Ch 7

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A/N: As told this chapter is out today ( 13/10/19). Thank you for reading my story. I hope you liked the previous  chapters. Read A/N at the end of the chapter to find out when the next chapter will be out. On with the chapter! 

Next few weeks were boring comparing to what they usually have at Hogwarts. At least people other than Draco, Hermione and Andy were enjoying their lives. These three's routine was simple :  Eat, Sleep, Tutor. Repeat. 

Well Draco's and Andy's routine wasn't just enclosed in all of this. Andy had a secret to hide from everyone else and Draco , well, he just had to be Draco. He wouldn't even be tutoring him if it wasn't for Hermione's constant threat and the fact that he owed her. After he said that he owed her 2 times, she used one to ask him for tutoring Andy. And for the another one? Well he just had to wait to find out, didn't he?

To say Hermione's opinion about things were changing would be an understatement. She started to like firewhiskey ( which surprised Harry and Ginny a lot), she started to hang out with Draco, Blaise and Theo, and started to stay up till midnight ( after they blackmailed her several times, but only on weekends) and she started to spend a little less time in library than she normally would when she and the other 3 started hanging out in their common room. They would spend their weekends there, sometimes playing games and sometimes just talking and enjoying each other's company. Often they would be surprised by some of the inventions muggles made when Hermione told them and would ask her for showing it to them. 

One day when they were walking through the streets of Hogsmeade, Theo brought up a subject that was really bothering him, according to him anyway.

"Hey guys, I was thinking 'bout something." 

"Woah congrats Theo. You were thinking, now that's something new." Draco said while smirking at him.

"Yeah, never thought I would ever hear you say that."  Blaise said while patting him on his back. 

"Come on guys, give it a rest. Theo you speak." Hermione said while rolling her eyes at Draco and Blaise.

That's just how Hermione was. Simple, sweet and always supporting her friends. She was used to these three making fun of each other including her. When one of them was feeling down, she was always the first one to go and comfort and cheer him. And that was the best thing they liked about her. However, you need some laughing everyday and that's the place these three filled.

"Thanks Hermione. Anyway as I was saying, I think we should come up with a name for our group. " 

"A name?" Blaise asked as he raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, like people refer to Hermione, Potter and Weasley's group as the Golden Trio. I think we should also have a name."

"The Golden Quartet?" Hermione asked.

"No, that would be too Gryffindor like. We need something more Slytherin like." Draco said as he crossed his arms.

"I am a Gryffindor." Hermione said.

"And your point is?" 

"That we do not need something Slytherin like."

"We are in a majority here Granger."


"Guys, stop! We do not need anything completely Gryffindor nor anything completely Slytherin." Theo said as he stood beside Draco.

"Yeah, something like SlytherDor Quartet?" Blaise said as he stood beside Hermione.

Hermione and Draco both glanced towards each other and immediately shook their heads at Blaise.

"Nah, I don't think I would like that name without mentally smacking your head." Draco said as he looked at Blaise.

"How about Dream Team?" Hermione asked them.

"Too cheesy." They said together.

"Umm....then how about Fantastic 4 ?" 

"Too dramatic." 

" about The Uncalled Four?" 

They thought about it for a moment and then Theo said, "I like that name. What about you guys?" 

"I like it too." Blaise said and he patted Hermione on the back.

Draco looked at them for a moment and thrn said, "I have to say I am a tiny bit impressed with your naming skills." 

Hermione rolled her eyes and said, "Such a Draco-like comment." 

He smirked at her and Blaise said, "Come on guys, let's go back to Hogwarts." 

After they went to the Head's common room, Hermione shown them the picture she took of the group in Hogsmeade with her camera. They were moving in the photo and laughing at something Blaise said. Draco was standing at one end and Hermione was standing next to him. Blaise was standing next to her and Theo was next to him. Their arms were draped across each other's shoulders and they were smiling and laughing at the student who took their photo from Hermione's camera. 

They enlarged it put a banner on the photo that read, 'The Uncalled Four' and below it was the date and place- 29/9/1998, Outside Three Broomsticks, Hogsmeade. Draco made four more copies of it and gave it to everyone. He put one in their common room and one in his room. Hermione, Blaise and Theo also put one in their rooms.


October had started and so had the Quidditch season in Hogwarts. Team selection had started yesterday and everyone was excited to try out for it. Slytherin's tryouts were today and Hermione was watching them from the stands. Draco was the captain and Seeker this year and Blaise was trying out for the position of Chaser and Theo for Beater.

After some hours, Draco announced the players for the team and he walked over to where Hermione was sitting.

"Hey, nice team selection Captain."

Draco smirked at her and said, "I hope giving this much time in selection will be worth it." 

Hermione put her hand over his and said, "It will be Draco. You're a nice captain."

"Thanks Granger." He smiled at her.

Blaise and and one sixth year girl and fifth year girl were chasers,  Theo and a seventh year girl  Beaters, one seventh year was Keeper and Draco was the Seeker.

"Come on guys let's go back." Blaise said as he joined them.

"Yeah, I really need a shower now." Theo said as he walked over to them.

"How about you three shower and meet us in the common room?" Hermione asked she stood up.

"Yeah, see you guys later." Draco said as he also stood up.

"You're coming with us Draco. You need to shower too." Blaise said.

"Of course I am going to shower." Draco said as he rolled his eyes. 

"Then why are you going towards that direction. Dungeons is towards right." Theo said.

"Did you guys forget that I am the Head Boy and so I have my own room?" Draco said as he smirked at him.

"Oh right. Well you see, you made us work so hard that we forgot that you're the Head Boy. Not that it matters anyway." Blaise said and they all laughed as Draco smacked his Theo's head.

"We'll see you later." Theo and Blaise said anf they walked towards the dungeons.


Draco knew he has to tell Hermione but couldn't figure out how to. After Blaise and Theo left their common room, he decided it was time to tell Hermione.

"Hey Granger, I want to tell you something." He said as he sat down next to her.

"What Draco?" Hermione asked as she closed her book.



"I mean I won't be able to tutor Mayfair from tomorrow."

"Oh. Why?"

"You see from tomorrow Quidditch practice is starting and I really want to win the Quidditch Cup this year."


"So  from tomorrow evening I will be busy and won't be able to tutor Mayfair with you."


"Okay? That's it?"

"Yeah. What did you excpect?"

"Oh I expected that you'll hex me and probably be mad at me because I promised you that I would tutor him and now I couldn't."

"Oh no, Draco. I know Quidditch is important for you and I was already thinking you'll ask me that. Don't worry, it's fine."

"So I freaked out for nothing?"

"Nothing." She said and they laughed.

"Draco, can I ask you something?"


"Can I tutor him here?"

"In our common room?"



"See it will just be the two of us and it gets late while tutoring. And I really don't like walking alone in the dark all the way from library to here."

"Well, I guess you can." Draco said after a few moments.

"Thanks Draco. I'll go and inform Andy now." She said and walked out of the portrait.

"You're welcome Granger." He said and smiled.

And so the tutoring in the Head's room begin.

 A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I know it was short but the next chapter will be long. I will update the next chapter on every Sunday from now on. So I hope you will stick with story and wait for the chapter. Vote, comment and please share. Reviews are always appreciated. Thank you!

Next chapter on 20/10/19(Sunday).

Until next time.

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