Chapter 69: SCP-052 ''Time-Travelling Train''

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Here we see you and Summer in New York City in the subway system.

Summer: "So what are we doing in New York?"

(Y/N): "This is your first assignment, we're dealing with SCP-052."

Summer: "SCP-052, that's the time traveling train right?"

(Y/N): "Correct."

Summer: "What are we doing here?"

(Y/N): "Well, we're here to see if we can either safely recover someone from the train and help them to get them back into society the best we can, but if we can't do that due to a later or earlier time period they were in, we just give them a new home."

Summer: "That's it?"

(Y/N): "Yep, I know it's boring but it's cool to see people from other times. Who knows, you might see a lost celebrity from a different time."

Summer: "Gotcha."

(Y/N): "They can either be from 1976 to 2204."

Summer: "Woah, that far from the future?!"

(Y/N): "Yep, it is a time traveling train."

Summer: "Fair enough."

You and Summer are in the station and you both see SCP-052 coming and stopping and we see the doors opened and 2 women come out of it, one of them has a cyclopic eye and purple hair while the other is from Chinese descent and has a pink tracksuit.

(Y/N): "Ladies, do you know what year it is?"

???(Leela): "Yeah, isn't this the year 3000?"

Summer: "Uh no, it's 2023."

???(Amy): "2023?!"

Summer: "Yep, nice tracksuit."

Amy: "Thanks, I like your pants."

Summer: "They're part of my uniform."

(Y/N): "You two are coming with us for questioning."

Later, at Site-21, we see the two girls in a room and you are talking to them.

(Y/N): "So, tell me about your time period? This is the first time we have had some people from the year 3000."

Amy: "Well in our time we have flying cars and Nixon is our president soo... yeah."

Summer: "Wait, Nixon is your president? Isn't he like dead?"

Leela: "Well he's not dead-dead, his head in a jar, and he's still alive, and it goes for all the other historical figures and famous celebrities."

(Y/N): "So why did you two get on SCP-052?"

Amy: "I thought the manufacturers were making a throwback design for the trains."

(Y/N): "Well then can you tell us your names?"

Amy: "I'm Amy Wong and this is Turanga Leela."

Summer: "Well I'm Summer Smith and this is (Y/N) Cranston."

Amy: "Can we go home?"

(Y/N): "Sorry but anyone from the future has to be contained in the Foundation to prevent damage to the space time continuum."

Summer: "Why? Wouldn't it just be easier to send them back with the time train?"

(Y/N): "We don't have full control over the anomaly, we had experiments where most of our guys end up in the past and dying. We have 26 people on record from the future and other realities and timelines."

Summer: "Oh and they died too?"

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Amy: "Great, we'll never get home, everything here is so out of date."

Leela: "Yeah, even the TVs are outdated, and even the cell phones."

(Y/N): *holds up the Iphone 14*"What about this?"

Amy: "You're joking right, that's just a rock with a touch screen on it."

Summer: "Yeah it's an iPhone."

Leela: "No, an iPhone is like this."

Leela then brings up a holographic visor that has a setup like a normal Iphone.

(Y/N): "That does explain the implants in your X-rays."

Amy: "Spluh, that's our Iphones."

(Y/N): "Well then we should make use of what kinds of skills you have to offer to us since you don't have a choice in this."

Amy: "Okay well what should we do while we're here?"

(Y/N): "Well now you two are gonna live here in the Foundation where you will not interfere or change events of our present time, so you two will be working here. What were your last jobs?"

Amy and Leela: "Planet Express."

Summer: "Soo, UPS?"

Amy: "UPS was shut down in 2801 but yeah, it's just a small group of people delivering stuff anywhere in the galaxy."

Summer: "Oh, what about Amazon?"

Leela: "We have Momazon, a business woman named Mom bought Amazon."

(Y/N): "Okay then, well what skills do you have to offer?"

Amy: "Well since your education system is pretty much kindergarten in our time, I can do some science here."

Leela: "I can fight, so I can be a guard."

Amy: "And I can... hm, what can I do?"

(Y/N): "Well we have positions for researchers."

Amy: "Huh, never been a researcher before, I just do whatever the professor told me to do and I'm just an intern but I graduated and got my doctorate degree."

(Y/N): "Well what is your education system in the future?"

Amy: "I graduated from Mars University which makes your colleges look like highschools."

Summer: "For real?"

Amy: "Yep."

(Y/N): "Well we'll send word to the higher ups that you two will be living at the Foundation and working as Foundation guard and researcher."

We then see a guard come into the room and you turn to him.

Guard: "The train will be ready for you sir, the O5 wants you to be part of another 052 experiment."

(Y/N): "Alright I'll be there."

Summer: "How long will it take to get ready?"

(Y/N): "Well the train will reappear next Saturday."

Later, next week on Saturday of June 13th, we see you at the station and you see SCP-052 arrive and it opens its doors.

(Y/N): "Alright guys, I'm going in."

Summer: "Are you sure this is safe?"

(Y/N): "Positive, now I'm going in."

We then see you enter the train and it closes its doors and then the train leaves. Later, on June 27th, we see SCP-052 appear and come to a full stop as Summer sees the doors open and she sees you laying on the ground with your hands surgically removed.

Summer: "Oh my god!"*calls Rick* "Grandpa Rick, I uh, need your help."

Rick: *over the phone*"What? Jerry is dead on the first day of the job?"

Summer: "No, he's not dead." *Looks at your hands* "It's someone else." *Takes a picture of your hands and sends the pic to Rick*

Rick: *Sees the pic* "Oh fuck me."

Later, at the Smith residence, we see Rick attaching robotic hands to your arms and now you have hands again.

Rick: "They may look like Terminator hands but they move around like real hands, just give it some time for your skin to grow over the hands. In the meantime, wear gloves."*to Summer*"And no they don't have a vibrator setting."

Summer: "I wasn't even gonna ask that."

Rick: "Sure you were, your a highschool girl who doesn't have a date because she has a dad who accepted a job to be a test dummy for supernatural stuff, your mom was a teen mom who cucked her own husband with herself, I'm a nutcase scientist who fucked a planet, and Morty is an idiot who almost ended the world just by jerking off."

Summer was about to say something until she realized that no man from her school would want to date her because of what Rick said.

Summer: "Fair enough."

Rick: "Plus this guy is cool, unlike literally everyone in your dumb school, he would rather talk to you as a person rather than being Jerry and turn you into a teen mom. Trust me, I've seen The Boys and Homelander is Soldier Boy's kid and Vought started a cycle that made each generation after Soldier Boy a nuclear bomb. When I saw that kid's smile for his dad killing that guy, the fucked meter went from a 1000 to we're fucked cause some greedy assholes want to make money off of superheroes."

(Y/N): "They really messed up there."

Rick: "I know right, corporate greed is the worst."

(Y/N): "Well Vought is pretty tame in comparison to Marshall, Carter, and Dark."

Rick: "Oh yeah, that human mannequin SCP, if I ever see the guys who run that company, I'm just gonna say fuck you in their faces and blow up their Private Island Yacht."

Summer: "Is that like a private island on a boat?"

(Y/N): "Yeah and I saw it too, they hunt interns and protestors for sport. Don't believe me, I got pictures."

You then show Rick and Summer the pictures of their Private Island Yacht.

Rick: "Holy shit, I was exaggerating but god damn."

Summer: "Did they actually have BBQs where they had interns as the meats?"

(Y/N): "They were having a party with cannibals."

Rick: "Okay now that is fucked up."

(Y/N): "They were trying to close a deal with rich people who are cannibals. Turns out human flesh is worth more than Beef, pork, and poultry on the market."

Rick: *see's Gordon Ramsy in the picture*"Huh, who knew Gordon Ramsy was a cannibal and the head chef of that party?"

Summer: "And here I thought he was just an angry chef."

(Y/N): "Yeah, turns out he's a cannibal too."

Rick: "Too bad he didn't put that in his cook books."

(Y/N): "Anyways."*pulls out a note*"This note was in my pocket and it said: Send no more."

Summer: "Wow."

(Y/N): "Well we better get back to work."

Summer: "Wait, hang on, what did that note mean when it meant no more."

(Y/N): "Stop sending people into the train, send no more people on the train."

Summer: "Oh, gotcha."

Later, we see you and Summer at the Foundation and you were handing out uniforms for both Amy and Leela.

(Y/N): "Both of you need to wear uniforms."*hands Leela a pair of censor bar sunglasses*"And when you're out on the job, wear these. And remember, don't change events in the past."

Leela: "We won't."

Amy: "Gotcha."

(Y/N): "And first, we need to get those implants out of you two."

Amy and Leela: "Wait what?"

Later, after the surgery, we see the girls wearing bandages over their eyes after removing the implants

Amy: "Why did you take our Iphones?"

Leela: "Hello, what if someone saw us using them?"

Amy: "Oh, yeah, spluh."

(Y/N): *hands the girls your water canteen*"Here take a swig of this."

Both girls then drink the water as they feel their eyes are miraculously healed from the surgery and they take off the bandages.

Amy: "Ooh I feel better."

Leela: "What kind of water is that?"

(Y/N): "That's classified information."*hands the girls their new personal information*"We made these files to make new identities, we kept your names."

Leela: *reads her birth certificate*"August 10th 1969?

Amy: *Reads her birth certificate* "May 4th, 1995? Doctorates degree too, well at least that's right."

Leela: "But why did we need fake birth certificates?"

(Y/N): *has a "really" look on your face*

Amy: "Right, we're from the future."

Leela: "Oh yeah."

(Y/N): "We gave you new bank accounts, social security numbers, and paper money as well."*holds up two Iphones*"Here's your new Phones."

You then handed them the Iphones and they were looking at them with disgust.

Amy: "This is caveman tech."

Summer: "Caveman tech?"

Amy: "Spluh, future, to us, these things are like rocks with a touchscreen on them."*turns on the phone*"I have to charge this and put in a 2 factor authentication? In the future we have a 90 factor authentication."

Summer: "90? Jesus, who are you trying to protect your data from? Aliens?"

Amy: "No nudist alien scammers."

Summer: "Nudist alien scammers? Are they huge dicks?"

Amy: "Yeah and they're not that smart when they used paradox free time travel to get all kinds of stuff. Plus they're not exactly big where it counts."

Summer: *Laughs* "For real?"

Amy: "Yep and I should know, they're nudists."

Summer: "Well I guess there are still tramps in the future."

Amy: "Tramp?!"*talking angry in chinese and grab Summer by the shirt and shake her around sensely* "I am not a tramp!"

Summer: *While being shook* "I didn't mean you, I meant the alien nudists you were talking about."

Leela: "Well to be honest, Amy is a tramp."

Amy: "Et tu Leela!? Et tu!"

Leela: "Well it's true, you were dating any 60 guys you came across because you were dressed like a tramp."

Amy: "I wear a tracksuit. But yeah I-I guess."

Summer: "Sorry about the tramp comment."

Amy: "It's okay."

(Y/N): "From now on, you have to wear appropriate work attire."*pokes her belly*"And belly shirts are not work appropriate."

Amy: "Aw come on, it's a tracksuit that shows off my midriff."

(Y/N): "If you show your midriff to anomalies, they will use it for target practice."

Summer: "Why would they think Amy's belly button is a target?"

You then open a door and show SCP-682 munching on D-Class entrails in his cell and then you close the door.

(Y/N): "Does that answer your question Ms. Smith?"

Amy: *Sighs* "Point taken."

Summer: *Pats Amy's back* "No worries, I feel your pain."

Amy: "Thanks."

Later on, we see Leela and Amy set up their new home in an apartment next to yours.

Amy: "Can't believe Fry lived in a place that is so outdated."

Leela: "I know." *Looks at the TV* "Even the TV is retro, it's solid plastic and doesn't have any holograms."

Amy: *Looks at the kitchen* "Even the kitchen is all retro, no self making pizzas, no self microwaving hotdogs, no kitchen multi-utensil, no anything. We're living in a cave."

Amy and Leela: "Ugh, now I know how Fry feels."

Amy and Leela look at each other in surprise.

Amy: "What was that?"

Leela: "Fry is the person we know who was frozen for a thousand years and he was out of place in our time, he was confused on what we do in the year 3000. We are living in the past and now we know how Fry feels."

Amy: "Yeah, you're right. But wanna know the best part living in a retro apartment?"

Leela: "What?"

Amy: "This."

Amy takes off her pants and panties as she casually sits down on the couch, much to Leela's surprise.

Leela: "Any reason why you are bottomless now?"

Amy: "Well being bottomless is outlawed, remember? The Decency Act of 2697?"

Leela: "Oh yeah, I remember that, why did they even make that Act?"

Amy: "Probably to control what women are wearing and how they act."

Leela: "True."

Amy: "So, wanna get it on this Leela?"

Leela: "No thanks, I prefer to wear my pants indoors and outdoors."

Amy: "Well it's just us girls here, plus being bottomless feels amazing, I never get to do this back home."

Leela: "What if there are hidden cameras?"

We see a small hidden camera in the coffee maker as we see the landlord watching the girls and he only blurred out the faces cause he's very focused on their bodies cause he's a perverted man.

Amy: "Oh yeah." *Sees the coffee maker* "Hm, what's that coffeemaker doing there?"

Leela: "Amy that was installed here by (Y/N) when we need our coffee."

Amy looks at it closer and sees the hidden camera.

Amy: *Picks out the camera* "Yeah but why did he put a camera in it?"

Leela: "(Y/N) didn't, someone else did."

Leela then hears someone getting beat up outside and when she opens the door she sees the landlord getting beaten up by the women of the apartment.

Leela: "We better check if there are more cameras."

Amy: "Good call."

We cut to a montage of Leela and Amy looking around the apartment and they found numerous hidden cameras and they crushed them with their feet.

Leela: "Okay, we need to call (Y/N)."

Amy: "On those caveman blocks?"

Leela: "Unfortunately, yes."

Amy: "Okay."

???: "No need ladies."

The girls then turn to see you entering the room with the deed to the apartment complex.

Amy: "You know about the landlord?"

(Y/N): "Of course, I found his hidden cameras and he couldn't handle angry women beating him up so he passed the deed to me."

Leela: "Good riddance too."

Amy: "So um, are you okay with me being bottomless?"

(Y/N): "It's fine by me, plus this is normal to me, I'm autistic."

Amy: "You are? That's amazing, in the future anyone with autism is considered a celebrity."

(Y/N): "Really? Huh, neat."

Amy: "So uh, (Y/N) are you seeing anyone or in an open relationship?"

(Y/N): "Well I am in an open relationship, why do you ask?"

Amy: "You seem like a nice guy and again autistic people are instant celebrities in our time."

(Y/N): "So you wanna join my group?"

Amy: "Yes and so does Leela."

(Y/N): "Okay, wait why her?"

Leela: "Yeah I'm dating Fry."

Amy: "Come on Leela, I know you can do better than Fry and besides he's currently frozen right now at this time and (Y/N) would be a celebrity in our time. Plus he's smarter, stronger, and he's always on time. Fry is always late even when he lived in Planet Express, remember?"

Meanwhile in the future, we see Fry minding his business and suddenly he sneezes.

Fry: "I feel like I've been replaced with someone better than me."

Back to you.

Leela: "Oh alright, when I'm in the past and Fry is still frozen here I guess I could have a new boyfriend."

Amy: "That's the spirit, now let's get settled in our new apartment."

Leela: "Right now where are the other hidden cameras?"

(Y/N): "I removed the hidden cameras in the other rooms."

Leela: "Oh yeah, now where are the 3D food projectors?"

Amy: "Uh, Leela, they haven't made those yet so they don't have them."

(Y/N): "Well we have a waffle maker."

Amy: "Really, I've never seen a waffle maker this retro."

(Y/N): "I'm guessing future waffle makers are much different? Well you two need to blend in and adapt to the technology of our time."

Amy: "I guess so, and to answer your question waffle makers in the future already have the batter in it and serve waffles for breakfast to us. We don't have to do any hassle of making the batter ourselves."

(Y/N): "Huh neat, well here waffle makers are basically your robotic servants."

Amy: "Employees in 2705 made labor laws for robots."

(Y/N): "So robots are people too?"

Amy: "Yep, they're even classified as people too."

(Y/N): "Hm, neat. Well since your history with robots in your time, we have robots ourselves that are anomalous of course."

Leela: "You do?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, we have robots of all kinds but they are anomalous in nature."

Amy: "And I'm guessing we can't use them."

(Y/N): "Well most of them are dangerous and unpredictable, and some are nice and docile."

Leela: "Gotcha. But how do you know which ones are dangerous and which ones are docile?"

(Y/N): "Just read their files."

Amy: "Okay then, thanks for the home."

Leela: "Yeah it's outdated compared to our homes but it will do."

(Y/N): "Anyways, your first assignment won't be with robots, but rather a place called Daleport."

Amy: "Daleport? There's no Daleport anywhere on any map in your time or ours."

(Y/N): "Well that's because we make sure to keep it secret from the public eye, even in the far future."

Amy and Leela then turn to each other and they realize that the SCP Foundation still exists in the year 3000.

Amy: "Woah...trippy."

Leela: "Yeah, no wonder things were sketchy in our time."

(Y/N): "Pack your bags girls, we're going to Daleport."

Next: Chapter 70: SCP-1936 "Daleport"

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