "Like what?"

(Y/N): "That's classified information."

Chloe: "So he could be like an energy source?"

(Y/N): "Well more like a means to enter the Ghost Zone and explore it."

Paulina: "But Danny can't open portals, can he?"

(Y/N): "Well he might if he grows up."

Marinette: "So what do we do now since our only way out of here was called away."

Jonesy: "You're still mad at that? I thought the ship here was functional."

Everyone: "It's not!"

(Y/N): "Well I don't really do emotional stuff but."*hands Chloe a bee Miraculous replica*"Here."

Chloe: *Picks up the replica* "I... thanks (Y/N)kins." *Puts it in her hair* "It's not the real deal but it will do."

(Y/N): "You don't need powers to be a Queen Bee."

Chloe: "Thanks."*to Freckles and Penny*"Freckles, Penny, I think you should listen to (Y/N) again."

Everyone in Chloe's class was surprised that the once spoiled Mayor's daughter was actually giving up her position of power back to you.

Alya: "Did she just do what I think she just did?"

Marinette: "She....had power.... And she gave it back to (Y/N)? She changed.......for the better? But I thought-"

(Y/N): "She was irredeemable?"

Marinette: "N-no I mean."

Freckles: "Are you sure?"

Penny: "Yeah, are you sure that you would give up being a commanding officer?"

Chloe: "Well (Y/N) is a better leader than me and sure he may have stressed us with all the training he gave us, but he did it because he cares for our well being."

Penny: "That is a good point."

Freckles: "Acknowledged."

Marinette: "It... actually happened. Why did this time work but when I tried-"

(Y/N): "Because you gave up on Chloe too easily, and I didn't. I think that the shipwreck has helped her get away from her comfort zone which is Paris, the hotel she lives in, Sabrina, the money she gets from her mother and father, and her own ego. She looked up to you when your ladybug because you were the only person she could really open up to, but you let your own pain from Chloe get the best of you and you made her even worse. Now she looks up to me because I helped her and now she has an interest in the anomalous."

Alya: "Are you saying it's my friend's fault Chloe was like that before she got here?"

(Y/N): "Well Chloe didn't make it easy for Marinette, as a leader you must listen to your team, but as a person and sort of friend to her, you have to be there to listen to her and guide her to a better life."

Alya: "Hey she's been-"

Marinette: "No, (Y/N) is right, I shouldn't let the pain Chloe caused me over the years get the best of me and I-I should have been there to listen to her problems and guide her to a better life."

Adrian: "Yeah and Chloe would have been-"

(Y/N): "And you were no better Adrian, she was your only friend and you didn't listen to her problems either."

Adrian: "I..." *sighs* "No, no, you're right I should've helped her with her problems."

(Y/N): "Yeah, you should have."

Penny: "Sorry to interrupt but a hostel have been detected."

Simmons: "Wait what?"

(Y/N): "Just 1?"

Grif: "We can take 1 guy." *Hears giggles* "That was not an innuendo!"

We then see a giant food stomp onto the crates full of pizza as Grif watches in horror.


You then look up to see a 500 meter tall humanoid that has some similarities to the Scarlet King.

(Y/N): "I knew I read this planet somewhere, guys we're on planet Mo'ara."

Everyone: "What?!"

Next: Chapter 44: SCP-4547 "Exterminans"

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