Unpredictable Life.

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Even though they won the trophy for the first time, Anika and shivaay couldn't able to enjoy it all over their heart, Everyone got boozed off in the night but Anika didn't drink and shivaay stayed with her. There didn't communicate much. But Anika understood his state like shivaay who always read her mind. They came back to Delhi the next day. When shivaay came to his house, There was another shocker waited for him at the doorstep in the form of his dad. He was reading the newspaper in the couch, And next to him, There were two huge suitcases. Om who arrived seeing shivaay conveyed him that He came to pick them up.

"Heard, You won first place in gymnastics... Congratulations..." - Shakthi said while reading the newspaper.

"Thank you..." - Shivaay replied in a low tone while looking at the trophy in his hands.

"Okay, Go and get ready, We have to leave within 3 hours..." - Shakthi said while cross-checking the time in his watch. He felt a slight pain in his heart which invoked the tears hearing him. He never thought he will leave too quickly. There are some phase in life which we can't even avoid even he wish.

"Bhai... Come..." - Om pulled to his room who had no words to share with anyone. He thudded in the bed and cupped his mouth thinking about the happenings.

"I never thought he will come so quick..." - Shivaay said to om controlling his tears in a shocking tone. Om sat next to him and told rudru to come to his home to stay with him when he left for Sikkim for the competition. And In some way, His father came to know about it and everything happened in the last minute.

"Give me your phone..." - Shivaay asked om. He speeds dialed her number and she attended his call in the third ring.

"I am leaving in three hours..." - He said as soon as she attended his call. There was a huge pause. It was a meaning full silence. Both were trembling inside.

"So soon..." - She asked, Her tone was too low and he could imagine her face inside his head. "Yeah... Dad is here..." - Shivaay replied.

"I was about to call you... Your dadi is here..." - Anika replied and he was stuck for a while when she talked about his dadi. The chain of emotions reached him one by one when he heard about his dadi. He was always special to his dadi as he's her first grandson and the memories of his mom taking him away from her crossed his eyes. From then, He didn't see her much but the gifts from her didn't fail to reach him.

"My dadi?" - He asked Anika gave the phone to her dadi.

"Billu... Kaise ho?" - His dadi asked him as soon as Anika gave the phone call to him.

"Dadi..." - His voice trailed off and tears crossed from his eyes. Om sat next to him when he heard the word 'dadi' from him. Shivaay told everything to her how he does whenever he came back from school in childhood. He thought he got the experience to withstand anything, But his dadi proved him wrong. And she showed him, Whatever happens, He will always remain as her billu.

"Don't worry, Have a safe journey..." - His dadi wished him and gave the phone to anika.

"Hey..." - Anika spoke.

"Yeah, I am fine..." - He said.

"I told you, Right... We will be just 7000 miles away..." - She asked him.

"I know, But I didn't expect it so soon..." - He replied in an innocent tone.

"What's meant to be happen should happen, Right?" - She asked him. He didn't reply but he got convinced. He understood, If God can give him a new life from death, Can't he withstand the pain of temporary separation.

"Relax yourself and get ready..." - She said, Her tone was calm and composed.

"Okay, Bye..." - He rested the call. Even he wishes to see her before he leaves, He knew that wasn't possible as his father himself came to take them. He got ready uninterestedly, His things, His clothes were in a packed state and when he came down, Om was standing with his father. Seeing shivaay climbing down, Shakthi moved towards the car. Om and shivaay got inside.

Shivaay's heart was beating too fast and It was in a very restless state. But his restlessness faded away when he saw his dadi, Anika, Tej and Jhanvi waited for them in the airport before them. Shakthi was shaken to see them over there but he didn't show anything in his face, Neither he stopped his kids from reaching his brother and his mom.

"How are you, Shakthi?" - Tej asked coldly when he stood next to his kids. Shivaay was hugging his dadi tightly and om was hugging jhanvi.

"Fine, Bhaisaab..." - He said and took blessings from his mom who gave a blessing to him without any smile in her face. Shivaay whispered thanks to anika while hugging his dadi who smiled widely at him having tears in her eyes.

"That's Anika... Shivaay's classmate and Harshvarthan Trivedi's elder daughter..." - Tej introduced anika to Shakthi.

"Oh... How's your father, Beta?" - He asked her. Shivaay was confused about how his father knew about her father and his dadi was staying in her house. But he knew it was not the time to ask her anything.

"Fine, Uncle..." - Anika replied with a slight smile.

"Have a safe journey..." - Tej said to Shakthi in a cold tone. Even though brother has hell hatred in their heart, Heart automatically mends when one of them leaving the country.

"Call me once you reach, Okay..." - Dadi said to om and shivaay while cupping their face. They took blessings from her with teary eyes.

"Call me too..." - Anika whispered. He chuckled.

"Let's see, You are serious about me, or not..." - She whispered with a smile. His expression changed into a stern when he heard it from her.

"If you're not serious, I won't wait for you. There are plenty of choices out there..." - She whispered, He chuckled.

"For that, I have to let you wait... It's just 7000 miles, Darling... Nobody can save you from me..."- He whispered back.

"Is that threat?" - She asked with a smile.

"Yup... Sort off," - He said. She can't stop herself from smiling. After a few minutes, They left, Shivaay waved his hands to everyone, They waved back. 

Anika didn't worry much, Because he developed the trust in her heart that he will come back to her very soon. On the other hand, Anika helped him to drop a heavy load in his heart, Meeting his other part of his family with anika, He relieved that she will never get back to Depression, And also there was no reason left for her to hate anyone, Either her dad or her sister. And he sensed the trust she had for him in her eyes.


Year: 2017

The morning started weirdly when anika woke up before him. Her note was in the dining saying, She left out for some important work and will be back within a few hours. Shivaay was confused, she never did like that. Soon the doorbell rang, It was anika waiting for him to open the door. He opened the door.

"Hey! Where did you go?" - He asked her as soon as he opened the door.

"Some... Some important job..." - She replied in a low tone without facing him.

"What's that job? Why are you not facing me? Anything happened?" - He asked her confusingly but she was not ready to face his face even though he hell tried.

"Ani... What happened?" - He asked her while pulling her to raise her chin, So that, He could face her.

"Yesterday I got a call from Tej Singh Oberoi Who inquired about you..." - Anika told him while bowing her head down. He was stuck, His hands which were holding her shoulder relaxed down and He wasn't prepared for that. She could sense it from his eyes.

"He knew everything and he called me for confirmation..." - Anika said. He didn't have any answers for him.

"I tried to ignore it but I can't..." - She said while gulping the limb in her throat. He gathered up his courage, He knew he somehow had to face that situation in his life.

"Okay, Just give him my number if he ever tries to call you, Again" - Shivaay said and moved towards the kitchen while turning back. But Anika didn't finish, yet.

"Shivaay, Your dadi passed away this morning..." - Anika finally told, He felt the ground slipping beneath his feet. His legs gave up when he heard it from Anika. The next moment, She was sitting beside him supporting. He had no words to say, He could figure out, He was responsible for that.

"Are you sure?" - He asked finally gathering all of his courage.

"I went to channel particularly today to cross-check the information... Unfortunately, It's true... She's no more..." - Anika said while controlling her sobs. That was his last words about his dadi. He went to the mute mode when the whole memory of his childhood crossed inside his eyes. "Shivaay, We are having a flight to Mumbai within 2 hours," - She said and made him stand. He had no idea when he got ready and got boarded to Mumbai. The only thing he could remember was anika holding his hands and didn't leave him for a few seconds.

After three hours, They were sitting in the zoom car outside his badepappa's house. Anika booked a zoom car from the airport and she was the one who drove it to his house. When she took off her seat belt and got ready to step out but shivaay stopped her while holding her hand tightly.

"What happened?" - She asked him confusingly.

"I already cause many problems, Ani. And I broke many hearts unknowingly, I know you won't say it but I am the one who responsible for her death... I don't want to go there and put them in trouble and uncomfortable situation, Again..." - He said without looking at her eyes. He was too weak, Anika knew even if she says anything, Nothing will go inside his ears. Even she didn't get convinced, She started her ignition of the car and started to roam.

After the whole six hours of roaming around the city, She stopped the car in front of the graveyard. Tears crossed his eyes when he felt he wasn't ready for that. Before he could say anything, She got down from the car and opened the door for shivaay.

"Get down, They were about to do the last rituals..." - Anika said and stood in front of him while crossing her arms. Her eyes were tired but they were burning in anger.

"Ani... I can't... I told you, Right..." - He spelled in a weak tone.

"I heard your perspective without speaking in the middle. And it's my turn..." - Anika started, Shivaay went silent.

"Do anyone fell in the well knowing they will suffocate and die in a few minutes? No, Right. Then how can you take the whole blame on your head, I know fate was too unfair on you, But it doesn't you should take every blame on your head. She died, Because she was old plus to it She had many medical complications and because of that, You're choosing not to see her for the last time. You told me many times how much your dadi loves you. Do you think her soul rest in peace if you live under the guilt that you missed the opportunity of visiting her for the last time..." - She asked him in a high tone. He was silent listening to her.

"You can live under this guilt but I can't let you live in this guilt. It happened, It fucking happened, We can't go to the past and change everything... Can we?" - She asked him, He nodded no.

"So, Threw the unwanted guilt from your heart and come with me..." - She gave him her hand. Her words gave him the courage to face, He understood his priority, He wanted to see his dadi for the last time.

Holding her hand, He moved inside, His father and his bade papa were doing the last rituals but stopped when they saw shivaay arriving, He moved closer to his dadi by holding her hand. She left his hand when he moved close towards his dadi's body which was covered in white cloth. He had no idea from where he got the courage to take that cloth from her face and kiss her forehead. But he did. Anika's tears which were in the control till then, Escaped. She wept when she saw him in that state. His father tried to stop him but his bade papa stopped his father from stopping him.

"I am sorry, Dadi... But I swear I didn't do anything..." - He spelled in her ears, Hearing him, No one could stop themselves from falling weak. Anika held his palms and moving him aside. His father was holding his shoulder and brothers crying on the other hand looking at his condition. "I swear I didn't do anything..." - He whispered again, This time his father couldn't stop himself from hugging him. Anika tried to console him but he cried uncontrollably. He got himself back, And his dadi's last rituals happened in presence of shivaay. He had everyone beside him. His brothers, His father, His bade papa console him but his eyes and heart only wanted his anika, None else.

"Anika..." - He called her forward when she went backward after his family approached him. He forwarded his hand, She held it, came and stood beside him.


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