Ch 21

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A/N: Thank you so much guys for 1.1k+ views and 100+ votes! It means a lot! Hope you guys liked the last chapter, and that it wasn't boring. Read the A/N at the end to find out when the next chapter will be out. On with the chapter!

Her lips. 

On his. 

Their kiss.

Draco remembered his heart pounding in his chest as his lips moved in sync with hers. His hand had been on her waist and cheek while hers had been on his chest. Her lips were so soft and tasted of chocolate, that she had been drinking on their way back to Hogwarts. He had pulled her a little closer and her hands had slowly made their way to his neck. 

He didn't want that moment to end. He didn't want that feeling to end. He didn't want her to leave. 

But then, after a few moments, as if breaking from a trance, Hermione quickly pulled away. She didn't even meet his eyes as she mumbled a sorry and ran to her room.

But Draco, well that ferret had been standing there even it had been a few minutes since she left. It wasn't until the portrait spoke something that he finally came out from his thoughts.

" they want to come in. Should I allow them, Mr Malfoy?"

"I am sorry, but can you repeat what you said, please?" He asked the portrait.

"I asked that should I allow them in, Mr Malfoy?" The portrait asked again.

"Allow who?" Draco asked, who didn't have a clue about whom the portrait was talking about.

"Mr Blaise Zabini and Mr Theodore Nott. They are standing outside the portrait, said that they wanted to chill and play a game, TSP, I think they said, with you and Miss Granger. So, do you want me to allow them in?" The portrait asked calmly.

Draco thought for a moment as he glanced back at her closed door. He sighed as he looked back at the portrait and said, "No, don't worry. I will just go and meet them outside."

He opened it but not before the portrait nodded. The portrait swung open to reveal Blaise and Theo standing there in Slytherin green night suits and three bottles of firewhiskey and a basket full of snacks which Theo was carrying.

"You two twinning or something?" He asked them.

"What is twinnie? Blaise asked him as he and Theo shared a confused look.

"Twinning." Draco corrected but Blaise still looked at him with a why-don't-you-try-and-explain-it-instead-of-correcting-us and Theo muttered, "Care to explain us, knowledgeable ferret?" He was always more of a verbal guy. Draco rolled his eyes at them and continued, "It is a muggle thing that Hermione told me. It is like when two people wear same outfits or same coloured outfits without planning, I guess."

Blaise just shrug and gave him a I-don't-care look while Theo said, "Looks like Hermione is influencing you, mate. Good thing then, you will have a good experience of muggle things when you two move in after Hogwarts."

"Move in? Are you crazy Theo, or did you hit your head somewhere when you were trying to impress Pansy by showing her your Quidditch stunts? We aren't even dating." Draco said as he crossed his arms.

Blaise again shrug and gave him his just-you-wait look while Theo said, "You like her." 

"So?" Draco asked.

"She likes you." 

"Yes. So-wait what?" Draco asked him, with a are-you-mad expression.

"You two kissed." Theo said.

"Yeah, we did- wait, how did you know?" Draco asked with a confused expression.

"And you two-hold on, YOU TWO KISSED?" Theo yelled.

"Quite down, will you? Or should I give you a mic?" Draco asked.

"Nah, I can perform the Sonorous charm, too, you know." Theo pointed his wand at his throat and was about to say the charm when Draco snatched his wand from him. Theo smirked at him and said, "I can shout well without the charm, too, you know. For example, HERMIONE GRANGER AND DRACO MALFOY KISSED!" 

Draco closed his ears as he screamed and turned to Blaise, who was giving him his I-freaking-knew-it look. He rolled his eyes at him and turned back to Theo and said, "Will you keep your mouth shut? She's in her room, resting, I guess." 

Blaise gave him his you-care-a-lot-about-her look and Theo just smirked at him and said, "You do know everything about her, don't you?" 

Draco was about to say something when he saw Blaise giving him his another look. So, instead of turning on Theo, he turned to Blaise and angrily said, "Will you bloody stop giving me your looks?" 

Blaise just smirked in return which caused Draco to glare at his fellow Slytherin. He sighed after a moment and said, "Will you both come tomorrow to play? I don't think we can play today." 

"We don't mind, but, can I ask why?" This time it was Blaise who asked. Finally he opened his mouth.

"I think she's going to probably talk about our k-kiss. It was just in the heat of the moment, I guess. I was literally very happy, and I think it just happened. So she will probably want to talk about it. And I think if we play the game right now, it would be awkward for us, and we both don't want that. So it will be better if we talk about it and then play. I don't want that kiss to change anything between us." Draco said as looked back at the portrait.

Theo smiled at him and said, "It is just a kiss, Draco. You didn't propose to her or anything, so stop worrying over it. Anyways, we understand your situation so we will probably come tomorrow." 

"Whatever happens mate, just remember that we are there for you." Blaise said as he patted Draco on his back.

"Thanks guys. I don't know what would I have done without you too." Draco said as he smiled at them.

"Well, you surely wouldn't have the courage to kiss Hermione, if it weren't for us." Theo said, which earned him a smack on the back of his head from Draco and a laugh from Blaise.

"Surely. After all, you were the one who drugged me and that caused me to tell her that I like her." Draco said.  

Blaise stopped laughing and asked, "Wait, when did you confess it to her?", while Theo just stared at him with a horrified expression.

This time, it was Draco's turn to laugh at the Idiot yet loyal due. He chuckled a bit and then said, "Don't worry, and no need to give me that look Theo. I didn't confess it to her, I was just said it because I wanted to see the look on your faces." 

Theo scowled at the seeker and captain of his house's team and muttered, "Spoiled brat." Blaise just shook his head at him and said, "Well, we better go now. And yeah, good luck with, you know, that talk with Hermione." 

Draco nodded at them as they both went back to the Slytherin common room, or somewhere else, who knows?

He stepped inside the common room and nodded a thank you at the portrait who was peacefully sleeping. He wanted to correct it by saying that it was TDS and not TSP, but he changed his mind at the last moment and went back to his room, not before taking a look at her closed door.


Hermione sat on her bay window as she heard his door close. She had been sitting their since half an hour. Since she left him standing in the common room. Since their kiss.

Their kiss. Funny how things turned out. One moment he was hugging her and swirling her around and the next, she was kissing him. It wasn't right, but it felt good, and she knew that. The way his arms were on her waist and cheek and when she had dared to put her arms around his neck, he put his both hands on her waist. Her heart was pounding in her chest when he pulled her closer. She remembered her brain telling her to pull away, but she didn't listen to it. Only when he gently rubbed circles with his thumb on her waist, she came to her senses and quickly pulled away from her.

Not daring to meet his eyes, she quickly mumbled a sorry, not sure and not caring whether he heard it or not, and ran back to her room, closing her door in the process.

She didn't know why she was worrying over it too much. It was just a kiss, right? It was nothing more. Just a mistake they made in the heat of the moment. Yes, that was it. 

Deciding that she needed to talk about it with him, she opened her door and stepped out. She didn't want things to become awkward between them. 

So taking a deep breath, she knocked on his door.


"So, everything okay between you two?"

Hermione was simply drinking her firewhiskey when her head quickly turned towards Blaise when he asked her this question. 

The Uncalled Four had just finished playing their classic game, truth, dare or situation, popularly known as TDS. They still had a little firewhiskey and some snacks left so they decided to chat for a while before heading off to sleep. 

It was the day after Hermione and Draco had shared that moment. And things were normal between them, at least they liked to pretend that they were. Nobody knew about their kiss, as far as Hermione knew. But, little did she know, someone else had also known about that moment except those two close Slytherin friends of her. So when Blaise asked this question, she didn't have a clue what he was talking about.

"Wha-what do you mean by that?" She asked him.

Draco shot him a glare and shook his head at Blaise, knowing  perfectly well what he was asking about, before anyone could see him doing that or before Blaise could answer. So he thought for a moment and then said, "I mean that, you know after you were attacked, Draco was quiet worried about you, so I just asked, you know, if things were okay and that he has stopped worrying his head off?"

Hermione nervously chuckled and said, "Oh that. Yeah, yeah things are okay now."

Blaise nodded and before he could ask anything else, Theo said, "Say 'Mione, do you want to hear some of the embarrassing stories about Draco? May help in the future, you know."

Hermione smirked and quickly nodded her head at this. Although Draco groaned upon this, he was thankful to Theo for changing the topic.


"So, did you two talk?"

Hermione had left the three Slytherins in the common room saying that she was sleepy and headed to her room. Theo waited for a few minutes after she closed her door and then asked Draco this question.

"Yeah, she came to talk shortly after you two left." Draco said as he remembered that talk.


They were currently sitting in Draco's room, he was sitting on one end of his bed and Hermione on the other. 

Seeing as he wasn't about to speak first, Hermione awkwardly cleared her throat and said, "So, we should probably talk about it."

"Yeah, we should." Draco muttered, his face blank of any emotion.

Hermione played with the hem of her jumper as she further said, "It was just in the heat of the moment, I guess. And not planned or anything, right?"

Draco's eyes flashed with hurt for a second, but it quickly went away before she could think about it. He nodded and said, "Yeah, it just happened."

Hermione didn't know what to say next so she stood up and was about to walk away when she heard Draco say, "Listen Hermione, I don't want that err-thing to change anything between us."

Hermione nodded as Draco continued, "So, things are back to normal? And it won't be awkward or anything, right?"

"Yes, they are back to normal." Hermione said and smiled slightly at him. Draco nodded and walked her till his door. She nodded one last time at him and walked out of his room.

Draco closed his door but not before he heard her say something, although she didn't knew that he had heard.

"It was just a mistake."

Flashback ends

"That kiss was a mistake?" Blaise asked.

"Yeah, it was a mistake." Atleast, that's what she thinks, Draco thought.

"When are you going to confess it?" Theo asked him.

"I don't know. But I know that I like her, very much. Maybe, at this point, I think I may be in love with her, but she doesn't know." Draco said as he looked back at her door.

"And Hermione has no clue about it?" Theo asked him.

"No, she doesn't. I made sure that I would hide it well." Draco said as he looked back at his friends.

"But, what if she got to know about it?" This time it was Blaise who asked him.

"I don't know what will happen then. I mean, of course I will tell her, but not yet. I would tell her when the time is right. I don't want her to hate me because of that." Draco said and sighed sadly.

"She won't hate you. She would understand. You don't love a person by choice, love just happens. Believe me, I know." Blaise said as he thought about Luna while saying this.

Theo nodded and said, "You are taking this too hard on yourself, mate. Just relax and stop worrying yourself."

"You are right." Draco said as he nodded at them.

Blaise and Theo looked at each other before standing up. "Well, we should probably go now." Blaise said.

"Good night, Draco. And yeah, everything will be alright." Theo said and they both exited the Heads' Dormitory.

Neither Blaise nor Theo or even Draco noticed that someone had already heard their talk. 


Hermione had just come out of the shower in her room when she heard Blaise speak.

"That kiss was a mistake?"

How did he knew about that kiss? And why was he calling it a mistake? Hermione hated hearing their talk but she needed to know what Draco would say.

"Yeah, it was a mistake." Came Draco's reply.

A mistake? Why is he saying like that? Even Hermione thought it was a mistake but after talking to Draco after that, her opinion changed. She no longer thought it was a mistake. It shouldn't have happen, yes, but it was not a mistake.

"When are you going to confess it?" She heard Theo ask him.

Confess what? That maybe he likes her? No, that couldn't be. Draco couldn't like her.

"I don't know. But I know that I like her, very much. Maybe, at this point, I think I may be in love with her, but she doesn't know." Draco replied to Theo's question.

Maybe, just maybe, Draco liked her? Or like he said, maybe he was in love with her? But how could he? She didn't deserve Draco, he deserved better than her.

"And Hermione has no clue about it?" She heard Theo further ask him.

Yes, now everything made sense. 

"No, she doesn't. I made sure that I would hide it well." Draco answered.

If only he knew.

"But, what if she got to know about it?" She heard Blaise's voice.

Or what if she knew now?

"I don't know what will happen then. I mean, of course I will tell her, but not yet. I would tell her when the time is right. I don't want her to hate me because of that." Draco said, and maybe she imagined it, but she heard a tinge of sadness in his voice.

I would never hate you, Draco. Atleast, not since I got to know the real you, Hermione thought.

"She won't hate you. She would understand. You don't love a person by choice, love just happens. Believe me, I know." Blaise said.

Yes, I would understand, Hermione thought. She knew exactly what to be in love with someone felt like.

 "You are taking this too hard on yourself, mate. Just relax and stop worrying yourself." Came Theo's reply.

Follow his advice, Draco. He is your best mate after all, she thought.

"You are right." She heard Draco say.


 "Well, we should probably go now." Blaise said. 

Maybe they are going back.

"Good night, Draco. And yeah, everything will be alright." Theo said, and she heard the portrait open and then close.

She stood in her room till she heard Draco close his door. She finally collapsed on her bed and sobs escaped her.

She picked up her wand and muttered a charm so that no one could hear her sobbing. She couldn't help but let the tears escape her eyes. She didn't knew why it was bothering her so much, why she was feeling sad by this or why it was affecting her. But one thing was sure.

Draco Malfoy was in love with another girl and it hurt Hermione to even admit that.


Hermione couldn't help but notice that all of her friends had come to visit her, even Pansy, after she was attacked, except a certain person. Yesterday, none other than Ronald Bilius Weasley had also come to visit her, and fortunately, Draco wasn't there at that time so there was no fight between those two.

She didn't know where he was, or why he hadn't come to visit her. Once she had got a paper cut on her finger and he had fussed so much over it, but now when she was hit with dark spells and even  with an unforgivable for at least six times, he hadn't come to see her.

It had been three days since she was in the Hospital Wing and she hadn't seen that person anywhere. Not in classes, not in Great Hall, nor in the library.

So she was surprised when that person came to visit her just as she stepped out from the Heads' Dormitory.


Hermione looked up from her bag to see that person standing there, in front of her.

"Hey Andy!" She said, smiling at him.

Andy smiled back at her, though he was reluctant at first and then asked, "How are you feeling now? I heard about your attack." 

Hermione couldn't help but feel a little angry. "Isn't it a little late for asking me that? It has been three days since I was attacked, Andrew. Three days."

"I know, and I am sorry. Believe me, Hermione. I wanted to come, but I couldn't." Andy said as his smile faded when she called him  Andrew instead of Andy.

"Then why didn't you?" Hermione asked him.

"There were err-circumstances. I really wanted to come. In fact, I wanted to come just after you left the Hospital Wing, but I couldn't. I was caught in some circumstances that I couldn't avoid. Believe me, Hermione, if those circumstances were not there, I would have come. So I finally came now." Andy explained it to her.

Hermione didn't know what to say so she just nodded. 

"And what did I told you about calling me Andrew?" He asked, thinking that she would smile, even if a bit, upon hearing this.

And to his pleasure, she did smile. "Well, Andy, I am feeling better now." She said.

Andy smiled back at her and hugged her. Though she hesitated at first, she too wrapped her arms around him.

"I missed you, Hermione." He said as he pulled away.

"I missed you too." She replied.

"We should hang out soon, I suppose." He said and smirked at her.

"Yes, yes. We should definitely hang out soon." Hermione said and walked with him towards the Great Hall.

Neither noticed Draco standing there who had listened to every word they had said.

"I will go with you to the Great Hall. So wait for me, okay?" He remembered Hermione telling him this statement earlier this morning when he was about to take a shower. He had indeed waited for her in the common room, thinking she was in her room. But when he knocked on the door, nobody answered and he opened it to see no one there. He opened the portrait only to hear them telling that they missed each other and should hang out soon, and walk away. Leaving him standing there.

She did not wait for him.


She was clenching her fists as she saw them together. 

"So he did not learn the lesson when I sent him the note." She said to herself as she thought about the day when she had sent him the note to keep that mudblood away. 

"He has to learn this the hard way." She muttered as she saw them together, a plan forming in her brain.

She was never that good in using duelling spells, let alone use dark spells or unforgivables on anyone. Sure she was bad, but she wasn't that evil to use an unforgivable on anyone, even if she hated that person so much like she hated that mudblood.

"But," She sighed dramatically and said, "I have no other choice than to do this. I am sorry, Draco, but you forced me to do this. I am not evil, Draco, I am just teaching you a lesson." 


Hermione was quietly walking towards the Heads'Dormitory when she felt someone following her. It wasn't just a feeling. She knew it. She knew someone was following her. Though she couldn't see a shadow. That person probably had cast a Disillusionment charm on their body.

Her hand quickly made its way to her wand which was in her pocket as she turned around. 

She couldn't see anyone but her wand was aimed in front of her. 

Call it her luck or not, that Disillusionment charm wasn't strong enough. She could see dark brown hair strands and the Slytherin badge on the robes. When that person moved, she could see some strands reaching up to that person's waist. 

So it is a Slytherin girl, Hermione thought. 

She was about to disarm that girl but that girl was faster than her. Just as she was about to say the incantation, a blue colour light hit her. 

She wasn't able to feel anything. She knew she wasn't dead or something or under the full body bind curse or unconscious. She was awake, her eyes were wide open. Yet, she wasn't able to feel anything. 

She wasn't entirely sure which spell had been used as that witch didn't use verbal spells, but she had a fair idea which spell had been used on her.

"Come towards me." That witch said.

Hermione tried to stop herself but her feet didn't listen to her. She was forced to walk towards that person. 

The Disillusionment charm slowly became weaker and weaker and just as Hermione was about to see the eyes of that witch, she re casted the spell. Turns out that Slytherin witch was smart enough to notice the changes.

"Think you are smart enough, eh?" She said to her. She waited for a moment and then said, "Why don't we have a little fun now?" 


Draco was doing his rounds when he heard someone. He was doing his rounds alone tonight. Hermione was nowhere to be found. He had last seen her at dinner and he didn't see even a glimpse of her ever seen. He figured she might be with her Gryffindor friends, but it wasn't like her to miss rounds. She must have fallen asleep, he thought.

He walked towards the source of the voice and found himself standing outside an old classroom. He waited for a moment before he opened it, his wand in front of him.

Though what he saw was a shock for him. A similar situation had arisen before but he had successfully managed to prevent that. But looks like he wasn't able to stop it this time. 

There in front of him were two people kissing.

Hermione Granger and Andrew Mayfair were kissing each other.


"Well looks like the desired result had been a achieved. So, you two are free now. Go and enjoy!" That Slytherin witch said and lifted the spell from both of them.

Before any of them could do anything, she quickly exited the room and locked it in an attempt to stop them from following her since the Disillusionment charm was slowly wearing off.


Draco ran back to the Heads' Dormitory. He couldn't believe what he just saw. 

"She just couldn't do that..." He kept muttering all the way to their Dormitory. He pushed open the door and stepped inside the common room. He thought of going to his room but then he decided to wait for her in the common room. 

He needed to ask her about that. He needed to check that it wasn't true. He needed to confirm that what he saw wasn't true. 

He waited for half an hour and was about to stand up when the portrait opened and in stepped Hermione Granger.

"Draco?" She asked as she looked at him. He looked as if he had seen a ghost.

"How was it, Granger?" He asked as he walked towards her.

"What, Draco?" She asked him.

"Was I a fool to let you break down my walls? Tell me, Granger?" He asked angrily.

"What happened Draco?" She asked him 


"W-what?" She asked taken aback. 

"I know it's your life and you can do whatever you want. But, I trusted you Granger. I really did.  I thought I can open up to you and I did. But, after some days, you betrayed me. WAS I JUST A MYSTERY TO SOLVE, TELL ME? WHO SAVED YOU WHEN YOU WERE ATTACKED? TELL ME. WHO STOOD UP FOR YOU? WHO WENT TO THE MUGGLE LONDON JUST TO GET A BLOODY BOOK FOR YOU? WHO AGREED TO GIVE MAYFAIR A SECOND CHANCE JUST BECAUSE OF YOU? WHO PUT YOU IN A BED AND KEPT A JAR OF WATER NEAR YOU WHEN I WAS MYSELF INJURED?" He shouted.

"Calm down, Dra-" 

"No, I won't bloody calm down. And you leave me alone." He hissed at her.

But before he could turn around or walk away from her, she grabbed his hand and placed her other hand on his cheek to force him to look into her eyes.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Draco. But, I assure you, I would never do anything to hurt you." She said, even though she knew perfectly well what he was talking about.

He placed his hand on top of hers that was on his cheek and Hermione smiled for a moment but that smile quickly faltered when he removed it from his cheek and shoved her away.

"Kissing him was fine, but the thing that you did next, that was the thing that hurt me the most." He said, his tone set in a calm way, despite the fact that he was anything but calm at that moment.

Before she could say anything else, he said, "Y-you told him about my mother, Granger. You told him what happened to her after the war ended. You told him that thing when I tried so hard to not let anyone know. Salazar knows how much money and threats I had to give to those bloody writers so that it wouldn't come out in the Daily Prophet. And then, you just go and ruin all of that." 

Hermione remembered that Slytherin witch's voice telling her to pull away from Andy to tell him a secret of Draco that no one knows. She knew Draco was standing near the door, watching and listening to them. She had seen him from the corner of her eyes and wanted to run towards him and tell him that she never wanted to do any of that, but she couldn't.

"Draco, I never wanted to do that or tell him anything about your mother. I was forced-" She started but he again cut her off, this time with a humourless laugh.

"Forced? And pray tell me by what? By his money? Or his power? Or, let me guess, probably his connections or something?" He said.

"Please listen to me, Draco. I would-" She said as she tried to grab his hand again but he pulled his hand away from hers and walked towards his room, his face still towards her.

"That's Malfoy for you, Granger." 

He said and entered his room, closing his door with a loud slam, leaving Hermione standing there in the common room, tears threatening to spill from both of their eyes. The only thing, she didn't knew he was crying, and Draco didn't have a clue that she too was crying.

A/N: That was it for this chapter. It was 4800+ words. I tried explaining their feelings during that kiss and I hope it wasn't boring. Well, a wrote a line if Justin Bieber's song Love Yourself in this chapter. Tell me in the comments if you figured out which line it was. Random question: Favourite Hogwarts Teacher? Tell me in the comments below. Vote, comment and please share my story. Reviews are always appreciated. Thank you!

Next chapter on 26/1/20(Sunday).

Until next time.

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