Chapter 98: SCP-458 ''The Never-Ending Pizza Box''

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Here we see you and Chicago at the canteen and we see you bring in SCP-458 as Chicago was curious about it until you open the box and she sees your favorite pizza which is pepperoni, italian sausage, and venison meatballs pizza.

Chicago: "Soo... this is the pizza SCP right?"

(Y/N): "Yep, this is SCP-458 otherwise known as the never ending pizza box."

Chicago: "Hmm, the pizza isn't cursed or something is it?"

(Y/N): "Other than the weight you gain like any other pizza, not at all."

Chicago: "Huh, nice. So what can it do?"

(Y/N): "It infinitely makes your favorite pizza, for me it's pepperoni, Italian sausage, and venison meatball pizza."*eats a slice*"Mmm, just like how my mom made it, actually it's exactly how she made it."

Chicago: "So it can make any kind of pizza?"

(Y/N): "Based on the person who opens the box."

Chicago then opens the box and it reveals her favorite pizza which is a high class which had toppings like pepperoni, mushrooms, and extra cheese made for 1st class citizens.

Chicago: "Pepperoni, mushrooms and extra cheese my favorite, but how did this box know?"

(Y/N): "Well once your hands are on the box, it telepathically looks through your subconscious for what kind of pizza you prefer and make it happen."

Chicago: "Wow, I got to tell the girls."

Sometime later, we see the girls looking at SCP-458 in awe of its glory.

Gwen: "In this box, is the path of salvation."

Lindsay: "And free pizza for life."

Courtney: "Now hang on, we can't live off of pizza."

Leshawna: "Let's hope that none of us get pineapple."

Everyone then looks at Heather and she sees them looking at her.

Heather: "Oh come on, even I think that's too far."

We then see Dr. Patience comes into the room and he sees the girls looking at 458.

Dr. Patience: "Oh hello girls, you were for 458. I'm just gonna get a slice of pineapple pizza."*sees the girls looking at him with shock*"What?"

Gwen: "Get him!"

We then see the girls beat up Dr. Patience as we see you come into the room and see what's happening.

(Y/N): "What's going on here?"

Dr. Patience: "I just wanted a slice of my favorite pineapple pizza."

Your eyes widen as you just walk back a bit.

(Y/N): "Get out."

We then see Leshawna grab Dr. Patience and threw him out of the canteen as we see Leshawna get back to the pizza box.

Leshawna: "Now let's dig in, girls."

Gwen: "That was the right thing to do (Y/N), but I thought for sure you wanted us to not beat him up."

(Y/N): "You beat him up before I arrived. I think he needs a break from the humiliation."

Courtney: "He wanted a slice of pineapple pizza."

(Y/N): "...Yeah you could have beat him up but not now. The next time he asks 458 for pineapple pizza, restrain yourselves."

Courtney: "Okay."

We then see Eva open up the box and she sees a pizza that has protein shake powder, meatballs for extra protein, and banana peppers.

Eva: "My favorite!"

Courtney: "Protein shake powder pizza with meatballs and banana peppers?"

Eva: "Yeah, it's a good pizza. It's how I get my protein in."

(Y/N): "We often use 458 as a way to understand SCPs through what they like on their pizza to understand their mindsets."

We then see a plus sized woman who looks like Leshawna but with much smoother skin, bigger cup size, larger backside, and has make up on her face that looks more expensive than what Leshawna normally uses. You recognize her as SCP-056 or Madhu as you call them.

(Y/N): "I see you are one upping Leshawna, Madhu."

Leshawna: *looks at Madhu's form*"Oh you think you can do my look better?!"

Courtney: "(Y/N) who's Madhu?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, Madhu is who I call SCP-056. I call them that because they can change into any form that is made to make anyone inferior to them."

Courtney: *Sees Leshawna getting ticked off* "Like ticking off Leshawna?"

Madhu: "You got it girl." *bounces her breasts*"Don't these Size J cups look good on me?"

Leshawna: "Oh you son of a-"

(Y/N): "Don't let them get to ya Leshawna."

We then see Madhu go right behind you and then come out as a woman who is much prettier and sexier than all the girls in the room as the girls were ticked off of Madhu.

Heather: "Okay is it wrong that I wanna beat her err them up?"

TD girls: "No."

Madhu: "Would it be wrong for me to say I last longer in bed with (Y/N) than all of you?"

TD Girls: "What?!"

Madhu: "Especially if I have this?!"

Madhu lifts up their skirt as the girls see how hung they are and they are hung like a literal horse because they have a horse cock as the girls turned to you.

(Y/N): "Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef made a bet if Madhu can fit that in me and Dr. Bright won the bet because it fits inside of me."

Eva: "That's it! You're dead!"

Eva then punches Madhu as they block the punch and physically overpower Eva and knock her out with a headbutt as the girls were frightened of Madhu's strength.

Madhu: "Better muscle mass than all of you combined. Now if you excuse me."

Madhu then opens 458 and then sees a medium pizza with sliced bell peppers, thin crust, and alfredo sauce and grabs a slice and extends a long tongue from their mouth and then grabs the pizza with their tongue and swallows the slice whole.

Madhu: "Can't have the whole pizza, it will ruin my figure."

Scarlett: *ticked off*"Apparently having a prehensile tongue is superior to the average human tongue."

Madhu: "Of course."*extends their tongue to lick you on a cheek*"Have a nice day dear~."

We then see Madhu leaves the room as you see the girls extremely ticked off from Madhu's form that is prettier than the girls.

Gwen: "I hate them so much."

Leshawna: "We'll get them someday!"

(Y/N): "Girls come on, Madhu just likes to mess around people, and they're not worth it, plus they're not my type either."

Courtney: "But Madhu is into you, sure they may be a narcissistic vain shapeshifter but they like you. Plus they can change into any woman you want, so maybe in their own way they love you."

(Y/N): "Alright, I'll go talk to them."

Later, we see Madhu taking selfies with a cellphone for a hand in their containment cells and we see you come into the room and you see them.

(Y/N): "Hey Madhu."

Madhu: *sees you*"Oh hello (Y/N), what brings you to my humble abode?"

(Y/N): "I've been talking to the girls and they might think you might be into me? Is that true, cause you're not my type."

Madhu: "Well just because I'm an SCP doesn't mean I'm allowed to have a relationship. That Civil war statue has a girlfriend so why can't I have a lover of my own? I've been getting your attention for a while."

(Y/N): "Probably because you're the kind of person who makes people jealous."

Madhu: "True but that doesn't mean I care about you. You have a computer program at your house as your baby sister and I want special treatment as well."

(Y/N): "Alright, but just to make sure I need to know you do love me."

Madhu: "Well you are not my boytoy, you are a person with feelings and emotions. I saw how much you care about your friends and lovers and I want to prove to you that I love you."

Madhu then gets behind the couch and then comes out of it looking like a housewife with a milf bod with glamorous clothing and they walk up to you and they peck you on the lips.

Madhu: "A classic housewife appearance for you with some glamorous adjustments. This will be my normal clothing for you and for you only."

(Y/N): "Okay just try not to overdo it, you know how you overdo things and make women into a jealous frenzy."

Madhu: "Okay okay, I'll just tease them a little bit, and maybe lose the horse dick too, honestly it was fun at first but now it's pretty hard to lug it around."

(Y/N): "Why don't you give yourself a stronger muscle structure?"

Madhu: "Nah, not my style."*extend out their long prehensile tongue*"But I am keeping the tongue."

(Y/N): "Okay then, works for me."

Madhu: *pouts*"But I can't have a date with you without leaving this place, because you know, SCP."

(Y/N): "Well the Ethics Committee did say that the care and well being of the SCPs is up to me, so I say as long as you don't stand out from the crowd of the civilians you're fine with me."

Not long later, we see Madhu as a deluxe sports car and they're taking you to a 1st class restaurant in China called Ultraviolet and everyone sees you and the car.

(Y/N): *whispers to Madhu*"What happened to not standing out?"

Madhu: *from the radio*"Where's the fun in that?"

(Y/N): *whispers to Madhu*"And your idea of a date is dinner at one of the most expensive restaurants in the world? My wallet can't handle this place."

???(Kim): "(Y/N) what are you doing here?"

You then see Kim and Bonnie in nice glitter dresses with high heel shoes to match.

(Y/N): "Oh hey, Kim, Bonnie, what are you girls doing here?"

Bonnie: "Kim and I saved the president of China, we even brought Monique along."

We then see Monique who is also in a glitter dress.

Monique: "And we're here to celebrate with an all expense paid dinner in Ultraviolet. Plus I'm a secret informant for the Foundation and Kim gave me a crash course on anomalies and karate lessons."

(Y/N): "Good for you."

Bonnie: "Soo what are you doing here?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, I am on a dinner date with Madhu."

Bonnie: "Where are they?"

(Y/N): "The deluxe sports car is Madhu."

Madhu: *through the radio*"Hello."

Kim: "She err they turned into a car?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, and I decided to go to a pizzeria but Madhu wants to go to one of the few restaurants that will destroy my bank account."

Bonnie: *Winces* "Ooh your poor wallet."

(Y/N): "I know, Madhu really likes nice things."

Monique: "How can a car be a person?"

Bonnie: "Madhu can shapeshift into anything that would make anyone jealous."

Kim: "Like the time she turned into you with better proportions?"

Bonnie: *A bit bitter* "Yes..."

(Y/N): "I tried to tell them not to stand out but they wouldn't listen."

Madhu: *from the radio*"Sorry. But get me a table babe, let me get dressed first."

Monique: "How? You're a car."

(Y/N): "Just find a spot where no one can see you and change into a human form. One that doesn't stand out."

Sometime later, we see you at a table and you see a gorgeous woman coming in and when Bonnie, Monique, and Kim sees her they see her she has a beautiful dress that makes their dresses look like something from a bargain bin, a body that makes their heads turn, makeup that is better than there's, and a purse and shoes that would really make the girls ticked off as you see it was Madhu and they were walking to the table you chose and take a seat.

(Y/N): "Everyone in the restaurant is looking at us."

Madhu: "I can't help it hun, you know I like it when people are jealous of moi."

(Y/N): "And you changed your accent too?"

Madhu: "Of course, it's a mix of British and French with a hint of russian."

Monique: "Oooh she's good, British and French accents are one of the most sexy combinations ever."

Kim: "Madhu is non binary."

Bonnie: "I thought she was trans."

Kim: "Madhu doesn't have an original or natural form so non-binary."

Monique: " (Y/N) would date a non-binary?"

Kim: "Well Madhu changed into female forms and also..."

Kim whispers into Monique's ear and then Monique's eyes widen in shock.

Monique: "......they can give themself a dong?!"

Kim: "Keep it down, and yes they do."

(Y/N): *looks in the menu*"The appetizers alone will run my bank account dry. I can't afford any of this!"

Kim: "Well the president did give us an all expense paid reward dinner here."

Madhu: "No need, I will pay for the meal cause I can simply turn myself into a credit card with a 10 trillion dollar budget."

Monique: "Woah..."

Sometime later, we see you and Madhu finish the meal and you read the bill.

(Y/N): "100,000 dollars for my meal and 400,000 dollars for your meal. I'm screwed!"

Madhu: "Don't worry, just come by to the unisex restroom and I'll change into a credit card."

We see you and Madhu head to the unisex bathroom and you then take out the camera in there as you turn around and you hear something fall to the floor and you see that Madhu has turned into a gift card with 10 trillion dollars on it and you pick it up. Sometime later, we see you and Madhu arrive back at your house and you all get into your apartment.

Madhu: "Ugh, no offense but your place is shabby for my taste."

(Y/N): "Hey I live a normal life here okay, and besides it's decent."

Lindsay: "Oh great you brought Madhu here, why are they even here?

(Y/N): "The ethics committee told me that the care of the SCPs is up to me so I have Madhu go out on a very expensive date which could have been the end for my bank account."

Madhu: "So I just turned myself into a gift card of 10 trillion dollars and paid for the meal, I don't want my favorite SCP operative to be broke."

Lindsay: "Hmm well that is true, but don't try to tick us off alright."

Madhu: *sees Jasmine come into the room*"Well I won't tease you."*walks behind you and comes out into a much taller and prettier variant of Jasmine*"Too much."

Jasmine: "Yeah, sometimes being tall isn't all that good, you would not believe how many times I've hit my head on a door frame that wasn't my height."

Madhu: *opens a third eye on their forehead*"Glad I have an eye for that."

(Y/N): "Okay Madhu you made your point, you can be the tall drink of water you want to be."

Madhu: "Alright."*gets behind you and comes out as Anne Maria but with a natural tan, more streamlined hair, bigger bust, and a bigger butt*" And this might be a better look for me for the night~."

Anne Maria: *comes into the room and sees Madhu*"Who the heck are you?! And how are you pulling my look off better than me?!"

Madhu: "Oh, I'm Madhu or SCP-056 and I'm gonna have a good time with this body."*hugs your arm*"All for my boo's pleasure~."

Anne Maria: "With my body!"

(Y/N): "Madhu can change into any woman of their choosing for me, which I don't mind at all to be honest."

Anne Maria: "But that's my body."

Madhu: "Alright fine."*gets behind you and changes into Pam Anderson*"Better?"

(Y/N): "I've seen someone look like Pam Anderson before, and Erotica does look like Pam Anderson."

Madhu: "Well how about Pam Anderson with a tan, plus a bigger booty?" *walks behind you and came out as Pam Anderson with a bigger bust, a tan, and a bigger butt* "Plus some junk in the trunk."

(Y/N): "That should do."

Later, in your bedroom, we see you and Madhu in bed and we see Madhu then waves their hands and turn them into tentacles.

(Y/N): "I'm not doing tentacles."

Madhu: "Fine."*changes their hands back to normal*"I'll just save those for the girls then. Why don't you close your eyes a bit?"*sees you close your eyes*"Now open them."

When you open your eyes you see that Madhu still retained the same body as before but they look like they are like Pam Anderson but as a professional high class porn star.

(Y/N): "I can see where this is going."

Several rounds of sex later, we see you and Madhu laying next to each other.

Madhu: "Mmm, what do you think of that?"

(Y/N): "It was good."

Madhu: "I turned myself into a porn star to show you what I can do in bed."

(Y/N): "Yeah and you were amazing, but did you have to use the horse penis on me again?"

Madhu: "Hey, most women and some men would like that."

(Y/N): "I'm not most women and men, and I didn't like it."

Madhu: "Alright, no more horse penis then. You really have beastiality issues."

(Y/N): "That's because I'm not into that kind of stuff, I'm not a furry."

Madhu: "Oh I've been to Furry parties before and they're not so bad but if you're uncomfortable about it I won't push."

(Y/N): "Thank you."

We later see you and Madhu back in the Foundation and you brought Madhu back to their cell.

Madhu: "Thank you babe, I really had a good time."

(Y/N): "You are welcome."

Madhu: "If you want I can rearrange some organs so you can literally fuck my brains out."

(Y/N): "No thanks, I don't think we're far in our relationship to do that and honestly I would not wanna pull a Homelander."

Madhu: "Alright, fair enough."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Madhu: "One more Madhu kiss before you go~?"

(Y/N): "Sure."

Madhu then kisses you on the lips and you feel their long tongue going all over your mouth and down your throat and then pull away.

(Y/N): "Bleh, ughh... that kiss will take some getting used to."

Madhu: "Sorry about that."

You then leave the room and we see you enter the canteen and you see Courtney eating pizza from SCP-458.

(Y/N): "Have you been eating your favorite pizza from SCP-458?"

Courtney: "Yes."

(Y/N): "How much did you eat?"

Courtney: "... I'd rather not say."

(Y/N): "Well I'm gonna say 30 whole pizza pies. Am I correct?

Courtney: ".........yes..."

(Y/N): "All of that food will go down to your hips."

Courtney: "Yeah right."

Sometime later, we see Courtney looking at herself in the mirror and all of that pizza went down to her hips.

Courtney: "Okay, he's right."

Courtney then tries to put her pants on but she can't fit into them and when she finally got them on she heard her pants ripped as Gwen came into the room and saw that Courtney ripped her pants.

Gwen: "(Y/N) warned you hun."

Courtney: "I know, I don't suppose there's an SCP that eats body fat?"

Gwen: "Nope."

Courtney: "Well there's only one thing to do."

Gwen: "Work out the extra weight?"

Courtney: "No, get bigger pants."

Gwen: "Wait what? How are bigger pants gonna solve your chubby tummy?"

Courtney: "I'll just transfer the belly fat to my butt and breasts."

Gwen: "What about working out?"

Courtney: "Well..."


We see Courtney at the starting line of an obstacle course of your design and you ready the starter pistol.

(Y/N): "On your mark get set. Go!"

You then fire the pistol and Courtney goes through the obstacle course and it was far more dangerous and brutal than the obstacle courses on Total Drama.

Courtney: *gets hit by ping pong balls*"Where is this coming from!?!"*ends up in a battlefield*"Who are these people?!"*riding in a car while being chased by Zombies*"WHAT THE FUCK IS GONG ON!?!?"

Soon after the obstacle course, we see Courtney exhausted and sweating in a gigantic puddle and she collapses onto the ground.

End of flashback

Gwen: "Oh right, (Y/N)'s training exercises are a lot more dangerous than the ones on Total Drama."

Courtney: "He made those exercises for us, I'd rather use the extra fat to fill out my cans than go through that again."

Gwen: "How are you gonna do that? Go to a doctor and have him or her move the fat to your tits?" *realizes that's what Courtney is gonna do* "Oh no..."

Courtney: "What, what's wrong?"

Gwen: "Courtney I know wanna lose weight but this is not the way to do it, plus the only one who can pull off plus size is Leshawna."

Leshawna: *Off-screen* "What's going on?"

Leshawna comes into the room and she sees how chubby Courtney is.

Leshawna: "Dang you got bloated."

Courtney: "Yeah I know, and I wanna push my fat to my boobs."

Leshawna: "Hmm, how much pizza did you eat girl?"

Gwen: "A lot."

Leshawna: "And you want to push your fat into your boobs and booty? I say go for it, I want to see what you look like in my size. You're close to my size now so go from mini to plus size."

Gwen: "Well a little exercise wouldn't hurt."

Leshawna: "Have you been through (Y/N)'s obstacle course?"

Gwen: *realizes*"Nevermind, go for the surgery."

Courtney: "Great."

Later, after the surgery, we see Courtney looking into the mirror and she sees that she now has Leshawna's figure and both Leshawna and Gwen see Courtney's reflection.

Gwen: "Wow you look like Leshawna." *to Leshawna* "No offense."

Leshawna: "Nah it's cool, now Courtney is my size now."

Courtney: *bounces her breasts*" "Huh, so this is what I look like with... Triple Ds?"

Gwen: "Yep."

Leshawna: "And have a booty like mine."*spanks Courtney's butt*

Courtney: "Eep! Okay my ass is still sensitive, but now it's huge."

Gwen: "Wasn't it always huge?"

Courtney: "Yeah but not on Leshawna's level."

Leshawna: "Wait didn't anyone at school look at your junk in the trunk?"

Courtney: "Before I got on Total Drama, only a pervy gym teacher."

Gwen and Leshawna: *Winces* "Oooh..."

Gwen: "Wait, how did you know he was pervy?"


Courtney opened the door to the gym teacher's office and she saw he was mastrabating to nude pictures of Courtney from he secret cameras as we see Courtney quietly close the door and level the room without the gym teacher noticing.

End of flashback

Leshawna: "Ooh that ain't right."

Courtney: "Tell me about it."

Gwen: "Yeah but then again we were all in Canada and the legal age of consent is 16."

Courtney: "I can see that's a problem for most countries."

Leshawna: "Hey has anyone seen (Y/N)?"

Meanwhile with you, we see you as the guard for the front door for Valentino's Strip club due to your contract with all the Overlords of hell.

(Y/N): "Alright girls remember the rules, look but don't touch, don't fuck them, and don't sneak into the dressing room smelling their undies, seriously I cannot say that enough."

Girl 1: "Okay."

Girl 2: "We know, we're not animals."

(Y/N): "Somehow I don't believe you."

Girl 3: "Hey we know how to keep it in our pants."

Girl 1: "Some more than others." *Glances at the second demon girl*

Girl 2: "What?"

(Y/N): "Still don't believe you."

Girl 1: "Look, we won't do anything you said alright? Now can you let us in?"

(Y/N): "Okay, go in."

The girls all went into the club as you silently call Valentino.

(Y/N): "Val, we got horny girls. Day 1 of girls week is in effect."

Valentino: *On the phone* " Oh merde... "

(Y/N): "I explained the rules to them, though I think they may break them so sorry in advance."

Valentino: *On the phone* "Don't worry (Y/N), this always happens. I am the closest thing to the Sin of Lust in these parts of Hell so I made my men and women so sexy and irresistible that the only person who can resist their charm is you."

(Y/N): "... Because of my autism?"

Valentino: *on the phone*"That and the cologne and perfume makes anyone a horny animal except for you for some reason. Angel Dust sprayed 50 bottles worth of the perfume and cologne just to get your attention and you still didn't notice him. Which I find shocking."

(Y/N): "I'm not into guys Val, you know this."

Valentino: *over the phone*"Ohh yeah, but still even straight men make out with Angel Dust."

(Y/N): "Oh I'm sometimes nose blind."*hears something*"Hold on."

You then went into the club and you see that the strip club has turned into an orgy and you sent the picture to Valentino.

Meanwhile with Valentino, he sees the pictures you sent him.

Valentino: *Groans* "Dammit. I really need to cut back the cologne and perfume."

Velvette: "You're realizing this now?"

Valentino: "Don't start with me Vel, just don't."

Later on, we see you giving a foot massage to Camilla.

Camilla: "Mmm, gracias for the foot rub (Y/N)."

(Y/N): *While rubbing Camilla's feet*"I thought you needed help with transporting weapons."

Carmilla: "No no, that job goes to my daughters, you on the other hand have special jobs."

(Y/N): "And one of them is rubbing your surprisingly clean feet?"

Carmilla: "Of course, it's not easy wearing ballet shoes made of angelic steel."

(Y/N): "Fair enough."

Carmilla: "Now polish my ballet shoes, I need them to shine."

(Y/N): "Yes ma'am."

Later on, we see you looking through the schedule for Vox.

(Y/N): "Okay Vox, you have a commercial pitch with Mammon at 3, a meeting with Asmodeus for a sex toy commercial in the Lust Ring at 4, you have a fast food meeting with Belezebub at 5, and finally a meeting with the Princess of Hell for a peace treaty between you and Alastor at 6, and at 7 you will be-"*reads the name*"Doing porno time with Val..."*to Vox*"So you watch porn with Val?"

Vox: "It's a time to either jerk off or make some constructive criticism of Val's work."

(Y/N): "So are you two dating?"

Vox: "We have an on again and off again relationship."

(Y/N): "Alright I believe ya."

Later on, we see you walking with Alastor and Rosie.

Rosie: " It's good to have someone walking with us, Alastor."

Alastor: "Normally I do a stroll around the neighborhood on my own but doing it with some friends is better."

(Y/N): "So you two have your own errands?"

Rosie: "Oh I'm only out shopping for some fresh meats for some friends coming over to my place."

(Y/N): "Alright, Alastor? What about you?"

Alastor: "Oh nothing for me, I have you working as the Bellhop for Charlie's hotel. A hotel is not complete without a bellhop carrying luggage for the guests."

(Y/N): "Wait, you weren't the bellhop at the hotel?"

Rosie had to suppress a laugh after hearing you assuming Alastor was the Bellhop.

Rosie: "Ohoho, charming and funny."

Alastor: "Hahaha! I'm actually the host of the hotel."

(Y/N): "Hahaha! Hosts are supposed to welcome guests, not scare them away."

Alastor: "Haha!"*in your face*"Fuck you!"

Rosie: "Okay come on now gents let's not have a spat."

(Y/N): "Okay."

Alastor: "Very well."

Later on, we see you labeling the outfits for the designated models for Velvette's fashion show and you see Velvette walk by frustrated.

Velvette: "Ugh!! That bitch Suzie Finkle is trending on Tiktok and she's beating me in followers! Me!"

(Y/N): "I'm sure you can come up with something, you are an overlord after all Ms.Velvette."

Velvette: *Chuckles* "Just because you signed a contract that covers all overlords doesn't mean you have to talk to me like I'm your boss. I am still your girlfriend darling."

(Y/N): "Wait Vel, I got an idea."

Sometime later, we see the 7 Sins of Hell in view of the camera and they're the background dancers of the video as you and Velvette get in front of the camera.

Asmodeus: *Whispers to Bee* "Remind me again why we agreed to do this?"

Bee: "Internet fame bro."

Mammon: "Pheh, Internet fame my ass, is it that important?"

Bee: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "Alright everyone you ready?"

Everyone: "Ready."

You then play the music as everyone started ding the Rick dance with you

You and Velvette: *while singing and dancing*" Put your right foot forward and left foot back and fucking slide around like on a Nordic track! Move to the left! Step to the right! Wiggle your elbows and look up to the light!"

7 Sins: *singing and dancing*"It's the-It's the-It's the Rick Dance! It's the-It's the-It's the Rick Dance!"

You and Velvette: *while singing and dancing*"Do a twist! Then do a turn! 1 2 3! And you just gotta learn! To do the Rick, you jump up and down! Bend your knees and make this sound! Wubba Lubba dub dub!"

(Y/N): "Hit us with the clock beat!"

Then you all slowed down at the dancing followed by some speed ups until you all danced normally again.

7 Sins: *singing*"It's the-It's the-It's the Rick Dance! It's the-It's the-It's the Rick Dance!"

You all then stop dancing and both you and Velvette put your hands into the air along with the sins and the music stops.

(Y/N) and Velvette: "That's the Rick dance!"

Later, after the video was posted, Velvette sees that the Rick Dance video has blown up on TikTok and she was shocked to see how many likes and followers she has now.

Velvette: "Damn... not bad babe, thanks."

(Y/N): "Anytime."

Bee: *Sees how tired Mammon is* "Christ Mam, it's just one dance."

Mammon: *panting*"I knew those fried twinkies would come back to haunt me some day."

Satan: *Chuckles* "Dude, when was the last time you worked out?"

Mammon: "Oi you try to tell me that I'm fat?"

Asmodeus: "A salad wouldn't hurt you know, just sayin'. "

(Y/N): "I got an obstacle course that would help you lose the extra pounds and get you in shape."

Mammon: "If it means fitting into my old clothes then I'm up for it."

Several hours later, we see Mammon come out of the obstacle course and he falls to the ground and passes out from exhaustion and we see the other sins were watching this.

Belle: "Wow, that is some course."

Satan: "Yeah, think I should get this for my gym?"

Levia: "I think Mammon lost several belt sizes from going around the course once."

Asmodeus: "Well shit, can't believe I'm saying this but, good for him."

Lucifer: "Can someone check if he's still alive?"

Bee: "I got this."

Bee then summons some pizza as Mammon smells the pizza he got up and when he's gonna take a bite he sees it was covered in pineapple chunks.

Asmodeus: "Bee... pineapple? On pizza?"

Bee: "I know, I know, I'm not proud of it either, but if it helps Mammon lose weight then I say go for it."

Lucifer: "I guess but seriously, Pineapple?"

(Y/N): "Wait, you guys hate pineapple on pizza too?"

Asmodeus: "Yeah, we may be sins, but there are standards we do have."

(Y/N): "I don't like broccoli on pizza."

Bee: "Ditto dude."

Sometime later, we see you giving Camilla a foot massage.

(Y/N): "So I'm basically you're masseuse?"

Carmilla: "Mmm, yes mi amor, apologies for asking this again but you do give the best foot rubs."

(Y/N): "It's okay and I don't mind, you should really use different footwear when you're on vacation or something, or when you're defending your daughters against exorcists."

Carmilla: "A woman's feet are her deadliest weapons. With proper care and treatment they can be deadly."

(Y/N): "How can a woman's foot be deadly?"

Carmilla then uses her right foot to throw darts at the dart board and throws one of the darts out the window and when you look out the window you see that she hit a sniper in the head.

(Y/N): "Man, I don't want to be the person who gets killed by a foot, and impressive foot and dart skills, where did you learn to do that?"

Carmilla: "When I was still alive I used to fight with my hands but when I broke my arms, I had to train my legs and feet to be my arms until I have recovered."*picks you up with her feet*"As you can see, I'm well skilled with my feet."

(Y/N): "Huh, where did I see this before?"


Here we see Paulina, with her hands full and drops a book, she then takes her shoe off and uses her right foot to pick up the book much to everyone's surprise.

(Y/N): "Where did you learn to do that?"

Paulina: "Self taught."

End of flashback

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, Paulina."

Carmilla: "Paulina? As in Paulina Sanchez?"

(Y/N): "You know her?"

Carmilla: "I used to be her babysitter, her parents were always busy so they hired me."

(Y/N): "An arms dealer and a babysitter? Huh, you never expect those jobs to mix."

Carmilla: "Well it was more like a side job, I used babysitting as a teaching tool to become the mother of my children when I was pregnant with them. Over the 9 months of baby sitting I have learned how to deal with children of all kinds. Including ones with autism."

(Y/N): "Nice, wait there's one thing I don't understand, if you're a sinner then how did you have Odette and Clara?"

Carmilla: "Nothing separates familia, not even death."

(Y/N): "So they..." *Carmilla nods* "Ohh, okay I see. So why didn't you take the fight to the exorcists? You have the weapons to fight them off."

Carmilla: "While that is true I cannot endanger my children. Family is important to me, I know that war between Heaven and Hell is inevitable. I may have the weapons but it's the Princess who led the battle, not me."

(Y/N): "Oh gotcha, you wanted to protect your daughters and not get them involved in a war where you might lose them forever."

Carmilla: "Si, and in a way, I saw Paulina as one of my own children."

(Y/N): "Do you wanna see her again?"

Carmilla: "Si."

(Y/N): "Well then. I'll take you to her."

Meanwhile, we see Paulina listening to music and filling out an application and we see you and Carmilla teleport into the room.

Paulina: *Sees you* "Oh hey (Y/N)."*sees Carmilla*"Carmilla is that you?"

Carmilla: "Hello... Paulina it has been a while."

Paulina: "Um... yeah what happened to you?"

Carmilla: "Well I died and went to Hell along with the rest of my familia."

(Y/N): "She's an arms dealer now."

Paulina: "Woah... so um, how are you?"

Carmilla: "I've been well, how are you, it's been too long since I saw you as a little girl."

Paulina: "Well I am working on a resume for a job at this place called the SCP Foundation, I found it when someone sent me a weird email for a job offering."

(Y/N): "What? Who sent you the email?"

Paulina: "Someone named Alto Clef."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, that pizzaria does need some new recruits."

Carmilla: "Pizzeria? But don't you deal with-" *gets her mouth covered by you*

(Y/N): "Paulina can you excuse us for a second?"

Paulina: "Oh sure."

We see you and Carmilla in a guest room

Carmilla: "I don't understand, since when do you sell pizzas?"

(Y/N): "We don't, it's a secret organization that deals with anomalies. Also we deal with anomalies that take the form of foods.

Carmilla: "I see. I don't suppose this Alto Clef sent the same email to anyone else you were with?"

(Y/N): "Hm, it is possible, but we do need some new recruits for the Foundation."

Meanwhile in Paris France, we see Chloe filling out a application for the SCP Foundation as Chloe then hears her TV go all static-y

Chloe: "Hm? What's going on?"

We then see Vox come out of the TV much to Chloe's surprise.

Chloe: "Woah! Who are you? Or... what are you?"

Vox: "Relax kid, (Y/N) sent me, are you uh, filling out an application for SCP?"

Chloe: "Yeah, this pizzeria can be fun to work at."

Vox: "Yeah pizzas..."

Chloe: "Hmm, you look familiar, have we met?"

Vox: "Well I am pretty famous all around."

Chloe: "Hmm..." *remembers* "Oh yeah, your guy that got crushed by the jumbotron in New York."

Vox: *Statics* "Of course you remember that."

We later see the 6tteen crew going through the application of their new jobs at the SCP Foundation.

Nikki: "Soo how much you guys wanna bet Jonesy when gets fired?"

Jonesy: "Hey!"

Caitlin: "It's bound to happen Joensy."

Jonesy: "I can see your point."

Jen: "It would be a better job than working with coach Halder."

Caitlin: "Wait Jude why do you wanna work at SCP?"

Nikki: "Yeah you work at the easiest job in the mall."

Jude: "I can't be the only dude in our group in the mall, if one of us goes. All of us go."

Wyatt: "True."

???(Chrissy): "You guys are applying there too?"

Nikki then turns to see that the clones Kristen, Chrissy, and Kirsten have applications.

Nikki: "Oh come on! You guys too!"

Jen: "Wait, I thought you guys liked working at the Khaki Barn."

Kirsten: "It was under new management."

Nikki: "Really?"

Chrissy: "Yep."

Jen: "Who's in charge of the Khaki Barn now?"

Kristen: "Ashley."

Nikki: "She's back? Great."

Jen: "How did she get put in charge of the Khaki Barn?"

Chrissy: "She did a better job than us."

Kristen: "And because... we were fired by the Khaki Barn."

Kirsten: "Yeah."

Nikki: "Well we're gonna be working at a pizza place soon, so it's better than dealing with clothing."

Sometime later, we see everyone who has applied for the SCP Foundation in lab coats and you, Zestial, and Carmilla explain what they signed up for.

Carmilla: "Ladies and Gentlemen, you are all probably wondering what you signed up for, and if you are expecting pizza then you are wrong."

Jude: "Aw man...bummer."

(Y/N): "Believe me, I thought I was working at a pizzeria."

Carmilla: "But you are all dealing with something more important than pizza, dealing with the supernatural."

Nikki: "LIke vampires, demons, ghosts, ancient artifacts, robots from the future?"

(Y/N): "And anomalous food stuff sometimes. We also deal with out of the box stuff like anomalous art, audio and visual cognitohazards, and alternate dimensions, but remember, any food anomalies will not all be harmless so be careful." *To Jonesy* "Especially you, Mr.Garcia."

Jonesy: "What? Why me?"

Carmilla: "From what we heard, you've been fired from multiple jobs, quite the record for someone seeking employment."

(Y/N): "You don't get fired here. Just demoted to D-Class."

Zestial: "And thou dost not want to be disparaged to D-Class, right?"

Jonesy: "So what kind of job does a D-Class do?"

(Y/N): "They just stand where they are and wait for the sweet release of death or be traumatized for life. Or both at the same time."

Jonesy: "Right."

Nikki: "Wait so you experiment on supernatural monsters?"

(Y/N): "To understand how they operate, yes. Using science to understand the anomalous. Secure, Contain, Protect that's our mission and slogan."

Kristen: "I have a question."

(Y/N): "What's your question?"

Kristen: "Do some anomalies take the form of clothing?"

(Y/N): "Yes actually."

Chrissy: "Oh really? Wow."

(Y/N): "We'll start you off with something simple Jude."

Jude: "Like what dude?"

(Y/N): "Have you heard about Abel and Cain?"

Next: Chapter 99: SCP-073 "Cain"

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