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Blue's POV
Dream Realm
I just got up and looked around my home... which was a crashed plane site, I ran away from the criminal life and these damn Bounty hunters still chase me. I look and see one looking around... I quickly packed all my stuff in my bag as quickly and quietly as possible and ran off into the forest. I saw an arrow flew past me as the bounty hunters chased after me. I jumped over a log while throwing a smoke bomb down. I jumped through a giant freaking hole and over some rocks yet they still were following me. A bullet pierced the air and my knee.

Blue:"Ahh!" I fell down and kneeled down. I got up and hopped away before getting hit with the blunt of a Weapon... I woke up all of a Sudden and in a small cell with two people guarding my cell.

???:"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" I looked behind me and saw someone sitting on the corner before walking out it:

Blue:"Alright, who the hell are you?"

???:"I'm Donna, but you can call me Honey, Hot stuff~"

Blue:"Okay, but how old are you?"

Donna:"18, how old are you?"

Blue:"13, you want to date a minor, isn't that illegal?." She crept up to me.

Donna:"not from where I'm from~ plus we can keep it a secret~"

Blue:"Sorry but no." One of the guards slammed on the cells.

Guard 1:"Quiet down!" We shut up. I went to one bed that was in the corner as Donna followed.

Blue:"Don't sleep with me, if you do, I'll strangle you"

Donna:"Ohhh, Feisty~" she walked to her bed and sat on it before blowing a kiss and going to sleep. I closed my eyes and went to sleep
Time skip brought to you by Donna sleeping with a Chibi Blue
I woke up and saw Donna on my lap and looking at me with her red eyes.

Donna:"Hey Honey~"

Blue:"Piss off"

Donna:"Awww, are you angry at me? Let me relieve you of any stress you may have" She went down to my pants and was quickly kneed in the stomach by me. I pushed her off before getting up out of bed and going to the side that she wasn't on. I got off the bed as Donna looked at me and smiled at me before getting up.

Donna:"Aww, you're so rough." She walked behind me and pushed herself on me.

Donna:"I like it rough~" I pushed her off again and walked away from her and inspected the cell. I jumped on a bed and looked out the window which was blocked off. I sighed and hopped off the bed and sat down on it as Donna sat near me.

Donna:"c'mon babe, we can have fun before we'll be thrown into the scrapheap."

Blue:"Scrapheap?" All of a sudden, a guard came up and opened the cell before pointing a gun at us.

Guard 2:"Alright, get up, we're going to the scrapheap." We followed him towards a door that led to the outside as he opened it where the prisoners were pickaxing Stone and putting it in a cart.

Guard 3:"Here's your nice new job you'll have here, now get going!" He pushes us in as I followed Donna towards a barrel of pickaxes. She grabbed one and I also grabbed one before starting to mine. I heard talking and it wasn't the good kind.

Blue:"Hey, if you have something bad to say than say it to me." The guy turns to his friends before laughing and walking towards me.

???:"You don't wanna mess with me boy."

Blue:"With all that steroids, I bet no one will go near you." I saw his fist clenched as he raised his fist and tried to punch me as I roll under it and behind him as I jump and stab my pickaxe into his back.

???:"Ahh, damn it!!" He clawed at me and grabbed me before throwing me onto the ground. I got up as he tried to throw a punch but hit the rocks. I kick him in the back which didn't do much as he kicked me into some rocks. I look and saw the guards just standing there.

Blue:"Oh what fun..." I got off the rocks until I was kicked in the stomach which made me cough out blood and fall to the floor. I manage to roll away from a stomp as I get back up and dodge a punch as I kick him in the face as hard as I could which broke his nose. The guards finally came down and stop the fight while dragging the guy to the infirmary and me to solitary confinement. They threw me in and shut the door.

Guard:"4 days for you." I sat down on my bed which was just solid metal and went to sleep, uncomfortably might I say.
Dream Flashback ending
I woke up from my sleep and stretched my body before walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. When I was done, I went down to eat some breakfast which I finished and walked to the gym to train. I grabbed some tape and wrapped it around my hands and went towards a punching bag and started to hit it. I kept hitting it until I heard a sound coming from my phone. I walked over and grabbed it to see 8 notifications, apparently the Shinobi decided to strike, I saw five get taken by my team while the other three were still open so I clicked on one and saw What base was being attacked, it was a hideout on the town area of Asakusa where we hang out and get missions directly from the headmaster there. I quickly put my phone in my pocket and rushed out of the Gym.
Timeskip Brought to you by Blue making a Castle full of Ice Cream
I made it to the site as I hopped through the broken window and onto the rafters. I saw Shinobi guard the Assassins that were stationed there. I threw a smoke bomb down as I had a blue small spear attached to my wrist as I wait above with my hatchet:

I jump down and threw my Hatchet at one which bounced off her and hit another. I quickly pulled it back with my blue line as I threw my spear at a third one and pulled her to me in which I jump and kicked her in the face. She flew past me and hit the wall. I then tripped the last one before picking her up and throwing her at a wall. I waved at the Assassins and cut the binds as they rubbed their wrists.

Assassin 1:"Thanks for coming, they had us outnumbered, 5 to 1... where's the rest of the reinforcements?" I just pointed to me.

Assassin 3:"Hmmm, Squad Force 616 Huh? You're part of Team Remnant?"

Assassin 1:"Isn't that the squad who reeks havoc where ever they're at?"

Assassin 2:"It is, But he's only one with just the five of us, we'll be captured in no time." I put my hands on my side pouted.

Assassin 4:"It could work out in our favor, Numbers aren't always everything."

Assassin 5:"Most of the time, they matter." We all heard footsteps around as we instinctively climbed to the rafters as Shinobi walked in

Shinobi 1:"Have you found the intruders"

Shinobi 2:"It's Intruder not Intruders, there's only one and it seems they took out the guards." The first one rubbed her chin

Shinobi 1:"Bring the guards back to the Academy, make sure they get extra training." The second one nodded before commanding four others to drag them back to their Academy. That's eight problems we don't have to worry about. They left as we hopped down quietly and discussed well, they discussed, I just listened

Assassin 2:"This is bad, it's gonna be impossible to get out of here and we are so gonna die." Assassin 1 went up to her and slapped her face lightly

Assassin 1:"Don't be so Pessimistic, we're Assassins, we do the impossible now shut up and let's get out of here." They grabbed their weapons and put it on their backs as we snuck around to find an exit.

Assassin 1:"Where's your way out." I turned around and went back to where we originally were as I jumped onto the Rafters and through the broken window where many Shinobi were stationed.

???:"Did you think we didn't realize you were in the rafters? Your coat tails gave you away." I quickly jump back down from where I came from as they opened fire.

Assassin 3:"Alright then, new plan!" We hopped back down from the rafters before running towards another direction. I kicked a Shinobi down while Assassin 4 quickly came behind one and slammed her into the ground

Assassin 4:" Ha, too easy, let's get a move on." We moved forward as we took down Shinobi left and right until we became sloppy and soon one found out and got us caught. I sighed as I threw down a Shinobi before slashing another as the others had dificulties with theirs but managed through. We made it outside which was infested with Shinobi.

Assassin 3:"Back inside!" We moved back inside as they shot at us.

Assassin 2 :"I knew it, we're gonners!"

Assassin 1 :"Hold it together, we're not dead yet." I looked around our surroundings before seeing a Vent. I whistled and pointed at the vent. I pulled the cover down as we all got inside and crawled inside. We crawled around for a bit and made it to a Vent leading to the outside. I pushed it open and crawled out as the others crawled out too.

Assassin 2:"Yes! We made it." we all shushed her and not a moment after, some Shinobi shot my leg as I bent down in pain and gritted my teeth before getting up. The same girl from before showed up.

???:"We meet again! I was wondering where you went and now here you are." I tapped the other assassin's hands and showed them some Smoke bombs. They looked down and nodded and pulled out theirs.

???:"Now why don't you come along and surrender." we raised our hands slowly before throwing down our smoke bombs and make a hasty escape. They shot through the smoke as they caught my leg as well. The assassins looked back but I signaled them to keep moving which they did as the smoke cleared and the Shinobi surrounded me. I simply raised my hands as the girl took my hood off.

???:"Blue, is that you?" How did she know my name? She signaled them to take me as I was carried by two shinobi.

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