Chapter 8: The First Mission

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As Shin walked up to the department building, he couldn't help but stop to gape at as if time had stood still for him.

It seemed as if the building had carved so many memories into his heart over the years. He remembered having to pass it each day he drove to his high school, marveling at all its glory. The sun would glimmer off the metal golden star that was its pride with rays of white, orange, and amber, which danced in a mellow manner.

It slowly began to give off a sense up hope for the man, like a began of renewal and potential that was waiting for him to explore. He had always sought that sense of adventure and discovery as a child-- back when he was still too frightened of the consequences to take chances. The man tended not to dwell too long on those memories, as he refused to let anything stand in the way of his new fiery passion for the future ahead of him. He would, at last, get to take on the world like he would have on his trials, using his abilities to help others in dire struggles and hosting that collected, yet gallant stance that he had admired so long ago.

But, as if it were soldered into his mind, with the optimistic emotions that beheld him as he gazed at his destiny before him, he saw behind him the morbid pit of his past, biding its time to ambush him. There he stood in that hollow, the child of which he once was, desaturated and darkened by the torments of separation.

How he hated those times where he was trapped by the expectations of a minor. As much as he hated to admit it at that time, he had resented his treatment from his mother. It was only when Shin had come home that night, sobbing into his mother's arms about the events that took place that she finally considered letting the boy grow up and break free of his chains.

However, Shin noticed that scars remained branded onto his spirit each time he passed a trainer happy with their partners. It would feel like a dagger being agonizingly driven into his beating heart. Even when he had shared his room with Terry, the hurt never truly ebbed away as the other man and his feline companion laughed away life's problems.

Shin would just stare blankly at them, and he would soon find himself remembering that sweet smile... the rough pelt running through his small fingertips... the cerulean gems in which he watched grow in belief for days on end.

For six grueling years, the sight of his reminiscence would kill him silently from the inside.

And even so, he knew he had to continue forward through the cascades of his life. He had gotten this far, at least he could move forward as his friend had. Shin could choose to stay stagnant, floating in the abyss of his past or step forward into the new day that was the present. He was what he strove to be since that fateful day: A protector of Alola, just as he had dreamed.

For some reason that he could never seem to place, there was a small ember aflame within his soul, as if a force had been stirring him to continue down that path. Like a Volbeat to an Illumise's magnetic glow in the moonlight.

He felt as if there would be something significant there, waiting, growing ever impatient, for his presence...

"Shin! You coming?" Terry called from in front of him. The shorter male was already at the top of the stairs in front of the entrance, making himself look like a titan to Shin with his confident stance. Shin gently shook his head, letting the aggrieved taste from his mouth fade into his conscience.

He blinked away the thoughts. "Yeah, right behind you," he called.


"Good morning, officers."

A gruff man with arms the size of a Machoke's marched in front of the room of men and women both rearing to take on the day. Veins protruded against his alburn skin and pulsed with experienced strength. Shin eyed his curly chocolate hair, sensing an odd recognition towards him. "First order of business, I'm pleased to announce that we have some new recruits in the room with us from the police academy at the neighboring town. Why don't you stand up?"

Shin and Terry along with the other eight students pushed themselves up proudly from their desks as the older officers politely clapped. Shin suddenly felt a nudge on his shoulder, turning to Terry. "Hey, look, remember her?" He tilted his head in the direction of a lean, but well-built young woman with a honey blond ponytail. She stood poised with her icy blue eyes fixed on the man before them, unblinking.

Shin had seen her around the campus on occasions, but from what he heard about her, she had scored perfectly on all physical and academic exams throughout the entire semester. He had to admit that he had gained much respect for her abilities, in fact, he was quite intimidated. He never saw her around in any groups, let alone associate with anyone at all. She was always isolated, which filled Shin to the brim with a bitter familiarity.

"Jeez, does she even have an expression?" Terry whispered, a grotesque tinge in his tone. Shin replied with a shrug, trying his best not to be disrespectful.

The man finally gave a nod to them all. "I hear you all were top in your class by a surprising amount. Well done and welcome to the APF." A cluster of applause filled the room once more and the young adults sat back down. "Since we have our new recruits, I'll be explaining basic procedures today to get them accustomed here."

"Oh thank Arceus they're not that cruel," Shin caught Terry murmuring under his breath.

"To get any confusion out of the way, I am not this section's designated chief. You will be meeting her shortly, but be warned that even if you are fresh from the academy, some of you, based on your previous performances, will be tending to some major incidents that have been happening on the island and will be expected to handle these in an appropriate manner. Alola is a sinister place despite what you may think." Shin found himself bobbing his head, tracing a faint nick on his knuckle from falling on the asphalt.

Just then, a firm knock sounded from the translucent door to the room. "Ah, that must be her," the man said, gathering his documents and a single greatball that laid as almost a paperweight on top of them. "I'll leave you all to it. If any of you need me, my name is Charles. Good luck." He was gone as soon as the door swung open, leaving the officers to talk amongst themselves briefly.

Many of the older officers began introducing themselves to the recruits, and Shin couldn't help but try to glance at the girl from before. He noticed that she was attempting not to meet anyone's gaze, distancing herself from the senior sitting next to her in almost a callous fashion.

After some muttering in the hallway, the door opened once more, and Shin was surprised to watch as a middle-aged woman strutted to the podium. Her face bore bold makeup, which matched her long, claw-like scarlet nails that tapped the wood of the stand in a rhythmic pattern. All sights rested on her and the room grew quiet except for a few stray sentences.

"Uh oh, I wonder who it'll be next," a voice snickered from the corner. Shin tensed.


The woman then curved her ruby lips before speaking. "Officers, wonderful to see you today. For those of you who are new recruits, I am Chief Executive Jaderine. I expect you to follow my orders carefully and diligently during our time working together." Her voice was like the purr of a Liepard. Her deep evergreen eyes seemed to scan the mass of people in front of her as she flaunted her pigeoned chest. "Let's not waste any more time. I will call your names into teams to be working on your tasks for today."

The woman began listing unfamiliar individuals in a booming volume who each stepped up to retrieve their paperwork and report back to their desks. She made sure that they each did so in an orderly manner, studying each of them as they presented themselves in front of her.

She then rustled through a manilla folder labeled in bright red ink, raising her eyebrows as she read it over. "Shin Harper, Terry Wolfhart, and Wendy Connor. You will be investigating a possible drug business downtown. Reports say that some citizens have stumbled across an assumed trade between some men near the facility. I expect you to search the scene for any dealers or stray evidence of drugs and report your findings back to the seniors. If any trouble out of your capabilities occurs, you have access and command over the fire and medical brigades if necessary, understood?"

The three recruits nodded, making their way up to the chief to grab their papers. Terry began reaching for the folder until another hand swiftly snatched it up and opened it. The two men turned to the girl next to them. "It's you!" Terry cried at the blond young lady. He whipped back into focus. "Come on, we need to see this too!"

Wendy returned his complaint with an intense glare. She snapped the folder shut as if she had already read the entire report. "I need this for formulating our plan," she said simply, her tone flat. "You wouldn't understand any of it anyway." With a quick adjustment of her azure headband, she trekked back to her desk, leaving Shin and Terry speechless.

"The hell's her deal?" Terry growled.

Shin let out a stressed sigh as he rubbed his forehead. "Well, we have no choice. We're working with her, at least for today," he tried answering as calmly as he could. "I'll ask the chief if she has a copy." Shin glided over to Jaderine, who was wrapping a tie around her jet black hair. "Excuse me, Cheif Executive Jaderine?"

Her gaze suddenly locked on Shin's and she stopped all movement as her eyes flickered with intimate interest. "Anything wrong, dear?" Her tone had abruptly shifted into one of a curious gentleness, which caught the man off guard for a moment. Shin felt chills course down his spine as she spoke, but he refused to be subdued by her altered personality.

He exhaled, straightening himself. "I'd like to know if you have an extra copy of the evidence for Terry and me to look at," he explained. "Wendy seems to want one for herself."

Jaderine smirked, her lips parting to flash her pearly white teeth. "Don't you children know how to share by now?" she mused at him. Shin could smell her fragrant perfume as she tapped her nail against her caked chin. It wafted through his nose and almost knocked him out.

Her voice wasn't scornful. It was almost... playful?

Shin gulped. "I just don't want to bother her is all." He found himself fidgetting uncomfortably and taking short glances away from the woman's face. "She's a very independent person from what I've heard."

Jaderine let out a small breath of air from her nose as if to laugh at the situation handed to her. She then reached her hand onto the table behind her, pulling out another manilla folder with the same text. "This is my copy. I don't usually let the others take them, but I'll make an exception for you." Her expression glistened with intrigue as Shin took it from her. He bowed his head slightly in respect, just as his mother taught him to do as a child to his elders.

"Thank you, Cheif Executive Jaderine." He began to lift up when his face was met with her index finger, which was hovered over his mouth as if to silence him.

"Just call me Jade." With a wink, she dismissed the room to go about their tasks and exited with her confident swagger.

Shin stood there in a daze, thinking all of what just happened over. He had to blink to make sure it wasn't just his imagination. Terry hurried over to his side, seemingly aggravated at something. "What happened? What was she saying to you?" he almost demanded to his friend.

Shin shook his head, pushing what he had witnessed into the back of his memory. "She gave me one of her copies," he replied, opening up the folder to reveal its contents. "And cool it, Ter, there's nothing to get riled up about. Remember? We'll make it through this together."

Terry shifted his eyes agitatedly as if he wanted to object before heaving a sigh. "Alright, what's in it?" he inquired, seemingly brushing off Shin's last comment. Shin examined the first string of text.



The monotonous ring of Wendy's word caused the two men to whip around in her direction. In her hand, she held two sheets of looseleaf paper with an abundance of notes and diagrams along with the original folder tucked neatly under arm. She pushed past the boys and set her notes down on the desktop. "This is how we'll be approaching the building without arousing any suspicion, so pay attention."

Shin and Terry exchanged anxious looks with each other for a short moment, soon submitting their ears to Wendy's failsafe plan of attack.

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