Chapter 86: SCP-3220 "Panopticon II"

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Here we see you, Sera, and Lute in an abandoned warehouse in Hashima, Japan standing around a hatch that has the title Department of Abnormalities in Japanese on the placard.

Sera: "So what are we doing here?"

(Y/N): "Well the Foundation assigned me to figure out SCP-3220, which is what is down this hatch."

Lute: "Hatch? So we have to open it to see what's down here?"

Sera: "And I was not aware that you had a Department of Abnormalities."

(Y/N): "Neither did we, now open the hatch and get exploring!"

You then open the hatch and you turn to the angels.

(Y/N): "Ladies first."

Sera: "Quite the gentlemen."

We see you and the girls go down the shaft and by the time you got to the bottom, you all look around and see numerous cells occupied by a single humanoid statue similar to SCP-173 and they're all facing the tower.

(Y/N): "Hmm, well this place has to be over 1 kilometer into the ground and is around 20 meters in diameter and it seems to be in a manner similar to a panopticon."

Lute: "A what?"

Sera: "He means a prison that is made with one person watching over all the prisoners but the prisoners are unable to see the watchman or determine if they're being watched."

Lute: "Ooooh."

Sera: "And I should know what that was like..."

Lute: "Uhh... Serr... look, Um... I'm not good with words... but, you were only protecting someone you care about."

Sera: "Yeah..."

(Y/N): *looks in the cells*"Well the prisoners look, act, and function like SCP-173."

Sera: "Don't say that again."

(Y/N): "SCP-173?"

Sera: "Yes please stop saying that."*shivers*"I still have nightmares about that wretched sculpture."

Lute: "What's the big deal? You're a Seraphim, how are you scared of a statue?"

Sera: "I've been around longer than you, Lute. That statue is not something anyone from heaven and hell wants to see, especially the Morning Stars."

(Y/N): "Well we don't know the history of 173, we do know it makes 682 terrified of it."

Sera: "And angels too."

Lute: "And what's scary about a statue?"

(Y/N): "Well if you lose a staring contest to SCP-173, you're dead."

Sera: "And it also applies to any species, including angels." *To Lute* "No matter what they are."

Lute, despite her LED mask, was now shaking in her boots and she gulped in fear as you then looked in one empty cell.

(Y/N): "Hey girls, I found the guy in charge of looking at these statues. Well what's left of him."

Sera and Lute then fly up to you and they see a human skeleton with a broken neck in an empty cell.

Lute: "You don't think..."

Sera: "It's definitely 173's work."

(Y/N): "By the looks of the skeleton, the poor bum is only 3 weeks away from retirement."

Lute: "How can you tell?"

(Y/N): "Dr. Buck taught me how to identify the age of the bones based on observation without checking carbon dating."

Sera: *to Lute*"I'm starting to like him."

Lute: "Ugh, lusting for a human. Gross Sera."

Sera: "I'm not lusting for a human, I'm just admiring his skill set!"

Lute: "Ugh, your sister is gonna love this."

(Y/N): "Claps hands*"Alright girls, let's grab some cement, fill up the shaft, throw away the key, and get home by lunch time."

Sera: "Hang on, we should at least give this poor soul a proper burial."

(Y/N): "But we don't even know him."

Lute: "You can't be serious." *Sees Sera glaring at her* "Fine."

(Y/N): "The question is, how are we gonna get in there?"

Lute: "Piece by piece?"

(Y/N): "I mean how are we supposed to get into the cell?"

Lute: "Oh, well if you ask me I'm out of ideas."

Sera: "You're just mad because you're not with Adam anymore."

Lute: "Hey, it was not a picnic being with him even if he was my boss."

(Y/N): "And Sera, if we don't scram, you go kablam."*points to Sera's tracker*"Remember?"

Sera: *Remembers* "Oh yeah."

Lute: "Yeah I also vote on leaving the skeleton. He works here and he dies here, end of story."

Sera: "As much as it pains me, I agree..."

Lute: "That's two votes on leaving the skeleton in there and 1 vote for giving it a burial. Democracy triumphs!"

(Y/N): "America bitch!"

Sometime later, we see you and some Foundation guards filling up the shaft into SCP-3220 with cement as Sera and Lute watch the process.

Lute: *Notices Sera is a bit sad* "...Do you want me to... say a few words?"

Sera: *inhales and exhales*"You may."

Lute: "Well we don't know the guy watching over freaky statues, but he lived a long fulfilling life of sitting on his ass watching statues and probably got a check doing it. So may he rest in peace, amen." *gets grabbed into a tight hug by Sera* "Gah!"

Sera: *crying* "That was beautiful!!"

Lute: *Struggles* "Okay, okay, easy, you'll break my back!"

(Y/N): *finishes the cement*"Alright the shaft's filled up and now SCP-3220 is now contained."

Lute: *Struggling* *to Sera* "Good now can you let go of me?"

Sera let go of Lute as she fell on the ground and stumbled to get up.

Lute: "Ughh... I think you almost broke a rib."

(Y/N): "Didn't you take Vaggie's eye out? And ripped her wings?"

Lute: "...True..."

Sera: "And for that, you have to take off your helmet."

Lute: "What?! You can't be serious!"

Sera: "You want me to take your wings? And your halo?"

Lute: *Gulps in fear* "N-No..."

Sera: "Then take off the helmet."

Lute then reluctantly takes off her helmet and you see her real face.

(Y/N): "Well aren't you a sight to behold."

Lute: *blushes bright red*"Shut up!!!"

Sera: *pinches Lute's cheeks*"Oh you don't have to put on a tough girl act."

Lute: "Don't pinch my cheeks, I'm not a little girl."

Sera: "Has Adam told you to take your helmet off?"

Lute: "...No, not really."

(Y/N): "Why not?"

Lute: " 'The first man' wants me to wear my helmet because it shows who's boss around heaven, and I'm sick of him, just because he's the first guy doesn't mean he needs to act like a dick."

(Y/N): "He's not a dick, he's a dumpster fire douchebag."

Lute: *Chuckles* "Yeah that's even worse for him."

Sera: "Well....aren't you getting along with a human. Are you lusting for him?"

Lute: *blushes bright red*"Shut up!"

Later on, we see you all having lunch at home where we see Sera thinking to herself.

Sera: *in her head*"I heard so much of (Y/N) Cranston's history, but seeing him doing his job was something else. He was able to identify the bones of a dead human at an instant of looking at the remains. And he was able to handle the situation of being surrounded by sculptures that are identical to 173 in every way was breathtaking. Wait...... am I.....FALLING FOR A HUMAN?!?!"

Lute: *while eating a burger*"Sera, you okay?"

Sera: *Snaps out of her thoughts* "O-Oh yeah I'm fine..."

Lute: "You've been going at it with the ketchup on your burger."

Sera then looks at her burger and sees it was drowned in ketchup.

Sera: "Whoops.... Uhh, guess I'll get a new burger."

Lute: "That's actually a good burger."

(Y/N): "Just use a fork."

Sera: "Oh uh okay."

We then see you all on the couch watching TV and we see Sera get a phone call from Emily and she goes to a room and answers the call.

Sera: "Hey Emily."

Emily: *over the phone*"Hey sis, how's living with a human treating you?"

Sera: "Um, it's okay... how's... Heaven?"

Emily: *over the phone*"Pretty good actually now that I'm the new leader of Heaven and now I'm on a Girls Day out with Charlie and Vaggie on Earth."

Sera: "You're with the Morningstar?! And... the fallen?"

Emily: *over the phone*"Sera, they have names. And don't worry, we are wearing human disguises, but her dad and Adam insisted that we have chaperones like Alastor and Adam cause he said we could have Lute be one of the chaperones but she's living with you and (Y/N) now. And Earth is amazing, we're at a Hot Topic store!"

Sera: "What topic are they discussing?"

Emily: *Over the phone* *Chuckles* "No, no, that's the name of the store."

Sera: "Oh...."

Emily: *Over the phone*"Oh by the way, we're on the way to (Y/N)'s apartment."

Sera: "How soon are you getting here?"

You then hear the doorbell ring and you answer it and you see Emily, Vaggie, and Charlie with their chaperones Alastor and Adam.

Emily: "Hi (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "Hey Sera, your sister is on the doorstep."

Sera: *comes in*"Oh Emily, it's good to-"*sees Emily wearing a goth outfit*"What are you wearing?"

Emily: "I've always been wearing white and blue clothing all the time, so I decided to change it up."

Vaggie: "And she bought a lot of funko pops."

Adam: "Which I paid with my money."*to Alastor*"You have money too you asshole!"

Alastor: "I flipped a coin on it and I won the coin toss and besides, you lost your little job."

Adam: "I went from exterminator to babysitter."*points to you*"Thanks to that asshole!"

Sera and Emily: "Ahem."

Adam: *gulps in fear*"Which... I totally respect and say asshole in a good way. I mean look at that asshole, I like to party with that guy!"

Charlie: "Hmm..."

Vaggie: "What is it hun?"

Charlie: "Nothing, just making sure Adam doesn't try anything."

(Y/N): "So, your highness, how do you feel now that you know Vaggie is... you know..."*points to Sera*"Like her?"

Charlie: "Well to be honest I figured it out from the start but I always thought she was a sinner who looks like an angel. Like how Husk hates cats he became a cat himself, I thought Vaggie would hate angels and she looks like an angel without the wings."

Vaggie: "Wait, in all the time we started going out, you knew I was an angel?"

Charlie: "Eh it was 50/50."

Vaggie: "Okay then."

Emily: *to Sera*"Anyways, what do you think of (Y/N)?"

Sera: "Well he is not going to Hell that's for sure."*laughs nervously*

Adam: "Holy shit! You love that guy!"

Sera: *blushes bright red*"What?! No!"

Adam: "Bitch I know when you have a boner for a human! Cause I was a human once."

Sera then snaps her fingers and Adam is launched back to Heaven.

Sera: "I respect him, that is all you need to know."

Charlie: "Ooooo, someone's in loooooove!"

Sera: "I am not!"

Emily: "Your face is all red."

Sera: "It's a hot day!"

Charlie: "It's only a crush, everyone gets one."

Vaggie: "Yeah, it took me a month just to get the courage to confess to Charlie. Cause I'm not the kind of person who expresses touchy feely emotions."

Lute: "Wow...."

Charlie: "All Vaggie told me that she loved me."

Emily: "That's it?"

Charlie: "Yeah."

Emily: "No flowers, no candy, no place for a romantic dinner."

Lute: "Emily, she used to be an exorcist angel, Charlie witnessed 50000 years of emotion that was in her, I think she said enough."

Vaggie: "What did you expect me to do? Propose to Charlie and ask her to marry her?"

As soon as Vaggie said that, both Vaggie and Charlie blushed bright red.

Lute: "Oh boy..."

We later see Charlie and Vaggie are in the living room trying to get over what Vaggie said as we see you come into the room and you see them.

(Y/N): "What's up with them?"

Lute: "Vaggie blurted out she was gonna ask Charlie to marry her."

(Y/N): "Oh..."

Lute: "Yeah it was awkward."

(Y/N): "Hey where's Sera?"

Meanwhile, at a Church, we see Sera in human form at a confession booth and we see her confessing to a pope.

Sera: "Father, I have fallen from grace."

Pope: "Tell me everything, my child."

Sera: "Well..."

Frenchie: "5 and a half hours of confessing later."

Pope: "So you lusted for a man and you think you have fallen from grace?"

Sera: "Yes....Is it wrong to have such impure thoughts for such a man?"

Pope: "No, it is not wrong to have such thoughts, you merely need to confess your feelings to this man."

Sera: "You think so?"

Pope: "I know so..."

Sometime later, we see Sera open the confessional booth and we see you went into it.

(Y/N): "So why did you bring me here?"

Charlie: "I think Sera has something to say to you."

(Y/N): "Okay then, what do you want to say Sera?"

Sera: " should I say this?"*inhales and exhales*"I love you!"

(Y/N): "Okay, so what else do you want to talk about?"

Sera: "What? But I confessed my feelings for you."

(Y/N): "Oh well okay then. That was the shortest time in the confession booth."

Sera: *To Courtney* "Was it like this when you confessed to him?"

Courtney: "Yeah, he's autistic remember?"

Sera: *Remembers* "Okay then."

We later see Sera on the couch with you and she is cuddling with you.

Sera: "Mmm, this feels nice."

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Emily then takes a picture of Sera cuddling with you on the couch.

Emily: "You are so cute together!"

Charlie: "Soo, it looks like Sera is getting along with (Y/N)."

Vaggie: "Just try not to get carried away with protecting him. He has a job of dealing with the supernatural."

Sera: "I understand, he has a job and he has to keep the world safe, so I won't get in his way."

Vaggie: "Okay, you are living in his house, so he's the man of the house."

Sera: "Understood, his rule is law."

Vaggie: "Yeah, he's in charge and you're under his watch."

Sera: "Of course."

You then got a text from Dr. Bright and you read it.

(Y/N): "Looks like I have been assigned to an archaeological assignment."

Courtney: "Okay, what's the assignment?"

(Y/N): "We're digging up the town of Temperance."

Next: Chapter 87: SCP-4003 "On Cowboys, Catholicism, and the Cretaceous"

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