Chapter 9: My Spotlight.

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Hi, guys! I convinced myself to update this chapter, so I ended up writing this on my fieldtrip lol



"So," Marco says as he goes to the kitchen. "are we going or not?"

"What do you mean, 'going or not'?"

He shrugs. "Remember? I said we're going to that ball to watch over Star."

"No, I'm going to that ball to watch over Star. You're staying here." You say and dig for your closet to pick for formal clothes.

He spits his water. "What?! Hey, Star's my friend. I'm not letting you go there alone."

"Well Star's my twin sister." You turn around to look at him, concern plastered on your face as your brows furrowed. "I'm keeping an eye on her and for the last time, you're staying here, Marco."

Marco stays silent and sits down with a bowl of nachos on hand. You change your clothes quickly in the bathroom. As he munches on his nachos, a sudden flash of light erupts inside the bathroom. He ignores it.

After a while, you open the door and the sound of your heels clicking echoes the room.

"So, how... do I look?"

Marco's glare glances up at you and his eyes instantly widen. You give him a weak, small side-smile, placing a strand of your (h/c) hair behind your ear.

He blushes. "You... look perfect."

Your eyes light up. "R-really?"


Nothing but awkward silence as you stare into Marco and he stares into you. "Uh..." you say. Marco shakes his head. You laugh. "I should go."

You reach for the same bell Star used earlier and hit it with the hammer. The same carriage arrives and you enter.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go?" Marco asks again.

You nod. "Yes. I want you to stay here and don't go."

"Where to?" The carrier asks.

"The Underworld," you remind. The ride starts to go down and you wave to Marco. He trudgingly waves back.


You step out of the carriage and the dark aura of the Underworld welcomes you. You straighten out your dress and wear your white mask to conceal your identity from Star. She'll consider you not a party pooper when she see you, but what is the mask for?

You walk through the crowd and see your sister and his ex standing on a platform with a photographer in front of them.

"... but my bestfriend is a unicorn." you heard Star tell Tom.

Tom tries to reason, but Star stops him. "I don't want a picture, Tom." She pushes him away, making him grumble and rub something behind his back. You shake your head and roll your eyes to get punch.

As you drink the red-colored drink, someone taps your shoulder. You turn around to see a creature dressed in formal. "Hey, aren't you Tom's date?" It asks.

Shocked, you wave your hands back and forth. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no---"

"Yep. You're Tom's date. Sorta."

You slump and huff. This monster is crazy to think that your actually Tom's date. Psh, not in this world and Underworld.

The creature roll its eyes. "You know, Tom set this whole thing up just to dance with you in the Blood Moon Ball." It flips its hair and struts back to its other monsters.

"O...kay," you raise an eyebrow and fix your small bangs above your mask. "Monsters are so weird."

Suddenly, all the lights of the party turn off, and the emcee of the ceremony speaks. "Alright. Gather round, for the commencing of the Blood Moon Ball, where two souls will be bind together for eternity." You scoot yourself through the crowd and close to Star.

Songs start to play and the roof opens for the red light.

"Ugh! It's the wrong piece of music!" You hear Tom shouts and leaves Star for a moment to check the musician. This is your chance.

You go to pull Star's arm.

"Hey, Star!" | "Hey, Y/N!"

Before you even touched Star's arm, someone already pull yours. You gasp when that person pulled your arm so harshly, that you ended up facing the man. His right arm grips your waist, yours on his shoulder. Your other hands hold each other.

And as if on cue, the red spotlight from the sky and the music turns on. Your mind seems to control your body as you and the stranger glide through the dancefloor with people--- I mean creatures and monsters. His eyes silently stares into yours and so do you.

But you do have one conclusion;

That this guy has some moves.

You continue to waltz, all around you was fading into space and the music was no longer blaring. It was just you and this stranger.

But even though he is a stranger, you feel like the guy is familiar. Like you had once met him before.

"Y/N," he whisper.

You snap out in thoughts. "H-how do you know my... name?"

"Y/N, it's me, Marco!" Marco silently shouts.

Your eyes widen and brows furrowed. "What?! Ma---"

Tom cuts your sentence off when he push you and Marco. You both land on your butts and glance at the demon who looks up high at the closing roof and the dissappearing of the Blood Moonlight.

Instantly, Tom's three eyes turn red and turns to the both of you.

"That spotlight... was meant. For ME!"

He starts to float up high as he growls loudly. You hurriedly reach for the wand behind your dress and immediately blast him into a whole ice cube, freezing him.

Star also zap the ice cube with a patch sticker that says, '0 days anger-free'.

You smile at her. "C'mon, guys. Let's go home."


"Thanks for the ride!" Star tells the carrier as she holds her white boots and smiles.

You place your hand on her shoulder. "Star, go to bed. Marco," your smile falters. "I want to talk to you."

"Okay! I'll just change and go to sleep. Goodnight, Y/N. Goodnight, Marco!" Your twin sister exits the balcony.

"Ugh, so infuriating!" you start and place your arms on the railing.

"I know right, that demon deserves that--"
"No, you!" You interrupt as you turn to Marco. "What the heck was that all about?!"

He raise an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, nothing," you shrug carelessly. "except for the fact that I told you to stay here!" You exclaim.

Marco glares. "I already told you! Star's my friend and I want to be there for her!"

"If you're really her friend, you should just leave her alone and do her own thing!"

You turn around to the railing again. He wants to open his mouth and say something to you, but instead he shuts it and sighs.

"Alright. I-I'm... I'm sorry." he looks down.

You glance at him again. "What?"

"I said, I'm sorry," Marco says and walks over to the same railing next to you. "I should've been a good friend for her, but I've been a turd tonight. I'm sorry too." He nudges you.

You sigh. "I forgive you, but... I want to apologize too." He looks at you. "Marco, I'm sorry for underestimating you, and I was also a turd for judging you so easily. I'm sorry."

Marco smiles. "It's okay."

"But I know one thing, though."


You take his hat. "is that you can dance," you smirk.

You both laugh. "Want some nachos?" Marco asks. You nod. "C'mon," he push you inside. "I'll show you the best midnight snack cooked by the most handsome chef."

"I'm not sure about the last part," you laugh.

"Oh, come on! Just agree with me, Y/N."


Lol bad ending

Hope you enjoyed this! And also hoped this was worth the wait.

Another note, I'm writing a MLB fanfic right now that will be published whenever. :)

It's entitled, "The Misadventures of Lapin Blanc and Joufflu Hamsy!"

Yes, it's a different set of superheroes, but it has its plot.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Luv u all


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