Chapter 75: SCP-3288 ''The Aristocrats''

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Here we see you at a meeting with an MTF squad codenamed MTF Sigma 6 the Hellsingers.

(Y/N): "Now then, what's this meeting about?"

We then see Krystal and Dr. Clef came into the room.

Dr. Clef: "Alright everyone listen up, we've been researching disappearances around Vienna and we have reason to believe it is SCP-3288."

(Y/N): "Otherwise known as The Aristocrats."

Hellsinger 1: "What are they?"

Krystal: "They're a highly predatory species or subspecies of of the genus Homo which display deviations like: Acute hyperdontia and macrodontia; an instance of SCP-3288 has teeth approximately six times the size of normal adult teeth with more than sixty teeth unevenly distributed over six distinct rows, requiring jaws much larger than that of baseline humans, Gross mandibular prognathism. Fluctuating facial asymmetry Dolichostenomelia4 of the arms; an instance of SCP-3288 commonly has arms more than twice the length of a baseline human of similar height Arachnodactyly and polydactyly, Kyphosis7 Abnormal muscle strength despite having the appearance of severe emaciation, Albinism, superior low-light vision8 and heterochromia iridum (specifically complete heterochromia);9 the eyes are notably reflective and their colors range from blue, red, purple, and yellow, A reliance on both bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion, Abnormally rapid physical growth and development; this results in a 2 to 3 week gestation period with sexual maturity being reached within 16 to 20 months, Gottschall-Gärtner syndrome, primarily manifesting on the hands and fingers Alopecia universalis, Acute photophobia; direct exposure to sunlight will result in both physical and psychological damage, Mental instability primarily characterized by delusions of grandeur and malignant narcissism, and an addiction to human flesh that takes on biological and psychological components."

Dr. Clef: "Basically inbred monsters made from the Habsburg family."

Everyone in the room was grossed out except for you.

Hellsinger 1: "Oh that is just sick and wrong!"

Just then everyone hears a ringtone coming from your phone as you answer it.

(Y/N): "Hello? I'm in the middle of a meeting here."

Kyouka: *On the phone* "(Y/N) it's Kyouka, I need some help. I'm trapped by these weird... monster things."

You then realize that it was Kyouka and you turn to Krystal and Dr. Clef.

(Y/N): "I'll have to call you back."*hangs up*"So uh what's their usual meals?"

Krystal: "Well they target vulnerable people like prostitutes, unsupervised children, transients, and inebriated or otherwise indisposed individuals."

(Y/N): *Under your breath* "Kyouka is on their menu because she used to be a prostitute."*outloud*"So what's the mission?"

Dr. Clef: "The mission is to find their hive and signal the Foundation of the location of the SCP."

(Y/N): "And save anyone that is already alive in their right."

Krystal: "Indeed, if there was anyone alive in there and remember don't use lethal force until it's necessary."

Dr. Clef: "Our agents hit one of those mutant freaks with a tracking bullet, so we know where to find them."

Krystal: "Before it was cut off, it was last seen under the Hapsburg family castle."

(Y/N): "Gotcha, let's suit up and wrangle some monsters and go down those sewers!"

Later, in the sewers of Vienna, we see you and your squad waist deep in sewer water.

(Y/N): "Remember, eyes peeled and weapons hot, they got the exits blocked off so now we are alone here, team.

Hellsinger 2: "Sir I found something."

You and the team then see a wall as he pulls down some loose bricks as you all saw an entryway to an unmarked tunnel and you saw the Hapsburg family crest on the wall.

(Y/N): "Come on, into the tunnel team."

You and the team then go into the tunnel and you all look around the area and you are thinking.

Hellsinger 3: "None of this was in the records sir, it was completely unmarked."

(Y/N): "The best way to hide something is not to record it, but the question is what are they hiding? This is a secret among royals."*points at the statues*"That's what the statues are expressing."

You then see a bronze door with the Hapsburg family emblem on it and a phrase on it that is written in latin.

(Y/N): "This says: For Purity of Blood."

Hellsinger 4: "What does that mean?"

(Y/N): "I think that's another way of saying: let's keep our blood clean and power in our fingertips by banging brothers, sisters, cousins, mothers, fathers, and so on."

Hellsinger 4: "Gross."

Hellsinger 5: "I don't understand, can you give me a simpler version of that?"

(Y/N): "They stayed in power by doing something that starts with an I."

Hellsinger 5: "Incest?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, now how do we get through this door?"

You then try opening the door but it won't budge and you radio the supervising team.

(Y/N): "Commander, we need some special equipment down here. C4, cutting torches, anything to get us into the vault."

Commander: *over coms*"Roger that, we're evacuating the civilians in the area. Remain where we are and we'll come to you."

(Y/N): "Tenfour sir."

Sometime later, we see you and your squad waiting for the tools for you all to get through the vault.

(Y/N): "What's taking them so long?"

Hellsinger 1: "These sewers are a maze."

???: "1 Oxygen Blow Torch, hot and ready to go."

You and the team then see the rest of the Hellsingers and they escorted a trio of operatives from an organization adjacent to the Foundation known as The Center.

Hellsinger 1: "Who are you? You're not from the Foundation."

(Y/N): " Relax, those 3 are operatives of The Center, Martin Mystery, Diana Lombard, and Java. What brings you 3 here?"

Martin: "My sister won't stop begging me to be on one of your missions."

Diana L: "It's not his fault that he's professional, punctual, handsome, mature, good looking, strong-"*realizes what she's saying and blushes**stammers*"That came out wrong!"

(Y/N): "It's okay."

Hellsinger 2: "What are you three doing here?"

Martin: "Again my sister wants to be on one of (Y/N)'s missions, I can't stress this enough."

Java: "Martin's right."

(Y/N): "Alright, arm yourselves you 3, put on some combat gear and grab some weapons so you can fight these things."

Diana L: "What exactly are we fighting? Zombies?"

Martin: "Well this is involving royalty, so I'm thinking incestous monsters made by the Habsburg royal family. The human looking ones are up in the light while the uglies are down here."

Diana L: "That's not how incest works."

(Y/N): "Actually he's spot on."

Diana L: "What?!"

Martin: "Ha! I was right!"

Diana L: "Please tell me your joking?"

(Y/N): "Ms. Lombard you work for an organization that deals in the supernatural, like we do. I think you know the answer. And to confirm Martin's guess, we have to go through this door to find out."

You then grab the blowtorch and then you use it to cut the door open and you all see a set of stairs.

Martin: "A long spooky staircase, these guys know how to decorate."

(Y/N): "Martin and I take point and team keep your eyes peeled in all directions, we don't know how many inbred relatives this royal family made over the years, so be ready."

Diana L: "How come my brother gets to take point with you and not me?"

(Y/N): "He and I think alike, it's best to theorize on the nature of the anomaly."

Diana L: "Well unlike my brother, you have autism."

Martin: "What?"

(Y/N): "Let's move team."

You and the team head down the stairs. By the time you reached the bottom of the staircase you all saw that it's a room fit for royalty rather than a rundown part of the sewers.

Diana L: "Woah, this is way too nice to be part of a sewer system."

Martin: "This is a room fit for a king."

(Y/N): "This is definitely 18th century architecture."

Martin: *looks at the paintings*"Yeesh, who put these ugly creeps on a painting."

(Y/N): *smells the air*"Do you all smell that?"

Diana L: *sniffs the air**face turns green in sickness*"Ugh, it smells like rotten meat in here!"

Java: "Smells like dead mammoth."

Martin: *Covers nose* "It smells worse than Java forgetting to take a bath for a month straight."

You then look on the floor and you see old blood stains on it.

(Y/N): "These are old blood stains."*to the team*"Spread out and cover more ground, if you find any documents get them back to command."

You and the others then take a look around the area and you found a cage where you found Kyouka who was tied up in a cooking string like a turkey and she had an apple in her mouth.

Kyouka: *Struggling noises*

(Y/N): "Ky!"

You then went over to the cage and opened it up and then you untied her and got the apple out of her mouth.

Kyouka: "Bleh, thanks, what took you so long?"

(Y/N): "It's a long story."

Martin: *Sees Kyouka* "Hey aren't you the girl who went from prostitute to influencer?"

Kyouka: "Yeah, I am."

(Y/N): "Lets get out of here before-"

Before you finish your thought you hear a bell and then a pipe organ plays.

Martin: "That happens."

Diana L: "Now what?!"

(Y/N): "Find cover!"

You and the others then find some hiding spots and then you and the others then see instances of SCP-3288 come into the room and Martin sees them.

Martin: *whispers*"I was right, it is the incest monsters made from a royal family!"

Diana L: *whispers back*"Now's not the time Martin!"

You all then see smaller instances blew trumpets and holding a banner with the Habsburg family crest on it as the other instances then bow down as you all see a much larger instance of SCP-3288 that is much fatter and bigger than the others with a crown that is too small for it's head. You all see the giant SCP-3288 instance eat a large pot of soup which is made out of human child remains.

Kyouka: *Whispers* "Those are the things that kidnapped me."

(Y/N): *whispers*"Well prostitutes are one of their choices of human prey."

Kyouka: *Whispers* "Former prostitute."

(Y/N): *Whispers* "Sorry, but in their eyes once a prostitute always a prostitute."

Kyouka: *Whispers* *Pouts* "Even monsters think I'm still a prostitute."

Diana L: *Whispers* "Now what?"

You and the others then see the 3288 instances begin to play music and you see one of them notice one of the other hellsingers and it grabs him and looks at him.

SCP-3288 instance: "Well a nice little lamb, can't let this one go to waste."

You and the others then see the soldier get eaten by the 3288 instance.

SCP-3288 instance: "What a delicious appetizer, nothing like a good meal to get you in the mood for music."

Then it felt uncomfortable and then he exploded due to the explosives by the soldier as the explosion killed off the instances that were playing the music. Then the other 3288 instances were distraught and then you come up with a plan.

(Y/N): "Gas them!"

You and the others then gas the 3288s and their king as they were all knocked out. Sometime later, all of the 3288 instances including the 3288-Alpha were all contained.

(Y/N): "Well that was all of them, all of the depraved monstrosities."

Kyouka: "Who still thinks I'm a prostitute."

(Y/N): "Now to give you the amnestics to help you forget the whole ordeal with these Aristocrats."

Kyouka: "Okay then, thanks."

(Y/N): " Your welcome."

Later, after the amnestics, we see Kyouka wake up in her hotel room in Vienna.

Kyouka: "Ughh, what happened?" *Looks around* "And when did I get back to my room?"

Just then we see Bonnie and Kim come into the room with breakfast in bed.

Kim: "Hey Ky."

Bonnie: "You okay?"

Kyouka: "Hm, I think so, I had the weirdest dream."

Kim: "Make sense since you slipped on a wet spot on the ground and hit your head, we were in the neighborhood and we brought you to your hotel room."

Kyouka: "Okay then..." *sees the breakfast* "Oh breakfast in bed, thanks."

Kim: "Anytime."

Kyouka: "So did anything happen while I was here?"

Bonnie: "Well not really, (Y/N) was on vacation here and he helped us carry you since you are a bit... top heavy."

Kyouka: "Hey now I'm not that heavy."

Kim: "Have you weighed yourself recently?"

Kyouka: *Blushes*"Touche."

Back to you, we see you talking to the 3288-Alpha instance.

(Y/N): "State your name for the record sir."

SCP-3288-Alpha: "The Meat wishes to speak? It speaks when not spoken to! Meat... Must the meat taunt us? The aroma is..."

(Y/N): "I am one of your relatives, what's your name?"

SCP-3288-Alpha: "The Imperial Majesty, Emperor Maximilian the Great - King of Austria and Patriarch of the House of Habsburg."*attempts a courtly bow*"We have not entertained outsiders in so long. Excuse my uncouth ways - you are clearly a superior creature and have asserted yourself. We are at your mercy. Does our guest wish to feast upon our flesh? To rape the festering wound?"

(Y/N): "What?! No! Well I'm Lord (Y/N) the 34th of the Foundation, and-"

Maximilian: "A lord! Yes, yes, of course. It all makes sense now. We sensed nobility. A duke, we mused. Can you believe that? A DUKE! But certainly you have proven yourself far stronger than a simple duke. We've heard of this "Fondaishun"; a marvelous land and people, well known for its many cheeses and wines. As for our eyes, our *royal* true seeing eyes..."*Gurgles*"Alas, we were hosting a banquet and our eyes, it seems, were too big for our stomach! Have you heard that one? Oh the mirth...But yes, you see - the meal? The meal was too big. They warned us, of course. "Oh His Imperial Majesty, let us cut this meat for you" but NO! WE ARE KING! WE ARE EMPEROR! WE WANT TO SWALLOW IT WHOLE! WE WILL DEVOUR EVERYTHING! And well, you see - our eyes, our eyes burst forth from their sockets. Not enough room! He he he. Feh! They served us little. And the dangling orbs, yes, yes, of course, they plummeted down our royal gullet. Gone forever. Unmissed."

(Y/N): "I see, tell me about your court?"

Maximilian: "We are of the same noble blood. But some......are more noble than others. Our bloodline is pure - untainted by outsiders."

(Y/N): "I see, then why eat humans?"

Maximilian: "We do not eat humans. We eat peasants. We eat undesirables. We devour life undeserving of life. That is the nature of nobility. What else would be the point?"

(Y/N): "To satisfy the hunger gotcha."

Maximilian: "The noble ladies of my court have smelled your scent and it is intoxicating to them. It is not hunger, but rather arousal."

(Y/N): "Annnnd I'm leaving."

You then leave the room and you walk past a window that has a female 3288 instance in a cell.

Female 3288 instance: *Smells something* "The stench, that heavenly stench."*sees you* "An outsider, here? He's nothing but meat and yet there's something about him that is alluring."*sees her reflection*"I must win him and show him that I am beautiful."*smiles with a toothy grin*sees the mirror shatter to pieces by itself*

Later on, we see you eating lunch as we see Diana Lombard eating lunch with you.

Diana L: "I can't believe those inbred freakshows have a thing for you."

(Y/N): "I do not want to be at the country club with those things, just one of them can cause an SK Class dominance shift scenario."

Diana L: "Which is the end of the world or the end of the universe?"

(Y/N): "It's when a new species dominates this whole world and becomes the new dominant species."

Diana L: "Oh gotcha, which also means the end for humans."

(Y/N): "Yep, pretty much."

Diana L: "So that's a no on dating any member of the Habsburg family."

(Y/N): "Yeah, I don't want to become the reason why humanity is replaced with inbred monsters."

Meanwhile with the female 3288 instances, we see them talking about you. Since they're in separate cells, they are talking to each other through a small hole in the wall.

Female 3288 instance 1: "I'm telling you, that little peasant gives off a strange aroma."

Female 3288 instance 2: "How can an outsider be alluring to you in a way you welcome him in the family like he's one of us, cousin?"

Female 3288 instance 1: "Well for one, he isn't like other humans, and he could be the one that we need to make our family the strongest of them all by wiping out all of the peasants on the surface."

Female 3288 instance 2: "Maxcine, you can't just lower your standards to be with a slab of meat that is meant to be on a silver platter, not on our family tree."

Maxcine: "Oh come on, you can't tell me that he could be the one for me, cousin."

Female 3288 instance 2: "He could destroy our royal bloodline."

Maxcine: "You don't know that, I've had 32 children from our uncle and father!"

Female 3288 instance 2: "He is the one who put you in this cage! Put all of us in these cages, including Maximilian."

Maxcine: "Yeah, I guess, and it's highly likely he wouldn't want to date us because we're so ugly."

Female 3288 instance 2: "That and they know what we can do in a century or sooner."

Sometime later, we see you talking to Dr. Collingwood and Amelia.

(Y/N): "So what did you get from our new prisoner in the 3288 species?"

Dr. Collingwood: "After our interview, the 3288 instance said something about an Empress. Probably another 3288-Alpha."

(Y/N): "Don't they have Maximilian for an emperor?"

Dr. Collingwood: "He's a king, this is an Empress."

Amelia: "And he said this."

Amelia then plays the recording from the interview.

Recorder: "Our blood! It is strong now. So strong. It overwhelms the blood of the wretched and mud-bound. Our line will never die. It will never fade. We will rape every last one of you. Our blood line will never die, no no no... it will become everything. It is our gift. Our blessing. The meek will beget the strong. The doomed will beget the chosen. Don't you see? The greedy will devour the charitable, the merciless will ravage the peaceful, and the fornicaters will rape the chaste. We will make the world as perfect as us. We will all be aristocrats in the end. And our Dynasty will never die."

(Y/N): "Wow, guess the SK Dominance shift scenario theory has been confirmed. If this Maximilian guy is down right ugly, I do not want to see what the Empress looks like."

Meanwhile with the Empress, we see her sitting on her throne and she feels like you were talking about her.

Empress: "Why do I feel like someone called me ugly?"

Back to you, we see you walking by the same cell of Maxcine and she sees you.

(Y/N): "Before you say anything, it will not work out."

Maxcine: "I know."

(Y/N): "I think we should be just friends."

You then leave the room and then you head down the halls and you sat with Courtney in the library

Courtney: "Hey (Y/N), I see the female 3288s want to get with you."

(Y/N): "No way, imagine life with them all over the world."

Fantasy sequence

We then see you as a busy dad and we see Leshawna being cooked in a spin rotisserie style for dinner and then Maxcine comes into the room.

Maxcine: "(Y/N)! I want more kids!"

End of fantasy

Courtney: *shivers*"That is a nightmare."

(Y/N): "Tell me about it, but I am kind of friends with her."

Courtney: "That will end in a disaster."

(Y/N): "Just like your relationship with Duncan and Scott."

Courtney: "True, they ended in disaster."

(Y/N): "I can understand Duncan, but... Scott?"

Courtney: "Well I kinda panicked and he was a phase anyways."

(Y/N): "And Duncan wasn't?"

Courtney: "Well... uh, I don't know how to feel about that one."

(Y/N): "Now you have Gwen."

Courtney: "I do, I'm just a bit afraid I'll mess it up, or something will ruin it."

(Y/N): "Hey you two are perfect for each other. You just needed a nudge in the right direction."

Courtney: "True, and I'm glad that happened."

(Y/N): "The reason why Duncan and Scott didn't work well is because you were on that show, you're no longer part of that show now and it has ended and the guy hosting it is a D-Class now."

Courtney: "True, I guess you're right. Without Chris breathing down our necks, we will be a happy couple."

(Y/N): "That's the spirit, oh and word of advice, if you wanna impress Gwen, maybe and this and I don't mean this in a perverted way, maybe wear enticing lingerie when you and her go to bed."

Courtney: "Hm, alright. I've never actually worn lingerie before but, first time for everything."

Later that night, we see Courtney in bed wearing lingerie with Gwen and they both see that they both took your advice and they are wearing lingerie at the same time.

Gwen: "I guess we got the same idea."

Courtney: "Yeah, is it awkward that we're both wearing the same thing?"

Gwen: "Actually, I kinda like it."

Courtney: "Really?"

Gwen: "Yeah."

Next: Chapter 76: SCP-1192 "Timmy"

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