Ch 24 - Part 1

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A/N: Thank you guys so much for 110+ votes on this story! It means a lot. Hope you guys liked the last chapter. Just to let you guys know, Ch 24 will be updated in two parts. The reason for that will be revealed at the end in the A/N. Read the A/N at the end to find out when the next chapter will be out. On with the chapter!

Hermione stood frozen at the sight in front of her. Harry was sitting on his bed, staring at his girlfriend who was laying unconscious on the bed next to him. He had not yet acknowledged their presence, as if he was in that world only. As if he was in a world of his own. And Hermione hadn't dared to make him known, because of the fear that it may bring him out of his trance and he would have to face the reality of the attack and would have to tell everyone what had happened. And Hermione didn't want that, just not yet.

But the words of Madam Pomfrey that told them that Andrew Mayfair was missing, seem to have done that damage. 

Just as the words had left Madam Pomfrey's mouth, Harry, breaking from his trance, looked sharply at the people standing near his bed. He blinked once, twice, thrice and then finally opened his mouth to speak.

"H-hermione?" He croaked out as he saw his best friend cum sister standing in front of him.

"Harry. You alright?" She asked him as she looked at him.

He said nothing except holding his hand out to her. Hermione took a glance back at Draco and then placed her hand in Harry's, walking towards him. 

She sat down next to him and he looked at her. "Why everything bad happens to me, Hermione?" He said as he looked at Ginny and then back at Hermione.

"Bad things happen to everyone, Harry. It's not just you." Hermione said as she rubbed circles on the back of his hand.

"It's me, isn't it? Whoever I talk to, or become friends with, get attacked or hurt in some or the other way. First my parents, then you and Ron and other Weasleys multiple number of times and now finally Ginny. I am a danger to everyone, Hermione." Harry said as he looked down at his hand. 

"It's not true, Harry. It's not you, it's the situation that we are in. And don't you ever blame yourself for everything that's happened, Harry. None of it was your fault. We all chose to join and support you voluntarily. We were not forced by situation and certainly not by you. You know perfectly well that neither me or the Weasleys blame you for anything. We all were with you and will always be, Harry. Always." Hermione said to Harry. 

"I don't deserve any of this, Hermione. Not you, not Ginny and not anyone else. If I had just minded my own business and stayed away from everyone, they all would have been just fine and safe. Nobody would have suffered anything." Harry said.

"Harry-" Hermione started but was cut off by Harry.

"Nobody would have died. Sirius, Dumbledore, Hedwig, Moody, Fred, Remus, Tonks and so many other people. I-I am responsible for all of this... And now look at has been an hour and still she has not woken up yet...You know she took some curses for me...she saved me from the cruciatus curse too...what if, she too died because of me, Hermione? What if..." Harry couldn't speak any longer. His voice broke down at the end and he started sobbing. 

Hermione quickly wrapped her arms around him and Harry hugged her back, crying in the crook of her neck. Hermione looked back at Draco and he nodded.

He quickly asked Madam Pomfrey if he could talk to her for a minute and led the way away from Hermione and Harry once she nodded.

"So, what you said earlier, the thing that Andrew Mayfair is missing, is that true?" He asked her.

"Yes, it is. Not long after Miss Weasley and Mr Potter were brought here by some students, Professor Slughorn came here and told me to keep an eye on both of them closely. When I asked him why, he told me that Mr Mayfair's watch was found near the area these two were attacked and he was nowhere to be found in the castle. And he told me to call Headmistress McGonagall and inform her about this since she was not in the castle at that moment and he was busy searching the area for anymore clues with the Ministry Officials." Madam Pomfrey explained it to him.

Draco paused for a moment and then asked, "Do you -I mean Headmistress McGonagall and Professor Slughorn think that Andrew Mayfair may be behind all of this?" 

Madam Pomfrey nodded and said, "His watch had been found near the area where Miss Granger was attacked and Headmistress had kept it with her. And now his watch again had been found in the area where these two were attacked. So they think that he may be behind all of this. Specially given his relations to Vol- I am sorry, I didn't say anything." 

"No, don't worry. I know that he is Voldemort's nephew, he told m and Hermione some weeks ago. So you don't have to hide it from me." Draco explained it to her.

"And because he had studied in Durmstrang before coming here, they think that he may be behind all of this. You know Durmstrang, they teach Dark Arts to the children going there." She told him.

Draco nodded and asked, "When did this happen to Saint P-I mean to Ginny and Harry?" Their names coming from his mouth sounded very wierd to him. He had preferred calling them Weaslette and Saint Potter and will always call them so. Well he would have to change Weaslette's name. He would have to call her Potterette once they both are married. 

Draco shook his head at this thought. This was not the time to think about this kind of stuff, he thought.

"The same that happened to Miss Granger and you. Cruciatus Curse and some other dark spells, which as you know, I would prefer not to tell." Madam Pomfrey said.

Draco nodded and again asked her, "Do you know when this happened to them?" 

"It probably happened early this morning. I was told that they both were walking through a corridor when this happened. Because it happened this morning, the attacker was not able to hurt them much as compared to you Miss Granger or you as that happened in the night after curfew. Some students saw them and brought them here but unfortunately they were not able to see the attacker as he or she had apparently left before they came. It probably happened three hours ago." Madam Pomfrey said.

"So Pot-Harry gained consciousness two hours ago and Ginny is still unconscious. Why?" Draco asked her.

But before she could reply, they were interrupted by a voice . 

A person entered the Hospital Wing and said something enough to break their talks. 


A/N: That was it for this chapter. It wasn't that long because I have my exam tomorrow and I didn't really get the time to right. But still it was 1100+ words. The next chapter will be longer. Random question: Your favourite wand of any character? Answer in the comments below. Vote, comment and please share my story. Reviews are always appreciated. Thank you!

Next chapter on 23/2/20(Sunday) 

Until next time.

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