Chapter 6

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Esther's POV

I wasn't meant to be captured but I'm sure the Lord made that happen to save Anome.

I almost laughed at the ceremony the tall guy in the black robe was doing.

He was wasting his time. As long as the Lord is on my side I will always be victorious.
I just wished that Anome would understand the love of God. She has not been healed. Time doesn't heal only the Lord does.

He poured water on Anome and she went white then slumped.

He turned to face me. I chewed the apple and spat it out. I began singing praises to God. Before long, I felt his presence. I smiled.

He poured the water on me. Nothing happened. I smiled.

I continued singing.
They brought out a large axe and he grinned.

He raised the axe up then suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck him dead.

He turned to ashes. The axe was still suspended in air. His ashes blew away.

I continued singing.

The axe was held up by an angel. It was used to kill all those who tried to attack me.

I was confident that I would go out safely with Anome.

I just pray she accepts Christ.



I was in an empty space.

I'm probably dead now.

I sighed.

I'm definitely going to hell. My useless life has finally ended.

I was waiting to fall into the flames of hell but, it didn't seem to happen.

Then, I had a teeny light of hope.

Can he still accept me?

I inhaled

Then, "Jesus, I'm really sorry for everything. I know I don't deserve this but please can you forgive me. I've been so heartless and ignorant. If this is the end, I just want to say that I'm sorry. I am very sorry."

I was tearing up.

My pride was broken and thrown away.

I was so deep in emotion that I knelt on the slippery jagged floor and cried.

Then, I felt someone touch my shoulder.

I looked up. I was startled.

When I looked up, I was no longer in the dark slippery place. I was in a field with a stream flowing in the middle. It was a breathtaking sight. The sun was shining and the temperature was perfect.

Does this mean I made it to heaven?

I heard a chuckle.

I looked behind me.

I saw Jesus. I knew he was the one. He looked caring and special and powerful.

He was smiling.

Then he spoke. His words could heal the sick. How did I know? I felt emotional wounds that I didn't even know about, heal immediately. I knew he was Jesus.

I ignored my filth and past and hugged him. I became so emotional. I felt like the past didn't matter anymore as long as he could smile at me. I was beyond..... I was so happy, I was crying tears of joy and repentance. His still calm presence was awesome.

The hug was out of this world.

I could only make out some phrases like : "... never ever again..." And "I'm really sorry for...."

I was there, in his hug for God knows how long.

Then, his voice brought me back.

"Accept me."

"Lord, I accept you with my whole heart, from the deepest depth of my heart, to be my Lord and saviour and I believe you died for me and you resurrected so I can be saved. Thank you Jesus and I love you." My words were weighed with emotions.

"And I love you too. Now, you have to return home and you must remember this. I love you and I will always be with you even till the end of age."

"Yes Lord."


I opened my eyes. I was in a well-furnished house on a large soft bed. The first thing that hit me was the great aroma of FOOD. I was probably very hungry. Wherever I was, I was in the same house with a record breaking expert chef.

I got off the bed and prayed. I prayed for grace to please God in everything I do. Then, I asked the Lord to take complete control of my day.

I opened the door and let my nostrils lead me to the kitchen.

I turned around a corner and saw the world-class chef with her baby bump more obvious with the silk gown she was wearing.

It was the woman. Though, she told me to call her Esther, I preferred calling her 'the woman'.

She was singing. The song made so much sense to me unlike before when I thought she was crazy.

We hail you
We worship you
We hail you
Most high ♪

I listened to her and sang along with her. It's a very simple song.

When she noticed my presence, she turned around and smiled. She was dicing onions and carrots. I offered to help but she insisted that I should sit and wait. She made garnished rice, a vegetable sauce, fruit salad, plantain chips and watermelon smoothies.

A healthy meal.

She served the meal generously.

I ate to my fill.

She ate while I did the dishes.

"Anome, tomorrow is Thursday. You must resume school at once."

"Alright ma."

"Where's your school? "

"At Fresh street."

"It's  not far from here. But, I will go home soon. I can't live here and be bothering you. That'd be so unfair. "

"I was given an instruction to take care of you and....." She paused and bit her lip.


"I don't think I know how to tell you but I guess I should. You *sigh* have HIV."


I couldn't believe so I didn't even think of it.

"I'm serious."

"No you're not. Anyway, why can't you come and live with me in my home?"

"You seem so calm."

"Well, I hugged Jesus so, I believe in no sickness."

"That's good. Your faith is so much more than mine."


" Well, I might come to live with you later. "

Just then, the woman remembered something.

"Oh, I got you something." She stood up to get something. She reached for a box at the far end of the couch where she sat.

She gave it to me.

"Thank you."

I opened it.

A bible?

Yes, I accepted it as a gift even though I expected it to be a phone or a novel at least.

It was red and it was embroidered with gold thread. It was an ERV bible. ERV for Easy Read Version. The words of Jesus we're in red print.

Do I really need a bible right now?

She noticed my expression.

"You need it more than you think."

"I know. Thanks, but, what's the gift for?"

I was saying that but I was thinking of a lot.

She's pregnant. Isn't she married?

She has to be. Right?

Where's her husband? He'll probably be home soon right?

Why didn't he bother to look for her?

Where was he when she was kidnapped?

Is she really 26?

Why does she look so young?

Where's the husband?

Will he pay my fees?

How long will I stay here?


She smiled at me and said; "It's just a gift given out of love..."

She sighed then, sniffed

"I'm not married..."

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