Chapter 22: Need Some Help?

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"It's here somewhere... aha!" Star says and kneels to get her wand. "Here it is! But I can't find my scissors!" She keeps on finding, as well as Marco and Janna. Ten minutes later into searching Star's dimensional scissors, no result. They didn't find the missing scissor.

"Ugh, I give up!" Marco puts his head in his hands. "We're running out of time! Can't we find Y/N in a much easier way?" 

Suddenly, an idea comes across Janna's mind. "Oh! I got it!"

"What is it?" The both confused teens ask.

"You just have to follow me." She smirks and lead them all the way back to town and into their neighbourhood. The three, with Glossaryck trailing behind, run upstairs towards Janna's room. She reaches a bell sitting atop of her desk. It was a familiar bell, all dark and gloomy. Star gasps, but not an angry gasp, but a fangirling gasp.

"Oh my gosh," she breathes. And so, Janna picks up the bell and hits it with the small metal stick. Eventually, a portal appears in her room. Janna steps in and without hesitation, Star and Marco hops in too, because of the fact that they trust Janna.

The trio, with Glossaryck and the book going home, then entered a cave surrounding with a fiery red hue. "Hey," Janna greets.

The person on a spinning chair turns around. "Oh, hey, Janna!"

Marco's mouth went agape, while Star's grin is so wide. Janna hugs Tom as Tom does the same. His mad aura was long gone, replaced by what he described, "fuzzy, happy emotions controlling over me that makes me want to be with her all the time."

Janna and ― okay, JannTom separates from their hug, that lasted a minute (which annoyed Marco).

"I missed you, you know! You haven't been visiting me!" Tom whines.

"Oh shut up!" Janna pushes the demon playfully as she chuckles. "I had to go to a clown seance with Star and Y/N."

He smirks. "Waiting for the undead, I see. I like that."

Janna blushes. Star's grin is still plastered on her face. "Oh, this is too sweet! Oh my gosh, Y/N!" She turns around, only to see everything except. Her smile instantly turns into a frown. God, she misses you so much. If she only knew where you went, she would go to that place right now. 

Marco, who sees this, is agitated. "Okay! Enough with the lovey-dovey stuff!" He says and the two stop. "Janna, you said there is something that could help us! What is it?"

Janna snaps out of her thought. "Oh! Right."

"Need some help?

"Yes," she faces Tom and holds both of his shoulders to tell him everything. After a whole summary of what happened earlier, she asks. "So, can you help us?"

He smirks. "Of course, honey. I have my own dimensional scissors right here!"


You sigh. You won't be getting out of this castle anytime now.

At least Marco enjoyed his prom with Jackie.

And you're here... stuck with nothing but servants running around the castle and constant yelling from Mewni citizens.

Wonder what's Star's up to, now?


"Wrong place!"

Star shouts as snakes begin to surround the four. Tom quickly snap another portal into the air, and they jump in.

Marco, Star, Tom, and Janna then stumble across a place where they searched for you.

"The Kingdom of Cunie," it reads.

"Cunie? What kind of kingdom is that?" Star asks, half to the group and half to herself.


Star flops on her bed. "I give up." Her frown was deeper than before, the result of not able to find her twin sister is making her go insane. Marco, too, he really wants to find you and apologize for the things he has done. He ignores Jackie's calls and messages. He just wants to see you again.

"I'm so sorry, Star," Tom says.

"Nah, it's okay, Tom," She replies. "You can go back with Janna and hang out now." She's empty and that's not the real Star Butterfly anyone knows. The said demon hesitantly walks away without another word with her girl, who's worried as him, and leaves the two teens in their room.

Star and Marco sighs. How can they find you?


You walk to your bedroom and notice your bed is still on the same spot, as well as everything. You sigh. It's good and bad to be home. It is good to be in home, but why on the wrong time? Why is it that when you're having fun, bad things will just come out of nowhere?

You remember those nights when Moon would still teach you about being a queen and Star was being taught by River when the both of you are still 8 years old.

"Ooh! Ooh! I know! Posture!" You eagerly jump up and down.

Moon smiles. "That's right, princess Y/N!" She exclaims.

"I want to be a queen of Mewni someday, mom!"

"You will, my Y/N. You will."

You shiver. You almost forget about how you wanted to be queen so badly when you were five to eleven years old. Now that you're 15, your mind is older, you changed your mind so horribly.

You look around, look around, until your eyes landed on a curtain-covered object that was glued to the wall. You walk towards it and open the curtain. You gasp inwardly. It's still here. Is it okay to call someone, though?

You clear your throat.

"Call, Star."



Star walks towards it. Maybe mom's calling me?

But no, she's wrong.

(Nickname) is calling...

She gasps that it's louder than a whisper. She frantically answered it and the first thing she saw was your face.


Marco hears this and in an instant, he was beside the communication mirror.

"Hey, Star." Oh how good it is to hear your voice again. "What are you doing?"

"Oh my gosh, Y/N!" Star was crying. "Where are you?!"

"Here at Mewni, with mom and dad..." you shrug as you frown.

"Wait, what?" Star and Marco say at the same time.

"Yes," you sigh. "So, those guys were just guards after all and I'm stuck here, about to become queen."

"We searched everywhere for you! Me, Janna, Marco―"

"Wait, Marco?" You interrupt. Why would he be finding for you when he's with Jackie? "Is he... there?"

"Oh! Y―" Star stops herself when she sees Marco looking at her and signing as if to not tell you. "YYYYo! I mean―no! He's not here... he's with Jackie!" She keeps her grin. "You know, about the prom and stuf... hehe."

"Oh..." is all that you say.

"Y/N, I missed you so much!!!" She exclaims.

"I missed you too," you reply. "Well... atleast I'm not going to be there any longer."

"Wait, why?" Star asks.

"I'm... going to be queen of Mewni," you tell her as you smile sadly. "I'm going to rule the forever. Oh, and don't tell Marco."
She glances back at Marco to see him staring in space, eyebrows furrowed. She looks back at the mirror. "Okay sure!" A thought came to Star's mind. "But... how can you be queen? You don't even have a king."

This seeks Marco's attention.

"Um..." you say, you don't know what to say. Suddenly, a female voiced out of the mirror in your line. "Mewni phone consumed." You groan. "Great. I forgot how mom saved our communication money on this."

"Call ending in ten seconds."

"Wait!" Shouts Star. "Tell me why you don't have a king yet!"

"Um!" You call back! The visuals are crashing and the voices are breaking up. "M-mom―!" You try to say through the breakage.

"5 seconds."

"Sh-she want-s to have a b-all for the C-COUR--t-ting p-RI-ri-nces!

"Call ended."



At least Marco enjoyed his ball (*prom) with Jackie.

Heyyy at least i updated! Woooo


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