Priority Number-1

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Year: Winter of 2018. 

Description: Before the reboot. 

The day was very dull equivalent to her mood, Shivaay couldn't cheer her up because he knew she was deeply hurt by her sister who didn't invite her for her wedding and he gazing her Instagram photos. She didn't shed the tears but she was sad, and she hardly needs a person next to her, He understood. Taking the blanket from the cupboard, He moved towards the drawing-room. Anika was resting in the couch and gazing her iPad. She didn't notice his presence until he came and wrap her with the blanket. 

"Shivaay, Didn't sleep yet?" - Anika asked him Before she could spell anything further, He took her head in his lap and switched on the television. 

"Not yet! Wait, Shall we binge-watch, Jane- the virgin?" - He asked while switching on to Netflix. She looked at him and checked his temperature. 

"Why are you acting so weird?" - Anika asked him with a smile. 

"I have to ask this to you, Why are you acting so different since morning? Just because you come to know about your sister wedding through Instagram?"- He asked her while intertwining his fingers with her finger. 

"Not like that, I am happy for her..." - Anika said with a smile and took his hand buried under her neck and heaved out a deep breathe. Shivaay sensed everything but he had no idea from where to start. But his number one priority to change her mood, So he decided to ask the question which he wanted to ask for a long time. 

"I know, It's a wrong timing to ask you this, But I really want to know, Shall I ask?" - He asked while caressing her hair in his lap. She turned her face and looked at him. 

"Did I say 'no' to you? why are you even asking?" - Anika asked him. He couldn't able to come out of her words but kissed her forehead and thanked for everything, For being with him in the most terrible and last phrase of his life. If he says that in reality, she will definitely cry, He never wanted that, so he remained silent. 

"Why are you silent? Ask me, Know..." - Anika insisted him. 

"Hmm...  What I need to know is..." 

"What?" - She asked him. 

"When did you actually fall in love with me?" - He asked.

"I always loved you, I told you this million times..." - Anika hesitated. 

"Whenever I ask you this question, You always hesitate like this... I hate you for this..." - Shivaay said in a grumpy tone. 

"Aww, My baby became grumpy... But Honestly, I couldn't figure out when I actually fall in love with you, But I can tell when I recognized, I can't live without you..." -Anika said. 

"I heard that for zillion times, You recognized that before 3 years and before 2 years, You went out of patience and proposed me, And we got married... But I really want to know, When you actually fall in love with me..." - He asked her in a low tone. 

Anika stood up from her place and sat opposite to him in the couch, Took his palms and kept it in her lap. He looked at confusingly with a smile. 

"Okay, Shall we play a game?  I call it, 'DOWN TO THE MEMORY LANE' I hope, after playing this game, You might get your answer, When the great, Anika trivedi fell in love with the great Shivaay Singh Oberoi... So Are you ready, Mr Oberoi?" - Anika asked him. 

"Yes, Mrs Oberoi... I am very good in cracking puzzles..." - He said with a smile, Her cheeks went pink seeing his smile. 

"Are you blushing?" - He asked her.

"No... The weather... It's too cold... Shall we start the game?" - Anika asked him in the return, He pinched her right-cheek but she slightly jerked off his hands and tugged her hair behind her ears and started the question. 

"Okay, The game is, I will ask you some questions, You have to answer it, It's about 'us'... Are you ready?"- Anika asked him. 

"Always!" - He responded. Sat up comfortably on the couch facing her opposite. 

"Question no -1:  When did we first meet?" - Anika asked him. 

"Wait, I know the answer, It's 4th Grade... Am I right?" - He asked her, She smiled looking at the floor. He asked her what happened, Instead of replying, She opened her google drive in her iPad and shown him their kindergarten graduation group pic where shivaay was standing in the first-row and anika was standing in the row above him. Shivaay cupped his mouth in shock. 

"What are you saying?" - Shivaay exclaimed. 

"Yeah, We both are in same class from Kindergarten to second grade, Then my paapa got transferred and again we met in 4th grade... So Anika-1 and Shivaay-0"  - Anika replied, Shivaay remained silent and nodded his head. 

"Question no-2, I think you can answer this question, Who was your first-first girlfriend from school?" - Anika asked him. 

"I can answer this, It's Rivana from 5th grade..." - He said with a vibrant answer. 

"Oh really, Then Rihana, Nithya, Ananya come under which category..." - Anika asked him with a smile. 

"Oh, Yeah, They exist... So It's Ananya, She's the first girl who I proposed to..." - Shivaay said with a cheapish smile. 

"Stop cheating, Mr Oberoi. This point goes to me... So Anika- 2, Shivaay- 0" - Anika said. 

"You said, The questions are about us..." - Shivaay said. 

"Anyway, You're not gonna remember anything, Let's go general..."  - Anika said. 

"Ani, Yaar..." - He pouted at her sadly. 

"Okay fine, Three more questions..." - Anika said. He nodded. 

"When did you actually find a girl like me EXISTS in your school? The place where you're studying..." - Anika asked while placing her hand in her cheek.

"You mean a girl like a fairy..." - He asked her, she chuckled. He knew the answer but hesitated to tell anything to her. So he was ready to pick the safe answer. 

"Before 4 years... When I met you in the conference as a journalist..." - He said. 

"No, You're lying, I know, You know the answer, Come on, Answer... Now you're my husband, Remember..." - Anika asked him in the calmest tone. 

"In our twelfth grade, Before boards, When I come across Kiara..." - Shivaay said in the lowest tone. He couldn't able to face her. 

"Hey... Hubby..." -  Anika called him. Shivaay faced her with a low face. 

"You never knew I have feelings for you over that time... So there's nothing to worry about, Over then, I was hurt, But not now..." - Anika said while widening her arms for a hug, He came and took her in his lap while hugging her. 

"I shouldn't have done that, I was living under some shed which had full of fake people and resisted me to look through the real peoples and the fairy of my life..." - He said while kissing her forehead.

"Stop cursing yourself, You were a kid... And now everything became alright..." - She said while caressing her face in his chest. 

"Yeah, When I find the reason of my life, it presented me with a timer..." - Shivaay replied. Tears crossed from both of their eyes. 

"It was a very bad phase for me. My best friend, Kiara cheated on me, That too, Moving on with you, She knew everything about my inner feelings, On that day, I lost trust in everything. Even I refused to spend some time with my mom, Gone away from my sister, She almost became like a stranger to me, And then, Sudden death of my mom After my boards, And my father's re-marriage... Everything messing up with one another..." - Anika finally opened up to him, Even though he knew he was the reason behind, He didn't loosen up the grip, He held her tightly and consoled her by being with her. 

"Then, Finally I went to college, Met my friends, They brought me back to life..." - Anika said with a chuckle. 

"This Lehenga... Mom made it for me, For my wedding... She wanted me to wear it with pearl jewellery as I am very obsessed with Mermaid princess... She wanted me to look like a mermaid princess walking in the aisle holding my prince charming hand, Oh my god, How cheesy she was?" - Anika chuckled, Tears grouped in shivaay's eyes but he didn't let it down. He held her palms tightly. 

"She dreamed a lot for me, For my wedding. Now, seeing my own sister in that outfit... I just can't stop myself from missing my mom..." - Anika said, Her voice trailed off. Shivaay pulled her back to chest and stopped her from saying anything further. Over then, He wished to go back to the past and erase her pain a little bit. But He flushed off his thoughts thinking that, It will never happen but least he could do he can adored his fairy who slept in his chest. 


Year: 2007, 11 FEB. 

Description: After the reboot. 

Shivaay stayed in his bed, Glancing his life with her but he could have only tears at the end. By then, His brother, Omkara knocked on his room. When he didn't get any response, He opened the door and sneaked into his room. The old shivaay didn't like anyone to sneak into his room like that. But now, Everything changed. 

When Omkara saw him in that condition, He just couldn't stop himself from going inside. He noticed the food plate, Untouched. He became tensed. Om sat next to him and kept his hand on his shoulder. Shivaay jerked back from the thoughts and looked at him. The moment he supported Anika After his death came to his mind. Shivaay couldn't stop himself from hugging him. Om was confused. 

"Shivaay, Are you alright?" - Om asked him when he hugged him tightly. 

"Yeah, I am... Fine..." - Shivaay responded and broke the hug. 

"If you're worried about going to states, I will talk to dad. Please don't be like this" - Om said to him. Shivaay chuckled. 

"I never noticed you, Neither in school nor in home. But then too, You care for me? How can you guys do this?" - Shivaay asked him. 

"Simple bro, I care for you because you're my brother..." - Om said and they both busted to laugh. 

"Okay, Bro... I hope you remember, You are having your board practical exams today..." - Om said. He stood up from his place, Over then, He remembered his past where both anika and he share the same timing and exam hall. In exams, she used to sit next to him but never spelt a word. But she wrote all her exams in the way, He could copy but never admitted it. He rushed to the restroom, Put on his pants, Shirts, and got ready. By then, His eyes moved towards his flip-flop phone. 

"No phones to school" - He said and took the books which he never does in life. He had everything in his bag, For the first time in history, His bag looks heavy. He stepped down while holding his lab manual, Reading. 

All of his family members, including his brothers and daadi, looked at him shell-shocked. He took the seat in the dinning while reading the experiments. He tried to recall, which partially works, His father who was sitting opposite to him gave the name to it, DRAMA. 

After having his breakfast, He headed straightly to his school, Not in his fancy bike but in his car, That too, Didn't ask for any particular car. He was reading throughout his journey to his school. But when he saw the mirror, His conscious of meeting her in person after a long time came to the scene and corrected his hairstyle. He was technically ready to face the rebooted life. And he clearly knew his priority. 

He got down from his car and straightly went to the lab as there were only ten minutes left for the practical exams. He searched for her everywhere, didn't find her anywhere, But Anika's best friend and his current girlfriend over that time, Kiara showed up. 

"Baby! I was worried, Why didn't you attend my call for the past two days?" - She questioned him. 

"Kiara... Oh my, I mean, Hi... What's up?" -  Shivaay asked her awkwardly. 

"What do you mean by what's up? I said I was worried..." - She said and tried to cup his face but he went backwards before she could touch him. 

"Oh, Kiara... You know, Right... I'm mar..." - He stopped when he recognized what he was about to speak. 

"You what?" - Kiara asked confusingly. 

"I said, It's not working anymore, Kiara... I know it hurts but you might get your, I mean you can get a better man for you in future..." - He said in a low tone, But she standstill over there for a while. 

"Sorry, Kiara... I am getting late for the exam... Your turn is in the afternoon, Right..." - Shivaay asked but Kiara didn't reply anything. But shivaay headed inside the lab. He looked through the window and waited for Anika, But she didn't come. 

The exam started but anika didn't show up, More than anyone, Shivaay felt tensed and looked through the window. He was worried, He started to sweat in anxiety. At last, He was relaxed when he saw her rushing inside. 

"Excuse me, Ma'am" - She called and came inside handling her hall-ticket. 

"Anika..." - The lab attendant exclaimed and gave her the token for the experiment and pointed the space opposite to shivaay, Even though she had the opportunity to look at him, She didn't bother to look at him. He felt disappointed. But he still can able to hear his heartbeat which was beating against his chest. She proceeded her way and stood opposite to shivaay but looked and checked the equipment rather looking at him. 

The exam started, She minded her own business, Even shivaay minded his own business looking at her, He completely forgot, Lab attendant helped him to get his final results but then too, He didn't stop himself from looking at her. His eyes were fixed on her but her eyes fixed on the experiment. 

"Ten minutes more..." - Lab attendant said, Over then, she looked at shivaay and his blank answer sheet. Shivaay looked back at his sheet which had nothing but his name and roll no. Then looked at her. She looked at him with pissed off face expression. For a second, He felt ashamed and tried to write something, But he got confused. 

"Sir, Extra sheet..." - Anika shouted. The lab assistant gave her the extra sheet. She started to write in her high speed while making her ponytail into a bun. His eyes were fixed on her when she did that. He started to day-dream, Nothing was there in his control. He felt like, Akkon mein Teri Ajab si song from om Shanthi om playing somewhere which was soothing his ears. 

"Sh...." - She called him up to his surprise, He came out of his dreamland. And looked at her. 

"What's the reading?" - She whispered to him as soon as he responded. 

"What?" - He asked her again confusingly. 

"Reading... The speed of the pendulum..." - She whispered clearly.

"13 m/s" - He whispered back.  She started to write it. and the time reached, only 3 mins left and she was at her high speed in writing, She drew lines with the help of her iron scale. But throughout the whole thing, Shivaay didn't write anything. he was ready to fail. 

"Students, Give your answer sheets..." - The teacher announced,  And anika again matches her eyelids with him. This time, She was up to something. She asked him to look at the paper which she had, She tapped her fingers on that. 

"What?" - He whispered back. Nodding disbelief, She crossed his way, Kept the paper which she wrote on the table, took his blank paper and kept it in her Uniform pocket. And she went to the invigilator and handed her answer sheet to him. His mouth widely opened in shock, But thought, How can someone love someone this much extent?

He handed the paper to the invigilator and ran back to her. He confronted her when she took her bag from the locker, But she didn't look at him them. 

"I helped you because I felt pity for you, Don't expect this for the next exams, Prepare and come..." - Anika said without even facing his eyes, Shivaay left with no words, Because he knew, she did that because she loves him, But she didn't admit that. How can he expect her to admit that when he moved on with her best friend. He remained silent and thanked her. She left the place but before she could leave the corridor, Kiara came and confronted shivaay again. 

"Are you into someone else?" - She straightly asked him. This time, He felt pissed off. 

"Kiara, I am sorry for whatever I did to you, But this is not happening, This doesn't have future..." - Shivaay tried to explain her but she started to shed tears. Anika stopped walking and looked back at them. 

"I LEFT MANY THINGS BEHIND JUST TO BE WITH YOU..." - Kiara whispered in anger. Shivaay heard that, As he clearly knew what she was mentioning. 

"Oh, I didn't know about that... I think you should go back to them with a big sorry note... And have this in mind, what they sow, so they reap... Proverb... Goodbye, Kiara..." - Shivaay said and left the place and he even crossed anika. while crossing her, His face was dull.  She didn't say anything but their eyes met, She had tears in her eyes when Kiara looked at her. But before she could approach Anika, Anika left the place. 


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