Chapter 5: Borderline.

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"Hey, Y/N!" Star greets as you walk inside your second class.

You mutter a 'hey', before sitting next to her. She notices Marco wasn't with you when you came in.

"Where's Marco? Isn't he supposed to be with you, to show around school?"

"It ended. I already know."


Suddenly, someone barges inside the door. "Y/N, wait!" Marco stops after he sees everyone was looking at him. "Uh..."
Everyone laughs. You turn to the opposite way as you gaze to the window, with your palm in your chin and elbow propped over the desk. You roll your eyes.

"Oh, uh, sorry..." Marco mumbles and walks to his chair that was next to Star.

Not being noticed, He carefully looks over you. You are still gazing through the windows into the grass and trees. You brush your hair again.

Marco frowns. Star is actually doodling stars, hearts and butterflies again, so she's focused laughing and sketching.

The bell rings.

Everyone takes their seats and you straighten your form as you take a look on the teacher. Her appearance has a green skin, pink, puffy hair but still the same hideous clothes. She also has purple sunglasses.

"Good morning." She grumbles unhappily.

The students mutters.

"So we ain't gonna just stare at each other, are we?" The teacher starts. "Well, we--"

"Ms. Skullnick, Ms. Skullnick! We have a new student over here!" Star interrupts, waving crazily.

Everyone looks at you. You sink back to your seat and cover the side of your face.

Skullnick frowns. "Oh, yey, another brat to deal with." She rolls her eyes.

Star helps you up and stands. "C'mon, Y/N! Introduce yourself." She says. Before you could speak, she butts in. "Hello! This is Y/N, she's my twin sister!'

The other students gasps.


"Star's sister?"

"Shut up! She's totally not Star's sister! As if!"

"Ugh, she's fine, I guess."

"Psh, another Butterface? Yuck! Star's enough, but having her sister here's twice the trouble!"

You sigh. "Star, that's embarrassing. Lemme introduce myself." You say to her.

Star grins. "Okay, yey!" She sits down.

"Uh, I'm Y/N Butterfly," you started with a smile. "I'm Star's twin sister from Mewny and... my parents sent me here for a break. Hope we could be... friends." Your eyes wander to the whole classroom, ending it with Marco's. Your smile falters as you look away. Fortunately, nobody noticed the encounter.

Marco sighs. He already forgave you, but, you don't forgive him. He also looks away.

"Alright, Y/N. Sit down."

You do.

"Our subject is Math, so you know what this means," Skullnick says. "POP QUIZ!"

Everyone except you whines. You're not very smart at the subject, but you tend to have good grades with it. You just remain silent.


"Guess what, homie?" Star approaches you by the lockers.

"What?" You asks, carrying your books.

"Hey, Y/N!" Girls greet you.

You mutter a 'hey' before turning to Star. "Hm?"

She grins. "I got a B~!" She waves the paper in front of you. You chuckle.

"Oh, that's great, sis!"

"How about you?" Star asks. "Lemme see, lemme see!" She pulls the paper out of your hands. "Woah! a/an (grade)?!"

"Hehe, yeah..." you smile.

"You're soooo good at this (nickname)!"

You laugh again. "Thanks, TwinklePrinkleStar." You shoot finger guns at her.

You both fail to notice a pair of eyes and binoculars, spying over you two laughing.

"Let's go?" You ask her, lifting your elbow while holding your books with the other.

"Let's go!" The both of you giggle.

He saw it all; from the talking and laughing. He cuts a portal with his own dimensional scissor and jumps in, taking him to another world.

"Master Ludo, I believe Princess Y/N Butterfly has arrived to 'Earth'." Buff Frog reports, ending with a salute.

As he calls, Ludo turns around in his seat. "Another Butterfly, eh? How's about we pay her and her sister a little visit?" He looks at Bearicorn. "Hey, you! I want you to build a pillow fort for me."


"What are we doing here, anyway?"

You stand beside Star as you clutch the straps of your (favorite color) colored backpack. You rock back and forth on your heels as you glance around.

She smiles at you. "Oh, we're waiting for our friend." She simply shrugs.

"Friend?" You furrow your eyebrows. "I already have a friend?"

"Duh, it's Marco!"

Speechless. "Uh... o-oh, yeah! We're friends." You state with a fake grin. Hopefully she won't notice.

Minutes after waiting, Marco comes with a slight smile...

Until he sees you.

His face becomes blank and so is his eyes. He stops where he's there. "Hi, Star," Marco greets. "Hi, Y/N!" He says more loudly.

You know he's faking the whole act, so you smile also. "Hey,"

Star grins to herself. "Let's go home! Y/N, you won't believe it; Marco makes super, duper, mega great NACHOS!" She tells. You three walk on the sidewalk, with you in the middle, and also has a high chance you could bump into Marco's.

Wait, what?!

As Star tells you more about Marco, there is a voice that occupies the silence except for Star's storytelling.

"Hello, Butterflies." Ludo smirks.

Star suddenly gasps. "Ludo," Marco is already in his fighting stance.

They are all here; Deer Beard, Emmitt, Big Chicken, Buff Frog, Boo Fly, Man- Arm, Spikeballs, Three-Eyed Potato Baby and others.

You raise an eyebrow. "Ludo? What are you doing here?"

He laughs. "Oh so you already missed me, huh?"

You scrunch your face in disgust. "What, ew! No!"

Ludo cackles more. "Finally, you're here, Princess Y/N," he spits your name like dirt. "Now I can get two wands take over all dimensions with double the power!"

"I don't think so!" Star says. Hopefully the school is more clearer, since it's past five-thirty now. "Giant Narwhal Blast!"

The spell damaged them, but only a little bit. You step back and aim your wand towards the villains.

"Rainbow Tornado Blast!"

A colorful rainbow bursts out of of your wand as Ludo and his army sweep away. "Agh! What are you waiting for?" Ludo says. "Attack!"

All of them goes after you, Star and Marco. You and Star zap your wands while Marco takes care of the others by his karate moves.

You turn your back to Star and say, "Ludo's army multiplied. It's too many!"

"Yeah," Star replies as she kicks Potato Baby's eyes. "Every week, Ludo would have an audition for monsters."

You push your whole weight into Deer Beard and he falls down. You strangle his arm, fail to notice Emmitt coming after you.

Marco, already finished with Boo Fly sees this. "Y/N!" You didn't hear it. Emmitt is close. No.

He runs towards it. Marco lifts his strong arm (oh yea) and punched his face. You turn around when you finish with Dear Beard.

You stare at Marco. "Th-thanks." He nods. You suddenly see Big Chicken clucking into Marco. "Marco!" You push him away and hit your wand in Chicken's face. He lands in his big chicken butt. (Haha chicken...)

"Oh my gosh, you guys!" Ludo rubs his face in anger and cuts a portal open. "You can't even do one job! C'mon already!" He pushes his minions inside until the portal closes.

You look at Marco. He stares at you in awe as you stare back at him in stern.

"Hey, you guys! You finished with others over there?" Star's cheerful voice calls.

When she comes, as if on cue, you and Marco's personality changes into #plasticfriendsmode

"Oh, Marco!" You run over to him. "Let me help you." You stretch your arm out with a convincing smile. He seems to get the act since he grins that oh, so fake smile and takes your hand.

Okay, your hand is warm. Tell me about that.

"Ha-ha!" Marco laughs as he 'clutches' his stomach. "Thank you, Y/N."

"Oh, you're welcome!" You say. "Anything for a... f-f-friend." You wince, although you still smile.

Star giggles and her hands are on her hips. "C'mon, you two. Even though I still want to see your precious friendship, let's go home and eat nachos!" She says. "Y/N, walk with me?"

"No, no. I'll keep up. You go ahead."

Star smiles. "Alright. Bye, (nickname)! Bye, Marco!"

"Bye!" You turn to Marco. "Okay, forget none of that ever happened earlier and thank you for saving my life." You mutter the last part.

Marco widens his eyes. "What's that?" He puts his hand beside his ear. "I'm sorry, but can you please repeat what you said earlier?"

You huff in annoyance as you cross your arms. You know he's already winning this round. You sigh again. "Okay, okay. Thank you... for saving me back there," You roll your eyes. "Happy now?"


You quietly giggle at Marco's sudden of childish behaviour. "C'mon, you dork. Let's catch up before Star gets worried."

Marco smiles. "Alright." As the two of you walk, with your hands on your sides, he says, "Oh I already forgive and accept you."

You look at him. "Really?"

He shrugged. "I mean, yeah, I'm sorry if I judged you so quickly. The first time meeting you was rough." He sighs.

"Hey, it's okay," you smile. "My temper kinda got out of control, so I'm sorry." Marco nods and continues to walk with you. You clear your throat. Marco glances at you. "Star says you make good nachos. Can I try one?"

Marco laughs. "Of course! You can eat 'em. You need to say that I'm the greatest chef ever if it's delicious."

You chuckle. "Deal."


Not the best chappie ever because it's the worst and I'm getting in slow updates.


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