Sketch dump

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Some of these are kinda old, some are WIPs, I have other sketches but I don't wanna look for 'em plus most of 'em are on random assignments!! Excuse the camera quality, itspart of why I don't usually post. That and 'cause I'm not a huge fan of digital art!! But I'm trying to get better!!

First is a sketch of my new-ish character!! I made this one around Halloween time!! The concept being a pirate dressed as a trick or treater!! I'm still really happy with the concept and this particular design!!! No shading though because I had considered coloring it in!!

Here is another sketch I did a bit after of a more formal outfit for the character!! The texturing doesn't show up too well but the lined areas have a sparkly tool texture!! and there is quite a bit of lace in the design that took a bit of effort!!

And then a really bad ballerina drawing of the character!!! Not sure why it's sideways!! Also a lot of lace texture!! I wouldn't call it a finished drawing as I drew it in a more rough sketchy style!!

A pile of unfinished character designs I never finished!! Not really too happy with any of these but they were fun to do anyways!!

Old sketch from the beginning of the year!! (School year that is!!)

Annnddd another unfinished sketch from the beginning of the school year that I was quite happy with!!

Also a drawing of one of my characters!! This time in like a twenties inspired getup... Yeah I just wanted to draw a bunch of jewels and stuff!! Also sideways!! Also I know it's not twenties I wanted it to be the sorta hodgepodge semi-comfortable outfit that this character prefers!! I think it fits her quite well!!

Hmmm, not sure whether I should show off some of the digital stuff or wait till they are finished, I think I'll wait till they're finished!!
But spoilers I'm working on some concept art for a comic idea involving adult Super Why characters being very pissed off, confused, and bad at spelling!!

I also have some other sketches but I don't really feel like showing it off, so thanks for reading/viewing!!! :3

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