A Minor Hiccup

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Ace's POV
I was in Professor Port's class and he was Telling us more ramble jumble
Ace:'Just 1 more Minute till I have to get Ruby her cookies and get out of here'a Alarm went off as Class finally ended
Port:"And then I- oh, uh, times the one wrong I guess. Well the stunning conclusion to the story will have to wait. Until next time."I got out of my seat and used my Semblance to race towards The cookie store,buy some cookies and get back in a Matter of 30 Minutes
Ace:"Phew, made it back"I walked towards Team RWBY's Dorm with the Cookies in a bag until a Scroll appeared in my face which was Defiantly Blue's
Blue:"Whatcha Doing"I stopped a little and looked at Blue who was right next to me
Ace:"Just giving my Sis her cookies"Blue quickly typed into his Scroll
Blue:"Ok,so tell me. What happened between you and your Sisters"I just sigh
Ace:"It's a long Story,ok then"
Young Ace:"Yang? Why did we bring Ruby along?"I was walking with my Sister:Yang who was just a couple of months older then me
Young Yang:"I didn't exactly think that through,anyways, we can't go back right now, we got to find my Mother"
Young Ace:"O-Okay then"We were walking around the dark and creepy forest until we make it to a weird,creepy,Barn house?
Young Yang:"This is it! I know it is!"
Young Ace:"Okay Goldilocks"
Young Yang:"I told you to stop calling me that!"I giggle a Little at my Sister's Reaction until I saw 2 Red eyes inside the Barn and many more appearing,Out walked Beowulves and another one
Young Ace:"G-Go Yang, I'll hold them off,Get Ruby out of here"
Young Yang:"I'm not leaving you here!"I grabbed a Knife just incase of this and walked forwards,Yang tried to grab my arm then,Something happened, A giant card of Ace Blocked Yang
Young Ace:"Just Go!"I heard Yang run and wheels bobble as I knew they Ran away,The card disappeared as I took a Fighting stance my Father:Tai Yang or Tai taught me
Young Ace:"Come at me!"One charged at me but I Dodged it and stabbed it's chest,It recoiled a little then it tried to scratch my chest but I Yanked the knife out of it and Stabbed it's eye,it let out a Howl of pain then as it fell Limp,I hear another Behind me as I pull my Knife out of the Beowulf and turn around. I see the others as they were staring at me with their Red eyes,One after another,they charged after me,I hit one in the Head but one scratched me in the Face,it didn't cut my Golden eyes though,I recoiled back as another Scratched me hard as it Launched me back through some Trees,I was bleeding badly as I looked to my side and see shoes going near me,after that,I blacked out
Flashback End
Ace:"And that's what Happened"I took my Mask off to show Scar marks on my face,I looked at Blue who looked like he was about to Cry,I put my Mask back on and pat his back
Ace:"There,There, No need to be sad"He wiped his tears. We went towards Team RWBY's Door and opened it to see that they were in... different Clothes. Sun and Neptune was in there too,Thank goodness Y/n told us about them
Sun:"Um... who are they?"Team RWBY looked at me and Blue,Ruby of course ran up to me and hugged me
Ruby:"Ace!!"She quickly unhugged me
Ruby:"did you get me those Cookies!?"I grabbed the Cookies out and handed her them,She shrieked with happiness and ate them in a Matter of seconds
Yang:"Wait, why didn't you get them yourself?"Ruby cleared her Throat
Ruby:"It's because:We're gonna go on a Investigation to find out what Roman is doin-"She quickly shut her mouth
Ace:"So,You're going on a Investigation without me?"
Yang:"Please don- Wait what do you mean by 'Without me'"
Ace:"Me and Blue want to go with you guys"
Weiss:"Sorry, we won't bring Friends into this if we don't have to"
Ace:"Pft,That's so dumb,besides you should always have Friends involved and I'm not Ruby or Yang's friend,I'm their Brother"
Yang:"Ugh fine,I'll take Ace and Neptune while Blake and Sun take Blue
Blake:"I don't think that he will fit in well since he isn't a Fau-"She looks to the side as Blue has Illusionist Dear ears appear on his Head
Weiss:"Actually,I think Neptune should go with me"Ruby snickers and does a 'What ever' hand pose
Ruby:"Nah"She drags Weiss
Weiss:"But! but!"
[Onto the Match!"]
Israel's POV
I was tying My shoes while putting my Fingerless gloves on along with My outfit

[Any one of them. His coats are Blue and his pants are Black and He doesn't have the Katana]
I get up,Puts my hood up, and walk out the Doors of the Changing room with the the Supposed Team Cardinal standing there in the Arena with their weapons at the Ready,I just put my hands in my Pockets
Glynda:"May the match:Begin!"They all charged at me with Cardin using his Mace first. He jumps and slams his Mace,I dodge and ducked under Sky's Halberd,I kicked his legs and sidesteps from Cardin's Mace and Kick flips him,I dodge Dove's Bullets from his gun as I dodge his Sword,I dodge all of his attacks. I jump and land on his Sword and kick him while dodging Russel's Daggers,I turn around and sees Cardin charging at me so I duck and kick his chest. I see all of them running from all directions so I touch the ground with my hand as Bones sprouted out of the ground and knocked Team CRDL away
Israel:"This is getting boring, at least offer me a Challenge"Cardin got Pissed as he Ran up to me with his Mace and swung it,It collided with another Bone and when he took another swing,I blocked it with another Bone,I went in between them and him backwards but Unexpectedly;Sky shot me with his Halberd which knocks me back,I flip but my Hood falls off as my Face was revealed,Team Cardinal were shocked but still stayed strong and everyone else were Shocked as some were gasping
Israel:"Welp, Time to get serious"I summoned my Khúc xương and quickly moved towards Russel and slashed my sword at him,He got knocked to the wall as I sent a Bone at Sky which got him sent into another Bone and knocked him onto the ground for good and I summoned a Giant skull which launched a Large beam towards Dove and knocked him out,I look towards Cardin as a Bone staff appeared in my Hand with Rope binding them together as Teleported right next to him and Kicked him while throwing my staff. He regained balance after my kick but my staff knocked him back as it flew him towards somewhere,a Bone appeared behind him as he crashed into it and Knocked out
Glynda:"It appears that Mr.Gam has won"Everyone cheered until everyone who were fans of mine ran towards me from the stands
Israel:"Sweet Honey Ice Tea!!"I teleported out of there Quickly as everyone chased after me

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