Chapter 20: Bon Bon

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Heyyy, our special 20! Thanks for the 30k reads. REALLY APPRECIATE THE EFFORT, GUYS. Sorry for the long wait.



"Yeah, sure."

"Great!" Janna exclaims. "We expect you to be there, Y/N!"

"For the great return of Bon Bon the Birthday Clown!" Star chimes in.

"Bon Bon?" You question. "Who's that?"

"Oh, I will tell you."

△◆△◆ <--- i'll call you Billie

After Janna had volunteered to explain the whole trick candles, there was a door slamming open all of the sudden, coming from the living room. "Star, I'm home!" A voice shouts.

"Oh, that's Marco, better go downstairs!" Star states and run downstairs.

"Hey, Marcoooo~" she greets. "So, did you pick a nice shirt for the prom?"

"Uh, yeah," Marco replies as he tries to hide his anger. "Is Janna still there?"

Star nods. "Yeah!" He groans inwardly. "We're playing a board game with Y/N. Would you like to join, Marco?"

At the mention of your name, Marco winces. "Oh. N-no thanks, Star. I have to... take a nap after a long day at the mall."

"Oh!" She jumps, making him jump too. "By the way, Janna, Y/N, and I are about to witness a birthday clown seance! Want to come this Friday?"

Clearly not in the mood, Marco raises one of his eyebrows. "Don't you remember what you just asked minutes ago?" He sighs. "I'm going to a prom, so I don't have time for a clown ressurection."

Star freezes in shock. She never seen Marco in this state. "Uh, okay. You could join our game later."

Or never, he rolls his eyes that Star luckily didn't notice. "I'll be in my room," he retorted before doing so.

After Marco was gone, Star shrugs and goes to ascend into her own room.

△◆△◆ Friday

Marco faces the mirror and stares at his reflection seriously as the radio plays out Mexican music. "Okay," he says to himself and reaching to get his personal essentials and hygiene. Marco smells the cologne before spraying it in a spot. He closes his eyes and brace himself for the scent― until he trips over a body. Marco screams, pulling his towel higher. "Janna?! What are you doing here?!"

Another person pops up above the sink with Janna and gets the radio. "Oh, Star and I needed some supplies for the clown seance. Thanks, Marco!"

"Aw, now my butt smells like cologne," he complains.

Janna slaps his butt, which Marco jumps and his cheeks are now tinted pink. "Yeah. Smells good." To prove her point, she smell the scent and hums in satisfaction.

Interrupting their conversation is a doorbell.

"Oh no, that's Jackie!" Marco panics and quickly runs to the nearest door he could find. Unfortunately, he stumbled upon a closet. He comes out, panting. "Wh-where's my room?!"

Janna and Star points to where his room is and that's where Marco runs to next. The two come down the stairs with their stuffs. "I'll get it!" Star shouts when the doorbell rings the second time. Before going to the door, she sees you, plopped on the couch. "Y/N, why didn't you get it?"

"I'm too lazy."

Ignoring your monotone reply, Star opens the door and sees Jackie in a blue green dress. You glance up and didn't say a word.

"Jackie, you look like the ocean!" Star gasps and hold her hands. Meanwhile, you scoff inwardly. Yeah, she looks like the urchins. You joke and smile to yourself, but cutting your smile is a shout. "Y/N, come see Jackie!"

Marco's parents soon enter the room with their camera and a slow song suddenly plays. Where the hell did that song come from?

A spotlight appears on the top of the stairs and the main man steps in, all dressed up and tidy. Marco smirks down, obviously at Jackie which made her heart flutter and unfortunately,

So was yours.

Your heart pangs and beats rapidly out of your chest. Attempting to hide your flustered face, you look away and cross your arms. Marco continues to walk downstairs until he reaches the ground floor and straight towards Jackie.

"You... look perfect," he breathes.

After hearing those words, it brought you back to time when you followed Star to the Blood Moon Ball.

Marco's glare glances up at you and his eyes instantly widen. You give him a weak, small side-smile, placing a strand of your (h/c) hair behind your ear.

He blushes. "You... look perfect."

Your eyes light up. "R-really?"


Jackie smiles, her eyes are still twinkling in both amazement and giddyness.

"Y/N!" Rafael calls you, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Would you mind taking a picture of the two lovebirrrds?"

You shake your head. "Oh. Uh, no. No, I can take a picture." At the corner of your eye is Janna nudging Star on the side. You roll your eyes before taking the camera and lifting it.

Your eyes stare at Marco who's on the camera screen, smiling. You sigh before pressing the shutter and it captures the moment. The two finally walk out of the house and go to their prom.

"C'mon, Y/N! We need to go to the cemetery!" Janna pulls your arm but you pull away.

"I have to get something first," you say before running to your room. As you reach the bag you packed, you trip onto something. You look down and see the book of spells and that it was open. "Glossaryck?" You ask.

The said creature jumps out of the book and stares at you. "Yes?"

"Nothing, I thought you were dead or something," you reply and continue to get your bag.

Glossaryck floats towards you. "Hey, hey, hey, hey! Where do you think you're going, missy?"

"Just going to a clown seance with Star and Janna."

At this, the book creature lights up. "Ooh! Can I come too?"

"Oh, sure," you answer and carry the straps of the backpack. "Come on." Glossaryck squeals before following you.

"Guys," you say. "Glossaryck's coming with."

Star squeals. "Yay! Glossaryck's coming with us!"

The four of you exit the house and on your way to the cemetery to witness Bon Bon's great return.


As for Marco and Jackie, they walk towards the school prom. Jackie is still smiling, while the boy is obviously nervous. I mean, he's been waiting this for his entire life! He can't miss the opportunity.

"So," Marco starts. "What's your favorite food?"

"Oh, I can't just think one―

"No way, mine too!" Marco grins fakely, probably practiced it a million times.

"Wait, what?" Jackie was confused.

He groans in disappointment before she notices an ink smudged across his cheeks. Suspiciously, Jackie takes Marco's hand to see three questions.

"Seriously, Marco?" Jackie asks. The said boy laughs nervously and rubs the nape of his neck. "You shouldn't be nervous around me. In fact, I was a bit nervous before because I'm going to a prom with the greatest kid in the whole school."

Hearing those motivating words, Marco calms down and smiles at her. The two of them continue walking.


They finally arrive as the lights shimmer. Marco and Ja―you know what? Jarco enters the gym. "Alright, let's see here." Jackie examines around. She sees basketball players who probably didn't cancel their game, Principal Skeetz or whatever is handing corsages to the students, the popular couple of the school are dancing― until Ms. Skullnick tears them apart, lecturing about no approximate closeness. Marco sighs while Jackie rolls her eyes. A moment later, she sighs. "I shouldn't have ask you to the prom."

He sighs too, knowing that she's right. He looks down.

"I should've asked you out on a date."

Real smooth, Jackie Lynn, thought the narrator.

Marco's eyes widen.

To hear that Jackie asked him out on an actual date, had his heart pumping and beating, to the point that it can blow up any second. Marco's cheeks heat up and freezes.

Any minute now, Jackie thoughts.


You sigh and kick a pebble on the way to the gate of ceremony. Your mind wanders to when you took Jarco a picture together. Star notices this while Janna and Glossaryck argue about a clown's nose. She elbows your side, causing you to yelp. "Star..." you warn.

"Hey, what's wrong, (nickname)?"

"Oh. It's nothing," you reply back.

"Nope." Star shakes her head. "I know, there's a problem, Y/N. You can't hide it from me, we're sisters!"

You plaster a small smile on your face before entering yourself to the small broken gap of the gate as well as Star.

"No," Janna interrupts. "It's made of plastic!"

Glossaryck closes his eyes. "I disagree. The nose is made of meat that worms would've probably eaten it."

"Guys, guys." You come inbetween the two. "We need to start up and find Bon Bon's grave. That way, we can start, decorate and wait for Bon Bon's return!"

"Yeah!" Janna and Star shouts in chorus.
You start to find Bon Bon's grave and stone. After a few minutes, Janna shouts, "I found it!" You and Star go to find where the voice is and finally see Janna, removing a few vines and leaves.

The stone has a message. "'I will return'," Star reads.

"Just like his candles!" You, Star and Janna say at the same time. "Great! Let's start!"

You pick up a few bottles and candles from Star's backpack and begin to wrap it around vines while your sister help arrange the candles. You tighten the vines. While doing so, you can't help bit think.

What is this I'm feeling?

"Hey, Y/N," Star whispers. "The dare~"


"Nothing." Your confidence starts to build up as you lift your head high to look at his brown eyes. In one quick breath, you tell him, "I just wanted to tell you that this is just a 'dare'." before swiftly tilting his head as you kiss his cheek one time.


He continues to laugh. "You're just so cute when you're awkward and nervous!" He blurts out. After he realized what he said, Marco's face goes red. "I-I... I- mean, I ―"

"Cute? Awkward?"

"Uh... yeah. I did say that, but― you know! I'm just joking." He nervously chuckles as he rubs his neck.

Why are these coming back to me? Do I... like... Marco?

No. I do not like him. I don't like Marco. He doesn't even like me back! Wait, why are you assuming he'll even like me back? Are you out of your mind, Y/N? What the Heckapoo are you thinking? Ugh. You gotta get him out of your mind, he already has Jackie. Atleast he has someone who like him back for who he is.

"No, she didn't! "

"Guess we're not friends after all."


I do not like Marco Diaz.


"Okay, so you like―stir it around and it's done!" Marco instructs to Jackie about his favorite drink, sitting in a park bench.

Jackie smiles and takes a drink. A few moments later, she starts to cough all of the drink to the point of almost vomiting her food. "Ugh, Marco? What is this?"

Marco frowns. "What? Is it that bad? I-I mean―" he takes a drink of his cup, but seconds later, he starts to cough very loudly, making Jackie laugh.

She closes her eyes. "So, safe kid,"

"A-actually, I'm not the―"

"What do you want to do next?" Jackie cuts off. Not even waiting for Marco's answer, she has an idea. "Oh! I have an idea!" She stands up and pulls two helmets under her dress. I mean, where did those even come from?

Alarmed, Marco panics. "O-Oh, you didn't have to do this, Jackie. I-"

"It's okay," she interrupts once more and pulls out her skateboard. "I can teach you." She pulls Marco up the chair and with that, Marco unawaringly placed his phone on the bench and walks to the skateboard.

◆△◆△ an hour later

"Wooh!" Marco screams out of excitement. His adrenaline pumping, he never been this quite 'unsafe' before. "I finally did it!" He raises his arms but accidentally slips forwards, pulling Jackie with him. Jarco roll on the sidewalk until it ends with Jackie on top of Marco.

They stare in each other's eyes, their face blushing as well. He shakes his head and pulls her up.

"I'm sorry I just did that," Marco apologizes. Jackie walks towards her skateboard. It's completely destroyed because of the impact. She gets the broken toy and frowns. This was a gift from her cousin and itls her favorite color, too.

"N-no..." Jackie mumbles. "It's o-okay."

"Um..." he stutters, not knowing what to do. "I'm so sorry, Jackie."

She turns around. "Nope, it's comoletely okay. I mean, it's not like... it really means anything to me and my cousin gave it to me so... really, it's no big deal." Jackie plasters a big, but fake grin. "So!" She holds his hand. "Want to go for a walk, Diaz?"


Another voicemail. It's been like this for the rest of the night. Star was asleep, while Janna was distracting herself with Glossaryck. You sit against the wall and call Marco's number again. He didn't even pick up the 36th try. You call again before giving up quickly when you heard the same message.

You groan. Do I really have a crush on him?

"My crush... is Marco Diaz."

"My crush... is Jackie Lynn Thomas."

So they're really meant for each other. They like each other, so it's only appropriate that they should be together.

Plus, Janna, Star, Hope and I ship Jarco! Well... until I saw Jackie's true colors when she told me to stay away from him.

"I want you to stay away from Marco."

But in the unluckiest of luck, I got Mewberty and Star asked Marco to freaking help me with the situation! Now that's gotten Jackie so pissed.

I mean, Marco has been a great friend to me when I got here. He helped me throught the year.

So, do I like him?

Or not?

Janna cuts off your train of thoughts by shouting, "WOAH, WHO'S THAT?"

You turn around, your eyes dilating as you stare.

"Hello, Princess."


Jarco stops and look at each other whilst still holding each other's hands. They're under the moonlight, stars illuminating around their features.

"Marco," Jackie starts. "I had fun tonight."
He smiles. "Me too."

She starts leaning in for a kiss as she closes her eyes. Marco blushes bit goes on with it. He closes his eyes. And then, he felt it. Her soft lips crashing against his.

But until he comes into a thought.

(3rd POV)

Jackie had a little... change tonight. She started when she interrupted Marco when he's talking, more than a few times, actually, like she doesn't care what he thinks. And about the skateboard, oh... she was infuriated about it.

The question is, does Jackie really cared about him? His mind goes off to Y/N. Didn't he notice? She's been helping him since he told her about the prom. The preparing, the questions─ everything he needs to know. Y/N was just left behind. He wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for her.

She is really a good friend to him since she saved him from a monster. Y/N was always along side with him the whole time and the adviser when it comes to Jackie


"No, she didn't!" Marco pushed you, and you fall on the floor hard.

You stay silent and gasp intently. You look down. "Wow..." you chuckle sadly. "Guess we're not friends after all."

"What? Y/N, how could you say that, of course we're friends!" Marco reasons out. You stand out and stary to walk away. You won't be helping him with his problem, then. "Y/N!" He grabs your arm.

You pull back harshly. "Don't. Touch me." You hiss and walk away again.

Instead of feeling sorry, Marco scowls. "Fine! I don't need you! I don't need your help anyway! I can do this myself!"

Everytime it would put him back to that situation, he would receive a pang in his heart everytime you say that.

"Guess we're not friends after all."

I was really a big jerk then, thought Marco. He pushed you when you didn't have the time to explain. He didn't believe you. And you acclaim that you're nt best friends. After all, relationships rely on trust, this involves friendships. You trusted Marco, but I guess he didn't even trust you to believe you.

You are really a good friend to him, perhaps he wanted it to be 'more of a friend'?

But why is he with Jackie?

Marco opens his eyes, still in a kissing position. All around him seems to be red, so he looks up high and see the Blood Moon Ball. His eyes widen. The Blood Moon Ball.

"Alright. Gather round, for the commencing of the Blood Moon Ball, where two souls will be bind together for eternity."


And as if on cue, the red spotlight from the sky and the music turns on. Your mind seems to control your body as you and the stranger glide through the dancefloor with people--- I mean creatures and monsters. His eyes silently stares into yours and so do you.

Two souls. Bind together for eternity.

For eternity.

Marco snaps out of it and pushed Jackie off. "I'm sorry, Jackie, I can't do this."

Jackie was astounded. "What? I like you! Marco, you said you have a crush on me!"

"Had." Marco has enough and stomp his way towards the bench where he left his phone. He turns it on to see 37 missed calls from you. Marco gasps before he runs away. Something's wrong.

"Marco!" Jackie calls. He turns around swiftly. She was crying. Marco didn't hesitate to turn around and run again, away from the girl who was once his crush. Jackie kneels in her knees on the ground, wiping away the sorrow she feels.


"Mystic Room Suck Transport!" You yell and the guys in black are suck into a portal.

Star jumps up high. "Fantastic Mermaid Tornado!" She shouts. Janna was protecting Glossaryck and the Book of Spells, so she might be hiding from somewhere.

"Rainbow Fistbump!" You scream again and it attacks.

"Y/N!" Star calls. "You and Marco are not probably in the best of terms now, but you have to call him!"' She panics and waves her wand. "Mega Narwhal Blast!"

You jump, but unfortunately, someone had caught your leg. It was a buffer man in a black suit too. "You're not going anywhere, Princess Y/N."

"How do you know my name?! And let go of me!" You pull your leg, but it was no use. The other guy tosses Star's wand and scissors probably far far away. You try to squirm but how?

"Give me that wand." The man holding you, takes it without your consent.


He also takes your dimensional scissor and opens a portal in the air.

"Y/N, no!" Star shouts in panic. No. You're in danger, and she can't help without her wand. She tries to stand up and go for her sister but the guy holding her was tough and strong. "Y/N!"

"Star!" You reach for her, but with the approximately 15 inches apart, you can't do anything.

"You're going with us, Princess."

"NO!" Star screams in agony as her eyes prickles with tears. Other men already escaped using their own dimensional scissors. She wants to follow you, bit without her scissors? It's useless.

A young boy stands by the grave, breathing heavily. He sees Star crying, as well as Janna and the book coming towards her.

"Hey... where's Y/N?" Marco asks.

Star, crying, she doesn't want to say it. "She was taken away. Sh-she's gone.... Marco."

"What?" He mumbles. His eyes dilated and gasps, kneeling down as he realize...
She's gone.



oh is this not the right time?

Boom cliffhanger! Your weaknesses

So yeah. Before u leave, listen to this calming rant for a minute.

So.... i just watched Starcrushed and Face the Music and it was a good episode :) i can't wait for season 3. I love how the episode is like- ooh suspense then it moves to I THNK EARTH─

Yeah, oh and Patrick Stump was there and his voice was amazing as usual.

I figured that i would just publish it now since i'm doing something and i'm very busy, so why not finish that chapter now? it's 12:28 am here and i neeed to fucking sleep for school tomorrow. Hope i could see comments tomorrow morning

Thank you for commenting on my q and a chapter, i really appreciated the effort guys. oh and wow, my hands hurt. I can't type anymore jeez.

And holy shit 3000+ words. Hallelujah


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