Chapter 18: Whose Birthday?

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Happy Birthday! Well, in here, of course.

Marco's birthday already passed, so he's 15 and you and Star are 14. I mixed all the request in this chapter. This is like a month later



You open your eyes to see darkness, just darkness. Where are you? This place doesn't ring a bell. You found a nearby source of light. It was a lamp. You picked it up and started wandering. The ground you're stepping on was a bit rocky, but it has the ratio of grass in it. You can feel it tickling against ypur bare legs.The light was slowly growing and it soon glowed everywhere.

"Mewni," you whispered. "Why am I here?"

You walk further and you arrived inside the palace. You soon entered a room, a familar room.

"The Grandma Room."

It was filled with previous princesses who ruled Mewni, including your mom, Moon Butterfly. She already showed this to you.

In the center of the room, was a stand. And on the stand was a (gem) encrusted gem around a silver tiara. Next to it is a staff and a (f/c) cape. You walked towards it and feel your hands through the soft fabric. You read something.

Y/N Butterfly.

A sound came which you heard. You turn around and saw a sewing machine. It was moving and it was making something. Your eyes shifted upwards the machine and you saw an unfinished tapestry.

"Y/N!" Someone yelled.

"Huh?" You asked yourself. A sudden image flashed through your mind.

"Y/N!" Someone yelled again.

The image flashed again. It was a person.


The person has dark, brown hair as the image flashed again.


"WAKE UP!" Someone hits you with a pillow.

"Agh!" You scream. "Star, don't wake me up so early in a Saturday!" You roll to your side and hug the nearest pillow. So warm...

She hits you again with a pillow. "BUT YOU NEED TO WAKE UP! NOW!"

"What's the occasion this time?"

You hear her whimper. "Y/N, it's our birthday!"

You groan. "I know, Star," you say as you begin to fall into slumber.


"I am up! I'll be there in a sec."

Star pouts, although you don't see her. "You're such a lazy potato."

"Potatoes are fabulous creatures." You didn't know where that came from, but it's true.


As you walk downstairs, already dressed, you see Star and Marco eating breakfast. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Y/N!"

"Happy Birthday, Star," you greet back.

"Happy Birthday, Y/N," Marco says as he raises another spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

You smile. "Thanks, Marco." At the corner of your eye, you see your silly sister wiggling her eyebrows. 'Shut up', you mutter before zapping your wand towards her arm.

"Ow!" Star complains while she rubs the part where she's been hit. "Why'd you do that?"

"I didn't do anything." You shrug innocently. "I think you hit yourself."

Marco, who saw the whole thing, covers his mouth with his hand and starts laughing quietly. You smile at this.


"So, Y/N! Do you want me to invite the whole school, or Mewni?" Star asks you.

"Don't invite Mewni, Star," you say.

"Alright." She writes the names of the whole school. "Done!"

"Cool." You check out the names.

△◆△◆ so many timeskips brought to you by Phillip dying! Now go cry like a baby >:(

"MEGA SUPER BIRTHDAY BASH BLAST!" Star cast and the wand does its tricks. The living room was now filled with various decorations. Streamers, confettis, and a large birthday cake in the center of the room with two mini figures sitting on top of it, surrounded by candles. 15 candles, to be exact.

You point your wand towards the wall. A banner appears with the words written, "Happy Birthday, Y/N and Star!"

Star walks towards the banner and holds her chin. "Hm..." She zaps the banner and it turns into, "Happy Birthday, Star and Y/N!"

You roll your eyes while Star giggles. Marco comes down after a minute. "Woah, nice party," he comments.

Star grins. "Marco, it's not starting yet!"

"Already looks great."

"Thanks to you and your parents for letting us have our birthday here while they're in another country." You smile.

"Uh... y-yeah, of course! I mean, the both of you live here and... I'm― we're glad you're here," Marco stutters. You chuckle as you fiddle with the knot that's been stuck.

While you're not looking, Star approaches Marco and wiggles her own eyebrows at him and smirks. He was confused, but pushes her away.

◆△◆△ another timeskip because ham aims the pistol at the sky― wAIT!

"Happy Birthday, Y/N!" Other students start to pile inside the house. They gave you their gift, as well for Star. No sign for Janna and Hope...

Don't forget Jackie!


Jackie! That chick who Marco's crushing on?

Oh! Jackie! I thought she was dead alread―!

"Y/N!" Star's scream echoes through your ears. "Y/N!"

"What?" You turn around.

"Where's Janna, Hope and Jackie?"

"I don't know," you answer with a shrug. "Maybe they're just fashionably late."

More people begin to conversate with each other and start to eat the foods. Ponyhead arrive just minutes later.

"Ponyhead!" Star shouts as she hugs her head. "You came!"

"Of course, girl! Wouldn't miss my best friends' birthday for the world! Now let's party!" Ponyhead divvy up to the speakers and turns the volume on. Students immediately dance on the dancefloor.

Soon enough, the three girls arrive. Star sees them and instantly pulls them all in a hug. "Happy Birthday, Star!" They all chorus and give her a present.

"Oh! Don't forget my twin sister, too!" Star reminds.

"Happy Birthday, dude," Janna says.

Hope giggles before scopping you into a bone-crushing hug. "Happy Birthday, Star's sister!"

The last one was Jackie. You walk towards her slowly. Before you could react, Jackie already hugs you. You were hesitant to hug her back. Heck, you don't even want to do it because you hate her so much. "Happy Birthday, Y/N." She mutters before pulling away without giving you the chance to hug back.

"Let's go inside!" Star invites. You left yourself outside the house and breathe.

But cutting you off is a rumbling sound. The ground was shaking before it splits open filled with fiery red colors. A familiar carriage appears. Oh, you know all that too well from who's its owner of the carriage.

Star's ex walks outside of his carriage, taking off his sunglasses. You're agitated fairly enough to rip his eyeballs off.

He takes his glasses off. "Hello, Butterfly twin. It's a pleasure to see you again." He takes your hand and kiss your knuckles as he says, "Happy Birthday."

"Tom." You pull your hand back and wipe it against your clothes. "Why are you here?" 

"I'm here to give you and your sister a special gift."

"No one cares, so why won't you, um... shoo! Go away!" You tell him, but he still doesn't move.

Your sister suddenly came to view. She's with Janna. "Hey, Y/N! Why won't you go insi..." she trails off. "Tom?! What are you doing here?!"

"I came to greet the both of you a happy birthday!"

"Not needed. So why don't you go back down there?" Star refused.

Tom groans. "Oh, come on! I've changed, Star. I'm not mad all the time anymore."

She sighs. "Okay. Just one time! If you let out your anger in a bad way again, you're going home."

"Okay, okay, fine." Tom rolls his eyes until it lands on a girl beside Star. "And who's she?"

"This is Janna," you introduce.

"And this is Tom, Janna," Star continues. "Tom's a demon."

"A demon?" Janna stares at Tom in awe. "That's so cool!"

"You think so?" Tom asks.

"Of course, dude!"

Tom's pupil dilated and becomes larger as he looks at Janna. They seem to be in a staring contest as you and Star have one on your own.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Yep," you respond.

You both take a deep breath and from the bottom of your heart scream, "JANNTOM!"

Tom breaks the stare. "Wait, Jan―wha?"

"JANTOM! Your ship name with Janna!" Star says excitedly and starts to jump up and down.

"The two of you are so perfect together!"

Tom rolls his three eyes once more, as Janna ignores the squeals and teasing.

"Oh right! I forgot to tell you." Tom walks over his carriage. "Meet my little sister."

"Little sister? You never told me anything about a sister!" Star frowns.

He puts up a smirk on his face. "There are some things you never really knew about me, Star." He opens the door and a mini version of himself appears.

The girl-demon jumps down and walks towards you. "Hi! I'm Ally." She has Tom's features only it was a bit more girly. She wears a lavender dress and white doll shoes. Her hair as in a ponytail. Also with three eyes.

"Aww! It's so adorable!" Star gushes. She kneels down on Ally's height. "Hi, Ally! My name is Star Butterfly. This girl is Y/N, and her name is Janna."

"Hey, kid," you greet as you smile at her.


An hour pass and the party is non-stop. Even Skullnick joined the party. The Diaz's on their vacation must've been enjoying theirselves and all of you hope that their trip should last a little longer.

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" The crowd screams, cheering for your Math teacher, who's chugging Mountain Dew. (No sleep tonight for you! Better chug that Mountain Dew~ i'll give a cookie for whoever gets the song reference)


"Both birthday girls, please come here at the front," Marco announces as he brings out a three-tier (flavor) cake with two mini figures sitting on the third tier.

Star pulls you through the crowd. "Here we are!" The two of you stand, facing the students of Echo Creek.

"Who has messages for them?" Marco says before any person raises their hands. "Justin?"

"Oh, I just wanted to say, THE BUTTERFLYS RULE!"

The crowd cheer.


"Happy Birthday to you!"

You and Star both blow your candles at the same time, (Kinda like what Dip and Mabes did in the finale) wishes coming true. The people cheer for the newly 15 year olders. You open your eyes with happiness. You're finally 15 now! Gosh... time pass by so quickly.

Star hugs you tightly, out of breath. She lets you go after a solid 2 minutes and the speaker booms again one last time while people eat cake.


"Thanks for coming, guys!" Star waves goodbye. The remaining people help you, Star and Marco to clean up the mess. That compose of you, Marco, Star, Janna, Hope and... Jackie.

"Thanks for introducing me to that awesome demon guy, Star and Y/N." Janna says, sweeping the confettis.

"So you do like him, Janna!" Star points her finger to the said person.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't."

"Tom's sister is cute, don't you think?"

"Oh yeah! So adorbs with those cute clothes!"


"Bye, guys! Thanks for helping us up!" You say.

"No problem!"

Jackie was the only one left. She's talking to Marco and the boy was indeed nervous and flustered. The only thing you heard was... "So, Friday?"

"Friday." You hear Marco responds.

"Ok! See you at school, Marco!"

You felt a unfamiliar feeling in your chest that seems to be beating out of control. You look away and continue to sweep the floors.

After Jackie left, Marco screams and approaches you, excitement filling his features. "Y/N! You won't believe what happened earlier!"

"What?" You put on a convincing, yet fake smile. Luckily, he bought it.

"So, we're cleaning and Jackie walked to me and told me to go to prom this Friday! And I said yes!"


i'm going to die now ― i mean sleep.

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