Chapter 96: SCP-4971 ''Rituals''

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Here we see you and the Foundation agents at the Southwood Park Mall in Havensbrook, Indiana and you are forming a perimeter around the mall.

(Y/N): "Keep the defenses up, anything that comes out of there. Contain it or shred it by any means necessary."

Guards: "Yes sir!"

(Y/N): "Alright now get to work."

You then head to the armory as we see you grab some weapons for yourself and you hear someone come into the armory and you see Morty and Summer.

Summer: "What's up with this mall?"

(Y/N): "It's not the mall, but what's in the mall that has us here in the mall."

Summer: "Good deals? The food court?"

Morty: "Sex toys?"*sees Summer looking at him in confusion*"They could have a store that sell that stuff in the mall."

(Y/N): "Actually, it'a spatial anomaly caused by some rituals. I'll get you two up to speed on it."

We later see you and the others in a briefing room and you are explaining the background of SCP-4971.

(Y/N): "Alright, here's the information on how 4971 was made. It's on the memo from Site-81 about the discovery of the SCP."*reads the memo*"We have a lot of information coming in quickly, so I'm going to try and keep this brief. We've identified one of the missing teenagers as Katarina Randolph, a 19-year-old Caucasian female who disappeared from her grandparents' house in Maine where she had been living since her parents died in 2004. Police suspected that Randolph didn't "disappear" as much as she did "run off", because afterwards she started being seen mingling with a group of far left naturalist pseudo-occultists, the "Daughters of Eden", which is exactly what it sounds like. Druidic types that believe mankind has disrupted the natural order, trying to use magic and arcane practices to restore balance. They were involved in a number of protests in the northeast and Randolph was arrested at least four times. Why she was never taken back to Maine is beyond me. They've been on our radar for the last few years because one of the other members, a woman named Anna Christian who now goes by the name "Night Lily", was recently involved with a group of actual occultists out of the Three Portlands. This "Night Lily" got her hands on some artifacts recovered from the old Miskatonic University in Massachusetts and has been using them in minor summoning rituals for the last decade or so. One in particular that concerned our occult research teams was the Last Appeal of Biphi. Last time it cropped up was when part of the document was used to summon a minor planar entity during the "Northern Awakening" event in the 80s. Talk to the oldest American task force agent you know, they'll be able to tell you all about it. The short story is that it is supposedly a text written by a puritanical minister, who was writing down the last words spoken by a witch named Biphi during a torturous exorcism that involved burning her alive. The occultists believe that the words she spoke were an old native chant that would summon nature spirits to drive away European colonials. There used to be six of these manuscripts: three were burned by other puritans, one was lost at sea in the 1870s, one was bought by Oswald Carter who then burned it, and this one sat in Hitler's bedside table until the Allies entered Berlin. Eventually it found its way to the Miskatonic University, and then into the hands of the occultists when the place burned down. All this to say, we raided the Daughters of Eden a few months ago, and recovered Anna Christian and the rest of them in the raid. Who we didn't find was Katarina Randolph, and we also didn't recover the manuscript. Fast forward to Monday, when Katarina Randolph is identified in surveillance footage breaking into the SouthWood Park Mall with a new group of devotees and the Last Appeal of Biphi in hand. Next thing you know, they're all gone and the inside of the mall is a fucking arcane forest. It's no coincidence. There are a lot of smaller incantations in there, like the ones used to summon lesser entities and others to cause inclement weather, changes in temperature, etc. Minor things. The big ritual, though, is problematic. There's an entity described in some occult texts that reference the Last Appeal whose name translates to something like "The One Who Knows Silence In The Earth". Our functional knowledge about this entity is extremely limited, but suffice to say that it's the last entity named in the Last Appeal, the entity that Biphi called out for when they were driving flaming pokers into her eyes - the actual last appeal. We need to get into SCP-4971 as soon as possible and ascertain what we're dealing with here."

Summer: "So these Daughters of Eden people think we disrupted the natural order of things and now they're using magic to get rid of all of human civilization?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, whatever is in that mall will be bursting out of those doors causing a VK Class " Salted Earth" End of Human Habitability Scenario."

Morty:"So it's gonna be turning Earth into Garden of Eden minus Adam and Eve?"

(Y/N): "Bingo."

Summer: "Oh crap, we need to do something."

(Y/N): "Here's a manifesto from the Daughters of Eden."*reads the manifesto*"Daughters! We Daughters of GAIA! We Daughters of EDEN! We have persisted throughout these many millennia bound to the subservience of fell will. Our tears have been used to water the fields of industry, and our wombs have been robbed from us to perpetuate the patriarchal abomination that has taken this bountiful world, this great blessing that MOTHER GAIA offered to us without cost, and turned it into fuel for the engines of war, of bloodshed, and of slavery. We have been used like cattle to breed new generations of the same machinations that have upturned field and forest and buried the wretched poor beneath the concrete foundations of the "new world". It is no new world of mine. It is no new world of ours. We reject it. GAIA cries out for reprieve, and in her own voice we will answer. The sword of her deliverance has passed into our hands and we will wield it without fear, without hesitation, and with such terrible prejudice that this world will be washed clean of the sins of our fathers and sons, and all those who have turned the grinding gears of disorder. We will cast aside the barricade that has for so long kept this deliverance at bay. We will welcome GAIA's champion back into our world, and we will bask in the glow of the righteous torment it will bring down upon the souls who have scarred our MOTHER's face. We will make the world new. We will make the world clean. RISE SISTERS. RISE DAUGHTERS. YOUR HEARTS BELONG TO GAIA."*stops reading* "And that's the manifesto."

Morty: "Damn, she's nuts."

(Y/N): "Which is why I'm gearing up with MTF Epsilon-13 to explore 4971. Both of you will be communicating with my team."

Summer: "Is that a good idea?"

(Y/N): "We need to gather intelligence to figure out what we're up against."

Morty: "He has a point."

We see you get to Epsilon-13 and you follow them into the mall you and the team then get together.

(Y/N): "Alright team, stay together and don't stray away. Lights on."

You and the team then turn on your lights and you all see the vandalism and graffiti in the mall.

(Y/N): "Just like an abandoned mall, a target for vandalism. Eclipse, see anything?"

Eclipse: "Sir, you might want to see this.

You and the team then look up and see a broken skywalk.

(Y/N): "Vandals didn't do that."

Nine-Eyes: "Sir I spotted 3 figures at the clothing rack."

You and the team saw 3 figures in the shadows and you all saw a figure trapped in webbing and you saw that neither of them were not moving.

(Y/N): "Let's hope they don't follow us."

Nine-eyes: "Me too sir."

Later on, we see you and the others go into the atrium and the next thing you know you and your team are now on a cliff overlooking a vast forest of trees that extend forever and you see that the sun in this realm is in a perpetual state of twilight.

(Y/N): "A world where it's Twilight all the time."

Nine-eyes: "Is that bad sir?"

(Y/N): "It's beautiful yet hypnotic, but not perfect."

Mercury: "Why is that sir?"

You then point to a direction Several meters outside of the mall's exit into SCP-4971 is a large symbol dug out of the earth. The symbol is composed of concentric rings surrounding a series of triangles and rings within. A thick, red fluid, later determined to be human blood, fills in the dug out trenches that form the symbol. At the center of the symbol is blackened earth and the remains of a fire, beneath which lie the charred remains of an indeterminate hoofed animal. Several small, glass vials are shattered on the ground nearby. Sitting in front of the symbol on the ground is a makeshift wooden altar. Resting on it is a lantern and a large, bloody machete. Several blood-soaked sponges lay on the ground nearby. A leatherbound book lays open nearby. You and the others head down to the ritual site and you look around.

(Y/N): *looks at the red liquid*"Blood, and a lot of it."

Nine-eyes: "Should we find the source?"

(Y/N): "If this place requires sacrifices the source is already gone."

Nine-eyes: "Oh, well where are the bodies then?"

(Y/N): *grabs the last appeal of Biphi and looks through it*'The lives of the people for the sacrifices but rather the weight of their hearts but doesn't say how many. 61 people entered the mall plus 4 cops went missing to complete the ritual."

Nine-eyes: "Right sir."

We later see you and the others explore the area as you get a signal from command.

Morty: *over coms*"Hey (Y/N), they're sending in a fire team to deal with whatever is in there."

(Y/N): "10-4 Morty."

Roman: "But there isn't anything for miles here."

(Y/N): "Team gather up anything that is used for evidence here and let's move out. Command said to head to a nearby area across the forest to a water source and told us to hold our position before the heavy fire team showed up. Now let's move out men."

Team: "Sir yes sir!"

Sometime later, we see Rick and Summer get video footage from within 4971 and they see a creature that has a strange triangle for a head.

Morty: " What the hell is that?!"

Summer: "Looks like a Voxen Eye, it appeared in the Last Appeal of Biphi, it's what was on her chest. It's been in a lot of runes and texts when it comes to magic Morty. Maybe it's this is One Who Knows Silence In The Earth's head."

Morty: "And we lost contact with (Y/N)'s team in the process."

Summer: "I'm sure he's fine."

Meanwhile with you and your team, we see you and the others hiding out in the area and you all are having to deal with dwindling resources due the time frame of 4971.

(Y/N): " We are running low on rations, the plants are inedible, and the water makes us sick."

Nine-Eyes: "Sir I spotted another team."

You and your team then spot Iota-44 and they were being attacked by humanoid creatures with Voxen Eyes for heads as you all joined the fight to save Iota-44.

(Y/N): *fires a shotgun at one of the creatures*"Horizon! Bring your team with us and come on!"

Horizon: "You heard him men, run like hell!"

You and the team then make a run for it as you keep on firing your shotgun at the creatures behind the teams. You and the others then arrive at an area where the exit should be but instead you all see a naked woman singing and dancing to herself.

(Y/N): "Horizon, get your men out of here. We'll handle this one."

Horizon: "Alright sir, be careful. Cultists can be tough sons of a bitches."

You and your team then approach the woman as you then recognize her as Katarina Randolph, the missing member of the Daughters of Eden.

(Y/N): "Katarina, in the name of the SCP Foundation, you are under arrest."

Katarina: *turns to you and the team and shows a large wound on her chest*"I am in the middle of a ritual."

Nine-Eyes: "No way bitch!"

(Y/N): "Nine-eyes!"

Nine Eyes then shot Katarina in the head as her body then collapsed onto the ground as you punched Nine Eyes.

(Y/N): "What the fuck were you thinking?!"

Nine-eyes: "Shooting the cultist, sir."

(Y/N): "I didn't give you an order to open fire."*hears something*"Wait, did you hear that?"

Then a flash of light appeared as all of your team were on the ground and then you looked up to see a deer-like entity missing a neck and head with the Voxen Eye in their places and you see orbs in a circular pattern. Katarina's body shakes and then starts speaking.

Katarina: *shaking*"Gaia! Gaia! I'm yours! Have me!"

Her body shakes and then her head collapses in on itself and it was replaced with a Voxen Eye as your team get up.

(Y/N): "Now you open fire!"

You and the team opened fire as your team was levitated into the air as their hearts were pulled out of their bodies.

(Y/N): "Oh no!"

Katarina tried to get you but you teleported out of SCP-4971 and you teleported to another foundation site and you were on top of Lindsay.

Lindsay: "Umm.. sweetie I'm flattered but what are you doing here?"

(Y/N): "I was getting the heck out of SCP-4971 and I used my dimension hopping power to hop to you since you were the first thing that came into my head."

Lindsay: " Aww thanks babe. And also I think it's a bad time to mention that both of your hands are on my breasts."

You see that your hands are on Lindsay's breasts and you quickly get up and you put your hands behind your back.

(Y/N): "Sorry about that."

Lindsay: "Oh it's okay, I don't mind, I am your girlfriend after all."

(Y/N): "I have to be professional during work hours."

Lindsay: "And when you're on work hours?"

(Y/N): "I'm on the lock right now, in fact I need to get back to the site containing 4971, I'm gonna explain a new esoteric classification for anomalies."

Later, at your house, we see you explaining the new class called Cernunnos as you see everyone is there.

(Y/N): "Alright everyone, SCP-4971 is the first SCP of its kind, a Cernunnos class anomaly."

Zoey: "What's a Cernunnos?"

(Y/N): "SCPs that can be functionally contained but can't achieve full containment due to logistical or ethical reasons. To fully contain SCP-4971-▽, we have to sacrifice all of humanity to stop this thing. If we don't do anything about that deer then the world is dead once it gets out."

Zoey: "Woah wait a minute, what do you mean sacrifice all of humanity? This isn't gonna be like UBU is it?"

(Y/N): "No, UBU keeps everyone alive and beat us senselessly for years, SCP-4971-▽ kills everyone insight."

Leshawna: "How did you get out of there without getting that deer to follow you?"

(Y/N): "I just teleported to Lindsay because she was the only person at a location that is in a safe distance away from SCP-4971-▽."

Zoey: "Okay, so how do we stop it?"

(Y/N): "Conventional weapons doesn't work and our magic seals just make SCP-4971-▽ stronger."

Zoey: "Then how do we stop it?"

(Y/N): "Well if all of earth stop doing rituals and sacrifices, it would kill SCP-4971-▽ in theory."

Leshawna: "In theory?!"

(Y/N): "Well SCP-4971-▽ depends on rituals and sacrifices to get stronger and stronger."

Zee: "And if everyone just stops doing all those it'll get weaker?"

(Y/N): "Yes, it will lose power and get weak enough to get killed."

Zee: "Oh great so no magic for me."

Jessica: "Uh what about my lantern ring, does that count?"

(Y/N): "Do you need a ritual to charge it up?"

Jessica: "Well there is the lantern oath and-" *realizes* "Oh yeah okay, I'm out too."

(Y/N): *to Kara*"I don't suppose you have any magic rituals from Krypton do you?"

Kara: "Well there is none I can think of, plus I don't use magic."

(Y/N): *to Diana*"Diana? Any magic rituals from your home island?"

Diana: "Uhh... only the ritual to take down a kraken."

(Y/N): "Do your people make any sacrifices to the gods like your virginity to Zeus or something?"

Diana: "Hera no! We were made from clay that is all!"

(Y/N): "I don't know given how Zeus acts around women, I think it's a noble sacrifice for your people to have food, water, power, etc."

Zee: "I always knew that Diana would be a woman one way or another."

Kara: "Wasn't she always a woman?"

Zee: "You know how much of a perv Zeus is right?"

Kara: "Yeah that makes sense."

Diana: "I didn't lose my virginity to Zeus!"

Zee: *hugs Diana*"It's okay Diana, we all have to become adults at some point."

Lindsay: "Hey (Y/N) was grabbing both of my boobs when he teleported to me."

Diana: "Oh why did that happen?"

(Y/N): "It was an accident I swear."

Lindsay: "And he didn't do it on purpose, he needed to make an escape from that deer thing and he teleported to me and the next thing that happened he was on top of me with both hands on my breasts."

Zee: "That's because you have giant knockers like a dairy cow."

Lindsay: *looks at her breasts*"Yeah my J-Cups are big."

Kara: "Wait, I thought you were a DD?"

Lindsay: "I measured them myself."

(Y/N): "You mean I measured them cause we were doing a weekly health check up at this apartment complex, including measurements of bodily proportions."

Lindsay: "Oh yeah."

(Y/N): "That's why we have a body size chart."

All the girls then turned to see the body size chart and they remembered their weekly health check ups.

Gwen: "Huh, I completely forgot about that."

(Y/N): "Glad you all understand."

Courtney: "So should we do a health check up now?"

(Y/N): "You already did yours this week and right now I am tired and I lost my team to a deer and its sidekick."

Alastor: *Off-screen* "I resent that."

(Y/N): "I wasn't talking about you Alastor! Get out of my apartment!"

You then head to your bedroom and you lay on your bed as we see Lindsay lay next to you on your bed.

Lindsay: "What are you gonna do about that evil deer? Not the radio demon I mean."

(Y/N): "At this point, pray that it won't find the exit out of 4971."

Lindsay: *puts your head between her breasts*"Maybe this will get your mind off of things."

(Y/N): *Muffled* "It does help a little."

Lindsay: "You know, I bet you can find a way to have that SCP-4971-▽ to be your pet deer cause you're growing stronger and stronger since you are working hard."

(Y/N): *muffled*"True, but how am I supposed to tame a deer that's capable of gaining power from sacrifices and other magical materials?"

Lindsay: "Well you know you weaken it by not using magic stuff, so maybe you can-"

(Y/N): *muffled*"It's not just me, it's everyone on Earth. At this rate, we are praying that SCP-4971-▽ doesn't escape out of that mall."

Lindsay: "Maybe we should focus on something else."*feels you suckle on one of her nipples*" "Eep!"*giggles*"I guess you found something else to focus on."

(Y/N): *Muffled* *while suckling on Lindsay's breast*"Yeah I did."

Lindsay: "Well it's like not there's a way to convert everyone into atheists."

(Y/N): *muffled**while suckling on Lindsay's breast*"There is but what would happen to Heaven and Hell and the other planes of afterlives?"

Lindsay: "Ohh yeah, I guess that would complicate things."

Meanwhile in Hell, we see Charlie feel a chill down her spine as Vaggie notices this.

Vaggie: "Something wrong babe?"

Charlie: "I... I don't... it felt like someone wanted to end all the religions."

Vaggie: "Fuck... who would do that?"

Meanwhile in Heaven, we see Emily feel a chill go down her spine as Lute sees this.

Lute: "You okay ma'am?"

Emily: "I don't why... but I felt someone wanted to... end all religions."

Lute: "Oh god....."

Back to you, we see you still in bed with Lindsay and we see Lindsay comforting you in her breasts.

Lindsay: "How can you make everyone on Earth atheists without hurting Heaven and Hell? I'm only asking because I'm curious."

(Y/N): *muffled*"Disinformation campaigns, memetic agents, and making all religious texts null and void through scientific analysis on the events depicted in the said texts."

Lindsay: "Right. So um maybe we should change the subject to not focus on religion and on something else like sex."

Sometime later, we see Lindsay moving her hips and she was on top of you, having sex with you for a few hours now.

Lindsay: *moans while moving hips*"Mmm, this is working so far for both of us~."*feels you cum into her*"Ah~."

Lindsay then lays next to you in bed and she is panting out of exhaustion.

(Y/N): "I didn't know I needed something until you brought it, Lindsay."

Lindsay: *panting*"You're welcome, if you want to go for another round you can try my ass."

(Y/N): "You sure? Cause I forgot what I was worried about already."

Lindsay: "Well I don't mind, besides the girls say my butt is really tight."

(Y/N): "I already know that we've been having sex ever since SCP-UBU first manifested. But I guess it wouldn't hurt to do it."

Lindsay: "Yay!"

We see Lindsay get on top of you and then insert your penis into her butt.

Lindsay: *moans*"Mmmm, that feels so good~."*starts moving her hips**moans*"Oh yeah this feels amazing~!"

(Y/N): *Moans* "Mm, I'm glad you like it." *grunt* "How is your rectum this tight?"

Lindsay: *moans**While moving her hips*"Like I said, I have a tight butt~."

You then cum into Lindsay's butt as Lindsay moaned in pleasure.

Lindsay: "Mmm you came a lot inside my butt~."*lays next to you*"Listen babe, you are the only man in my life and nothing can change that, not even a 14 foot tall monster."

(Y/N): "Thanks, sweetie."

Lindsay: "No problem."*feels you suckle on one of her boobs*"Oh, Ooh looks like you want a suckle on my boobs."*rubs your head*"You can suckle on my breasts for a while, mmm you must really like them. Courtney is a bit jealous because you suckle on Leshawna's breasts and now my breasts."


Here we see the TD girls in the shower as Courtney looks at Leshawna's boobs and Lindsay's boobs and then looks at her own as she was bummed.

Lindsay: "Something wrong Courtney?"

Courtney: "You have bigger boobs than me."

Leshawna: "Actually you're one D away from being my size."

We then see Jasmine come into the room and Lindsay was curious about her breast size.

Lindsay: "Hey Jasmine, what's your bust size?"

Jasmine: "Oh that's easy I'm a G-Cup."

Girls: "A G?!"

Gwen: "That's bigger than Leshawna's boobs."

Leshawna: "Only by one D-Cup."

Lindsay: "Did you get your height from your dad?"

Jasmine: "Actually, it's from my mom, it's a trait that I get from my mother's side of the family.

Courtney: "So being a tall giant woman runs in the family?"

Jasmine: "Of course."

Kelly: "I'm only a triple D myself and I got that size from being pregnant with Taylor."

Taylor: *looks at her breasts**pouts*"Why can't I get a bigger bust size mom?"

Kelly: "Oh Taylor, you are still growing, one day you will have a pair of knockers like mine. And not with plastic surgery."

Leshawna: "Really? I always thought you went through plastic surgery."

Kelly: "Actually I went through a diet regimen that builds up fat in my body for the purpose of transferring the fat into my breasts and my butt."

Courtney: "You too? I went on that diet regimen once." *Looks at her own butt* "See?" *shows her butt to the girls*

Lindsay: "Ooh, I never knew your butt had freckles too."

Courtney: "Really? I never noticed."

End of flashback

(Y/N): "Do you girls talk about your bodies all the time?"

Lindsay: "Sometimes, plus we're girls."

(Y/N): "True."

Later on, we see Bonnie talking to Kim and Kyouka and they are telling her all of the things they did in taking down UBU.

Bonnie: "I'm so glad that monster thing is gone."

Kim: "Yeah, it was raping us for years, even you Bonnie. I would have saved you but I just let that thing go to town on your cooch cause old habits kicked in and I can't beat that thing in arm wrestling."

Bonnie: "Believe me, that thing was the worst sex partner, and I never got to do it with (Y/N). You girls were with him for who knows how long and I got stuck with a giant man child monster."

Kim: "Maybe your rescue wasn't the most important." *Bonnie glares a bit* "Okay no that came out wrong, but it's true though."

Bonnie: "I understand, so uh Kim how are you feeling now that monster child thing is gone?"

Kim: "Relieved that it's gone."

Kyouka: "Yeah, that thing's fingers were up my butt for 30 years and it was uncomfortable."

Kim: *Winces* "Ooh especially when you had to-"

Kyouka: "When I had to take a crap... yes."

Bonnie: "Oh that is just sick and wrong."

Kyouka: "Yeah, it was even worse than my Prostitute days."

Kim: "Well Bon, Ky, I think I know a way to make it up to you."

Bonnie: "Does it involve (Y/N)?"

Kim: "Yeah why?"

Bonnie: "It has been a while since we saw him, and you're busy with the 'saving the world' thing, soo..."

Kim: *Realizes what Bonnie is implying* "I guess I could go see (Y/N)."

Later, at your apartment, we see Bonnie, Kim, and Kyouka having a foursome with you and we see Bonnie moving her hips while Kyouka was sitting on your face having her pussy licked by you.

Kyouka: *Moans* "Mmm, oh yes~! I soo missed this~! Way better than that monster!"

Bonnie: *moans* "Mmm yeah~! I got his penis first because you two had it longer than I had~."

Kim: "Ookay and what do I get? Possible needs some pleasure too ya know."

You then start fingering Kim's pussy as she moans a bit.

Kim: *moans*"Mmm, I think (Y/N) has a good idea~." *to Bonnie* "Bon, you should try this~."*cums onto your hand*"Ah~."

Bonnie: *moans*"if it means being with our boyfriend then okay~."*feels you cum into her pussy*"Ah~."

Kyouka: *feels about to cum*"Oh god his tongue is amazing I'm gonna-"*cums onto your face*"Ah~."

Sometime later, we see you towel off as you see the girls were still naked.

(Y/N): "Hanging around naked?"

Kim, Bonnie, and Kyouka: "Yep."

Kim: "You are very good with your hands babe."

(Y/N): "Well I have used tools before so it would make sense that I'm good with my hands."

Bonnie: "I have missed that dick of yours since you were beating up that monster."

(Y/N): "I thought you would have UBU as your new boyfriend."

Bonnie: "No way! You are kinder and more conscious about our feelings than that man-child thing, plus it reminded me of Brick, and believe me he and I were not together. Well I mean we were but he didn't exactly understand sex stuff."

Kim: "Well what did you expect when you dated him?"

Bonnie: "A studly man and not a neanderthal."

Kim: "Bonnie, he played football, and he was an airhead."

Kyouka: "Plus wasn't he older than you?"

Bonnie: "Y-yeah okay I kinda had a thing for men older than me okay?"

Kim: "Wait... is that why you went for Senior Junior?"

Bonnie: "Yeah..."

Kim: "Bon, seriously...?"

Bonnie: "Hey you went out with Stoppable, don't question how I date men."

Kyouka: "Older men."

Kim: "Touche."

(Y/N): "Wait I thought you and Ron hit it off pretty well, remind me again why you two split up?"

Kim: "Well we were more like brother and sister back when we first met each other and now we both think it's weird that we're practically siblings."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, and I'm guessing Junior dumped Bonnie because he can't get her out of summer school."

Bonnie: "That and he cared more about being a popstar than being my boyfriend, and you know, I was once buck naked for him for Valentine's day and you what he said?"

Kim: "What did he say?"

Bonnie: *Imitating Junior* "You should lose some weight Bonnie."

(Y/N): "I mean he's not wrong, you have gained some weight recently from all of those buckets of chicken from KFC after work hours."

Bonnie: "Normally I work out before I eat my chicken. And I would get offended but since you're autistic I'll let it slide."

Kim: "Well you should work out more Bonnie."*pokes Bonnie's stomach*"Or should I say chunky?"

Bonnie: "Hey!"

Kyouka: *pokes Bonnie's belly*"You are chunky."

Bonnie: "I am not that chunky!"

(Y/N): *feels Bonnie's stomach*"Man you need to go on a diet and maybe do some vegetables or transfer some body fat to someone else like Courtney, she wants to match Leshawna in butt size."

Bonnie: "Hm, I'll think about it."

Kyouka: "There's one thing I don't get though." *To Kim* "Kim when you and Bonnie were in highschool, how come you didn't boot her off the cheer squad?"

(Y/N): "Huh yeah, I always wondered that too, Bonnie did a lot of horrible stuff to you, why didn't you boot her off?" *To Bonnie* "No offense."

Bonnie: "None taken, but yeah why didn't you kick me off the squad?"

Kyouka: "Are you into women, Kim?"

Kim: "I'm Bisexual, and to answer your question I thought that Bonnie was hot."

Bonnie: *Surprised* "Really? Even back when we were in highschool?"

Kim: *Blushes* "Yeah... even I questioned myself why I didn't kick you off of the team and since I joined the foundation, Shego is part of the Foundation crew. I found out I was bisexual."

Bonnie: "Shego? You mean the green lady?"

Kim: "Yes."

???: "The very same."

We see Shego come into the room in a robe and she takes her robe off and now she's naked and she sits on the couch between Bonnie and Kim.

Kyouka: "Hey Shego."

Shego: "Hey Ky."

Kim: "You know her?"

Shego: "We hang out at the park sometimes. And she made me her bodyguard whenever (Y/N) isn't around."

(Y/N): "It's true, I have a busy schedule."

Bonnie: *To Kim* "So was there another reason why didn't kick me off the cheer squad back in highschool? Other than my hot looks?"

Kim: "...Well I didn't say this before when we were stuck together but... I felt bad about your sisters treating you like garbage so I was trying to get you a win, to make you feel better. Plus, I know what it's like to deal with annoying siblings."

Bonnie: *Smiles a bit* "Thanks."

Kim: "Anytime."

(Y/N): "You're not gonna tell her about her future self?"

Kim: "Oh yeah, Bonnie I have seen what you become in the future and well.... It's not pretty."

Bonnie: "Oh please don't tell me I become a hooker." *To Kyouka* "No offense Ky."

Kyouka: "I prefer the term prostitute but it's the same difference."

(Y/N): "You know being a hooker can be a good job. There could be a chance you save the world from Hitler by making him orgasm to death and instead of having the first man on the moon, the first woman on the moon."

Kim: "Anyways, Bonnie in the future, you actually become a villain, that works for Shego when she took over the world."

Bonnie: "What?! I... become a villain?? How?!"

(Y/N): "Probably your sisters become corrupt dictators and you get help from Shego to beat them up."

Kim: "And you kept Brick as a prisoner, well actually you were a teacher at highschool brainwashing people into listening to Shego."

Shego: "Yeah I know I'm awesome, but when I saw I want people to have an education system. Don't brainwash people into listening to me. I thought it would be a stupid idea when I thought about it more."

Kim: "Yeah I should also mention that your future self gave you that idea when she took the time monkey."

Shego: "Okay that's a paradox." *remembers* "Wait, did you say Time Monkey?"

Kim: "Yeah why?"

Shego: "Sounds like the same thing that monkey guy was talking about."

Kim: "Seriously?"

Shego: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "Well anyways, it's getting late. I need to get ready to meet a new SCP tomorrow, it's one of those AI art things people do nowadays."

Next: Chapter 97: SCP-001 "[the] [Human] [element?]"

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