Yeah, Another Contest Entry: Hanahaki Disease

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This one was pretty fun!! I've been practicing my digital art, I should proly show off some of the sketches sometime!!

Anyways I did a hybridization of my usual style and base coats so it would be faster, it did not work and unfortunately this drawing went unfinished :(

But the due date is tomorrow so Imma post this now, when I have the time!!

I rather wish I had finished it but I had quite a few challenges with it! First off I'm rather unhappy with the skin, it doesn't have much color in it and looks... off. Second the eyes look pretty bad XD, I need to work on my eyes, which kinda bugs me because eyes used to be the part I was best at. And there's also the hair... I don't know why I have so much trouble with these things digitally, I do them fine traditionally... I'd like to think I would have finished them better but I sincerely doubt that I would be able to without much more struggling!

Does anyone have any advice on digital?

Anyways! I also deleted the skirt layer on accident two times!!! Which is quite humorous, looking back on it!!

I had planned to make the dress have a lot of flowers and embroidery and light colored gems on it, and then the more colorful flower accessories you see there, and then the dark almost gothic flowers that would come from the hanahaki disease.
This probably shouldn't have taken me anywhere near as long as it did but I was actually having a lot of issue designing the drawing, which is weird because normally when I draw the design is the part I enjoy the most!! I suspect it was the topic, I'll admit I'm not much of a fan of pastel flower dresses but it could have been the medium, digital really trips me up for some reason and I'm not sure why, oh well nothing a little practice won't fix!!

The unfiniched look rather grates my nerves but it might be a while before I go back and finish this. Her hand is supposed to be holding a basket of the dark flowers but I didn't have time to add it. This is very unfinished, I apologize but it looked really fun to enter for so here it is!!

Anyways!! Sorry about all the negativity in this update I just had a lot of struggles with this and didn't really get anywhere, though I suppose there are some really cool bits to it!!
Like the face looked better when the mouth was uncovered, also the lips had a lip glossy look, (that got covered up)

Here, lemme show you (Also without the floral thing on the shoulder)

On second thought maybe it doesn't...

Wanna see a really funny progress pic of the original "sketch"?

Also I kinda freaked out towards the end and was freaking out a bit and was thinking "what the heck, I can't finish this!" and decided to just slap something together-

And then I thought yeahhh, no. Imma just go back to the original right about now....

I remember originally I was gonna go for some makeup on the face but I don't really know how to draw that, does anyone have any advice for drawing makeup?

Anyways!! Thanks for reading/viewing!! It seems I had quite a bit to say so good job bearing through it!!
Seeya next update!! (Which should be quite soon, Imma do a mario art dump and possibly another contest entry!! And maybe some of the random sketches I did and maybe a drawing I did for a friend and maybe a draw this again thing, but not sure!!)

Once again, thanks!!!

Edit: This ended up posted later than intended

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