Another Day?

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"New Day, New Hope!"

I thought, flickering my eyes, as the conspiring beam of sunshine glimmered through the crevices of bushes that conceal me in their security like their little secret, every night.

Lazing around a bit, i was enforced to get up by my cravings for my morning drink and a platter garnished with some amazing News.

The firmly tucked spectacles almost slipped with the size my eyes widened to, taking in the horrifying news printed in bold.

"Bob lost his life by accidentally consuming some 'glistening thing', thinking it to be Jelly-Fish. It is suspected to be arrived from out of the ocean world. It is in the best interest of all turtles to be careful of such things."

"Oh, no...Bob." A defeated sob whizzes past my mouth knowing about the untimely demise of one of the naughty twins with whom i had resided in the Shallow-Bay earlier.

I whinned about almost anything and everything thats going wrong with out-of-the-ocean-world's alien species.

This isnt the way i wanted my day to start.

I set my languid 'Flipper' into motion and propeled my shelled-body creating a loud splash around me, insanely filled with the desire to 'Spread the word of awareness' to my near and dear ones.

"All thats white and shines, is no Jelly-Fish," I recited to many of my likes on my way who seemed to be as panicked as me.

Unlike the alien species, We dont have advanced Educating process here. Despite learning everything, if they cant imply the simple knowledge, then its good we dont rely on such faux learning in our world.

All we have been taught and trained is in how to survive the ocean-threats. But what about the new Alien-threats?

Just when i was rummaging my mind, i tripped my tail on something. I turned around to realise that i had nearly escaped a capture in fishing-gear and gifted myself another Life.

But not for long!

Since, when i hurtled my way as away as possible from the encroaching threat i had encountered, i stumbled upon another one.

Something akin to what i was telling my people to be careful of, came floating out of nowhere and entangled around my neck tenaciously.

Any attempt to get rid of it or even move, seemed to anger the Monster further and it would cut through another layer of my soft skin, imprinting a circular rusty mark along the wrinkle of my neck.

Looking towards the glimmering reflection spread along the surface of my Aqua-home, bleeding the damn life out of my body with eaching passing second, i am simply left with some unanswered questions to ponder over,

What did i do wrong to deserve this End?"

What is the grave mistake i had committed to pay it with my Life?

This certainly isnt the way i wanted my day to end, taking along my life with it.!

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