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Later that day Xander is at his new job as a janitor for R Records. Which wasn't that bad as he thought. Finally cleaning all of his life paid off. He pushes the cleaning cart to the next room he had to clean which happened to be the C.E.O Camden Richards office.

He only takes the duster with him and walks inside of the room that happened to be empty. The office looked really nice which doesn't surprise Xander. As he dusts the room he notices some pictures on the table near the window and he noticed there were a lot of awards on the table as well. He glanced back at the door to make sure no one was walking in and laid the duster down and carefully picked up one of the awards.

He held the award and acted as if he won it. " I have so many people to thank for helping me get this award. My agents, managers, and of course," he gets out his rag with his right hand. " I couldn't have done it without my trusty rag." he holds up the award in the air with a smile on his face, he then almost drops the award but he catches it with ease and decides it's probably best if he puts it back on the table. He carefully sets it back on the table as he puts his rag back into his pocket and picks up the duster.

Xander continues cleaning as if that didn't happen but stops to look at a picture that was of Emery and Camden but in the picture Camden was on the phone.

" Dad, you.." Emery pauses her sentence as she opens the door to her dad's office to see that her dad wasn't in the office but the janitor was. She was even more confused to see that it was the boy she ran into the other day.

Xander quickly hides the picture frame he was holding behind his back as he turns around to look at her. " Hi, um."

Emery walks into the office with her dog and her two best friends. " What are you doing here?"

" Oh, I'm sorry. I work here, I didn't mean to startle you or anything." Xander quickly said and showed her his ID card.

" Wait a second, that I.D. could be fake 'cause y'know people get those nowadays!" Aleah said as she elbowed Alana who nodded in agreement as Aleah did the hand motion when you point to your eyes with two fingers and then to someone else's eyes and in this case that was Xander's.

Xander narrowed his eyes at her. " If I were to get a fake I.D. which I'm not saying this is one, because it isn't a fake I.D., would I use this picture?" he shows the girls his awful I.D. picture.

Alana leans forward to get a better look at the I.D. as Aleah cringes at the awful picture. Alana moves back to where she was standing and sighs. " I think he's telling the truth."

Emery glances at the I.D. one more time then back at Xander. " Okay then, Xander, what do you have behind your back?"

Xander bit his lower lip nervously as he avoided eye contact with her. " N-nothing. Nothing at all."

Emery chuckles. " You're not a good liar."

Xander looks at her with offense. " I am too a good liar."

Emery raised an eyebrow, not believing him one bit and it seemed that her friends didn't believe him either which didn't help him at all.

" I-I have lied in many occasions before. In fact, um, yesterday..." Xander starts to say but his voice trails off and Emery knowingly smirks.

Xander sighs. " Okay, so I lied. I'm an awful liar."

Emery pursed her lips in a thin line and nodded. She reached forward to grab whatever he was hiding behind his back but he moved the picture frame to his other hand before she could get it.

" Hey, where's my lovely Emery at?" a voice asks and they look over to see Owen walking into the office which gave Xander a perfect time to put the picture frame back since Emery was distracted. But as he put it back he acciendtally knocked down the two other picture frames that were on the table and that made Presley bark.

" You know you're late for the -" Owen pauses as he notices Xander in the room and he walks over to stand next to Xander and looks at Emery.

He points to Xander. " Who is this?"

Xander puts his hand out for Owen to shake and smiled. " Xander."

Owen stares at him. " Okay, Xander, are you signed to R Records?"

Xander lowers his hand after realizing Owen wasn't going to shake his hand. " Not exactly. I'm the janitor."

Owen raises an eyebrow. " Wow, that's sort of a lame stage name. If I were you, I would've gone with something like...I don't know. I guess janitor could work. So are you some kind of rapper?"

Xander shakes his head, wondering how someone could be so dumb. " No, uh, I'm the actual janitor."

Owen purses his lips together in a thin line. " Oh, that makes sense."

Xander nods as awkward silence fills the room. " I should - I should go." Xander points over his shoulder and Owen nods and points to the door. " Yeah."

" Okay, bye." Xander awkwardly said and quickly left the office.

As Xander leaves Owen turns to face Emery with a smile. " It's time for your fragrance lunch party." Emery forces a smile as Owen continues to talk. " Come on, the photographers await." he said and walked out of the room.

Emery walks over and picks up the picture frame that Xander was holding earlier and her lips start to curl into a smile. " Emery." Alana gets her attention and she nods.

" Right, yeah, ready to go out with my wonderful ' boyfriend '." Emery said using quotations around the word boyfriend.

Alana  just shook her head. "  It's Owen. Y'know most girls would kill to be seen with him."

Emery sighs. " I know."

" You should be ' happy '." Alana uses quotations around the word happy. Emery nods and uses quotations as she says, " ' And I am '."

Aleah frowns. " Okay, why do you guys keep doing that weird thing with your fingers? You guys know it ' confuses me'," she uses quotations when she says confuses me. " It also makes me wanna ' punch you both'." Aleah uses quotations as she says punch you both and Emery and Alana laughs.

" Well how is this for ' I'm so happy I'm in a relationship that my dad thinks will help me sell the Records' face." Emery uses quotations as she speaks and then forces a wide smile at the end.

Aleah nods and smiles. " Actually it's quite good."

Emery chuckles and looks at Presley. " Come on, Presley." she says as she walks out of her dad's office with Presley her two best friends follow her. She looks over noticing Xander was cleaning the window.

" Hey, you know how I worry so you should call if you're gonna be late." Xander jokes around and smiles whenever he hears her giggle.

Owen looks over at Emery. " Y'know he's probably the youngest janitor ever." he looks back at Alana and Aleah. " Am I right?" he asks and they both nod in agreement.

A/N yay I finally published another chapter of this book! I hope you guys like it!

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