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A/N: This is my first Dramione story. I hope you guys will like it. Reviews both critical and appreciative are welcome. Hope you will like it. Let's get on with the story.

"Another chance? He cannot be serious 'Mione."

"Yes he was serious Harry. Why is it so hard to believe?"

"Because he's Draco bloody death eater Malfoy. Is it too hard to understand?"

"Ron please. Not again. He's an ex-death eater Ron. People can change. It's natural."

Hermione was tired by having this conversation which started  an  hour back. She and the others received a Hogwarts letter a month back by McGonagall asking them to come back for their 7th year as they spend the whole  year hunting for horcruxes.  Hermione was informed that she was appointed as the Head Girl for that year and received   a bunch of congratulations from Harry and the Weasleys. Their other friends had also received it and were coming back. When Hermione asked them, Ron declined as he already got a job as an Auror. Harry also got the job but he wanted to come back and complete his studies after getting a whole 1 hour lecture from Hermione. She managed to convince Ginny as well for coming but given how stubborn Ron was, he refused. Later that day, Hermione went to Diagon Alley to buy the necessary items where she bumped into none other than Draco Malfoy. 

"Oh I am so sorry. Are you oka-Malfoy ?" Hermione was shocked when she looked up at the person's face who was holding her arms to prevent her from falling.

"You okay Granger? I didn't see you. Sorry."

To say she was shocked by hearing his apologies would be an understatement. 

"I am fine Malfoy. It's my fault too."

"It's okay Granger. So are you coming back to Hogwarts?" Draco asked while still  holding her arms and Hermione was too shocked with his kind words to realize that.

"Yeah I am coming back. McGonagall informed me that I am the Head Girl this year."

"Oh congrats Granger. She informed me that I am the Head Boy this year."

"Congrats to you too Malfoy. And thanks for saving me from falling."

"You're welcome Granger. I didn't actually wanted to return to Hogwarts but I decided to come back anyway."

"Any particular reason ? If you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh no , I don't mind. It's just that after everything I did in the past, I wanted an another chnace. An another chance at improving myself and showing the world that I had changed and that my past doesn't define me who I am now."

"I guess that's good."

"Yeah, when I recieved the letter I wasn't sure because who would believe me ? An arrogant ex death eater? But I eventually decided to come back when my mother persuaded me. I just hope we have a normal year this time."

"And that is something I would agree with you on. We never seem to get a normal year at Hogwarts."

" Let's see this time. By the way I was wondering if you've seen a shop that sells apples coated in different flavors like chocolate etc. and also apple shakes and cakes? I heard about it from Blaise but he didn't know where it was. So do you know?" Draco asked while crossing his fingers.

"Yes I have seen it and in fact I am coming from there only. It's near Madam Malkin's. And it's amazing." Hermione laughed when Draco's eyes lit up after hearing that.

"Well I should go before everything's sold out. I will see you  later Granger. Bye." And with that Draco ran on his full speed towards the shop. 

Hermione stood there laughing until he vanished from her sight. She shook her head and went in the opposite direction. She had told them about this conversation with Malfoy leaving the apples part after they had continuously asked her what took her  some minutes long since she's always on time if not early. She regretted the decision immediately by seeing their expressions and told them they can talk when they reach the Burrow. And since then this conversation was going on non-stop. 

"But we can't forget what he did to us in the past. He's an arrogant git." Ron said angrily. 

When she was about to reply, Ginny came and sat next to Harry while giving him a kiss on his cheek. They had been together since 6th year and recently Harry told Hermione that he's been planning to propose Ginny but was waiting for a right moment. As for her and Ron, they had gone on a few dates sice the war but decided to break up and stay as friends since they both felt very awkward. 

"I am very tired Ron and as much as I don't like this conversation we can continue it tomorrow  morning before we leave for Hogwarts. And I think you all should go to sleep as well."

She said goodnight to all and went to her room.She sat on her bed and sighed thinking it will be a long day tomorrow. 

A/N: I know this was a short chapter but I wanted to set the plot for the story. The next chapters will be long and exciting. I hope you liked the chapter. Also English is not my first language but you can tell if there are any mistakes since it will help me improve in the next chapters.Do tell what you thought of it. Reviews will be appreciated. Also tell what you thought of the little Drapple moment ( Drapple is cute!). Please leave a comment and do vote. 

Until next time.

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