Chapter 24: Getting Ready

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*Knock, knock!*

"Oh! She's here!" Star cheers and hurriedly runs to the door. She opens it wuth such excitement that even the person in the front door winces. "Heya, Ponyhead!"

"Star!" Ponyhead screams. "Careful with the human doors, will ya?" Pony rolls her eyes. "So, where's that turd I'll be helping?"

"Here he is! Marco."

"Hey." He waves.

The floating horse groans. "Could you atleast make him more decent everytime I come here?"

"What do you mean?" Marco asks suspiciously.

"I don't know, I don't wanna come here, just to see an Earth turd, inside and out."

"Well, you son of a─"

"Guys, guys!" Star interrupts as she goes between Ponyhead and Marco, who's glaring at each other. "Ponyhead, you came here to help Marco dress up for the ball. So can't you just do it?"

Pony sighs. "Fine," she answers with her accent.

"And Marco." Star turns to him. "Please avoid to start an argument with Ponyhead. She's helping us up already! Don't you want this?"

"Of course, Star, but─"

"Then let's get working!"


After 2 magical hours, with Marco's conplaining and wincing, it's finally finish.

"I present," Ponyhead says to Star. "Prince Earth turd."

Star is shocked herself.

(Screenshot obviously, i can't search a decent smiling-in-the-camera-Marco who is wearing a prince suit. Obviously from "Face the Music" creds to wikia ;))

"Woah, Marco." Star breathes. "You're amazing! Y/N's gonna drop her jaw when she sees you like that."

Marco's face starts to color. "Um... pretty sure I'm gonna hide my identity, right?"

"Yep, that's why, I also made you this." Ponyhead rolls her eyes and gives Marco a mask which is similar to the one he wore on the Blood Moon Ball, except it was customized to compliment the suit. "And make your hair more neater, turd. Y/N's gonna find out about it, if you don't."

"Yeah, yeah. I will." Marco sighs. "So when's Mewturday?"

"It's today."

"What?" His eyes widen. "Already?! But it's just Wednesday!"

Star shrugs. "I told you, Marco, Mewni and Earth have different timezones." He rolls his eyes and groans. She laughs. "Well, excuse me. Me and Ponyhead are gonna dress up."


Of course, there are eyes everywhere, which leads to a certain girl hiding in the bushes, listening to every word.

Marco sighs again as he sits down, careful not to stain his white clothes. He carress the mask in his hand. "I miss you already," he whispers to no one in particular. "At least I know where to find you, but to arrange a ball? Seriously, Y/N?" Marco laughs to himself, while the girls are oblivous about him talking to himself. "But... in all seriousness... I really miss you, you know? I wish you could forgive me, and... I wish you'd feel the same."

"Marco! We're done!"

Marco hurriedly wipe the tears that were starting to fall and acts natural. Star and Ponyhead race to the bottom of the stairs, which is really difficult because of their dresses.

"Check it out!" Star twirls in her gown and did a little curtsy. Ponyhead only wears a tiara and a bit of make up. Her hair is tidy up as well. "I kind of changed my hair so Mom won't notice me. Ponyhead will be fine since she's invited too."

Marco stands up and dusts his clothes. "And Glossaryck?"

"Oh, he's not coming. He'll be there, in his book, im my room, basically under my bed, talking to himself or something." Star says aloud.

Ponyhead gets in front of Star. "Bfly, I tell you. WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!"

"Oh, right! Come on, Marco!" Star pulls Marco's wrist and Ponyhead opens up a portal with her dimensional scissors that King Ponyhead almost confiscate it. The three jump into it.

The girl in the bushes jumps into life and goes immediately inside the house and towards Star's room. She follows Star's instructions earlier that leads her to finding the book. She opens it in an instant and a weird looking sprite floats towards her.

"I told you princess, I'm not going!" When Glossaryck opens his eyes and recovers, he clears his throat. "Oh, I apologize. I didn't know you're Star. Um... how may I help you?"

The girl speaks. "I need to go to that Mewni party Star and the others will be going to."

"Ah," Glossaryck whispers. "If you want the answer, give me pudding." He quickly closes the book shut. Luckily, Jackie packed her emergency chocolate shiz in her pocket. So she pulled it out, brought a plastic spoon and opens the book again.

"Here, a pudding like you ask. Now can you please just tell how to get there?"

Glossaryck then points to his mouth, signaling to feed him. "Ahh..." Jackie sighs and opens the container, and spoons the pudding.

He chews while he answers. "You need to get a pair dimensional scissors."

"What scissors?"

"Dimensional scissors. It's a transportation device to go to different dimensions of the universe."

"And where can I get one of those?" Jackie asks as she feeds Glossaryck another spoonful of pudding.

He shrugs. "I don't know, maybe a friend? A demon? A friend who'd friends with a demon..."

"Sure," she says and the plastic container is now empty. "Thanks."


"Who's a friend who's friend with a demon?" Jackie asks herself as she carries her skateboard while walking. "Wait a minute. Janna! On Star's birthday party, I saw her meeting with some demon."

She soon arrives to Janna's place. She knocks to the door and waited, until Janna's mom opens it.

"Hi, ma'am," Jackie says. "Can I come in? I need to get my Math book from Janna."

"Oh, hello, sweetie. I'm sorry, but Janna's not in her room. She told me she's going to the mall with Star."

Jackie smiles. "No problem. I can get it myself."

"Sure, Jackie. Come in." Janna's mom steps aside until Jackie could enter. "You want some snacks?"

"Um, no thank you!" She hurriedly run towards Janna's room upstairs. She closes the door and find some way to get to the underworld.

After a few minutes, Jackie finally found a mysterious-looking bell that was just placed on a table. She lifts the small, red bell up and hits it with a stick. The whole ground shakes, making her fall down.

A portal then appeared as Jackie tries to hide. "Hello?" A voice called. "Is someone there?" They groan. "Ugh, Janna, are you kidding me?"

Jackie notices that the portal is almost closing, so she jumps inside and rolls into the ground without anyone noticing. Jackie quickly hides without any noise.

"I'm going to be late," Tom says to Janna who's watching television. "Are you sure you don't wanna go?"

"I'm sure... or maybe I'll think about it." Janna shrugs as she watches a demon baby fighting another demon baby.

"Baby Fights!" The TV announces. "Will be back after these messages."

Tom sighs. "Alright. Bye." He kisses her forehead and opens a portal. "Here." He gives her the scissors. "If you want to come to the party."

"Okay," Janna smiles and goes into switching channels again. She places the scissors beside her as she laughs when a pair of twins are being chased by a flying isosceles triangle.

This is my chance, Jackie thought.

"Hello, bestfriend of mine." She steps out of the shadows.

Janna's eyes widen. "H-How'd you get h―"

"That's not important. I just need a wittle favor," she says. "Give me the scissors."

"No way!" The black haired girl stands up and snatches the scissors quickly. "What do you want with these, Jackie?"

"Oh nothing." Jackie approaches her slowly. "I just need to go to some ball."

Janna gasps. Mewni...

"I won't give this to you! Ever!"

"Agh!" Jackie charges towards Janna and they both fall into a fighting mess. Janna is careful with the scissors, afraid that she could hit Jackie with the sharp point. "Give me that!"

"No! Jackie, Marco doesn't like you anymore!"

"How would you know that?! I didn't even ask you!"

Janna groans and winces when she receives a punch from the blonde- haired girl. "I can see it in your eyes." Jackie softens and slowly stops.

"Do you think so? Marco doesn't like me anymore?"

"I know so. Don't you see? He's even uncomfortable around you more often."

Jackie sighs. "Alright," she says. "Not if I do anything about it!" She takes the scissors by force and Janna was taken aback.

She hurriedly opens a portal and jumps in without a word in Janna's mouth. Fortunately, Jackie lets go of the scissors and it lands on the floor when the portal closes.

"I'm going, I guess." Janna picks up the scissors and cuts the air again. She jumps in.



The woman waited patiently. The device had beeped and she looks at it. "Oh my goodness..."


The woman then jumps up and down carefully to avoid slipping inside the bathroom. She then goes outside and runs towards her husband.

"So?" He asks.

"I'm pregnant."

"Ay caramba!" He lifts the woman up and twirls around. "I'm going to be a father again!" He sets her down and kiss her fully on the lips.

"I'm so happy, Rafael."

"I am, too, Angie."


OoooOooohh shocker!

This is a bit filler i think... oh what the heck, EVERYTHING IS A FILLER XD

Hope you enjoyed this! Leave a vote! Ahah

Sorry if I ignored some of the request, i just thought of the plot... but shoutout to the people who got their requests!

And see if you actually get the bonus. Whaaaaat? Hahahaha and what's up with Marco?!?! who is he talking to?


Sayonara! ♡


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