Happiest day

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"That's why you asked me to install your app." - She exclaimed having him next to her in the same cafe where anika went a while before. Su-ha offered shivaay a cup of hot chocolate as he was shivering in cold. He was continuously rubbing his palms together.

"Feeling cold?" - She asked when he couldn't able to take her words as it was too cold. He checked the temperature it was -1 degree celsius. He nodded shiveringly. His nose, His cheeks became pink in color. She was confused about whether to say feel pity or kiss him in his cheeks. But she invaded her hands inside his jacket and Side hugged him.

"Hey!" - He exclaimed when he felt her hands on his waist which was continuously squeezing him.

"Block your way, I am just comforting you! Nothing else." - She said with a smile and squeezed his waist hard, He jerked in an instant. And cleared his throat and continued drinking his hot chocolate. He didn't feel cold anymore. There were many people in the cafe as it was peak time. Nobody knew what was anika doing, he hell tried to be normal and composed but Anika didn't let him do it. He was taking every gulp of hot chocolate with much uncontrollable and sweet torture.

"This much changes in two years, I never expect this." - She whispered while running her fingers in his bare built stomach. The drink in his throat refused to go down due to her behaviour.

"Can you please." - He stopped and jerked due to sudden hard squeeze. This time he was loud. She took off her palm from his jacket when everyone started to notice the foreign couple sitting in the corner of the table. They continued staring at them, Some of them even chuckled seeing them. Anika moved towards the corner of the seat and ordered herself a chocolate eclair to her.

"It's all because of you." - Shivaay whispered when a group of high-school girls chuckled looking at them from their table which initiated the craziness in her mind. When he was about to stand up from the table to leave, She pulled him down and placed her lips above his grabbing his head closer to her. He was stunned and stuck. The chuckle from the people around them stopped for a while. But he grabbed her hands and rushed away from the cafe outside.

"Anika." - He called her name in a stern tone.

"What? Nobody knows us here. Come on." - She called him holding his palms.

"But it's embarrassing." - He said and goes to her control willingly.

Every place has it's own beauty. They roamed, Talked, and laughed like a friend who meets after a long time. He noticed the new kind of delight in her face which won't be visible in the video calls. She was too happy to see him there. They roamed around Namsan tower, A famous tourist spot in Seoul where they got a chance to meet Anika's team.

"Hi," - Anika's colleague, Alley Thompson, A white American face changed when he witnessed anika palms inside his Leather Jacket pocket. Shivaay noticed and pulled out his palms which were intertwined with her palms inside the pocket. Anika didn't care much but introduced everyone. Shivaay even knew their zodiac sign but acted like meeting him for the first time. But he couldn't able to control his laughter to see Alley's reaction.

"I am her." - Shivaay turned towards anika.

"Boyfriend." - Anika answered facing Alley, Who gulped his throat. Before shivaay could bust in laughter, He excused themselves and went along with anika.

"I am feeling pity for Alley. Did he ever confess his feelings for you?"- Shivaay asked her.

"Not yet, But I don't want to risk. Rejecting someone is too complicated." - She replied in hesitant.

"Oh, That's why madam said yes to me." - He asked her while turning around to her face and back walking.

"Of course, What did you think? You are saying as I fell in love with you since the day I meet you in kindergarten." - She said without meeting his eyes with a slight smile in her face. He stopped walking but she walked ahead.

"When did you become this much savage?" - He asked while pulling her wrist and startled her close to him.

"Ahem, Exactly before 1 year, 11 months 21 days." - She replied by moving her upwards towards his hip when he leaned towards her, She tickled him. He jerked loudly and moved away from her. She cupped her mouth and laughed hysterically.

"Now, I know your weak point." - She said while laughing hard, Her stomach started to hurt.


"You know, I wished yesterday when it was snowing, I want you by my side on 21st December." - she said when they were walking in the pavement during snowfall holding an umbrella Anika was holding the umbrella and Shivaay wrapped her hands around her shoulders. Shivaay couldn't able to control his chuckle when he felt the same fear from anika. He already overcame that day, Anika didn't.

"Ani. It's just a rumor, Nothing will happen." - He said while pulling her more close to him. 

"I don't know I might open my eyes in a few minutes if it ends up like a dream. But Shivaay I didn't want to miss this beautiful even in my dream." - She said, Her eyes welled up when she said that. They both stopped walking.

"Hey, Why are you crying now?" - He asked her while cupping her face. He was concerned.

"Don't know, Maybe because I dreamed this moment many times in my dream."- She said while holding the umbrella with her two hands. His hands were cupping her face.

"But this is happening. How can two people dream the same?" - He asked her.

"Then prove me, This is not a dream." - She asked him innocently while taking his hands from her cheeks.

They stood stagnated meters away from the entrance of the hotel where anika was staying. Her words conveyed her longing for him. Even she spend the whole day with him laughing, She wanted proof that it was not a dream. On the other hand, After spending 13 hours in economy class, Rushing to the almost missed train to Seoul from Busan. He still feeling whatever happening before his eyes weren't happening for real. He also wanted proof badly. The fire ignited.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him inside the hotel. His grip was too tight which pulled her close to him strongly. In no time, They were inside her room. The door clicked shut. But they didn't bother to move the eyelids any than looking at each other. Their gaze conveyed many emotions. Their breath accompanied, It grew heavier for each passing second. Their feet moved closer till she could feel his toenails pressing against hers. He lowered his face and painted his lips over her lips before his tongue takes every control. They were not in any hurry but everything happening too slow so that they could read each other missing and longing for each other Emotionally and physically. But over then, Anika realized that their relationship didn't depend on physical intimacy. It connected to the heart. She could imagine her life without these but without him, It was only dark.

When he placed a wet kiss on her neck, Her hands automatically moved upwards and removed his leather jacket. And she got rid of her black linear coat from her body taking help from him. Then it was his Shirt dropped on the floor. When he found it difficult to relieve her from her cloth. He ran inside his hand inside her long sleeve elastic t-shirt. He chuckled when he found another shirt inside that. She chuckled back.

"Now I understand, How you keep yourself warm and comfortable in this weather?"- He chuckled and pulled her V-shaped T-shirt from her head when she turned around. She guided his hands towards her jeans which were clung to her hips tightly. He released the button and slowly slipped his hand inside while kissing the nape of her neck which traveled to her earlobe to cheeks. Her whole body started to react when he started rubbing her. His eyes were wide open but Her eyes were shut and her teeth gritted in pleasure. A hot teardrop crossed when she felt herself reaching the heights of pleasure because of him.

When she couldn't take it anymore, He stopped him, Within a second, He took her in his arms placed her in the bed and flipped her around, And pressed him against her. She felt the urgency when he unhooked her bra and turn her around. She opened her eyes, sat up, and looked at him, She encountered a pair of passionate eyes which is loving the vision before his eyes. He cupped her breasts while his thumb caressing the center part. Only he could make her feel like that. She ran her fingers to his face and kissed it gently inch by inch. He lost his control and she held her back. She pulled him back to the bed and hovered him. Her lips traveled from his face, neck, and kissed his chest lovingly. His breath heaving against his chest, She undoes his trousers and stood stiffened before her. She grabs him in her palm. His eyes clicked shut.

When he couldn't take it he moved her head upward while grabbing her head and kissed her hungrily, There was no abashment but the passion was burning in each other's eyes. His kisses conveyed her that how these two years went without her. His lips crossed every possible inch of her. He held his face and cupped it with her palms, And looked at him. Millions of emotions crossed. He understood what she was asking for, The same he needed for a long time.

"Oh. Shit." - He growled when he realized he didn't bring or buy condoms.

"What happened?"- She whispered.

"I forgot." - He whispered. She understood.

"I can take pills." - She said. But he was not ready to take any kind of risk when it comes to health. The fear of getting her affected was always on the top whenever they were so close to each other even he gets tested every month and cautious all the time. He can imagine himself in that moment but Anika. He would rather die.

"Hey, What are you thinking?" - She whispered back.

"It won't be safe." - He muttered without facing her.

"Baby!" - She kissed his forehead when he stayed stagnated.

"What's stopping you every time?" - She whispered. He can't tell her anything neither be silent.

"I heard a story, A husband didn't know he was affected by HIV. And had a physical relationship with his wife who eventually got affected."- She kept her finger on lips before he could continue.

"You know, Fears kill more people than death. Think positively. I already told you, Right. Nothing will ever happen to us. We will stay forever or even after that." - She said and knocked out the fear in his heart. He understood God gave him another chance for happily ever after not for a tragic end. He entered her in the very next second. His every new thrust rocked from the interior. Before he could, She came beneath him. He didn't stop, Rocked her from the soul. He pounded his entire weight on her when he came. She held him passionately and caressed his hair. She didn't let him move, It was the only way to pamper him where he will always stay in top.

His eyes fluffed open when it was morning. He was still on the top of her who held his entire night. Kissing her forehead, He moved towards the washroom naked without waking her up. He immediately got the bathrobe and wore it in his body. He lazily took her toothbrush and brushed. Only for this Anika hate him. But he always likes to irritate her. A smile crossed his eyes when he imagined her reaction. He moved towards the shower to check the temperature of the water as it was freezing outside. But the shocker hit him when he heard a beep from the automatic room spray placed in one of the glass slabs. When he opened the Room spray, A small camera attached and it was a wireless one. He rushed outside in shock.

"Ani. Get dressed." - He sounded so frightened. Anika opened her eyes in the very next second.

"What happened?" - Anika asked wrapping the duvet against her body. He took her phone from her jeans and handed the jeans to her which was in the floor. Up to his shock, There were hundreds of message from Ally, Anika's colleague. He didn't bother to read but when he found a porn website link in the end. His brain stopped working. But his finger clicked open.

"OH MY GOD" - He screamed when he found her bathing clip leaked in that website.


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