Goodbyes are always painful.

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"Are you sure? I can come along." - He said while helping her packing her bags, Gauri got an offer from for the job from the company and Kalpana decided to wind up everything and move to Delhi permanently to pursue her dream to became an author. It was very difficult to convince her parents to stay here. But they eventually understood her when they felt she's so particular about the job. But their spying continues.

Everything was well planned, Anika leave the city after three days. Even shivaay felt so worried about her being with a group of strangers from different cities. He stayed calm before her. In these 4 years, Shivaay started to care for her more than loving her.

"What about dad?" - He asked while packing her things inside the suitcase.

"I think I can convince him. And it's not forever right." - She said while taking her toiletries from the washroom and packing it.

"I hope so, But don't think it as a temporary job. Give your full potential." - He encouraged her in a low tone. Even his face was down while saying it. She held his palms and made him sit in the couch. She sat next to him.

"You know, This Job isn't important than us. Just say stay, I will stay with you." - She said while caressing his palms.

"You know, I will never gonna say that. Because Your happiness and your dream are important for me than everything else. So, Don't think much. Go to India, Convince dad, and get started. That's your job." - He said while tugging her hair behind her earlobe. His eyes told her everything that he wants her in front of his eyes forever, But he also wanted her to follow her dreams. He was in two standards.

"How do you love to this extent?" - She asked him, She asked this question for the zillionth time.

"Because you love me to this extent." - He replied quicker.

"Do you want to go alone?" - He asked her.

"I can manage, Shivaay. And you please concentrate on your finals. That is important than this." - She said. This time shivaay couldn't control his feelings. He thuds his head in her lap.

"Please. Let me stay here for a while." - He said and took her right palm kissed it and buried it under his neck.

"You're so unpredictable. you want me to go and also didn't want me to go." - She said while ruffling his hair. He turned around and buried his face in her stomach which passed chills in her veins.

"I just want cuddles, Nothing else." - He asked in a childish tone.

"Cuddles?" - She asked him surprisingly.

"Just cuddles." - He said while raising his head. She kissed his forehead.

"Wait, I will lock the door and come." - Anika tried to move, Before she could do, Shivaay locked the door. And jumped into the bed next to her. She chuckled when he held her close to him.

"Please call me, Whenever you get time." - He murmured while burying his head in her neck crook.

"I will." - She promised.

"And have light dinners." - He asked.

"I will." - She promised.

"And promise you will share everything with me, Including how many guys hit on you. I won't be jealous. But I just want to know. I don't want to struggle with any cheap Romeo's" - He said while saying that his tone was slightly serious. She chuckled.

"Okie." - She said while hugging him tighter.

"Stay safe. Always with the team. If you want to roam lonely, Opt a crowded place." - He said.

"Okie." - She replied.

"And the most important thing." - He said and raised his head.

"Be happy, Don't destroy the smile in your face for anyone." - He added while caressing her face with his thumb.

"I love you." - She replied and kissed his forehead. But he turned back to his position, This time, He tugged his head inside her top and hugged her tightly. Over then she realized, The smile in her face will be constant when he was there with her.

And finally, the moment came when she finally all set to bid bye to him and the city Los Angels which gave her immense happiness within a few days. She was holding his hands until the announcement.

"I will call you once I reach there." - Anika said when the announcement hit her ears.

"This is for you, Anika." - Om gave her a small gift-wrapped box.

"What's there inside?" - Anika asked him.

"Just a small present, Stay safe and healthy. Looking forward to seeing you again." - Om said in a little bit low tone. Gauri and Kalpana accompanied her who gave her a warm hug but didn't cry.

"Stay happy, Okay." - Anika whispered in Gauri's ears. Kalpana would be available to send her off from Delhi. She will be staying with her father for the next fifteen days. But for Gauri, She was going to stay there for the next year as well.

"Same to you, Call us whenever you get time." - Gauri replied. When she turned to shivaay, He passed a warm smile while holding her hand.

"Don't forget enjoy." - Shivaay said and gave a kiss on her forehead. She got a message from David who didn't arrive. Shivaay had to leave her hand when it's time to leave. Shivaay was not happy but fine, He waved at her when she turned back. She messaged and his phone rings.

"Atleast ask me to stay, now" - She asked.

"Bye. Stay happy." - He replied.

"Seriously, Without you." - She replied.

"I am cent percent sure, You will enjoy it."- He replied.

Nodding in disbelief, She moved. That was the full stop for their story but a comma. Till he gets the message from her that she finally landed, Shivaay didn't sleep. He was awake for the whole night thinking about her. After reaching her house, She called him. Tears which he hid it from her crossed finally. He didn't talk much in the fear of breaking down at any moment. But he heard the whole conversation with her father through the phone. He knew, His daughter's happiness means everything to him. But he was surprised when he got a call from her in the early morning around five the next day. The conversation went a little informal but when he asked him genuinely about her decision to take that job. He answered.

"I will miss her, Uncle. But eventually, I don't want her to regret her decision of not taking the job in the future. And it's her dream for so many years. I had to support it." - He replied. Her father didn't say anything for a while. But after that, His tone became calmer.

Anika called him before leaving for London. He waited for her call. But the conversation went smoothly. Both handled their emotions like an expert. She was talking to him till she gets into the flight. And she called him when she went to her office for the first time. For 15 days, She worked indoor, and eventually, her travel started. And the frequent phone calls became less but not their love.

And shivaay also finished his finals and decided to go back to India and settle. He didn't want to stay there even for a second. Every second passing with fear, For him. Even he couldn't say anything to anything. And he did tests every month. Some fears stay with us forever. Before he could leave, He wanted to clarify everything to his parents.

He went to his parents house. Pinky and Shakthi surprised when he called them to have a conversation after so many years.

"Dad. Mom." - He started. They were alarmed with him. Their every prediction on him went vain. He was completely a new person to their parents.

"Yes, Shivaay. Any problem." - His father asked. His father asked if he needs anything when he denied a single penny from him for the past three years.

"No. I just want to inform you about something." - He said. They both looked concerned.

"I have to go to India and pursue my career." - Shivaay said without having any regret in his heart. Both of his parents exchanged the shocking glances with one another but they weren't that much shocked. They both stayed silent.

"You both have rights to ask me why."- Shivaay said.

"Why?" - His mom asked while having tears in her eyes.

"Because I want my future there. With my whole family, With my dadi. I know I will sound offended for you, But I yearning to live that wife. And If you thing it's because 'that girl' in your language. You're not wrong. Even I explain how she's important to me, You guys can't understand. Remember dad, You asked me to give me a valid reason to stay in India. I said you won't get it. Even I feel the same now, Even I try to explain to you my love for her. You won't get it. And dad, Don't try to stop me, Because I won't stop." - He said. Both her mom and dad stuck after hearing him. They finally understood nobody snatching him away from them but it was they who let him go away from them.

Shivaay finally leaves for his home town without any fear when he tested normal in his results. And tried to convey the news to anika when he was about to board. But she didn't pick the call. He left her a message and bid a final goodbye to America.


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