Chapter 55: SCP-1765 "Sisters"

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Here we see Bonnie and Kim following you to 999's pen and the girls saw the Tickle Monster itself as 999 sees the girls and immediately crawls to the girls' feet and hug their feet and starts tickling them.

Kim: *Laughs* "This guy is cute."

Bonnie: *pets 999*"I feel so happy suddenly."

(Y/N): "That's 999 for ya."

The girls then see Mr. Fish, Ms. Sweetie, Mr. Life and Death, and Mr. Headless come into the room.

Mr. Fish: "Aye mates, how have you been?"

Ms. Sweetie: "It's nice to meet you girls, I'm Ms. Sweetie."

Bonnie: "So these guys are the Little Misters?"

(Y/N): "Yep, well see ya girls, have fun with them."

Bonnie: "Be safe and try not to die."

(Y/N): "Alright."

Sometime later, we see you and some soldiers infiltrating a Serpent's Hand base and there was a glass box with a small wooden loom, an enamel needle, and a glass eye as we see 3 female figures come out of the box.

Eldest sister: "I see they're here."

Middle sister: "Yes, and there's only one of them."

Youngest sister: "Which one?"

Eldest sister: "Seems like they came along with him to make sure that their mission is successful, you know who, sisters."

Middle Sister: "Yes I do."

Youngest sister: "Who?"

Eldest sister: *Sighs* "The prodigal son of the Foundation, I've been particularly fond of him. He's none other than (Y/N) Cranston."

Middle Sister: "Let me experiment on him."

Youngest sister: "Mine."

Eldest Sister: "Calm now sisters, how about we share him?"

Middle Sister: "That is a good course of action."

Youngest Sister: "Deal."

Eldest Sister: "Alright, now let's get out of sight so he can take us to one of their sites."

We then see the sisters disappear as you then see the artifacts.

(Y/N): "Score."

You then head to the box and then break it open with th butt of your rifle and you grab the artifacts. Sometime later, we see you head to Area-37 and you place the artifacts on the table.

(Y/N): "Well that was easy, a little too easy."

Researcher: "Or you're very good at your job."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Then the 3 girls appeared right behind you and you and the researcher turned to the 3 girls.

(Y/N): "The heck? Who are you?"

Eldest sister: "Greetings, esteemed members of the Foundation. We come to you with auspicious news."

Middle Sister: "Aye, you'll be right pleased you will."

Youngest sister: "Hello."

(Y/N): "And what's the news?"

Eldest Sister: "Pardon sir, I'll be with you in a moment."*to her sisters*"Sisters, I thought we had agreed to let me do the introductions. You are embarrassing us."

Middle sister: "Oh, whoops. Sorry."

Younger sister: "Apologies."

Eldest sister: "Ahem."*to you and the researcher*"Yes, as I was saying, Greetings. We are pleased to finally be able to make your acquaintance, for we have observed your organization for quite some time. Indeed, we have observed a great many, and out of them all you stood out like a shining beacon of progress in a dark sea. Well done."

(Y/N): *to the researcher*"Quickly and quietly get security."

Eldest Sister: "Quiet please."*makes your mouth disappear*"I told you, sir, I will be with you in a moment. Where was I? Oh, right. All this considered, we have decided that you, and no other, are worthy of receiving our assistance. It is an honor most rare, we assure you."

(Y/N): *Looks skeptical*

Middle sister: "Like a bloody steak it is."

Younger sister: "Tartare."

(Y/N): *tries to talk but passes out onto the floor*

Eldest sister: "Hmph. Why must people always be silly? We shall have to fix that later. I keep losing my train of thought, it is most infuriating."

Middle sister: "Our help, remember?"

Younger sister: "Assistance."

Eldest sister: "Ah, thank you. Yes, our help. Seeing how meticulously you keep to the scientific method, we venture that we could be of most use to you if we do the same ourselves. Our abilities in that field are substantial, after all. Yes, to assist you, we will conduct several useful experiments on your behalf, and deliver you the data. We believe this is the beginning of a wonderful partnership."

Middle sister: "I think he's out cold, love."

Younger sister: "Unwell."

Eldest sister: "Oh that's okay, they record everything."*to a camera*"So, to those who are listening, we will begin our experiments immediately, since there is hardly a point in dilly dallying. Now, we realize that they might seem a bit harsh, but trust us, we know what is best for you."

Middle Sister: "Sisters know best."

Youngest sister: "Always."

Sometime later, with the others, they are watching footage from Area-37.

Markiplier: "So what are we watching?"

Kim: "Footage from Area-37."

Krystal: "It's said to contain footage of SCP-1765's experiments, which are in 4 different sections of the site which have been labeled Section A, Section B, Section C, and Section D."

Markiplier: "What are the sections?"

Krystal: "Section A is the mess hall, storekeeping, and dormitories of the site and is the smallest of the sections and is the least changed. Notable additions are two large brass vats located at the east corner of the mess hall, a monitoring station connected to other sections of Area-37 replacing storekeeping, and a large marble sign above the entrance to the dormitories reading 'CONTROL GROUP'. Personnel belonging to the control group are not subjected to the experimentation taking place in other sections of Area-37. Once every five to seven hours, the control group is visited by one instance of SCP-1765. During said visitation food and water are dispensed from the brass vats, and the visiting instance typically addresses the control group, often encouraging them to use the monitoring station to observe any ongoing experiments."

Markiplier: "Hm, alright, what about section B?"

Krystal: "Section B used to be Area-37's outer ground and sport facilities, it's the fulcrum of a localized spatial-temporal abnormality. Because of this, its size, climate, atmospheric composition and pressure and temporal flow are all variable, and are seemingly controlled by the will of SCP-1765-1, the entity typically overseeing experimentation in Section-B. According to SCP-1765-1, experimentation in Section-B is meant to delve into the effects of repetitive action performed under unusual conditions on the human psyche."

Markiplier: "Huh, alright what about section C?"

Krystal: "Section C, which was the main office complex, exhibits similar anomalous properties to Section-B, though it is associated with SCP-1765-2 rather than SCP-1765-1. Observation (as well as limited input from SCP-1765-2) indicates that experiments taking place in Section-C tend to focus on group dynamics and interpersonal relations during extreme conditions. On average, the physical alterations to Section-C during experimentation are more radical than those observed in Section-B, while temporal alterations are significantly less so."

Markiplier: "And what's Section D? A gym?"

Krystal: "Nah, Section D used to be a high risk containment area, it's currently the least understood segment of the altered Area-37 complex. Physically, it remains virtually unchanged from its state prior to its initial infestation by SCP-1765. Temporally, however, it appears to be entirely disconnected from the baseline stream of events, existing as an isolated 'bubble' from events occurring outside of it. The temporal reality of Section-D as well as any experimentation taking place within it are associated with SCP-1765-3. Due to SCP-1765-3's terse speech patterns and the general obscurity of the experiments it conducts, little is currently understood about the nature of experimentation taking place within Section-D."

Markiplier: "Okay then, and what are they doing?"

Bonnie: "They're experimenting on people and giving the Foundation high quality footage of their experiments."

Markiplier: "Oh, so what are they doing to them specifically?"

Kim: *While watching the footage* "It looks like -1 is testing her sorting of test subjects by having them measure the length and angle of the pipes in Section B before changing them around and making them do it all over again. It happened 459 times in a row. Here's notes from the experiment."*plays the video*

SCP-1765-1: *video*"Following yesterday's somewhat disappointing expedition to Olympus Mons (My, but were the hosts rude!), I have decided to attempt something less taxing on my test subjects, which are thus far proving to be both physically unimpressive and morally lacking. This simple examination of repeating sensory input and the manner in which it can be connected to other primal reactions to the point of overload should prove both useful to you and within my test subject's rather limited capability. Finally, a proof that even if we try to learn from experience, that attempt is ultimately pointless, since once life passes you by, you'll just have to learn everything all over again. That's useful knowledge, children, I do hope you are paying attention."

Markiplier: "I'm paying attention."

Bonnie: "What happened in Section C?"

Kim: "That place has people doing team building exercises that have them run across a football field and they have to head to a bunker dodging fireballs from guys in hoods, terrain alterations, and death traps. Even if they succeeded they ended up dying."*plays the video*

SCP-1765-2: *video*"I saw the kiddies were having a bad time with that double-date thing we did, so I thought to myself, 'Smile, kiddies today don't go for romance no more, s'too slow for them. They want excitement and sweat and explosions and sports!' so I called a few old friends of mine and they were happy to help, weren't they just! What was the name of that tall one with the robes? Madem? Mavven? Or was it John? Bah, can't remember, but I know he just loves the football! Heehee, we sure had a grand ol' time, even with the burning and the crushing and all. Oh, I think I'm forgetting something... oh, the test, this was... this was a test, yeah. Um, see, it goes to show you that no matter who you're with, you'll eventually get crushed by huge metal hammers smashing down from the sky! Hmm, no that can't be right... ah, I got it! Doesn't matter how much you prepare and whose with ya, sooner or later fate's gonna catch up with ya! Heehee, yes, this I like, this sounds just peachy! A lesson to be learned, my lads, a lesson to be learned!"

Kim: "As for Section D, It has one person taste testing different kinds of ice cream. If you choose one, you get to keep the flavor chosen while the unpicked flavor gets removed. This has been repeated for a while and that experiment is ongoing."

Markiplier: "Ooh wouldn't mind doing that one."

Bonnie: "Same here."

Dr. Bright: "But what about (Y/N)? He's still at Area-37."

Kim: "What kind of horrible experiments are they doing to him?"

Meanwhile with you, we see you punching a punching bag that SCP-1765-1 to -3 manifested and they take notes on your fighting prowess and abilities.

SCP-1765-1: *while taking notes*"For someone who has autism, he is a powerful fighter."

SCP-1765-2: "He's giving that punching bag a good wallop with all of his might."

SCP-1765-3: "Powerful."

SCP-1765-1: "Let's see what he can do if his body gets a second wind."

SCP-1765-1 then snaps her fingers and electrocuted you and you were kneeling down to the ground and then your veins started glowed blue like last time and then you unleash rapid fire punches onto the punching bag until you punched the bag hard enough to launch it to the wall and destroyed it, leaking sand everywhere.

SCP-1765-1: "I think I know why he gained this new power, his body is developing in a way that is most honorable."

SCP-1765-2: "What do you mean sister?"

SCP-1765-3: "How?"

SCP-1765-1: "(Y/N) and his brother Gary have two different methods of getting new powers. His brother takes away existing powers from others since he's a greedy bastard bent on destroying people like us without a second thought which causes a major strain on his body similar to how drugs damage the human body while (Y/N)'s method of getting new powers is about developing powers of his own. He gained his immunity over cognitohazards, infohazards, memetics by working hard at the Foundation along with his Second Wind ability through working hard on his fighting prowess and combat ability in service of the Foundation."

SCP-1765-2: "I see, so (Y/N) is a hard worker while Gary is a lazy bum who's taking everything for himself."

SCP-1765-3: "Different."

SCP-1765-1: "Very different, (Y/N) is working hard to maintain the morale of the SCPs within the walls of the Foundation. He's a key part of the Foundation, but there are so many experiments we want to do with him."

SCP-1765-2: "How about we give him a routine experiment on him on an annual basis, that way we can come up with experiments for testing his abilities and help us understand him better? That way he can still be in service for the Foundation and let us experiment on him while he continues his services for the Foundation."

SCP-1765-3: "Compromise."

SCP-1765-1: "Excellent idea sisters."*to you*"(Y/N) Cranston, you are free to go."

(Y/N): "Thanks but what about the people of Area 37? I can't let them go through all of this suffering you put them through."

SCP-1765-1: "That's what we like about you, you are a selfless person who thinks of others in your own way."

SCP-1765-2: "Sadly, we can't let them leave with you."

SCP-1786-3: "Apologies."

(Y/N): "You need the people of Area-37 for your experiments."

SCP-1765-1: "It is for your own good."

(Y/N): "Alright Tina."

SCP-1765-1: "Tina?"

(Y/N): "I have to call you girls something other than your designations so from oldest to youngest I should call you Tina, Lane, and Suzy."

Tina: "That is so sweet of you."

Lana: "I like Lane, it's a good name."

Suzy: "Thanks."

(Y/N): "Your welcome."

You then hug the Sisters and they hug back and then Tina snaps her fingers and teleport you out of Area-37. We then see you teleport directly behind Shego while she was drinking her water.

(Y/N): "Hey Shego."

Shego: *does a spit take*" "Gah! Don't do that!"

(Y/N): "Sorry."

Girls: *sees you*"(Y/N)!"

We then see the girls hug you tightly as Shego was confused from the sight of this.

Shego: "Uh, did I miss something?"

Kim: "(Y/N) was captured by SCP-1765 and they were experimenting on everyone in Area-37 with their powers and anyone there is considered lost."

Shego: "Wait what?! Why didn't anyone tell me?!"

Bonnie: "It was your lunch hour."

Shego: "Oh."

Kim: "Anyways, how did you get out of there (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "They let me out after we had a deal about doing some experiments on me on an annual basis."

Kim: "How 'annual' are talking?"

(Y/N): "Probably like 5 days of experiments for a year."

Bonnie: "So all week?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, speaking of how's Kyouka doing?"

Bonnie: "Pretty good so far, she moved into the house across from Kim's House and she is settling in nicely, and she hasn't been raped."

Shego: "Who's Kyouka?"

Bonnie: "Well let me explain."

One Explanation later.

Shego: "Jeez that's horrible."

Kim: "Right? That's horrible for anyone like Kyouka."

Shego: "I can't believe they forced her to do some prostitution out of blackmail and for money too."

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'm gonna pay her a visit and check on her."

Bonnie: "And you're sure another scp won't attack her this time? Because it already happened twice."

(Y/N): "SCPs won't attack the same place twice, trust me. I know."

Sometime later, we see you in your regular clothes driving to Kyouka's house and you arrive at her house and you head to the front door and knock on it.

Kyouka: *Opens the door* *Sees you* "Oh uh, hi there, do I know you?"

(Y/N): "Uh no, my name is (Y/N) Cranston, I'm Bonnie's friend from her new job and I just want to check up on ya."

Kyouka: "Oh thank you, well come in."

We later see you and Kyouka in her new living room.

(Y/N): "So how are you adjusting to your new house?"

Kyouka: "It's nice, it's better than my old place. The neighbors are nice, and I'm not being stalked by Erina or blackmailed by Leona."

(Y/N): "Take it you don't like them a lot?"

Kyouka: "No, everyone assumes that I'll always do anything for cash, and when I say anything, I mean like sexual favors, but that's who I don't want to be anymore, I want to have a well paying job and a normal life without banging older men all day. But finding a job around here is harder than it looks when you have K-cup boobs."

(Y/N): "Well, you could be a stripper, I know a friend who has a side job as a stripper and it pays well."

Kyouka: "Oh great, let me guess they have sex with the guys too?"

(Y/N): "No, I mean you could be a waitress and or a stripper there."

Kyouka: "It's because of my boobs isn't it?"

(Y/N): *Holds hands in defense* "I'm just tossing ideas around. Sorry if that was a bit offensive."

Kyouka: "It's okay, you were trying to help. Maybe I could give being a waitress a try. What's the place called? And is it very far?"

(Y/N): "Well from your house it's right around the corner."

Kyouka looked outside her window and saw the Tenderloins.

Kyouka: "How did I not notice that?"

(Y/N): "Who knows."

Kyouka: "Well you're a well built guy, where do you work?"

(Y/N): "I don't want to talk about work."

Kyouka: "Oh you work as a male stripper? Or a waiter?"

(Y/N): "Uh, Backstage manager."

Kyouka: "Oh nice, say I would take up that job."

(Y/N): "Just get a resume ready and you'll be ready."

Kyouka: "Okay then."

Later on, we see you and Kyouka at the Tenderloins where you both see Erotica in the middle of her routine which was getting a lot of attention from the audience.

Erotica: "Hey (Y/N), and uh... who's your friend?"

(Y/N): "Oh this is Kyouka Shiraishi." *Whispers to Erotica* "The girl who left her other life..."

Erotica: *Gets what you mean* "Ohhh, well what brings you here?"

Kyouka: "I'm here to apply for a job here."

Erotica: "Well let me interview you."

Kyouka: "Here? And in the middle of routine?"

Erotica: "Oh it's okay, I can multitask."

(Y/N): "I'll leave you two to it."

You then leave Kyouka and Erotica.

Erotica: "Okay then, let's look over your resume."*grabs Kyouka's resume with her foot and takes a look at it*"Hmm, I see you are qualified for the position considering your, ahem, history."

Kyouka: "Yeah... um, I did some stuff I'm not proud of..."

Erotica: *Twirls around the pole* "Kyouka you did it because you were desperate for money, they're great skills for a dancer like myself, but you were forced to do those things, but now you have a chance to do it by your own choice alone."

Kyouka: "True, well I can certainly fit in here in a job at a place like this. Though uh full disclosure, I've never actually pole danced before."

Erotica: "Don't worry there is such a thing as on the job training."*does a pivot turn*" And once you get pole dancing down, you'll be able to do private dances, for girls maybe."

Kyouka: "Hm alright, but why pole dances for girls?"

Erotica: "Most of the patrons here are lesbians."

Kyouka: "Oh."

Erotica: "In fact some of them are taking an interest in ya, and because I don't want you to relive your past."

Kyouka: *Sees the girls staring at them* "Huh, neat, alright I'll give it a try."

Erotica: "Great, you will start your first day next Monday at Ladies Night."

Kyouka: "Okay, what can I do in the meantime?"

Erotica: "Hm, well I'll be your mentor and help you practice your exotic dancing skills until you get the hang of it. Hey, you're wearing a bra right?"

Kyouka: "Yeah why?"

Erotica: "Well it's sort of-"

Kyouka was then doused with cold water by a girl as her bra was visible to the girls.

Erotica: "Wet T-shirt Wednesday."

Kyouka: *Shakes off the water* "Okay then, well at least it's only girls around here."

Erotica: "Yep and (Y/N) is having a chat with my coworkers."

Meanwhile with you, we see you talking to Persephone and Giselle.

(Y/N): "Huh, so that's how Erotica claimed ownership of this place?"

Giselle: "Yep, ever since she became owner of this place, she let in boys and girls because we let in the people of the Pride Community."

Persephone: "Yep and now we have men and women watching us, plus she's a lot better than Kevin."

(Y/N): "How is she better than Kevin?"

Giselle: "Well for one she lets me do one of my ideas for routine, uh provided they're safe and don't hurt the audience."

(Y/N): "Wait you're the girl that burned down Silicones right?"

Giselle: "Yeah that's me, I was doing my human torch routine and well... didn't go quite well."

Persephone: "Which is why she's not allowed around fire, or sharp objects."

(Y/N): "That seems reasonable."

Giselle: "It sure is, plus we get to have special events now, and today is Wet T-shirt Wednesday."

You looked over to see two girls dumping water onto Persephone and Giselle and you see their shirts are now see through and you see their bras.

(Y/N): "Oh neat, I guess it's to boost morale?"

Persephone: "Pretty much, we have a suggestion box for different themed days at the Tenderloins."

Giselle: "It's super fun, on Tuesdays we go topless, on Wednesdays we do wet T-shirts but unless your sick you won't get doused, Mondays we moon people, Thursday we do different holiday themed routines, and on Fridays... uh we haven't come up for anything for Friday, still working on that."

(Y/N): "How about getting naked on Fridays?"

Persephone: "Not bad, but we always do that here, hm how about bottomless Fridays."

Giselle: "Hm sounds good to me."

(Y/N): "Alright."

Persephone: "Hey Erotica has been talking about you a lot, and she was right about you being handsome and autistic."

(Y/N): "She's right about the autistic part."

Giselle: "Hm, wonder how big you are downstairs?"

Persephone: "Giselle, come on he's Erotica's friend."

Giselle: "What? I'm curious."

(Y/N): "About what?"

Giselle: "Your wang."

(Y/N): "Huh?"

Persephone: "Giselle come on."

Giselle: "Okay, okay."

Persephone: "Thank you."

Giselle: "Seriously though, have you ever been curious?"

(Y/N): "About what?"

Giselle: "You know, about your wang."

(Y/N): "I don't follow."

Giselle: "Your penis dummy."

Persephone: "Giselle come on."

(Y/N): "Oh, well not really."

Persephone: "And remember, he's autistic."

Giselle: "Oh yeah."

(Y/N): "Well this has been nice, but I better get going. I see that Kyouka's interview is over and I have to drive her home."

Persephone: "Oh okay."

We later see you and Kyouka at Kyouka's house and you dropped her off.

(Y/N): "So did you get the job?"

Kyouka: "Yep, I sure did, and I'll get some training from Erotica and I'll start my first day on Monday."

(Y/N): "As a waitress or dancer?"

Kyouka: "As a dancer for Lesbians."

(Y/N): "Less likely to get raped by men, nice move Erotica."

Kyouka: "And not be grouped by strangers too."

(Y/N): "That too, are you okay living by yourself?"

Kyouka: "Don't worry, Mrs. Possible is right next door if I need her."

(Y/N): "Right."

Kyouka: "Well good luck (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Thanks, and if you need company you know who to call."

You then left as Kyouka went inside her house as she sighed in relief.

Kyouka: "I really need to rub one out."

Kyouka then heads to her bedroom and grabs a dildo and a pornmag. Later, we see you and Bonnie back at the foundation.

Bonnie: "So how did it go?"

(Y/N): "She starts Monday, as a dancer for lesbians."

Bonnie: "Nice and how were Erotica's friends?"

(Y/N): "Giselle gave me a VIP card for the VIP dance room."

Bonnie: "Oh cool."

(Y/N): "What do people do in a VIP room of a strip club?"

Bonnie: "Uh well it's where the dancer dances for you in a private room, but you're not allowed to touch her, unless she gives you permission."

Kim: "How do you know that?"

Bonnie: "Oh I work there on the weekends, as a waitress."

Kim: *Surprised* "Really?"

Bonnie: "Yeah, pretty much, I told my sisters that drinks are free on Ladies Night and they were making out with lesbians all night. In the morning they woke up and they realized they were kissing girls all night, it was so funny."

Kim: "Why?"

Bonnie: "They're a bit homophobic."

Kim: "Oh gotcha, but seriously, you work at a strip club?"

Bonnie: "As a waitress, but uh, occasionally when one of the dancers is either sick, on vacay, or something else the waitress has to fill in for them, but I only dance for women so that I won't get weird looks from men, especially from my ex-boyfriend."

Kim: "Oh okay that makes sense, sounds like a fun job."

Bonnie: "Oh it is, but I'll stick to being a waitress."

(Y/N): " Seems reasonable."

Kim: "Lucky you, I tried to work at Beuno Nacho and Ned was such a-"

Bonnie: "Nerd? Pain in the ass?"

Kim: "I was going to say geek but yeah those too. And what's worse, he bought the jacket I was gonna buy."

Bonnie: "The green one?"

Kim: "Yeah, that's one."

(Y/N): "Speaking of that jacket, I confiscated it from him when Madhu broke containment so here it is."

You then hand the jacket to Kim and she was in awe when she saw it.

Kim: "The jacket, oh (Y/N) you shouldn't have."

(Y/N): "Well I saw how much you liked that jacket so I figured you would want it."*gets hugged by Kim* "Oh uh..." *hugs back*

Kim: "Thanks, you're the best boyfriend ever." *Blushes* "I-I mean mentor! Mentor! Hehhe, just uh, slip of the tongue there."

(Y/N): "Did you just call me your boyfriend?"

Kim: "Yeah...Sorry, sorry I know, it's weird it's just it was a nice gesture and-and-"

(Y/N): "It's fine."

Kim: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I don't mind it."

Kim: "Wow uh, okay then, boyfriend."

Bonnie: "You've been waiting to say for a while haven't you?"

Kim: "Yeah."

Bonnie: "Well you earned it, also can I join in?"

Kim: "I thought you already joined."

Bonnie: "Well I haven't really joined yet."

(Y/N): "And it's okay with me."

Bonnie and Kim then hug you and you hug back.

Bonnie and Kim: "Thanks (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Anytime, hey I have a mission to go on for the Ghostbusters."

Bonnie: "A little retro don't you think?"

(Y/N): "No, no not those Ghostbusters, I mean the MTF team."

Next: Chapter 56: MTF Mu-13 "Ghostbusters"

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