Chapter 62: Tattletale

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Here we see you walking down the hall and you see some of the girls in the mess hall and you sat down with them.

(Y/N): "Hey girls, just so you know I'll be dealing with another infohazard."

Bonnie: "Another one?"

(Y/N): "Yep, and it's another humanoid like the last one."

Kim: "What does this one do?"

(Y/N): "I can't tell you cause it's an infohazard."

Bonnie: "Oh yeah, well good luck."

(Y/N): "Alright, but whatever it is, it's serious. The only info about it is in one terminal and the O5 told me to handle it to test out my immunity to more dangerous info hazards."

Bonnie: "And you're sure you're gonna be safe right?"

(Y/N): " Don't worry, I can handle myself."

Kim: "Well, okay then but be careful."

(Y/N): "I will."

Sometime later we see you at the terminal and you are reading the file on SCP-2744 aka Tattletale.

(Y/N): "Man this guy is a beast, don't want to piss this guy off. The simulation really is a pain in the heart given how much fear that thing can cause to people, either that or they have bad heart health. Or reach the point where they have a heart attack and die. Anyways, I bet I can serve this thing to the O5 on a platter."

After reading the file on Tattletale you then head to your apartment and you set up some defenses as Azula sees what's happening.

Azula: "(Y/N) what's going on?"

(Y/N): "We're about to have a guest any minute now Azula."

Azula: "A good guest or a bad one?"

(Y/N): "Bad one, but that's all I'm saying."

Azula: "I see, should I go somewhere else since this is apparently your business?"

(Y/N): "Sure, go and visit Jessica for a bit, this might take awhile."

Azula: "Understood."

We see Azula head to the bathroom and go into the portal as you then grab some weapons and ready yourself.

(Y/N): "Alright Tattletale! You want me?! Come and get me!"

Meanwhile with Azula we see her at Jessica's house explaining why she was here.

Jessica: "So (Y/N) is dealing with a monster but that's all you know?"

Azula: "Exactly, he told me it's an infohazard, whatever that is."

Jessica: "Oh it's an anomaly that is infectious through information. And he's the only one that's immune to them but we aren't."

Azula: "I see." *Looks around* "You keep a lot of animals here."

Jessica: "Yeah we adopted all kinds of stray animals, we're a nature loving family."

Azula: "Well my father loves nature."

Jessica: "Oh that's nice."

Azula: "Well burning it to the ground to be exact."

Jessica: "Oh.... That's not nice..."

Azula: "Yes, I know, I've actually done things I'm not exactly proud of..."

Jessica: "Because your dad expects you to be the better sibling than your brother?"

Azula: *A bit surprised* "How did you know?"

Jessica: "Well my friend Kara has a cousin that is mean and pompous to her a lot, so I know what you went through."

Azula: "You don't know that, you barely even know me."

Jessica: "Actually (Y/N) told me a lot about you."

Azula: "That explains it."

Jessica: "Yeah, you know you should really go to therapy."

Azula: "I am meeting my guidance counselor on a weekly basis. It's kind of helping."

Jessica: "I wonder what (Y/N) is up to?"

Azula: "Whatever it is, I'm sure he's fine."

Meanwhile we see you fighting off Tattletale in hand to hand combat and you throw a smoke bomb at the creature and then it goes off and then you grab it in a chokehold as it roars in pain.

(Y/N): "Not so tough now are ya?!"

You then throw the creature out the window and then it falls down from the apartment and onto the pavement as it gets up in an injured fashion.

(Y/N): "Oh no you don't!"

You then jump down and land right on top of the creature and then you grab your brass knuckles and then you use boxing moves to overpower the beast. And then you heatbutt the creature, hold it in place with your foot, and then uppercut it as it falls down to the ground.

(Y/N): "Oh yeah! Stay down!"

The creature was out cold as you then picked it up on your shoulder and then haul it off to the foundation. We see tattletale in a straightjacket, its feet chained together, its mouth is zipped up and is wearing a muzzle, and in a chained collar around its neck is attached to chains that are attached to the sides of the cell.

(Y/N): "Done and done, sure hope Azula is okay with Jess."

Meanwhile we see Azula talking about her life with Jessica, and the green lantern was pretty shocked about the things Azula went through and did.

Jessica: "Yeesh, you went through a lot."

Azula: "Indeed, not one of the best moments of my life."

Jessica: "Well, now you can make a new life here, where you don't have to deal with the pressures of being royalty."

Azula: "I could transfer to another school since I'm done with (Y/N)'s old one."

Jessica: "Really?"

Azula: "Yep, it was actually quite easy, although the hard part is choosing what school to go to next."

Jessica: "Well you could be a superhero, we need to work on your approach."

Azula: "My approach?"

Jessica: "Yeah, people might be afraid of you because of your dominating approach to people. Try being nicer."

Azula: "I only took over a school, not an entire country. That's what my father wanted, not what I wanted."

Jessica: "Well maybe try doing something you want to do that your father doesn't want you to do."

Azula: "Hmm, well I do want to do normal things that a teenager would do."

Jessica: "Alright that's a good start, my friends will help you on your royalty free teenager life."

Azula: "And how are they gonna help?"

Jessica: "They'll show you what a teenager does on a daily basis. We showed Diana what it's like to be a teenager before, we can do the same to you."

We later see Azula at the mall shopping for clothes with the hero girls as you come into the room and they see how injured you are from your fight with Tattletale.

(Y/N): "I took down that SCP no problem."

Diana: "Great Hera you're injured!"

(Y/N): "Don't worry, they're just flesh wounds."

Kara: "Shouldn't you go to a hospital or something?"

(Y/N): "I'm fine."

You then open up a canteen of water and you drink it up as your injuries heals up.

Karen: "Woah, what's in that?"

(Y/N): "Just water."

Karen: "Oh."

Zee: "That's it? Just water?"

(Y/N): "Yep, just water."

Azula: *comes out the dressing room*"How's this?"

The girls then see Azula is wearing a red shirt and a pair of skinny jeans with red flames.

Azula: "Is this normal enough?"

Zee: "Well it's missing one thing."

Kara: "I know."

We then see Kara grab a leather jacket with flames on it and put it on Azula as you and the girls look at it.

(Y/N): "That works."

Azula: *Checks herself out* "I suppose this will do."

Zee: "So you like it?"

Azula: "If it passes for normal then I like it."

Babs: "Welcome to being a normal teenager."

Azula: "So is there anything else I should do, what a normal teen?"

Babs: "Well... a lot of things like pop culture, homework, pampering ourselves-"

Azula: "I was pampered by loyal servants before I banished them out of paranoia and insanity."

Diana: "Okay... um, why not go to the pier for some normal teenager fun."

Azula: "I guess that can be okay."

We later see everyone playing carnival games and Azula throws one ball at a stack of bottles and they don't fall down and she notices the glue on them.

Azula: "Of all the..."

Kara: "Yeah, they're rigged."

Azula then grab another ball and when she readies to throw it she lit it on fire and then throw it at the bottles and made them shatter into pieces from the intense heat of the flames.

Carnie: *Scared* "Uh..."

Azula: "Give me a prize, now. Or pay the consequences of your deceit."

The carnie gave her all the prizes and ran away.

Azula: "Well that was fun."

Babs: "Uh....that was terrifying."

(Y/N): "Eh, you scared one guy in the pier, you scared them all."

Azula: "He deserved it, he's just like all the other con artists, cheating people out of their money."

Karen: "Guess so."

(Y/N): "Well you girls have fun, I'll be heading home."

Girls: "Okay."

Sometime later, we see Azula brought back dozens of prizes from the pier as the girls were shocked to see that.

Zee: "Guess those Carnies really are afraid of you."

Azula: "They got what they deserved."

Babs: "Okay but you don't have to scare them half to death, and normal person lesson 1, don't use your powers in public."

Azula: "Oh please, what good is having power if you don't use it to discipline ignorant people discreetly, haven't you all felt that urge to use your abilities to show some authority, to show that you're superior to them?"

The hero girls thought about what Azula said as Kara recalled the time where she used her powers to teach Superman a lesson, Jessica also had those thoughts when she saw how much people ignored her when it came to her protests and people not recycling, Zee had those thoughts too when people thought her magic was fake.

Jessica: "Well I mean we do but just because we have powers, we can't use them to scare people like that."

Diana: "We use them for our responsibilities."

Kara: "And we don't use them to scare people."

Azula: "I see, I guess I should use my abilities more responsibly."

Jessica: "Yeah, that's what we use our powers for, responsibility."

Azula: "I will use my power for responsibility, this I swear."

Diana: "Glad to hear it, now let us have ice cream at Sweet Justice."

Later on, we see the girls eating ice cream at Sweet Justice and we see Azula eating some.

Azula: "Now this is the life I needed most."*eats a spoonful of ice cream*"Mmm."

Next: Chapter 63: SCP-3700 "Tides of War"

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