That 'Protective' mate

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Year: 2016

Description: Before the reboot.

It was the time when anika told her father and sister about her decision to get married to shivaay, Everyone was shell-shocked to hear that. Over then, They learned everything about shivaay from her friend Kalpana and Shree who was also against their decision. Anika stopped talking with her father, the relationship with her sister became more like a stranger. Anika didn't feel scared to share this news with them.

"Kalpana said, He's affected by..." - Her father, Harshavarthan Trivedi asked her with a heavy heart, He had many things going inside in him but he couldn't ask her anything. He saw her daughter in person after three long years.

"Yes, I know, He's HIV positive... Then too, I want to marry him..." - Anika replied to her father coldly.

"Why shivaay? Can't you find any other patient to give life?" - Bhavya asked out of sudden, Her tone was very cold and it deeply hurt anika.

"Excuse me... Mind you words... For your kind of information, I am 27, I have all rights to do whatever I want... I didn't depend on anyone for anything..." - Anika shoots back to her at the same tone. This time tears crossed from bhavya's eyes.

"He was the same person right because of whom you spent most of your school life in tears..." - Bhavya asked.

"Of course He does hurt me... But he hurted me unknowingly unlike you guys..." - Anika said.

"Di, I am sorry... I am even ready to touch your feet and seek forgiveness... Please don't do this to yourself, He don't deserve you... Please..." - Bhavya grouped her hands infront of her.

"Seriously bhavya... Sorry? You guys kept me away from the truth, Even you know, that mumma was not well. Then too, You stayed silent, You know how much it hurt me thinking that I couldn't able to be with her in the last phase of her life... Even though we lived under the same shed, I was away from her... You know how much that hurt... I still can't over it... IT'S KILLING ME INSIDE... you guys never understand the pain..." - Anika burst out.

"Even I came to know about before three days..." - Bhavya argued.

"Don't you ever compare your situation with my situation, I suffered, lonely... It may be easy for you to move on and get married to someone else... But not for me..." - Anika replied.

"That's it... You wanted to take revenge on us by marrying him..." - Bhavya asked her, Her anger reached the peak.

"If you want to take it as revenge, Take it... I have nothing to do with your stupid thoughts..." - Anika said.

"My stupid thoughts saying that You're nothing but a surrogate to him... You can be replaced anytime when he got someone better than you..." - Bhavya said in anger.

"MIND YOUR LANGUAGE, BHAVYA TRIVEDI... At least, I am nothing like you, Throwing away the people from your life in a jiffy..." - Anika said.

"Yeah... I broke up with Rudru Singh Oberoi... Because I care more about the person who is standing in front of me and arguing... I chose her over love, I wanted her to stay away from Shivaay in all ways... But Now I think, Everything went vain..." - Bhavya said, This time, Tears crossed her eyes.

"Yeah, I am blind, I am okay to be blind for the rest my life..." - Anika argued.

"Anika" - Her father sounded thundered.

"Your mother took a promise from me that I never let you get married to that person, who made you feel like none, I can't break her promise, You're not marrying him..." - Her father said.

"The same mother asked me to follow my heart and do the things which makes you happy" - Anika argued.

"He will break your heart for sure..." - Her father said.

"Don't worry about that, I am used to that..." - Anika said while looking deep into her father's eyes.

"Then you're choosing him..." - Her father asked, This time tears crossed from her father's eyes.

"Over anyone..." - Anika replied.

"Time came, Anika... It's either us or him..."- Harsh asked her.

"Well, You got my answer... Take care... Bye..." - Saying so, Anika left the house leaving her sister and father heartbroken. Her father wanted to bring her back but he couldn't able to do that. He even stopped bhavya who followed her. He was against her wish but inside he wished that she didn't get heartbroken this time and also wished the strength for her.


Shivaay was in a dilemma because as far he knew, Her mom would have started to count her last few days. And there was no chance to change anything. But miracles do happen, His heart sank when he sensed whatever anika told about her mom was true. She cares about her food, She was too protective about her. Tears crossed his eyes when he was on the way to his exam hall. He literally ignored everyone who was his best friend. Because he knew, They won't be available when he needs them and they always be a passing cloud in his life.  He spotted her nearer to the lab talking to the chemistry teacher. He waited for her having her bracelet in his pocket. But the chemistry ma'am didn't leave her, And he had been noticing her since then, She almost touched her wrist for six times in these ten minutes. A smile appeared in his face but tears accompanied them. She left and turned back, At the very next spot, Her eyelids matches with his eyelids which evoked the consciousness in her. She started to feel, Restless. Waving his hands, He moved towards her and She literally stood at the same place, Holding her books and lab equipment in one hand, She changed her expression into a cold one but inside she was freaking out and counting his each and every step towards her.

"Yeah... Tell me..." - She asked him coldly. Sounded irritated. 

"Your mom asked me to give you this..." - He gave her the bracelet. 

" Thank you so much... But wait, How did you know my mother?"- Anika asked him confusingly.

"I have seen her many times as you're studying with me since kindergarten..." - Shivaay responded with the most unexpected answer. She just couldn't believe anything which was just happened around her. She stopped talking and stared into his eyes in surprise. He guessed this expression, he snapped his fingers. 

"What happened? Why you're looking so lost?" - Shivaay asked her controlling his smile, Quickly her surprise changed into confusion.

"We are together since kindergarten... I thought it's from 4th grade..." - Anika asked confused, He literally appreciated her acting skills but living with her for 5 years, He can easily find out whether she's acting or telling the truth, And there, she was acting. 

"Well, I remember you, We both are together since kindergarten and In-between two years, You're not in the school... How come I forget a person like you?" - Shivaay responded. 

"Well, thanks for your favour..." - Anika said and took that bracelet from his hand, And walked fastly towards the chemistry lab. The confusion turned into a smile when she recognized that she never been an invisible person in his life. But her heartbeat literally stops when he called her in a high tone. 

"Anika... I mean GS (General secretary)... Write my name in gymnastics for cultural... I am interested..." - Shivaay shouted at her, Her shocking expression changed into a pleasant smile which he didn't see for the past one year as he was not well.

"Sure..." - Anika responded with the same smile in her face and went to the chemistry lab. 

"Oh my god, She stills own an ability to kill anyone with her smile..." - He thought. 

But their conversation was witnessed by all the students in the corridor, Some of them were shocked, Some of them were jealous. But some of them feeling pity for anika as she was the next in the row. The exam started, Both shivaay and anika were placed in different corners but that didn't stop them from seeing each other. Exams got over, When anika asked him about the paper through her gestures, He blinked in a positive way. She left the place, But she still had no idea, How her life changed in a snap, Before three days, She felt like nothing but pity fool, who got betrayed by her own friend and invisible one-side lover for her only crush. People said crush won't longer, But what do we call if we have a crush on someone for years? A one-side lover. Anika called herself with that name, But out of sudden, She became visible, She became noticeable. And equally, She was shocked. 

By then, Shivaay was pulled by his so-called friends, Whom he believed as the world, once. But they eventually left him when he was in a broken state. He asked him about his ignorance, They asked about his breakup with Kiara, But he didn't respond to anyone. They felt weird, but he decided to delete all of their contacts once the exams get over. 

"We heard you are participating gymnastics in the cultural..." - One of his friends asked him while chuckling. 

"Yes, Bro... That would be the last tribute for the school before leaving..." - Shivaay responded calmly even though he got hell-irritated. 

"It's not about the cultural... It's about something else which you're hiding from me..." - His other friend spoke.

"Yes... It's definitely about something way beyond girls and drugs... And Yeah, You guys are free to call me fattu...  because from now on, I am not going to do anything upto you guys wish... So cheers..." - Shivaay enacted and showed his entire anger to them and left the place.

On the way back to his class, He saw bhavya running here and there in a panic state. He confronted her. 

"Hey, What happened? Why are you looking so tensed?" - Shivaay asked her stopping her. 

"Hey, You... Di's classmate, Right..." - Bhavya asked him. 

"Yeah, What happened?" - Shivaay asked her. 

"Have you seen di anywhere? She usually in her classroom this time... Don't know where she went? I have been searching for her for the past half-an-hour throughout the school... But couldn't find her anywhere..." - Bhavya blabbered in concern. 

"Before half-an-hour, I have seen her speaking Shrivi ma'am..." - Shivaay said it to her. 

"But That was the first place, I have visited when i didn't find her in her classroom... Anyway thanks..." - Bhavya said and left, Shivaay just followed her. He felt something was going very wrong. 

"Have you enquired? Did shrivi ma'am give her some work?"- Shivaay asked bhavya while accompanying her. 

"For the past few days, She is in stress for the dance competition because of that Kiara bitch..." - Bhavya swore while searching for her in every classroom. 

"Bhavya, Have you searched for her in the rehearsal hall?" - Shivaay asked her. Bhavya stopped walked and looking at him as if she got an idea to change the world, Over the next spot, They both started to run at their high speed. They reached the rehearsal hall and found it locked from outside. 

"It's locked..." - Shivaay exclaimed. Bhavya tried to peep through the window, But it didn't work as it was too dark inside. But shivaay found something shining like a gold type nearer to the door, He took it, Unfortunately, It was her bracelet and she was there inside. 

"Bhavya..." - Shivaay showed her sister's bracelet.

"Oh my god... She's suffering from..." - Bhavya said.

"Claustrophobia..." - Shivaay completed the sentence. And tried to open the door. Bhavya trying it on the other hand, But she couldn't open the door. 

"Di..." - Bhavya called anika. There was no response.

"Anie..." - Shivaay called her, Even this time, There was no response. Tears welled up in his eyes. Bhavya ran to the office room to bring keys to open the door. But shivaay couldn't stay in patience till then. He found a stone in a corner and tried to break the lock, Over the second try, He injured his hand, He was bleeding but he least cared about that and over the seventh attempt, The lock was broken. He rushed inside and he saw her lying unconscious on the floor in the dark. He ran towards her and took her in the lap in the very next second. 

"Baby! Anie... Open your eyes... See, I came... Open your eyes..." - Shivaay said while slightly patting her cheek. Heaving out deep breathe, She started to cough, He didn't go her off from his lap but supported her. 

"Easy! Easy!" - He said and consoled her but she didn't open her eyes but instead, Lay back in his chest. He didn't resist but comforted her. 

She quickly opened her eyes when she heard strong footsteps approaching them. She was about to faint back when she found her sitting in his lap and his arms wrapping around her shoulder. Reading her expression, He released her from his grip and made her sit on the floor and he kneeled up but didn't leave her hand. Even Anika didn't leave his hand, Looked at him shockingly. But when she felt the blood in his hand, She started to freak out. 

"What happened?" - She asked him in-between her coughs. By then, Bhavya appeared and ran towards her. Anika was shivering to the hell. 

"You're fine, Right... Di..." - She cried while hugging her. Along with her some of the teachers accompanied. 

"What happened? Who locked you inside?" - One of the teachers asked her. But she didn't reply to any of them. Shivaay understood, Even she knew, She didn't want to say anything. 

"Shall I take her home?"- Bhavya asked. They permitted her as it was just trail practical test for computer science, Anika wasn't ready to slip that person's name at any cost. Shivaay stopped asking her but bhavya continued to ask. Within fifteen minutes, Her mom arrived at school along with her dad. Her dad took anika in his arms when she saw his weak daughter laying in bhavya's shoulder. Anika wrapped her arms around her father in an instant. 

"Who locked her inside?" - Her mom questioned her sister. 

"Your daughter isn't opening her mouth..." - Bhavya responded to her mom. Over then, Her eyes moved towards shivaay and his injured hand which was given first aid. 

"What happened to your hand?" - Her mom questioned him. 

"He got injured while opening the door..." - Bhavya said, Anika had no words to say, But her mom thanked him while cupping his face. By then, Her father took her towards their car and she moved. As soon as they left, Bhavya rushed to Anika's classroom. Her eyes were red in anger. 

"Kiara..." - Bhavya called her, She was talking with her friends, She turned back when bhavya called her. 

"What?" - She asked her coldly. 

"Can you please come outside? I want to talk to you..." - Bhavya called her calmly. Kiara came outside, Shivaay arrived back to his classroom. He was little confused to see Kiara and Bhavya together. He stood outside. 

"You know, Right... Di has claustrophobia..." - Bhavya asked her. 

"Yeah... I know..." - Kiara replied while crossing her arms before her. Bhavya twisted her neck and pushed her back to the wall at the instant before anyone could predict what was happening between them. 

"Then why did you lock her in the rehearsal hall?" - Bhavya asked while twisting her neck, Soon after people came to separate them. Kiara couldn't able to speak anything but lost all the strength. 

"DON'T EVER THINK OF MESSING UP WITH MY SISTER... I WILL KILL YOU EVEN IF YOU DARE TO THINK ANYTHING LIKE THAT... I WILL KILL YOU..." -  She yelled at her highest tone when the fellow students along with shivaay literally drag her out from that place. 

"Leave me..." - bhavya yelled at shivaay who took her away from Kiara. 

"Relax, Bhavya..." - He tried to calm her off. She became silent and exhaled a deep breath. 

"Do you know who is responsible for all these shits?" - Bhavya asked shivaay. As soon as other students left. Shivaay remained silent. 

"It's YOU... That bloody bitch became jealous of your sudden soft nature towards my sister... I heard about it, I don't know why you're doing this, But listen to me clearly, I never let anyone in peace who played with sister's innocence. This threat is not only for Kiara But also for you... Thank you for helping me to find my sister but Stay away from my sister... it's a warning" - Saying that bhavya left the place. Shivaay was shell-shocked, He concluded, It was him because of that both sisters drifted apart. 


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