What do we do with him?

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Third Person POV

The six riders and their dragons flew off towards the cove. None of them spoke as they rode; they were all still shocked. They had just watched a man grow wings. Sure, in their time, they had seen...some pretty weird things, including a peaceful, spiky dragon whose poop smells good, tiny little fire dragons, and a huge battle between two incredibly slow ice dragons. Oh, yeah; and they each own an incredibly-lethal dragon.

But watching a man...grow wings!! This was new. Now thy know that anything can happen in the world. For all they know, Odin could throw a hurricane at Snotlout and would give him some actual biceps!!

They were so caught up in their thoughts, they didn't notice Trader Johann waving at them with a smile on his face from the docks of Berk. When they paid him no attention, his smile faltered and, grumbling, he turned back to the Viking he was trading with.

They circled over the woods for a few seconds before locating the cove and landing. When they dismounted, Astrid immediately set him down near the lake and rejoined the other riders for a brief meeting.

It was silent for a while, at least until Tuffnut broke the tension. "What's that label on his pants say?" He asked. "I mean, they look super awesome and I wanna know where to get some...and would look very fancy on me as we wreak havoc on Berk." After a pause, he gasped and shook his sister. "IT CAN BE OUR JE NE SAIS QUOI!!!!"

"It says Levi's," Hiccup and Astrid said at the same time. Fishlegs looked at them with a slightly envious expression. "How do you know how to read that?" He asked jealously. Hiccup answered immediately. "I taught Astrid how to read it," he explained. Slowly, he rubbed his neck looking sheepish. "I haven't gotten down actually speaking the language, although I'm working on it." Astrid elbowed him, and they got back on topic. "So, what should we do with him?" She asked. "It's not like we can just take him into the village with everybody being completely fine with it..." The others nodded, except for Ruffnut, who was inspecting the dragon-winged boy.

   "But I am the chief," Hiccup reminded them. "I could allow him to stay until we can find out where he comes from, maybe find out how he got those wings and what the markings mean--"


   The riders whipped around, looking behind them as they were cut off by a scream.

   Percy's POV

   My head hurt...my back hurt, my eyes hurt, even my hair hurt. I don't remember exactly what happened...I remember being shot by a purple blast of light and some flames...did I steal Leo's suspenders or something?

   "--not like we can just take him into the village with everyone being fine with it..."

   I opened my eyes, confused. Who's voice was that? It sounded like one of the voices earlier...I tried to listen in more, but as I tried to get up, I smelled someone's fishy breath in my face...
   "--where he comes from, maybe find out how he got those wings and what the markings mean--"

   I didn't get to let them finish. A girl with unevenly braided hair was staring at my face, drooling all over my jeans.


   I stumbled, attempting to stand up, but something on my back was weighing me down. I almost fell backwards again, but regained my balance and focused on the image in front of me. When I did, I choked.

      Standing there in front of me were six people and a few dragons. There was a fat blonde boy who looked like he was about to wet his pants, a black haired boy who looked a bit buff, a girl with blonde hair and grey eyes that looked a bit like Annabeth, a boy with one and a half legs and this cool armor thing, and a pair of twins that looked exactly alike. Next to them were their dragons, who didn't look like any dragons I've seen recently...or at all.

   We stared at each other for a moment. The guy with half a missing leg and I locked eyes. I think he was the leader guy from last time. We studied each other, but that was interrupted by the black dragon pouncing on me.

"Ow!!" I complained as I flew back and hit the floor. Something was digging into my back, but I could care less. The dragon was digging his claws into one of my only shirts! "What the Hades, man? I need this shirt, and your claws chafe! You need a manicure!"

To my surprise, I heard the dragon speak back to me. "Well, it not my fault you're not wearing any armor! Seriously, there are a ton of dragons here, and you have to expect a dragon to pounce of you at least twice a week!"

I just say there, stunned. Never have I ever had a non-human creature just sass me after I sass them.

(A/N: Sorry, I don't exactly know what sass is supposed to sound like. When someone tries to sass me, I can't hear them, so I ask what they said and they don't repeat it, saying that I "ruined the joke.")

"Well, you--" the dragon and I continued to sass each other while I was laying on the floor. I saw people standing by with confused faces in my peripheral vision, but I didn't care. Nobody out sasses me...except Annabeth.

I realized the people were inching closer, and while the sassy reptile was distracted, I judo-flipped him--a trick I had learned from Annabeth, mostly from experience.

Oh, I miss her. If only she could see me now...having sass battles with dragons, falling out of the sky and visiting rainbow bridge gods.

Anyway, as soon as the dragon was flipped over on the green grass, I ran. I was slower than usual, and when I stopped to check what was weighing me down, I tripped. A piece of rope with two stones at the end--I think they're called bola--was wrapped around my legs. I slapped myself internally, but checked my back anyway. What I saw made my heart stop. Well, not literally. If it did, I would be dead. But that couldn't happen, because if I died, I would've failed my mission. If I failed my mission, then I couldn't have saved--

The only part of Percy's brain that doesn't have ADHD's POV

Sorry about him. I understand if he gets annoying. Especially when he rambles. He does this weird thing with his eyebrows...

Anyway, the hyper kid looked behind him and saw wings. Big, black, spiky wings. They were huge, and obviously heavy. They seemed to be sticking out of his back, and as the other people rushed towards him, three things ran through his mind: "Oh, no," ; "What in Zeus' name is sticking out of my back oh my goodness agghhh," and, "Yay, the chapter has ended, this book hasn't updated in so long and the author is really sorry, but she's happy this chapter made it over 300 views."

1,216 words

May 19, 2017

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